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The Other Side Of Lovin' A Hustler 2
The Other Side Of Lovin' A Hustler 2
The Other Side Of Lovin' A Hustler 2
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The Other Side Of Lovin' A Hustler 2

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Trouble getting involved with Kryme hasn’t done anything but make things worse. Now she and the other girls won’t have a choice but to face their ugly reality. A storm is brewing and there will be no easy way out. They may all think that they can get through this alone, but with what’s to come next, they won’t have a choice but to stick together. Their deceased husbands may have gotten them into this mess, but they’re going to have to get themselves out.

Kryme had one job to do and one job only. Meeting Trouble and falling for her was the biggest mistake he could have ever made. In reality, there is no redo button, and the only option left is for him to fix the mess that he has caused. Will he turn his back on Trouble to regain his father’s trust? Or will taking a chance on love be worth it in the end? The other side of loving a hustler may be deadly, but can Kryme prove there’s more than just one side to loving a hustler?
Release dateOct 24, 2019
The Other Side Of Lovin' A Hustler 2

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    The Other Side Of Lovin' A Hustler 2 - Kai'or Elle

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    Trouble getting involved with Kryme hasn’t done anything but make things worse. Now she and the other girls won’t have a choice but to face their ugly reality. A storm is brewing and there will be no easy way out. They may all think that they can get through this alone, but with what’s to come next, they won’t have a choice but to stick together. Their deceased husbands may have gotten them into this mess, but they’re going to have to get themselves out.

    Kryme had one job to do and one job only. Meeting Trouble and falling for her was the biggest mistake he could have ever made. In reality, there is no redo button, and the only option left is for him to fix the mess that he has caused. Will he turn his back on Trouble to regain his father’s trust? Or will taking a chance on love be worth it in the end? The other side of loving a hustler may be deadly, but can Kryme prove there’s more than just one side to loving a hustler?

    East Atlanta, Georgia

    Ipulled up in my yard, parked my car and sent Malaysia a text to let her know I was home before getting out. I would admit that she wasn’t the only one concerned about Trouble. I didn’t want her to worry though, so I tried to downplay the situation, but something was definitely going on. Something wasn’t only going on with her, but something was going on with Dank too.

    Ever since Dank had been back, he seemed a little off. That was weird to me because Dank had always been so well put together. I didn’t know if the death of Coast was getting the best of him, but he definitely wasn’t right. Then, he started smoking cocaine in his blunts and that had me worried more than anything. Over the last month, the only thing he had been doing was getting high and sitting in the damn house.

    I didn’t mind him sitting in the house because I knew he was trying to stay out of the way. It was just the way he would act. He had been a lot more irritated than usual lately and I didn’t know what the cause of that was. All of this time, all I had wanted was for him to show back up, but I wasn’t sure if that was for the best now or not. I felt like he was stressing me out more than I had been before and that wasn’t good.

    The only thing he wanted to do was talk about that crazy ass nigga. I told him daily that we had the shit under control, but at this point, I wasn’t even believing that, and I was starting to think that maybe we should let Dank get involved. The only reason I really hadn’t was because he was always fucking high. He was no good to himself, so I knew he wouldn’t be any good to us.

    Plus, Malaysia didn’t seem to like or trust him, and I didn’t know what that was about. I was usually good at reading people, but Dank was like family and I couldn’t help but to try to see the best in him. I finally unlocked the door and walked inside of my home. I placed my keys on the hook by the door and walked into the living room. When I walked in, I saw Dank bent over sniffing cocaine or whatever the hell he was sniffing up off the table.

    Dank! What in the world? I asked and he turned around to look at me.

    My bad Ari. I didn’t know you were back.

    So you smoke and sniff cocaine?

    What’s the difference? It’s all the same. Hell, I do cocaine. I don’t think it really matters how I do it.

    But why are you doing it? And so much at that? I looked at the table and he had three more lines prepared to snort.

    It numbs me. I need it.

    Dank, please get that shit out of my house. I can’t even deal no more.

    You gone start tripping on me now? he questioned, standing up to walk closer to me.

    I’m not tripping. I’ve actually been very patient with you, but I don’t want that shit in my house. You got it all over my damn table and it fucking stinks in here, I vented.

    Why you acting like this is something you been had on your chest? He touched my arm and I stepped back. I don’t know why I stepped back, but I kind of did it involuntarily. It may have had a lot to do with the crazed look in his eyes. He was high as hell off of that shit and I could tell.

    Dank, you’re fucking zooted out of your mind right now.

    Well, I was waiting on yo’ ass to come back all day. He looked at his watch and then back up at me. I thought you were going to get dinner with that big bitch?

    Excuse you? I asked, not liking the way he was talking about Malaysia.

    You heard me.

    She’s not a big bitch first of all. She’s curvy and fucking beautiful might I add. Now he was about to piss me off and that wasn’t like him at all.

    Look at you. Always quick to take up for somebody, yet you never take up for me.

    What the hell are you talking about?

    You must’ve been out with that fruity looking ass nigga.


    The nigga you be working out with every day. I see the way y’all be looking at each other and smiling and shit. That’s disrespectful as fuck Arizona.

    We’re just friends, and working out with him helps keep my mind at ease.

    Nah, it’s more than that. I bet Coast is rolling over in his fucking grave right now.

    Dank, you better go drink some damn milk and stop playing with me.

    What? You can’t take the truth? You think he like you spending all of your time with another nigga?

    I think he would understand that we’re just friends. Where is all of this coming from?

    I don’t want that nigga coming over here no more.

    Well this ain’t your house for you to be telling me who can and can’t come over here.

    There you go again taking up for other motherfuckers. Did you take up for me when motherfuckers was talking about what I did and didn’t do?

    I don’t know what you’re talking about and I think it’s best you leave.

    You want me to leave so you can call that other nigga over here?

    Hell no!

    That’s exactly what it is. Just admit it; you’re a fucking slut. I did what the fuck I did for us and this is how you’re going to repay me? he asked, and I started looking at him like he had two heads.

    Seriously? What the fuck are you talking about?

    You know exactly what I’m talking about.

    No, I don’t. What exactly did you do?

    You should stop hanging around that Malaysia bitch too.

    You’re all over the place right now. I don’t get it.

    There’s something you need to know. I’ve been going back and forth with myself about this shit. To be honest, it’s eating me the fuck up and the only way we’re going to be able to move on is if I put this shit out on the table.

    You really need to stay off of the drugs, I said and tried to walk away, but he caught my hand. I had enough of listening to his high ass ramble about a bunch of nothing. It was clearly the drugs talking because he had lost his damn mind.

    Sit down and listen to what the fuck I’m trying to tell you. He looked at me with his eyes wide as fuck and I started to worry about him. Maybe he was more than high because this was my first time ever seeing him this way.

    Okay, let’s sit down. You have to relax though. You’re tripping and I’m starting to get worried.

    You don’t have shit to worry about. I’m gone take care of you Arizona, he said as he sat down on the couch and I sat in the chair across from him.

    He leaned down and grabbed the hundred dollar bill that was rolled up. He snorted another line and then another one after that like it was nothing. I was at a loss for words. Not only did he do cocaine, but clearly he was addicted. Yeah, he was going to have to get the hell out of here. I hated to do it, but first thing in the morning he was going to have to leave. I wasn’t going to be dealing with this shit when I already had my own problems.

    That’s alright Dank. I can take care of myself, I finally said.

    Like I was saying you need to stop hanging around that Malaysia chick. Ask me why.


    My attitude was evident now because I couldn’t even continue to fake it with him. He was getting on my fucking nerves. All I wanted to do was come home and climb in the bed. Now he was doing all of this unnecessary ass shit. He really needed to get himself together or he could take his ass back to wherever the fuck he had come from a month ago.

    Coast and I were the ones who killed her husband. So it’s real fucking hypocritical for you to be hanging with her when your husband was the one who killed him.

    You’re high. You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about!

    Macon was making a lot more money than us. He also had Buckhead on lock. That’s where all the rich people are so he was stacking up on that paper because he was doubling the prices. We were all supplied by the same nigga, so we didn’t like that he was making more money off the same fucking product we were selling. The first way we attempted to take him down was to have our niggas go and steal his packs. We didn’t give a shit that he would still owe the plug. We robbed his ass more than once because he was a fucking pussy. So you see, Coast wasn’t the only one who was in debt with the plug, but Macon was too. It was all because of us though. He could have resolved his own problems if he would have just paid the plug, but he refused to pay the plug when his packs kept getting stolen. The plug was just dumb enough to keep supplying the fucking nigga.

    Dank, I don’t want to hear anymore, I said with tears streaming down my face. No wonder that crazy ass nigga had been after us. There had been a lot of foul play going on behind the scenes.

    Nah, listen. I haven’t even got to the best part of everything yet, he said before hitting another line. I was scared that he was going to pass the fuck out from all of the cocaine he was doing.

    I really don’t care to hear anymore. I refuse to believe that Coast would do something like that when he was getting a lot of money himself.

    All he needed was a little fucking birdie in his ear and guess who that birdie was? That’s right, it was me. I told him the plan and he was down for it all. Us stealing his packs wasn’t enough though. It wasn’t enough for us to take over his territory, so we smoked that nigga and stole the money and drugs he had on him at the time.

    Why the fuck would you do something like that?

    You mean why would we? I didn’t do the shit alone. Coast was right with me. Anyway, Macon was discovered the next day and Coast started tripping. He started talking about how we were wrong and how we needed to make shit right and do this and do that. He became a real fucking problem overnight, so I handled his ass.

    You handled him?

    I killed that fucking nigga and once his body was discovered I took off. That wasn’t the only reason why I did it though. I had a lot of reasons why. Coast brought his ass down here to my fucking state and he outshined me. We started from the ground up and somehow motherfuckers just started taking orders from him like he was the damn boss. I immediately became his right-hand man, nothing more nothing less. Then, last but not least, he had you. I’ve always thought you were so fucking beautiful from the first day we met. You were down to earth and you were real. You wasn’t like any of these bitches around here and I wanted you, Arizona. I still do. I did this shit for us. I have enough money for us to leave tonight and never come back. Say you will be mine, he said and then stood up to come near me.

    I couldn’t move and I couldn’t speak. I was just stuck on the fact that Dank had been the one to kill Coast. Coast and Dank were the ones who killed Macon. No one had come to take the top hustlers out, but they had taken each other out. I didn’t know where Boogie fit into all of that and at this point I didn’t even want to know. My husband’s first cousin killed him. It really was the ones closest to you that you had to watch. I felt rage explode inside of me and I hopped up out of the chair I had been sitting in.



    Bankhead Atlanta, Georgia

    I woke up and I was still on the couch. I grabbed my phone from off the floor and looked at the time. It was going on six in the morning and that’s when I realized I had slept all day yesterday after I had sex with Kryme. Oh my god, I really fucked him. I sat up on the couch and Kryme was on the other end sitting up, staring dead at me. I was still naked, and I suddenly became embarrassed. I started scrambling to put my clothes back on.

    What are you doing? Kryme questioned.

    I’m putting my clothes back on.

    For what? I’ve already seen everything. He smirked.

    I know. I slipped my shirt over my head and then slid my shorts back on before sitting back down.

    How did you sleep?

    I slept good as fuck for us to have slept on the couch. How long have you been up?

    About an hour now.

    And you’ve just been staring at me for the past hour?


    I thought you would have left, I admitted.

    I was glad that he didn’t though. The way he fucked me was everything and I

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