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Rock Hard Prince Charming
Rock Hard Prince Charming
Rock Hard Prince Charming
Ebook143 pages3 hours

Rock Hard Prince Charming

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About this ebook

A Prince's life is all play and no work.
Until the day I became a single dad.
Or maybe it was when my father stepped down from the throne unexpectedly.
Now, I've got to just a few months to find the perfect future queen.
And more importantly, the mother to my baby girl.


PublisherRye Hart
Release dateApr 30, 2020
Rock Hard Prince Charming

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    Rock Hard Prince Charming - Rye Hart


    Esma was arriving home from private school today, and I was on cloud nine. I’d planned a week of activities– allowing me to selfishly soak in hours of father daughter time with my nine year old.

    It’d been too long since she’d left for school. Three months, one week and five days to be exact. The private school my mother insisted we enroll her into kept Esma away for months at a time. Normally, I would object, but I knew it was undeniably the best schooling in the country and Esme and her education came first.

    As an eligible bachelor, not to mention royal Prince, I had gorgeous women throwing themselves on me like clockwork. Who am I to deny myself the fruits of my lineage? 

    However, I often had to find creative ways to separate my carnal desires from my fatherly duties, and it wasn’t always easy. In this case, I’d spent the last seventy-two hours getting my horn dog tendencies out of my system.

    My latest conquest was a sexy brunet by the name of Mina.

    Mina was a screamer.

    Yes, Your Royal Highness! Her chest heaved as she panted, her thighs quivering as she clenched her walls around my cock.

    I thrust harder into the brunet as she held on tight to the column at the foot of my bed. The covers were strewn, hanging off onto the floor, and crumpled in a pile around us. By the time I was done with her, they’d be drenched.

    I weaved my fingers through her long brown hair and pulled her head back. Call me Sir.

    Yes, Sir! As the words left her mouth, she hugged the column tighter, bringing her head to rest against it as she moaned loudly.

    I’m coming! she screamed.

    That’s right. Soak it good, Mina, and I’ll give you a nice reward for serving your Prince.

    She was limp against the post and had sagged nearly down to the bed with her tight ass in the air as I held her hips.

    Thank you, Sir. Please, Sir. She had endured my relentless thrusting for a good half hour, and lucky for her, I was nearly done. I pulled out, and with my fingers still woven through her hair, I led her around to face me.

    On your knees to serve your future King.

    She smiled as she got on her knees and took my cock into her hands.

    It’s so impressive, Sir.

    Thank you, but it doesn’t get off on compliments. I pushed my hips forward, and she turned her eyes down with a smile on her face and took me into her mouth. Eyes up. She looked up at me on my command.

    She was quite impressive herself with her full lips and emerald green eyes, and she stroked my base nice and steady as she took me to the back of her throat and even down it a bit. She kept her tongue out, licking my shaft as her head bobbed and it didn’t take me long to release.

    She worked me faster as I released and my eyes rolled back as I spurted hot jets of my royal seed into her mouth. No future kings were wasted as she took every single drop.

    She pulled off, but I shook my head, urging her back down. I wanted round two, and she still had one hole I hadn’t explored. But before I could turn her around, there were footsteps echoing through my room. Only one person was bold enough to enter without knocking, and his voice sounded out in the distance.

    You might want to wrap it up, Your Royal Highness.

    I wouldn’t come any closer, or you’ll see exactly what’s wrapped around it. His footsteps silenced and I helped Mina, up from her knees. She righted her clothes as I pulled my robe on.

    Thank you, Your Royal Highness it’s been an honor to serve you. Her eyes were dreamy, and with a smile on her face and my taste on her lips, she scurried out past Lucas.

    I walked out to the sitting area where I found him waiting. He gave a nod, standing until I took a seat.

    "I hope I didn’t interfere in your royal business - Sir."

    Oh fuck off!

    You may also like to know that half the staff heard what was happening behind these walls.

    Shit! The last thing I need is more gossip. Why are you so formal today, you know it drives me nuts.

    I do, and normally I’d enjoy breaking your imperial balls even more He chuckled and lowered himself to the sofa beside my chair. Unless your mother was on the way.

    Shit. Is she? He gave a short nod as I raked my hand through my hair.

    Do I smell like sex? I lifted my arm smelled myself.

    No, you’re good. Besides, I doubt your mother would recognize it. He mumbled the last part under his breath, and I let it go. With my mother being the King’s wife, Her Royal Highness was not to be insulted.

    And, I thought I should warn you that Esme will arrive shortly from private school as well. She’s on her way from the airport now.

    Do you know when my mother is set to arrive? I’d no sooner asked when the door opened with a creaking sound, and my mother stalked in as if she ruled the kingdom.

    Enzo, darling? Her voice carried through the room, and once she came in far enough, past the large columns and drapes that surrounded my lounge, Lucas and I shot to our feet to welcome her.

    Hello, Mother. I walked forward and kissed her hand, and Lucas stayed in his bow until she acknowledged the gesture.

    I’m afraid I’ve not come with good news, dear. Your father has been to speak with the doctors. I’m afraid things are going to be happening pretty fast around here, and I’d like for you to be prepared. Your time as King is approaching faster than we’d hoped for. His cancer had spread.

    How long? My father, King Henri Roche of Aramis, had been diagnosed no more than two months ago, and while we knew the outlook wasn’t promising, we thought we’d at least have a few years.

    Another six months, if we’re lucky. He doesn’t want to die the King. He wants to go ahead and relinquish his throne to you.

    I hadn’t prepared for that. I had spent my life knowing that my father’s death would make me the King of Aramis, but I had no idea that he’d be around to see me take the crown. When?

    He’d like to do so within the next month. My mother let out a long sigh. I’ve tried to talk him out of it, but he says he’s much too tired. He’s sent for you, Enzo. He wants to tell you himself, and I don’t want you to try to talk him out of it. His mind is made up, and this is what will be. You will thank him and then begin the steps to prepare yourself for the throne. I’d start by giving some consideration to settling down.

    You’re referring to me finding a wife? I’d think gaining a throne would be a big enough achievement for one year. I don’t see a reason to rush. Besides, I’ve got Esme to consider. My mother tried her damnedest to keep a straight face when I mentioned my daughter, but the disdain was readable in her expression.

    She hadn’t approved of my having a child out of wedlock and had wanted me to give her up to Sofie’s family after she passed away from a prescription drug overdose. Some still say it looked suspiciously like suicide, but I made sure that it wasn’t in her final report.

    I’d only known Esme’s mother for a short time. She had been the daughter of a wealthy real estate owner, but all of her daddy’s money hadn’t brought her happiness. She’d turned to drugs a few different times in her life, and I’d met her during one of her last recoveries.

    Things had looked promising, and the public didn’t mind her coming from common lineage until they found out she was a recovering drug addict, and then things started to turn for the worst fasting than ever. As much as I tried to help her, she’d always backtrack.  The family did damage control, but I was adamant about seeing my daughter when I learned of Sofie’s pregnancy. I swore that I would be in her life no matter what.

    Three years later, when we received news of her mother’s passing, I took Esme in and raised her as my own. She had me wrapped around her precious fingers, with her plump pale skin, big blue eyes and chestnut golden curls that went down to her back. She was just an innocent toddler when I took custody, and over the years her memories of her mother grew more and more hazy. I did my best to make up for it by telling her stories of the good things I remembered. The rest I had to make up. I wanted my Esme to have a good impression of her biological mother so that she wouldn’t be scarred by the pitiful truth.

    You should settle down with a nice young woman. Someone favorable in the eyes of the public. I’d suggest Bella Lora Rosa. She’s already won Aramis’ heart, and I know if you give her a chance, she could win yours, my mother offered.

    I’m not convinced. She’s nothing more than another spoiled socialite. I’m not interested in her mother. I don’t need help finding women who are obsessed with my money or the throne. They are a dime a dozen

    We can talk about this after you’ve seen your father. It might be a good idea if you keep Esme away for a while. I’m sure the stress of losing the King will only affect her studies.

    She’s on her way now, and besides, I think she might like to see her grandfather before he passes away. I made sure to remind her that my daughter was the King’s own flesh and blood. I did what I had to in efforts to have mother finally accept that she was Esme’s grandmother, like it or not.

    Isn’t that splendid? Her eyes rolled back in her head as the sarcasm dripped from her tongue. Your father needs your attention now, and you really won’t have time for her.

    Well, perhaps you can spend some time—

    I’m far too busy. My biggest priority is your father. What kind of wife would I be to focus on anything else? Perhaps you should find a caretaker for Esme to relieve yourself of the duties She turned her nose up and looked down it at Lucas. Maybe Lucas could help?

    It will be fine mother. If I’m not ready for fatherhood after nine years, I can promise you I’m not ready to be King a month from now.


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