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The Trail of Leviathan
The Trail of Leviathan
The Trail of Leviathan
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The Trail of Leviathan

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While it may be true that Judah and Israel were of the original family of Jacob, it is a mistake to believe that God would honor a union built on deceit and error. That is precisely what is happening today among Catholics and Protestants. When King David uttered the desperate cry "lead me oh lord to that Rock that is higher than I" (Psalm 61), he was uttering a truth that should be the cry of every heart that wants to know God. If there be any hope of this world escaping the control that Satan has exercised over humanity through the world monetary system, it will be through the action of the Holy Spirit in the Universal Church, and when Jesus returns to set up His Kingdom built on righteousness.

Release dateMay 1, 2020
The Trail of Leviathan

Richard Govier

Richard O. Govier (1928-2018) was a Protestant pastor and missionary and travelled the world in that capacity. He planted a number of churches as well as training pastors who served in Brazil, Chile, Argentina and across the United States.After his marriage to his lifetime sweetheart, Christine Ann Golfis, at the Bethesda Missionary College in Portland, Oregon, he attended extension classes at Pierce College and the Portland State college. Touched by the Latter Rain revival that began in the Northwest, the call of God rested continually on their hearts and they were forever seeking means of preaching the Gospel to their generation. They bought a small trailer and began an evangelistic trek across the United States, preaching in small churches that were open to the work and moving of the Holy Spirit. They criss-crossed the United States from Los Angeles to New York and finally settled down in Los Angeles where they both got jobs and attended a church in Long Beach, California. While serving in that church their son, Jeffrey Lee, was born on November 4, 1963.God had spoken through prophetic words that they would be going to a land whose language they would not understand. Going through a dry period in their lives, Richard loaded up a small tent and made a trip to Mount Palomar, to wait on God. After a week of prayer and fasting, the Holy Spirit spoke to his heart that it was time to fulfill the call to a foreign land. Richard, Christine, and Jeff, set out for Brazil. They had no financial support for this until the night they boarded the ship. God sent a local Christian businessman who committed himself to their support for two years, just enough time to attend language school.It was while attending the Brazilian language school that a missionary visited and introduced Richard to one of Brazil's most notable guitar players, who had recently converted to Christianity. Richard played with him on the banjo and the two began a ministry together that took them to Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. Richard taught pastors in afternoon meetings, while accompanying his Brazilian friend in large city-wide evangelistic campaigns in the evenings.After serving for ten years in South America, Richard and Christine returned to the United States, primarily to get Jeff into an English-speaking school. Richard pastored churches in York, Pennsylvania, and later in Brooksville, New Jersey. The family eventually moved to Florida where Richard went to work for Piper Aircraft and Page Avjet.Richard loved studying the word of God and, in his retirement years, wrote over thirty books about the unfolding revelations of God in human history. His son, Jeff, published these books one year after his father passed away.

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    Book preview

    The Trail of Leviathan - Richard Govier


    Richard O. Govier

    Copyright © 2020 by Jeff Govier

    Bible quotations unless otherwise identified are taken from

    the King James Version with emendations by the author.

    After reading this book and finding it of value to you, please consider sending a small donation for the the costs of advertising my father's work. Send all donations either by Paypal account name or by mail to:

    Jeff Govier, 5511 Lorraine St., Lakeland, FL 33810.


    Introduction: Two Views of History

    I. Babylon, The Head Of Gold

    II. The Phoenician Connection

    III. The Empire Of Greece

    IV. The Roman Empire

    V. The Beginning Of Western Europe

    VI. Medieval Europe To Modern Times

    VII. The British Empire

    VIII. The New World

    IX. The New World Order

    X. Leviathan - His Final Act

    XI The New World Order Under Christ

    XII. The End Of Leviathan

    About the Author



    The serpent, or dragon, has come to symbolize in biblical literature the malignant power of Satan, or the devil. The prophet Isaiah calls this serpent leviathan... the dragon that lives in the sea (Isaiah 27:1). Ezekiel, also the prophet Isaiah, describes his fall from grace (Ezekiel 8:12-19; Isaiah14:12-15). He is the personification of evil that has manifested itself in diverse ways throughout the history of the world. He was in the Garden of Eden (Ezekiel 28:13), and is the serpent that tempted Eve. The persona of Leviathan is described in detail in the Book of Job (Job 41). Whether real, or symbolic, it provides us with a view of the nature of Satan. Hidden, as it was, beneath the sea of humanity, this great serpent has left an unmistakable trail through history.

    Whatever may be our conception of Satan, most will agree that there exists an evil power that lies at the root of civilization. The evidence we have of his existence suggests a concentration of his power at certain locations throughout history. The seat of his power has moved from place to place on this planet and is evidenced by the Satanic activity in those areas. There is nothing more evident of that activity than in the concentration of silver and gold. Whatever success Satan has enjoyed in his disruption of the human race, his plan has never, and will never succeed, for within his very nature is the seed of self-destruction. Leviathan has left a trail of ruined empires wherever he has gone. He is therefore obliged to move on to new seats of power when the old have been damaged beyond repair. Whatever Satan has touched, it is eventually destroyed and this has been the history of Empire. The very word empire suggests satanic activity for it implies domination at the expense of other nations. Whatever may have been the reason for the existence of Leviathan, we know that he will one day be destroyed. Isaiah 27:1: In that day the Lord will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, with His fierce and great and mighty sword Leviathan the twisted serpent; and He will kill the dragon who lives in the sea.

    Two Basic Views of History

    There are two basic views of history: the Accidental, and the Conspiratorial. The accidental view of history leaves no room for a personal devil acting as a driving force behind history. Human histories, in their view, develop quit by accident and any developments, whether good, or evil, are simply coincidental.

    The conspiratorial view, on the other hand, requires a conspirator. Events in history are not by accident, but are the result of conspiratorial movements and their effects on history. If we examine carefully the teachings of Jesus we will discover that Jesus taught the latter. The kingdom of heaven may be compared, He said, to a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed tares also among the wheat, and went away (Matthew 13:24-25). Jesus then interprets His own parable by saying, the field is the world; and as for the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; and the tares are the sons of the evil one; and the enemy who sowed them is the devil.... (Verses 38, 39). Jesus does not portray history as an accident following the indiscriminate laws of chance. It is the result of satanic activity ruling the minds of certain individuals who have been especially conditioned to fulfill the Luciferous objective.

    If we believe in the conspiratorial view of history and that Satan is the conspirator, then who are the agents of this conspiracy? The idea of a conspiracy demands the actions of individuals who are unknown by the peoples and nations who are its victims. That would automatically eliminate the kingly and priestly cast for they have always been at the forefront in the eyes of the public. Yet, the latter have been the usual choice of historians who have zeroed in on world leaders as the movers and shakers of history. This is incorrect if we remember that Kings and even Priests are the visible representatives of conspiratorial individuals who have brought them to power. These visible representatives are left in power only as long as they are willing to carry out the diabolical ends of the conspiracy. If we dig into the subject, we discover an underlying financial power that is at the base of the conspiracy. Linked to every empire are the bullion broker and the trader of silver and gold, with the temple as its depository. Monetary emission has indeed formed the basis of satanic control over priest and king - unknowing actors in a drama that they little understand. Every conclusion arrived at, says Dr. Carroll Quigly, as a result of study of the fragments of information available in respect to money and its creators in the world of the Ancient civilizations, indicated the existence of a far reaching conspiracy in respect to monetary issuance influencing the progression of man's history in the earliest times of which written records exist. It is also outstandingly clear that it was parent to that acknowledged and most obvious conspiracy such as exists today¹ Dr. Quigley's research on the subject covers volumes and is probably the most unbiased of any writer on the subject. Though he is complete in his analysis of the subject, he sees the conspiracy as a necessary evil from which the world cannot escape. In getting to the root of the conspiracy we shall discover certain powerful individuals who have somehow gained control of the source of silver and gold bullion - and the mines that have produced it. It is through these individuals that Satan has gained control over the world by controlling the medium of exchange among the nations: silver and gold. There is a correlation between the trail of Leviathan and the bullion broker.


    1. Tragedy and Hope, Dr. Carrol Quigley; New York, 1966


    It is fitting that the prophet Daniel saw the Babylonian Empire as the head of gold in his metallic image prophecy of the four world empires (Daniel 2:38). Just as messages originating in the brain must travel over nerve fibers to every organ of the body, so it has been in the history of nations. The imperial, occultic, and monetary practices of Babylon did indeed find their way into the fabric of the succeeding world empires. Except for a period of time in which paganism and usury were outlawed within the Roman Empire, the policy of Babylon has continued unabated until the present time. St. John the Divine describes this unseen influence as Mystery Babylon (Revelation 17:5).

    Three aspects to this head of gold developed in Mesopotamia: First, the imperial idea, secondly, the pagan idea, and third, the monetary idea. All three of these ideas apparently emanated from the mind of Satan, for what human individual could have devised such a scheme?


    Patriotism, or love of country, is a fine thing if not carried to the extreme. Extreme patriotism is the forerunner of nationalism. A narrow nationalism, on the other hand, creates problems in a community of nations such as characterized the city-states of early Mesopotamia, Greece, and the nations of Europe. Nationalism is one of the main causes of modern war. When nationalism is carried to an extreme, it becomes something even more dangerous - imperialism. Imperialism is a term that comes from the word empire, and deals with the desire of one nation to conquer and rule its neighbor. Nationalism and imperialism, in turn, create a third cause of war - militarism, or the building up of huge armies, in excess of its defensive need. The imperial idea actually began with Nimrod, who was the imperial leader of several city states such as Babel, Erech, Accad and Calneh (Genesis10:10). The deification of Nimrod at his death further added to the imperial idea, for the exaltation of a man as God, demands one representative of that God. The empire of Nimrod, though confined to Mesopotamia, nevertheless planted the seeds of the imperial idea that later developed at Babylon.

    The fine line that exists between nationalism and imperialism pretty well defines the line between a work of God, and a work of Satan. Such a line is defined in the tenth commandment of Moses.. You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife or his male servant or his female servant or his ox or his donkey or any- thing that belongs to your neighbor (Exodus 20:17). Imperialism falls under the heading of covetousness. God never intended man to build empires even though He has allowed them to exist. The idea of empire demands control, and the idea of control comes from Satan. Satan is the chief architect of imperialism. So we must conclude that the empire that arose at Babylon was a work of Satan and the original seat of his worldwide conspiracy.

    The Vision of Isaiah the Prophet

    Isaiah's prophecy against the king of Babylon (Isaiah 14:4) brought into plain view the true nature of the Babylonian Empire. As far as Babylon is concerned it had imbibed the spirit of Nimrod in its lust for power and world dominion. It is in this area that Isaiah connects Satan to the empire of Babylon: But you said in your heart, I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit on the mount of assembly in the recesses of the north. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High. (Isaiah 14:13-14) We see in this statement an absolute drive for power and control over the inhabitants of the earth, making Satan the originator of Imperialism. Not only did he want to control this world, but he wanted to control heaven as well, making himself like the Most High. It is interesting to note that the prophet Daniel saw the Babylonian Empire as being ordained of God (Daniel 2:37). Yet the prophet Isaiah saw Babylon as the seat of Satan (Isaiah 14:12). Apparently God had a purpose for the establishment of Babylon, the head of gold,for Babylon represented the beginning of the times of the gentiles. According to the Book of Daniel, God gave to Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, the right of empire. This can be said also of the other great European-Asian empires that followed. Though pagan in nature, these empires provided a certain amount of stability at a time in which the whole world was in a state of flux. St. Paul seemed to imply the same meaning when he said: Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God (Romans 13:1). This did not mean that the apostle regarded pagan Rome as righteous. He rather saw the law and order of Rome as a necessary ingredient in the preservation of humanity. For all practical purposes tyranny was more acceptable than anarchy.


    The original seat of satanic activity began somewhere in Mesopotamia. Some believe it began with Nimrod. Nimrod personified all that we know about Satan in his quest for power and control. He was the first imperial leader to claim divinity and fashion his religious belief on the zodiac. In his book The Two Babylons Alexander Hislop sheds a great deal of light concerning this. Ninus (Nimrod) the first king of Nineveh was the first mortal to be deified at his death, and was the actual father of the gods.¹ According to legend Nimrod died leaving a queen named Semiramis. At his death he be- came immortal, and his spirit flew up to the sun and took possession of it. After Nimrod died and became the sun god, Semeramis his queen became pregnant and, according to legend, begot a child by Nimrod's spirit coming down on her from the sun. She called the so-called god-child Tammuz (Ezekiel 8:14). He was born on December 25th; the traditional day we celebrate Christmas. Authorities on mythology and archaeology trace the origins of idolatry and paganism back to the Babylonians and their worship of Nimrod, the sun god. All of the gods of the Assyrians, Egyptians, Hindus, Greeks, Romans and Mexicans, like the Babylonians, were but emanations of the one god, the sun, the ruler of the Zodiac. From the very beginning Nimrod set himself in opposition to God by attempting to build a tower that would reach to heaven. If this was, indeed, what Nimrod attempted to do, then take note of the words of Isaiah in his prophecy about Satan: I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God.... Nimrod, the founder of Babel, became the founder of astrology. In sun worship, two very important festivals are observed and are held when the sun is at its greatest distance from the celestial equator. To the astronomers these days are known as the winter and summer solstice. To the pagan sun worshiper the shortest day of the year was the day the sun god was reborn, and the nativity of the sun fell on December 25th.

    In the Babylonian astrological system, all the stars of heaven were considered offspring or emanations of the sun god. Astrology claims to interpret the will of the star gods that control the fate of people by the position of the chief star gods in the zodiac. These chief star gods are the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. These seven star gods, as they are called, are at the heart of the astrological system.

    Two thousand years before Pythagoras, the Sumerians had developed a numbering system allowing them to carry out simple arithmetic and other mathematical calculations, such as fractions and square roots. It was based on two separate numbering systems: A decimal system derived from finger counting, and a second system based on six and its multiples. Evidently both of these systems were used extensively in the development of the zodiacal system of astrology. According to astrology the zodiacal band was divided into 12 houses, one for each month of the year. Each house, in turn, was divided into 3 rooms making 36 rooms in all, one room for each 10 degrees of the zodiacal circle of 360 degrees. It is here that we find the origin of that mysterious number 666 found in the book of Revelation; for if we add the number 1 to36, they will add up to 666 (etc.1+2+3=6;4+5+6=15; 7+8+9=24 etc.). Carry this out to 36 and it will add up to 666. Clay tablets have actually been found, showing the early use of the number 666 in their priestly ritual. Numbers from 1 to 36 were arranged in rows of sixes in both directions. Each row added up came to111. Six rows of 111= 666.

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