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Holy Infant of India: Volume 5
Holy Infant of India: Volume 5
Holy Infant of India: Volume 5
Ebook666 pages9 hours

Holy Infant of India: Volume 5

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Mystery India, there are many unknown things, perhaps you have heard of "baby water burial", also heard of "child marriage", or "killing a girl," etc., but you do not know that the Indian folk have a very magical thing called "baby god".

Release dateMay 7, 2020
Holy Infant of India: Volume 5

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    Holy Infant of India - Feng Qing



    Hearing this, I was extremely surprised.

    I asked Qiao Si, I remembered that when we first entered the village, you said that if people like you died, they would be like ordinary ghost, who can only obediently accept reincarnation, who can't do anything? But the other one is just a tablet, he can be considered a ghost. He doesn't have a physical body, how can he help others cultivate the ability of transplanting rice?

    Qiao Si said that, and that was why your clothes were gone, because your clothes were stained with human Qi, and also because it could hold any object for your soul, but it could not hold on for long, so why would it wear your clothes to the meeting? It was because there were so many people in the meeting room that he borrowed from others to be better able to use the Return of Reach.

    I asked him again, then why did he bring the clothes back?

    Qiao Si said, didn't I tell you before, these things are all compatible? If it's a corpse, it would rot after a long time and your clothes would be the same.

    Do you know why that unlucky bastard wrote your name on the internet before he died? Do you know why he's staring at you from the stretcher? Just to deeply engrave you into his soul, you are going to be unlucky this time!

    Although I do not understand, I can imagine what kind of effect it would have on me if someone were to write my name before death and glare at me.

    I asked Qiao Si, I really do not understand, what exactly does this Rebirth Technique do? Grandfather wanted to use Reproduction to suffocate himself to death, while Qu Jianye wanted to use Reproduction to suffocate himself to death. But, what was their motive for choking him to death? What's the use?

    Qiao Si said that this had to do with the oil seller, the process was too cruel, it would be best if you did not know! Well, get out of here, I don't want you to bring that thing to me.

    I said your sister! If you let me dodge, wouldn't that be equivalent to me sending myself to my death! Was there no other way?

    Qiao Si took out the Cadaver Cudgel s from his backpack and gestured at me. If you don't leave now, I'll let it send you off!

    After he finished speaking, he picked up the Cadaver Cudgel and was about to hit my butt with it.

    I hurriedly dodged, while running out, I said, Qiao Si, I want to cut off all ties with you!

    I slammed the door and left with a belly full of anger.

    When he reached the first floor, he found that the two policemen were still there, with an old man berating Miao Cuicui on the side. If you ran away, would you be able to take responsibility?

    From the looks of it, he was quite familiar with it. He should be the head of the hotel.

    Hearing this, I became even angrier, so I puffed out my chest and went over to him, saying, I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere!

    Seeing that I had returned, the old man felt quite awkward. He looked at Miao Cuicui, then looked at me, and told me that the police needed to find you two to talk about Qu Jianye's problem, don't think too much, because you're from the same company, so you should know more about Qu Jianye's situation.

    I knew very well that even though the old man had said that, it was also to spare my face. In fact, they had already mentally listed me as a suspect.

    After the old man finished speaking, one of the police officers who looked like a bandit glared at me and said, Let's go? What are you waiting for?

    I didn't try to compete with him, so I said lead the way.

    The hospital had made room for an office, and for the time being they were there to ask questions.

    After asking around for about an hour, all they did was surround me with what I did during the day, where I went at night, who can prove it, and what happened to the net. I explained it clearly, I didn't get the net, if you don't believe me, you can take fingerprints.

    There was nothing to talk about for an hour or so, so they ended their questions and told me that the hotel had been sealed, that you couldn't go back, that you had to arrange an empty hotel for yourself, and that the rest of them had to stay in other rooms, and were not allowed to leave until they were given permission.

    I thought, Is he trying to lock me up? The thought of living in a room of my own frightened me, and I asked the police if I could be with them.

    The police asked me what was wrong, why couldn't I have a room for myself?

    You don't need to worry about that when I say it.

    The fat on his face quivered as the policeman slammed the table. You're still kicking your nose and face, aren't you? To tell you the truth, we only separated you from them because we suspected you. You want to go back and kill another one?

    I had a fire going on too. What kind of logic is this? If I wanted to kill someone, I had a hundred ways to do it without sleeping in a room.

    When the police saw me talking back, they got so angry that they asked me gloomily, Why don't we go back to the station and have a chat?

    Her expression and tone seemed to be saying, Niu Bi, follow me back to the yamen. Once the door closes, I won't be able to kill you.

    I probably won't be able to eat well arguing with them, so I can only admit defeat. I said that it was fine, it doesn't matter if I slept by myself, it's still quiet.

    After bidding farewell to the police, I brazenly returned to Qiao Si's room. I wanted to tell him that I didn't want to sleep alone, so if there was really no other way, I would have to grind him down and let him stay for the night.

    As soon as he entered, he saw Qiao Si standing in front of a wood person, using a file to carve something on its face.

    This wood person was around the same height as me, the clothes and shoes he wore were all mine, and even the expression on his face was extremely lifelike. I couldn't help but to feel a little more admiration towards Qiao Si's carpentry.

    Qiao Si said. Carrying this wood person back to your bed, you find a place to hide. Don't touch the ground with your hands or feet, do you understand?

    If I say I know about it, isn't it just like looking up at the sky?

    He said, Blow your ass! I'm talking about five Yin and five Yang that can't touch the ground.

    I asked him, What the hell is that? What do you mean by five Yin and five Yang?

    Qiao Si said. Remember, I will only say this once, the back of your palm, the back of your feet, your forehead, and the back of your head.

    I said I would remember. In that case, I'll put the wood person on the bed, then I'll go back to your room and sleep for the night.

    Qiao Si rolled his eyes at me. You wish, the wood person does not have the Yang energy, so I relied on you to lure that thing over, and then I did something to the wood person, only then can I deal with it, if you run away, the wood person can still find you!

    When I finished listening, I broke out in a cold sweat...

    You must remember, he continued, that no matter where the wood man is, you must stay under him, preferably under the bed, as you did last time, and surround the four foot of the bed with red rope. The four coins I gave you, with a copper coin between the red strings at the foot of each bed, and finally a bowl of water, and a chopstick in a bowl, and a wooden man's head, and you hide under the bed, no matter what happens, and don't take a step out of the red line, do you hear me?

    I said yes, I know, but standing up in a bowl of chopsticks, I can't do that.

    He said you could do it and the chopsticks would stand by themselves.


    After Qiao Si finished instructing, he gave me a bed sheet. I wrapped the wood person up and carried him away.

    This wood person was not light. Just think about it, this was solid wood. It was not as easy as carrying a living person.

    I carried the wooden figure to the first floor and when I saw that the hotel manager and the police were still there, I pretended not to see them and lowered my head in an attempt to slip past them.

    The police officer's eyes were sharp as he shouted, Stop! What are you carrying on your back?

    I said it's a personal item, it's urgent, I'm leaving first!

    The policeman grabbed me, opened the sheet, looked at it, frowned, and handed it to me.

    Apparently, he wasn't very interested in this wooden figure. Instead, he looked at me with an incomprehensible gaze and said, I didn't expect you to have such a hobby.

    I was too lazy to explain, so I turned to Miao Cuicui and asked, Why aren't you guys leaving?

    Miao Cuicui said, waiting for the result of Qu Jianye's rescue, there was no news of him yet.

    I thought to myself, What are we waiting for? If we wait for the result, we'd all die.

    But I didn't say a word to avoid causing trouble for myself.

    I'm just asking Miao Cuicui where the new room is, I'm going to clean it up.

    She told me to follow her, not far, so I followed her with the wooden figure in my arms.

    When I returned to the hotel, I was extremely tired. When Miao Cuicui saw that I was drenched in sweat, she helped me carry the wood person into the room.

    This is where you live, she said. Stay here first.

    I thanked her and put the wooden figure on one of the beds and sat down to rest.

    Who knew that she would suddenly ask me this? Zhang Yang, what exactly is that thing that I saw that day? Is it a ghost?

    Her question really caught me off guard. I didn't know how to answer her, so I could only say, I guess so.

    You must have seen these dirty things, right?

    I couldn't answer any of her questions, so I held my tongue for a long time.

    She gave a dry laugh and said, Actually, I know that you didn't kill the person. You suffered a loss because no one would believe it if it was spread.

    I smiled but didn't say anything. I'll just treat it as a response.

    She was silent again for a moment, then said, Well, I won't bother you any longer. You should rest first and call me if you need anything.

    I closed the door behind her and had time to look around the room. It was a simple arrangement, almost the same as the room I'd been in before, but the bedroom had only two beds, which made it a lot more spacious. There were sheets on one bed and an empty board on the other.

    I placed the wooden body on the empty bed and patted it. I have troubled you today, brother, to let me pass this night safely, and tomorrow I will let you go to the Master Qiao Si to sleep with Simmons.

    The windows of the bedroom were polished and his own reflection could be seen clearly.

    I followed Qiao Si's instructions, tied up the red thread, and filled a bowl with water. Then, I placed the chopsticks in the bowl and placed it on the head of the wooden person.

    Doing this was simple. It was done in less than ten minutes.

    I slept for a bit, and when I woke up, the sky was already dark. I hurriedly hid under the bed and tried to see if I could do as Qiao Si said.

    However, I can't care that much. I'll just endure as long as I can. Whether I live or die, it all depends on my luck.

    Not daring to turn on the light, I stretched out in the dark so as not to get cramps, and when I was done I got under the bed and got into a position.

    Looking at my phone, it was already almost midnight. The dormitory had already quieted down. The dead silence in my surroundings made me feel terrified.

    I was in this position for about five minutes when there was a knock on the bedroom door and my heart leaped to my throat.

    At first, the knocking sounds were very quiet. However, after knocking a few times every few seconds, the sound gradually became louder.

    I hid under the bed and didn't dare make a sound, but the knocks on the door became more and more urgent, until finally, Miao Cuicui's voice came from outside the door.

    Zhang Yang, quickly open the door! I know you're inside, Qu Jianye is chasing us!

    Just as he was about to open the door for him, he suddenly remembered something. What if he was not Miao Cuicui? What if it was something unclean? At this thought, I shrank back, afraid to open the door again.

    The knocks grew louder and louder until they became knocks. The door was shaking, but the person showed no intention of stopping.

    Zhang Yang, quickly open the door! If you don't, I'll die! Qu Jianye caught up with me, save me! As long as you save me, I will do whatever you say! I like you, don't you know! Open the door!

    I secretly laughed in my heart. This fellow is really smart, he actually wants to use a beauty's trick on me?

    However, I'm really sorry, you found the wrong person, if it was Qiao Si, he would have died today.

    I endured the pounding on the door and thought to myself, If I don't open it, then I won't open it! He wouldn't open it even if he was beaten to death!

    The knocking continued for nearly half an hour, and I didn't even hear the screams from outside.

    Half an hour later, the knocking stopped abruptly.

    I heard the voice outside the door change. That person seemed to be talking to himself, My clothes are torn. It's such a pity to wear new clothes. Let's find a place to mend them …

    After the voice finished speaking, the man's footsteps gradually disappeared from the corridor.

    After a long time, there was no response.

    It's over, I thought. Didn't Qiao Si say that he could take my life?

    I thought, maybe Qiao Si was only planning for the worst, and wasn't that scary after all.

    It just so happened that I had been maintaining this posture for a long time. I took the opportunity to stand up and move about, and in case something happened later on, I could continue to maintain this posture.

    He crawled out from under the bed and his limbs went numb. It took him a long time before he could recover.

    I limped to the door and pressed my ear against it. There was no sound coming from outside the door. Only then did I relax and let out a long breath.

    Just as I let my guard down, there was a knock on the window behind me!

    Suddenly, he turned around and saw a shadow moving behind the curtain. The sound of someone knocking on the window came from the window!

    One had to know, this was the fifth floor! How could anyone knock on the window?

    Before I could make my next move, I heard a low voice outside the window: 25: 01, 25: 02, 25: 03 …

    Ah!" Startled, I groped my way to the bed in the dark, ready to run back under it.

    At the same time, I heard the window creak open! As for the curtains, they were also blown inwards by the night wind. Following that, a familiar voice rang out, Hahaha, boss, I see you. Follow me. They can't wait any longer. 25: 10, 25: 11, 25: 12 …


    I quickly hid under the bed and immediately resumed my five Yin and five Yang positions on the ground.

    As the window was opened and a cold wind blew in, I felt as if the wind were blowing under the bed, as if it were coming for me.

    It was unknown whether it was because of the wind or because he sensed something, but the copper coin tied to the red thread began to spin, swaying along with the rhythm of the wind.

    The air was eerily still, and even I could hear the chopsticks in the bowl begin to whirl and swish.

    At that moment, I saw a dark figure jump out of the window and stand on the ground.

    Why did he say stand on the ground instead of standing on it? Because I saw him in the dark, head to the ground, body up, upside down!

    Although his face could not be seen clearly, one could tell from the outline that he was an inverted person.

    I keep reminding myself that I must stay awake, stay calm, and not let my mind wander, or else I'll be in trouble.

    At this moment, the person on the ground spoke up. Boss, I see you! What are you doing under the bed? Come with me, they can't wait...

    His voice was so shrill it made my skin crawl, but no matter what he said, I bit my lip and didn't say a word.

    After a while, when he saw that I didn't speak, he couldn't seem to hold on any longer. The black shadow swished and returned to its normal standing position.

    In the darkness I saw a pair of feet coming towards me under my bed!

    I felt as if my heart was about to jump out of my chest. At this moment, I saw that the red thread that was tied up had suddenly stretched out on its own, and the copper coin was spinning faster and faster!

    When Qu Jianye reached underneath the bed and his feet were less than a meter away from me, he bent down as if he was holding onto something.

    Then I heard a crack on the floor, and the bowl was broken by him, and the water was all over the floor, and the chopstick was motionless on the floor.

    As if terrified of the water, he jumped up and ducked around until he was at the gate.

    Was he afraid of water? Seeing this, my heart felt a little more at ease. At least he was a bit further away from me.

    The red thread in front of his eyes was not as taut as it was earlier. It seemed to have loosened up a little.

    I remember now, Lin Zhishu had told me before that ghost was afraid of fire and water. So this was the reason why Qiao Si wanted to place a bowl of water in front of me.

    It was already summer, and the wind was still blowing outside. The water on the ground dried up very quickly.

    He came towards me again and went to the bed to get something, and when he stood up, I saw him pick up the wooden figure on the bed!

    Ga Ba... A crisp clang sound rang out as the wooden figure's split body fell to the ground, creating a loud noise. The wooden figure's head rolled a long distance away.

    After he did this, he turned around and walked out, his hand covering the hole in his chest …

    I stayed under the bed for a long time before I dared to come out.

    Looking at the wooden corpse on the ground, I thought to myself, he treated the wooden corpse as me and killed it.

    Just as I was thinking, Miao Cuicui called. She asked me how I was doing. Are you all right?

    But he didn't come in through the front door. He came in through the window.

    At that time, Fu Cui was stunned. Window? Where is the window in this room?

    I laughed and said, Stop teasing me, there is nothing in the house and there are no windows!

    Fu Cui Cui said that due to some special reasons, this room had already sealed the windows. How could there be a window?

    I put down the phone and turned around. I saw that the curtains had been opened at some point, and the windows were tightly shut. I didn't know why, but I could clearly see my reflection in the darkness.

    I tried a few motions, and I did the same in the window.

    But ever since Fu Cui Cui said that, I don't know if it was a psychological hint or something, but I felt that the person in the window wasn't me.

    I thought of a way to remove a copper coin from the red line, put it between my thumb and pinky, and aim it at me in the mirror, ready to throw it at him.

    But then I realized something was wrong. In the window, I was doing the same thing, as if I wanted to throw a coin, but he didn't have anything in his hand!

    Maybe he found something. Just as I was about to throw the coin at him, he suddenly turned ferocious and reached out his hands from the window to grab me! I was so scared that I went straight to the bathroom and locked the door.

    If I was one step too late, I might have been caught by him, because the moment I closed the door, the hand almost reached in.

    There was a violent banging at the door, and then it was gone, and for the rest of the time I held on to the bathroom door for fear that he would push it open.

    Just as he heaved a sigh of relief, he heard the sound of a lock turning outside the bedroom door. Then, the door was opened and footsteps could be heard!

    My heart leapt into my throat once again, thinking, didn't Qu Jianye just remove the wood person's head? That wood person was my incarnation, he left his name before he died, and his corpse was staring at his soul, the relationship between Qu Jianye and I does not rest until one of us dies, but he had already killed the wood person, why did he come back?

    Just as I was thinking, the door handle of the toilet suddenly turned. I was so shocked that I pressed my body against the door again.

    The thing outside twisted and turned the door handle for a long time, but it was unable to come in. Then, a deafening banging sound came from the door. This noise was definitely not something that could be made with one's bare hands.

    The thickness of the toilet door was completely different from the one in front of the bedroom door. After a few seconds, the door had already been shaken to the point of bursting. From the looks of it, it wouldn't take long before the door could no longer endure it.

    I thought, why is this thing so hard? How hard was it to smash a door?

    Just then, the phone rang. It was Qiao Si! I yelled at him. Tell me what to do! I can't hold on!

    Who knew that Qiao Si would unhurriedly say a few words. Oh, you little doll, you're still alive, with such vitality, hammer oh!

    I shouted into the phone, You old bastard, if I go down, I'll be the first to come back for you!

    At this moment, the top corner of the toilet door had already cracked open. If they were to use it a few more times, the entire toilet door would probably collapse.

    I put one hand on the phone and the other on the door. I put my feet on the sink and pushed back against the door, my back numb from the shock.

    The sink also helped me. If I stayed away from the door, my body wouldn't be able to support me, no matter how hard I tried.

    Qiao Si was probably not in the mood to joke around. He asked me, is the toilet made of iron or plastic?

    It's plastic.

    He said it was great, you brat, you are really lucky, quickly take out the silver pendant on your neck!


    Qiao Si told me to remove the silver pendant on my neck, then he taught me how to do it.

    My body swayed back and forth according to the rhythm of the door, so I was unable to remove the silver pendant. I gritted my teeth and directly snapped the red rope around my neck, holding the silver pendant in my hands.

    Qiao Si said, now run as fast as you can to the sewer and beat it with the silver pendant!

    I was thinking, if I leave the door, wouldn't I be letting him in?

    But I can't care so much, Qiao Si's suggestion, should not be wrong.

    So, I held onto the silver pendant tightly and used all my strength to rush forward!

    At that moment, the toilet door opened!

    I didn't even dare to look at it. I smashed down the drain with a clang. The drain produced a crisp sound, and the door that was just opened slammed shut again.

    Then there was the sound of his head hitting the door again.

    Qiao Si asked on the phone. Do you still remember the labour signal?

    I said I did!

    He said this time the rhythm is different from the last time. Listen, I'll say it, you say it, then you hit it, stomping on the ground with your left foot, do you hear me?

    I quickly replied, Okay! Listen up!

    With that said, I wiped the sweat off my forehead and waited for Qiao Si to speak.

    On the first day, I came to the gates of hell. Hahahaha … Smash! Stomp!

    Thus, I followed Qiao Si's instructions. After saying that, I used the silver pendant to smash the water pipe and stamped my foot at the same time.

    I knew that the work code was about unparalleled strength, so I deliberately encouraged myself to sing every word.

    Coincidentally, after I finished my first sentence, the sound of the door being knocked on became quieter.

    Ghost, what the hell, it's closed, aiheh …

    This dead soul … ahh …

    Two eyes do not dry, two eyes do not dry, ah ah ah ah ah...

    The second day, you came to Wang Yu's homeward deck, ah ah, ah, ah …

    The departed soul that died, ah, go back? You won't be able to come back, aiyo …

    Just like that, after shouting for nearly half an hour, the sound of someone banging on the door became softer and softer.

    When Qiao Si said the last sentence, he reminded me to sing it three times, hit it three times, and stamp it three times!

    The King of Hell, aiya …

    Take this nameless vengeful spirit, aiya …

    After singing the last line, I knocked three times and stamped three more times.

    There was still a lot of stuff left, so he just didn't want to say it. In short, after he finished reading the last sentence, he knocked on the door and disappeared. The sound of footsteps had also left.

    Qiao Si said, I won't play with you anymore, I'm going to sleep first … Then he hung up.

    I could hear the weariness in his voice.

    After I hung up, I sat on the floor of the bathroom, panting.

    Right at this moment, a knock on the door sounded again, accompanied by Miao Cuicui's voice. Zhang Yang! Zhang Yang! Are you there?

    My little heart, I can't take it anymore. It must be a ghost knocking at the door again! He could not answer. He absolutely could not answer.

    No matter how much I knocked outside, I didn't get any response.

    However, the anxious voice outside the door made me wonder if it was a ghost knocking on the door.

    I took out my phone and called Miao Cuicui. As expected, the phone rang at the entrance!

    The moment the phone connected, Miao Cuicui's heaven shaking roar came out from inside, Zhang Yang! What the hell are you doing? Open the door!

    It was only then that I was certain that the person outside the door was Miao Cuicui, so I quickly got up and opened the door.

    Miao Cuicui rushed in angrily, and asked why did she not open the door?

    I told her the reason, hoping she would understand.

    The first time I saw her get so angry was because the hospital had already confirmed Qu Jianye's death. Miao Cuicui was afraid that something would happen to me, so she knocked the door for a long time and when I didn't reply, she got anxious.

    When she saw that I was fine, she felt relieved, so she asked me, Where is the window?

    I pointed out to her that this was the place where I had been, and that there was an identical image of me in the window, almost reaching out to grab me.

    If it was anyone else who heard me, they would have to say that I was crazy. However, Miao Cuicui had personally seen the other me, so she firmly believed in my words.

    Miao Cuicui suddenly asked me, who else did you bring to this room?

    This question stunned me for a moment. I replied, Isn't it just me? Who else could he bring? The police said they wouldn't let me sleep in the same room as anyone else.

    But Miao Cuicui's eyes were still staring behind me. I clearly felt her body start to tremble, and she asked me, You … You didn't bring anyone with you, so... Then who's behind you …

    When she said this, I got goosebumps all over my body.

    I immediately turned around and saw a wooden figure sitting on the bed. At some point, its head had been reattached to its neck. Seeing me turn around, it slowly stood up …

    I could clearly see that there was a long crack under the wooden figure's round head, and I felt that if I touched it lightly, it would fall down again …

    Miao Cuicui had never seen such a scene before. She trembled as she pulled on my hand and spoke nonstop, Run to the first floor, run to the first floor, run to the first floor … …

    I don't dare to stay any longer. Grabbing her hand, I rush out.

    Their bedroom was on the first floor. As long as they returned to the first floor, they would be fine.

    But what I am afraid of is, if I meet the Wall-Hitting Ghost or the Void Mirror again during this period of time, then I will be in danger. There will also be a Qu Jianye who has been sent to the gates of hell.

    After rushing out of the house, I saw that the corridor was very quiet. There was nothing here, not even a glimpse of Qu Jianye.

    At this time, Miao Cuicui's repetition of words also decreased, as if she had calmed down a little.

    I squeezed her hand again, pulling her close.

    The two of us walked quickly, and just as we were about to reach the end of the corridor, we heard a strange noise behind us.

    It was the sound of a hard object touching the ground, but I soon realized that it was a wooden figure!

    Miao Cuicui was so scared that even her face changed color. I pulled her tighter and rushed forward like I was about to lose my life.

    The sound of wood hitting the ground behind him became faster and faster. At the beginning, it was the sound of two feet running forward, but in the end, the sound of footsteps became more chaotic. Finally, the sound of two feet landing became a single overlapping sound!

    That is to say, the wooden figure had changed from running to skipping towards us!

    However, I had already reached the limit of my speed. After all, I still had a girl with me.

    When I reached the top of the stairs, I felt my head fall back, caught by something.

    Before I could react, the wooden figure was in front of us, blocking our way, a lock of hair in his hand.

    I touched the back of my head as if my hair were mine...


    It raised its hand as if to place it in the nonexistent mouth, but because its wooden arms could not bend, it could not put its hair in.

    Then it held the lock of hair in its hand, and a husky sound came from its mouth.

    I listened for a long time before I understood what it was saying. It was saying, Save me.

    Even though its eyes were nailed with buttons and its mouth was engraved with something that shouldn't be expressionless, from its expression and voice, I could clearly feel that it was filled with despair …

    He tried a few more times but to no avail. His hair fell to the ground.

    At this moment, it suddenly turned its body upside down, supporting itself on the ground with its two wooden arms!

    I know what it's going to do, it's trying to eat the hair on the ground with its mouth!

    However, with a dong dong sound, its head fell onto the ground and rolled to the side with a dong dong sound.

    However, it still did not give up. It aimed its neck at the tuft of hair on the ground and sucked it in.

    After finishing my hair, he stood up again, but his voice still had the hoarse voice of Save me, save me.

    Why did it always repeat this sentence? Did it come to kill me or did it have some ulterior motive?

    I felt that I was tricked again by Qiao Si. He clearly said that this wooden puppet was my substitute, and that it was used to protect my life. Why did it attack me now, and even eat my hair?

    I remember very clearly, at the reed ditch, a little boy wanted to scratch my head, and Zhao Faang who was in the mortuary also wanted to scratch my head, but this wood person in front of me, its target was still my hair, why couldn't they get along with me?

    Could it be that my hair is Monk Tang's flesh? Eat it and you can live forever?

    Just as I was standing there, the wooden figure suddenly twisted, and I heard a crackling sound from inside its body. Soon after, its arms, legs, legs, everything that was connected with the nail fell to the ground one by one. I could feel its innocence, its despair …

    In the blink of an eye, its body had collapsed, eventually turning into a pile of scrap wood that fell to the ground and stopped moving.

    Miao Cuicui was so scared that she was about to cry. She grabbed onto my hand but it was already unable to alleviate her fear and directly went behind me to tightly hug me from behind.

    When I came to, I asked, Can you let me go now?

    She seemed to wake up from a dream and let go of me immediately, but she still didn't dare to leave my hand and held on tightly.

    It was obvious that all of this had truly frightened her.

    Miao Cuicui stared at the pile of trash on the ground and asked, What should we do?

    I groaned in my heart, I don't even know what to do, I still want to ask you what to do!

    Still, I forced myself to tell her calmly, Let's go back to the hospital first.

    She didn't say anything, only nodded her head, as if she was entrusting her life into my hands.

    Back in the lobby of the hospital, I got her a cup of hot water and sat on a bench to wait for dawn.

    She asked me, what exactly did Qu Jianye go through? How could so many incredible things have happened?

    I said I didn't know.

    She asked me, What is that wooden figure you carried during the day?

    I said it was for my own survival. An uncle made it for me, for no other purpose.

    She asked me, Which uncle? What does he do?

    I said that you guys saw him during the day, that old man from the fourth floor of the emergency room. He's a coffin maker, and he knows some evil things.

    she asked. How can a wood man save your life when he has no life and no mind?

    I'm not too sure what the principle of a wooden guardian is, but I know that if I don't answer her, she will keep asking questions endlessly. So I made up a theory and pieced together what I learned during this period of time to make it up to her.

    After she finished listening, she gave an 'oh' as if she understood something, but her face was filled with confusion.

    I know, I've been talking for so long, she hasn't understood at all.

    After a long moment, she asked me, Is this true?

    I nodded my head against my will. Only then did she stop her questioning. After that, the two of us sat on the bench until dawn before feeling relieved.

    The hotel had already informed Qu Jianye's family and decided to send the corpse to the funeral parlor for follow-up treatment today.

    Before the investigation was finished, the hotel was already preparing to get rid of the corpses. I knew, that it was definitely because Qu Jianye's corpse was too strange, so no one dared to stay behind, and decided to directly bring the corpses to the funeral home.

    However, just as the hotel came over to ask for the person, the hospital said that Qu Jianye's body was missing …

    Forget about everything else, just saying that the police and the hotel had informed Qu Jianye's family, and they were rushing over, wouldn't they be crazy if they found out that their son's body had disappeared?

    The hospital said that the body was temporarily kept in the lab. Since the mortuary was full, there was no place to put it. Another one would be taken to the funeral parlor today, so they temporarily put it in the lab.

    Actually, I wasn't surprised at all when I heard this news. He had messed around with me for so long last night, it would be strange if I could find him in the laboratory.

    's parents arrived at noon. When they heard that their son's corpse had disappeared, the two old men almost fainted.

    Qu Jianye's parents claimed that if they didn't give him an explanation today, he would go to the hotel and cause trouble, and then come to the hospital.

    This was what the school and academy were afraid of. If they caused a ruckus like this, not only would it affect their unit, but it would also cause a sensation in the society.

    Afterwards, after some negotiation, the hospital and the hotel gave a considerable amount of consolation money each, allowing Qu Jianye's parents to take it first.

    Only after this process of negotiation was the situation settled down.

    However, this matter could no longer be blamed on me because I didn't have any proof that I had committed the crime and had cleaned myself up. However, the school leaders still regarded me as a murderer when they looked at me.

    I'm too lazy to deal with them. As long as you guys don't have any evidence, you won't be able to do anything to me. Moreover, I didn't kill the person.

    I swaggered back to Qiao Si's sickroom. He was watching the beauty contest on television, and his eyes were filled with a kind of infatuation, so I didn't disturb him and immediately went to sleep.

    He didn't have to do it until the afternoon. He went out to get some fresh air, bought some cold noodles, and then went to the lake outside the hospital to relax.

    There was a big tree on the shore, and it was cool under the tree, so I sat there and looked at the lake.

    The surface of the water was very calm, and the sunlight was reflecting off it. Golden stars were shining everywhere, temporarily calming my frustrated heart.

    Sitting and sitting, I fell asleep leaning against the tree.

    After sleeping for an unknown period of time, a 'gugu' sound could be heard vaguely. The sound was getting louder and louder.


    Opening my eyes, I carefully searched for the source of the sound. It was coming from the lake.

    I grew up in the countryside, so I was very familiar with this sound. It was the sound of a frog, and there were quite a few of them.

    But I also know very well that frogs like damp and dark places, especially those stagnant rivers and ditches where there are a lot of reed ditch or moss.

    But in front of me was an artificial lake, a place for leisure and entertainment. There were no aquatic plants, no reeds, and no moss.

    I had done an experiment in the past. I caught a frog from a ditch and threw it into the Clear Water River. No matter how many times I threw it, it would still desperately crawl towards the shore.

    I stood up and walked to the lake. When I saw what was in the water, I couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air.

    Red eyes appeared in the water not far from the shore, as if I could still see their emerald bodies. They were like crocodiles, lying motionless in the water.

    Seeing me, the frogs plopped down and disappeared, leaving only ripples on the surface of the lake to prove that they had appeared.

    If he was not wrong, the things that were lurking in the water was the mutated Toxic Tree Frog!

    The reason why they were recognized at first glance was because of their red eyeballs and emerald green bodies.

    Because of this, I checked the internet and found that there are a lot of tree frogs in the world and they are all colored. However, the number of 'Master Frog' and 'Red-Eyed Tree Frog' are the highest.

    The origin of the Master Frog's name was because this kind of adult frogs all had a fat body, just like the fat Maitreya Buddha. This was how the Master Frog got its name.

    The red-eyed tree frog, as its name implied, was a tree frog with red eyes. Indeed, their eyes were red and they looked very scary.

    No matter what type of tree frog it was, they all had one thing in common, and that was that there would be some granules on their back, which was not very smooth.

    The water, on the other hand, was clear enough for me to see that the frogs, apart from their red eyes, were slender, and that the green on their backs was very beautiful, as green and smooth as the patched Petra, and without any potholes. They looked like a beautiful work of art.

    This kind of tree frog is exactly the same as those tree frogs I saw in reed ditch. Thus, I determined that this is a mutated Toxic Tree Frog that absorbs human blood!

    However, my question quickly followed. This is a city area, there are no graves, and there are no corpses to steal. Where could he feed them?

    However, I quickly realized that behind this artificial lake is a hospital. There is a morgue in the hospital, and there are countless corpses in the morgue!

    But then I realized that it wasn't right. I had been in college for four years, but I had never heard of anyone losing a corpse in a hospital, nor had I ever heard of anyone making a fuss about a doctor. I got into trouble all of a sudden.

    When he looked into the lake again, the surface of the water had returned to its previous tranquility and was now sparkling again.

    Had I just fallen asleep too deeply and been hallucinating?

    The more he thought about it, the more scared he became. It didn't matter if it was true or not, in short, I saw how the Toxic Tree Frog chewed the bones with my own eyes!

    Thinking of this, I walked towards the hospital without looking back.

    Just as he walked back to the hospital's emergency clinic building, he saw the hotel's leader, hospital's leader and a few police officers hurriedly walking out, supporting Qu Jianye's parents who were already crying so hard that their eyes were blurry.

    Miao Cuicui also followed behind me and rushed out. I stopped her and asked what happened?

    She said that Qu Jianye's body had been found. We were about to go over to take a look.

    When Miao Cuicui replied me, she did not stop her footsteps, but continued speaking as she walked. One could imagine just how urgent this matter was.

    I followed the rest of the troop through the inpatient wing and into the laboratory.

    When a doctor opened the door to the laboratory, I saw Qu Jianye's body lying on the morgue directly opposite the door.

    The school director was just about to say something to Qu Jianye's parents, but Qu Jianye's mother interrupted him, shaking his head and saying, This is not my son.

    That's right, Qu Jianye's mother also said what I was thinking, although the person lying on it was indeed Qu Jianye himself, but I am completely sure, that person is not Qu Jianye.

    Qu Jianye's hair was wet, his entire body was dripping water, the ground was wet, and it looked like he had just been fished out of the water.

    When Qu Jianye's mother said this, the police's face drooped down, one of the police officers said with a gloomy face, "Old granny, we can understand your feelings, but when the corpses were lost, we, the investigators, and all the leaders still have not closed our eyes, and the first thing we did was to coordinate with the hospital and the academy to compensate them, all of us showed sufficient sincerity, and we have signed it in writing.

    The meaning of the police was very clear. They were blaming the old lady for causing trouble without reason. However, the police saying this, there was no problem. Indeed, the one who laid on the corpse bed was Qu Jianye, there was nothing wrong with that.

    However, the old lady had also given him her reason. Firstly, her son was not so pale. Secondly, he was not that thin, so he was not her son.

    The old lady's words made sense. Based on how much water was flowing out of him, he must have been soaking in the water all night, so his corpse must have turned white. But if he were to soak in the water for an entire night, then it would probably swell up.

    Qu Jianye's body looked as if it had been drained of all blood, it was so thin that only skin and bones remained.

    Thinking of this, my back felt a chill. I couldn't help but think of the Toxic Tree Frog that I just saw, could it be that someone was fed to the Toxic Tree Frog and then brought back the corpse after absorbing the blood?

    Also, from the moment we entered the door until now, his body had been leaking water, which was completely illogical.

    If he had simply been fished out of the river, why was it that water kept seeping out of his body? How much water did he have to drink to be able to exude so much?

    I wanted to explain my thoughts, but was quietly pulled back by Miao Cuicui. She looked at me with her eyes, signalling me not to talk, just watch.

    I nodded my head, thinking that it made sense. Nobody had paid attention to me yet, but if the old couple were to turn their attention to me and ask me to compensate them, I would be blind. Even if I sold myself, I wouldn't be able to compensate them with so much money.

    Qu Jianye's mother wanted to say something, but the old man tugged at the corner of his clothes. The two of them moved to the side and started talking to each other in a low voice.

    I could see very clearly that during the course of their conversation, the two of them would glance at me from time to time before continuing their conversation.

    Although I couldn't hear what they were saying, my heart was in turmoil. Did officials tell them that I was a suspect? So they were discussing how to compensate me?

    My heart skipped a beat. If that's really the case, then I'm in trouble.

    The others probably had the same thoughts as me, and they all looked at the old couple nervously.

    They finished their conversation, nodded to each other as if in agreement, and came back.

    However, when the old lady spoke, everyone was shocked!


    The old lady changed into her usual self. With a smile, she said to the official, My son is mine. My eyes were blurry just now. I'm sorry, everyone.

    With that, the old lady bowed to the leaders.

    After she said this, the policemen and leaders felt very

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