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The Adventures of Solaire, Part XI: The Archive Ship iii
The Adventures of Solaire, Part XI: The Archive Ship iii
The Adventures of Solaire, Part XI: The Archive Ship iii
Ebook39 pages33 minutes

The Adventures of Solaire, Part XI: The Archive Ship iii

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About this ebook

An ongoing series of fantasy adventures, “The Adventures of Solaire '' tells the story of the dread pirate Captain Solaire Ravenheart and his tales all across Lorian, from the steam-powered world of Dinas to the magical superpower of Archone. What follows is every deed of sabotage, back-stabbing, intimidation, piracy, demon-summoning, automaton-killing, government-toppling, crew wrangling, and general defiance he committed in his quest for his ultimate goal: to save his sister River.

Now stuck on the slowly sinking Archive Ship, Solaire must find a way to pilot the thing back to safety. But first, treasure!

PublisherNoah Hoffmann
Release dateApr 26, 2020
The Adventures of Solaire, Part XI: The Archive Ship iii

Noah Hoffmann

A mild-mannered truck driver by day, I spend my nights writing mostly at an attempt to convince the last few shreds of sanity I have not to jump ship with the rest. When I'm not doing that, you can usually find me playing tabletop rpgs, raiding the "50 cents" section of bookstores, and generally committing similar acts to solidify my reputation as a "huge nerd." Otherwise, my time is spent caring for my loving and intelligent-deficit dog Slade and yelling at you for cutting me off in traffic.

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    Book preview

    The Adventures of Solaire, Part XI - Noah Hoffmann

    The Incredible Yet Accurate Adventures of the Dread Pirate Captain Solaire Ravenheart,

    Otherwise known as

    The Adventures of Solaire

    Part XI: The Archive Ship III

    By Noah Hoffmann

    Published by Noah Hoffmann and distributed by Smashwords

    Copywrite 2020 by Noah Hoffmann

    Thank you for downloading this ebook. You are welcome to share it with your friends. This book may be reproduced, copied and distributed for non-commercial purposes, provided the book remains in its complete original form. If you enjoyed this book, please consider visiting for more stories in this series as well as other series of short stories. And thank you for reading!

    Other series by Noah Hoffmann:

    Creepy America

    A horror mystery series set across the United States

    Table of Contents

    Part XI: The Archive Ship iii

    T he Incredible Yet Accurate Adventures of the Dread Pirate Captain Solaire Ravenheart

    Otherwise known as

    The Adventures of Solaire

    Part XI

    The Archive Ship iii

    There  are few substances in Lorain that will cause more trouble than gold. This fact is a fairly self-evident one due to our constant attachment to the economic machinations of our nations, with ignorance of this knowledge limited to the small, remote tribesman in the Jungle of Bones and the Cult of Samistonese, whose society has been hiding, quite literally, under a rock for the last eight hundred years under the belief that everything outside of the rock is a figment of their own fevered imaginations, their sanity broken the day the world ended and they were forced to take refuge under said rock. Their proof, when given (which is no easy feat to extract, as they believe all outsiders to be products of an unhealthy mind and therefore rarely worth the time of day), is that no real world could be this  crazy. In all honesty, the claim contains some merit.

    Nevertheless, few thoughts are given as to why  gold should cause such problems. It is, after all, a practically useless substance. You can’t eat it. You can’t wear it in any way substantial enough to ward off the elements. You could, technically, drink it, but the act would result in an incredibly painful death. And any shelter built from the metal is going to cause far more trouble than it would have warded off.

    The answer is, of course, that gold is valuable because we decide that it is valuable. We attach amounts for bread and eggs and large mansions in gold coins as a portable exchange method, and due to this fluidity of future uses, it is the most sought after substance in the world. We steal it from each other. Men kill each other for it. Entire wars have been fought over its existence, and wars have ended just as quickly due to its presence. Even

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