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Talent Spark and Genius (How Ordinary People Can Suddenly Become The Greatest Thing In Town): Talent Mastery Series, #2
Talent Spark and Genius (How Ordinary People Can Suddenly Become The Greatest Thing In Town): Talent Mastery Series, #2
Talent Spark and Genius (How Ordinary People Can Suddenly Become The Greatest Thing In Town): Talent Mastery Series, #2
Ebook257 pages3 hours

Talent Spark and Genius (How Ordinary People Can Suddenly Become The Greatest Thing In Town): Talent Mastery Series, #2

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About this ebook

This books tells the stories of ordinary men doing awesome and magnificent stuffs. In it you will learn how to attain legendary status in the use of your gift. The book is divided into modules. In each module is a lesson, and definite steps are outlined for greatness. Move through the scales and develop the mindset of champions. Learn from the tycoons and all those who have used their talents in phenomenal ways.

Talent, Spark and Genius is the second book in the Talent Mastery series and is a must read for anyone who wants to make his dreams come true.

Release dateJun 6, 2020
Talent Spark and Genius (How Ordinary People Can Suddenly Become The Greatest Thing In Town): Talent Mastery Series, #2

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    Talent Spark and Genius (How Ordinary People Can Suddenly Become The Greatest Thing In Town) - Mark Shana

    This publication may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the permission of the publisher or the author. Excerpt for brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Talent, Spark And Genius

    How Ordinary People Can Suddenly Become The Greatest Thing In Town © 2019 Mark Shana. All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 9780463538692. Non-fiction/Self-help.

    The following accounts are based on true-life events, in some cases, the names, details, and circumstances may have been changed to protect the privacy of those mentioned in the publication. Some scenarios have been fleshed out, to emphasis the underlying point. All product and company names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Use of them does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.

    Although the author has gone to great length in the preparation of this book, this material is sold on the grounds that the author is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If medical advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.









    To the creative





    Courageous And

    Sacrificial Heart

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    This book came from a compilation of hard-earned facts. Most of the stories portrayed are examples of right application of a law. If you want to see how these laws are being violated, study the underdog or the rookie sitting next to you, or better still, come to one of my speaking engagement where I share some of my personal experience.

    Many authors begin the process of writing, by doing a survey, they are able to identify a list of hundred items, sometimes two hundred or three hundred or more variables, that affects the variables and bear on the subject under study, but they go with the bandwagon, by eliminating their ideas based on popularity.

    A list of 100 variables is cut down to 10, this 10 are the most acceptable ideas in the scientific community on how to make things work. While I conducted my research and also used my case history as a back ground check, I made sure I wasn’t throwing out the unconventional ideas and variables that only occurred once. I think it will be unfair not to discuss those unidentified and less popular themes, because in those less discussed topics lies the real secret of success.

    The insights to making talent work are often not public knowledge and common, they may not reoccur, the real insights or the secret to transforming a particular field, might only occur to one person or to a few people in a study group. I’ve tried not to write only on accepted and popular views but to find the missing secrets as well. This study is hence aimed at showing those unpopular secrets, which may be small but very vital and transformative.

    For some people, what is missing in their talent is effective practice, for some it is a drought of expression, for some it is a lack of funds, for some it is a lack of courage. Some talent failed to fly because they failed to pitch it to the right people.

    During my research when I asked young people what challenges they faced and the reasons they think their talent is where it is, some of them made no mention of perseverance, focus or practice, the simple thing they said was funds. But in most of the talent workshops I came across, I sincerely didn’t get anyone talking about how talents can address the issue of finance, so it’s a big oversight if we fail to talk about this.

    Some talents simply remained at the cradle because they lacked ideas and direction, some talent stayed where they were, because they refused to take initiatives and accept responsibilities for their life. This discourse is aimed at dissecting the various problems experienced by young talents. The Truth is often not about practice, but how effective the practice is? This book seeks to address those issues such as, why is it that I have faith, but I still can't work on waters? Many people will gladly advocate that a talented individual needs to break an addiction, just as Stephen Hawkings was initially told by his doctor to stop drinking, as that was the reason for his sloppiness, and we see many talents prescribed solutions that don’t work?

    While trying to make talent work, most times we get wrong advice from well-intentioned people who erroneously don’t know the field and terrain, and sometimes they are the experts but they fail to bring our case to heart, they offer the same prescription they’ve offered to others, that is they keep giving the same medicine to people with different problems, and their solutions are hence not effective.

    Some experts won’t bother to find the true cause of a problem. In Stephen Hawkings case, it took a little convincing before the doctor could perform a test and find out the real problem was ALS. Often times as young talents, we sign up for a course and go to a local assembly to develop our gifts, and all we learn are a bunch of digressional stuffs, that are true to our Christian walk but not specific to the use and development of our gifts.

    If you are talented, as you open these pages, read with a open mind, and try to find that area of weakness which keeps your talent on the floor, once you can identify this flaw, do what you can to fix the problem.

    As you read, take note of the deflators, these are things you want to avoid. A deflated talent has no momentum and impact, it is like a plane without wings, or better still, a car without an engine, you can insert the keys and try to start the engine, but it’s going nowhere.

    Take note of what I call the Talent Boosters; they are the stuffs you want to add on to your skill-set, which will give you wings. This resource is a sequel to the incubation of greatness. Initially I did not start out trying to write, I started out trying to learn how to make my talent work and while writing this book I realised why my talent stayed at the ground level, and how I could fix it. I’m not exactly where I want to be, but I’m no longer where I use to be. Ultimately, what I learnt from popular talent books was not what transformed me, what transformed me was the unspoken truths, I gleaned through introspection, personal experiences, consultation and research.

    The world is often looking for a quick fix, a magic formula. If you want a magic formula, you may necessarily not have found one, but if you want to know why a talent failed to fly or why some talent are not functional in today’s societies you will find it in the pages of this book. To all the emerging artist, I hope you find your missing secrets.

    Mark Shana

    November 2019.

    MODULE 1





    Talent is given

    Greatness is earned!


    Lebron James



    Imagine being in the middle of the Atlantic, cruising on a vessel that is gradually sinking, and having the captain lie to you, that everything is alright. That was the situation, a certain young man found himself. He was a musician, who had just finished a cocktail wine and got up, only to find that everything was tilted to the left. Half running, half walking he staggered to the captain’s lodge, to speak of his observation.

    Calm down, said the captain, and put down your glass wine, it’s the alcohol you drank.

    No it isn’t, the man said.

    Ah yea! Said the captain, smelling his alcohol stained whiskers. I've been talking to you about this butanol, for a long time. You're drunk, aren't you?

    No I’m not! The man stated emphatically.

    Well then, said the captain, handing him a flashlight. The engine room is to the left, if you’re still having doubts, go ahead and see things for yourself.

    Angry, the man entered into a dark corridor and descended the fleet of stairs that led to the engine room but froze, when he saw the magician.

    The ship's illusionist happened to be a very beautiful lady who had the uncanny habit of making anyone who saw her intensely startled.

    What are you doing down here, she exclaimed.

    Nothing exactly, the man said, I figured out I should check the engine room, I seem to believe the ship is tilted.

    You mean the whole godamn ship is tilted, laughed the magician hysterically. Well of course, said the magician, the whole godamn planet is tilted at 23 degrees’ to the right, and the cannon pulsar is racing across the milky way!! I shouldn’t stop you. The magician gave him a wide berth.

    Go on friend, said the magician, and I’ll be waiting just around the corner, to know what you found out.

    The young man kept descending the stairs, and just as he was about to open the engine room, he met his wife.

    His wife was a very lovely woman with a smile that could set the snows alight. It was obvious, she had been watching him for a long time.

    There’s no way, any of that snooping around, is happening tonight!!

    I know you’re going down.

    For what reason? Ah, let me guess. She peered beyond his shoulders and caught sight of the magician’s coloured legs moving in a glorious skirt just before it disappeared.

    The young man started to explain, but his wife cut him short.

    No way! She said.

    There’s nothing like that!

    The man struggled to move but his wife caught his arms. He however wriggled free just as a gentle rocking began on the ship.

    Look at those watertight doors, the man pointed out.

    Why are they closed?

    Beats me!

    Those water-tight doors shouldn’t be closed!!

    Together they proceeded towards the engine room and as they turned the stairwell landing, they confirmed their worst fears.

    Running like a maniac, they scampered up the stairs to raise the alarm. The cruise director, had however been told by the captain to evacuate the ship using the life boat but didn't know the true gravity of the situation. On seeing an evacuation process in the way, the young fella, along with all the entertainers on board decided to join in.

    The name of that young fella for the purpose of anonymity is Robert Craig, and this event let’s say, happened at the sinking of the Oceanos.

    Robert, inspired for a minute, told Jullie the magician to make an illusion so the ship can look stabilised for a while but the magician replied that such magic was outside her scope.

    After the last lifeboat had been lowered with approximately 220 people left. Craig grabbed the radiophone and turned the frequency to Coast Guard Channel 22A, and yelled into the mouthpiece.

    This is the Lead Percussionist!! If you can intercept our signals. We are sinking! We need urgent help!!

    There was no response. Frustrated, Robert yanked off the receiver, and yelled into the mouthpiece. Come on all you yatchmen!!

    We are having a massive tilt over the ship. The Oceanos, our darling ship is going under, we need help!!! I repeat, our ship is going under.

    As the signals travelled over the seas and the dark frozen sky, it was at first regarded as a joke.

    Detmar from the Dutch Container ship had a hard time believing what he heard.

    What’s your angle of lean? He asked, amused that a musician should be talking to him.

    How would I know, Craig said. I’m not the captain.

    So what’s your rank?

    I’ve told you, for how many times now, I’m the Lead Percussionist!!

    Percussionist my foot, Detmar said and was about to disengage the phone when Craig aggressively came on.

    Listen to me you jerk, this is no joke!

    There’s an evacuation going on, and the rest of us are trapped.

    We will sink if you don’t respond!

    What is the name of your ship?


    Your location?

    Craig passed a worried finger through his temples. It was another question to which he had no ready answer.

    Detmar waited for a while and asked; you mean you don't know your location!

    I believe we’re close to the South African coast, Craig said at last.

    How long before your ship sinks?

    I don’t know!

    Okay I would wait on this line, said Detmar. Find out from the captain and get back to me.

    Craig rushed back to the surface, floating everywhere in the ship were chairs, trays, linen ornament and pieces of glassware.

    The captain having lost all hope had resigned to fate. Hence he no longer could lead. Craig found him sitting at the pool’s deck, he gave Craig the information, and Craig rushed back to relay the news.

    It was such a awful start, but Craig even though bereft of nautical terms, was not about to relent. After a thorough job, broadcasting mayhem to the surrounding sea side, the word finally stuck.

    As soon as the Rescue Co-ordination Centre learnt of the ship. They alerted all the air control unit in the district and all race began towards the ship.

    In an expertly executed rescue operation, where the South Defence Corp demonstrated such outstanding inter-service co-operation, 27 SAAF rescue helicopters from across Durban, Pretoria and Cape Town, were dispatched to rescue passengers off the sinking vessel.


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    Well, you’re not the only one with a demurrer. The question I also asked was; where was the crew? How did a  sound engineer, become a Tom Cruise on whose effort many of the passengers would rely on, to survive their ordeal?

    What you should note is that panic can create more  problems than we can ever anticipate, but while storms and difficulties can take the sail out of many talents, this same hardship can equally bring out the best in us.

    There is something besides the skill that makes true talents to shine, but before we get to that point, let’s relive another hazardous scene.

    Picture a scene where a hippie enters the local store and takes off his hood to reveal his monstrous face, and just to confirm all doubts, makes the announcement and orders everyone to scoop.

    To conceal his actions, he takes all the mobile phones, proceeds to the cashier, grabs the cash, then moves to the customers, assaults the red head and then threatens to kill a little lad if the cops doesn’t clear out. And the scene continues to go sore, until a very fat unhappy woman decides to do something courageous.

    You’re just going to get yourself killed, whispers her little boy, and the sweetbun next to them, is afraid for

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