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The Spiritual Quest
The Spiritual Quest
The Spiritual Quest
Ebook420 pages4 hours

The Spiritual Quest

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"The Spiritual Quest, the first book in the Sacred Adventure series, presents a step-by-step guide to the spiritual path. It gives a thorough understanding of the purpose of life—from your point of origin to your becoming a masterful spiritual being.

You’ll find dynamic keys to your spiritual growth in each of the chapters on your divine origin, your higher self, living a spiritual life in a material world, expanding the flow of light within, karma (good, bad and balanced), reincarnation, and your ultimate destiny. Includes charts, diagrams, color illustrations and audio links throughout."
Release dateDec 10, 2018
The Spiritual Quest

Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Elizabeth Clare Prophet is a world-renowned author, spiritual teacher, and pioneer in practical spirituality. Her groundbreaking books have been published in more than thirty languages and over three million copies have been sold worldwide.

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    The Spiritual Quest - Elizabeth Clare Prophet


    Copyright © 2003, 2018 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced, translated, or electronically stored, posted or transmitted, or used in any format or medium whatsoever without prior written permission, with the following exceptions:

    1. Brief passages may be quoted by a reviewer in a review.

    2. Small portions (e.g., exercises and meditations) may be photocopied and distributed to classes studying the material in this text, not to include entire chapters or the whole work.

    For information, contact Summit University, 63 Summit Way, Gardiner, MT 59030 USA.

    Tel: 1-800-245-5445 or 406-848-9500.

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2003101393

    ISBN: 978-1-60988-298-3

    ISBN: 978-1-60988-302-7 (eBook)

    This book is based on the teachings of the ascended masters delivered by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

    Some images © 2003 Getty Images


    The Summit Lighthouse, Pearls of Wisdom, , Teachings of the Ascended Masters, and Threefold Flame logo are trademarks registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All rights to their use are reserved.

    Sacred Adventure Series




    To those who see their whole life as a sacred adventure, to those who push ever onward, daring to conquer, daring to challenge the vast seas and to scale the highest mountains of consciousness, to those who remember always that the trek upward is worth the inconvenience, we dedicate this book as the next step on the spiritual path.

    We offer this book with the greatest love to the ascended masters Jesus Christ, Kuthumi, El Morya, and Djwal Kul and to the messengers Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, without whom it would never have come into existence.


    A College of Religion, Science, and Culture

    Summit University is a modern-day mystery school that teaches the science of the world’s religions and the true spiritual foundation of all science. Students not only immerse themselves in a range of subjects in the fields of spirituality, religion, culture and science, but also experience self-transcendence through introspection, reflection, meditation and interactive learning.

    In 1971, Mark L. Prophet founded Summit University in Santa Barbara, California, to provide in-depth courses of study on health, spirituality and consciousness. It was established as a college of religion, culture and science and served as a platform for the release of the original teachings of the ascended masters for nearly three decades. Ascended masters are the enlightened ones, the saints and adepts of East and West who have found liberation from the wheel of rebirth. While still in embodiment, they have influenced politics, religion, culture, literature and science in order to provide an ever-expanding platform for human evolution. Included in their ranks are the great spiritual lights of major world religions, such as Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, Krishna, Zarathustra, Saint Francis and Bodhidharma. In the mystery school environment provided by Summit University, the ascended masters teach their students how to follow in their footsteps, make a difference in the world, and reunite with their divine source.

    At Summit University, a variety of avenues for learning is available to the student, including home-study products, online courses and in-person seminars. Our online school offers extension courses at different levels, ranging from half-day courses to in-depth topical studies. We also offer a full spectrum of retreats and seminars in multiple languages at our campus in Gardiner, Montana, and select locations around the world. As our university expands, we continue to add new programs to our curriculum.

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    Getting the Most Out of Sacred Adventure


    Wisdom Teachings of the Masters: Cosmic Beginnings

    Unraveling the Mystery of Creation

    Meditation: Experiencing Your Oneness with Spirit

    From Spirit to Matter—the Soul’s Journey

    Application: Striking Up a Friendship with Your I AM Presence

    The Liberating Power of the Word: The Secret to Transforming Our Lives

    The Word—the Power of Creation

    Meditation on the I AM THAT I AM

    Spoken Word Practice: Using I AM Affirmations


    Wisdom Teachings of the Masters: Contacting Your Inner Divinity

    The Real Picture

    Chart of Your Divine Self

    The Holy Christ Self

    Application: Sharpening Your Inner Listening Skills

    The Heart Center—Doorway to the Divine

    Divine Power, Wisdom and Love: Use It or Lose It

    Meditating on the Flame

    Heart Meditation

    The Liberating Power of the Word: The Power of Dynamic Decrees

    Commanding by the Power of the Word

    How the Dynamic Decree Commands Heaven’s Response

    Decrees Are Like Spiritual Letters

    Spoken Word Practice: Experiment with Giving a Decree


    Wisdom Teachings of the Masters: Expressing Your Higher Self

    Leading a Spiritual Life

    We’re Clothed in Four Lower Bodies

    Chart of Your Divine Self

    The Mind-Body-Spirit Connection

    Self-Assessment: How You Relate to Your Four Lower Bodies

    Purifying the Four Lower Bodies

    Meditation: Radiating the Light of Spirit through Your Four Lower Bodies

    The Liberating Power of the Word: The Violet Transmuting Flame

    The Opening and Closing of a Decree

    The Violet Flame Transmutes Negativity

    How Does the Violet Flame Work?

    Invoking the Violet Flame through Decrees

    Spoken Word Practice: I AM the Violet Flame


    Wisdom Teachings of the Masters: Your Chakras and Aura

    How Light and Life Flow within Us

    The Chakras—Whirling Vortices of Light

    Table: The Seven Rays

    Chart: The Seven Chakras

    Self-Reflection: The Seven Chakras

    Other Chakras

    The Human Aura—an Ever-Changing Light Show

    The Distribution of the Life Force

    Diagram: Chakra Pairs

    Spoken Word Practice: Interior Housecleaning—a Chakra Clearance

    Preparing the Chakras for Raising Up the Mother Light

    The Liberating Power of the Word: The Tube of Light

    Pronunciation Makes a Difference

    Rhythm Sends Out Waves of Light

    Repetition Multiplies the Action

    Putting on Your Tube of Light

    Spoken Word Practice: Tube of Light Decree


    Wisdom Teachings of the Masters: How Free Will Shapes Your Life

    Creating Ourselves by Qualifying Light

    Karma: A Law of Life

    Storing Our Treasures in Heaven

    Meditation: Drawing Down the Light of Your Causal Body

    Lessons in Earth’s Schoolroom

    Balancing Karma

    Self-Reflection: Free Will and Karma

    The Liberating Power of the Word: Increasing the Effectiveness of Your Decrees

    Choosing a Place to Decree

    Your Decree Posture

    Breathing Deeply

    Speaking with Authority

    Centering in the Love of Your Heart

    Visualizing for Greater Results

    Putting It All Together

    Spoken Word Practice: Expanding the Power of Your Decrees


    Wisdom Teachings of the Masters: Keys to Your Past, Present and Future

    Life Goes On

    Views from History

    Taking Responsibility Is Hard but Rewarding

    The Answer to Some Common Questions

    Why We Reincarnate

    The Past Is Prologue

    The Karmic Board—Our Loving Advisers

    Desire—a Reincarnation Trap

    Exercise: Freeing Yourself from Inordinate Desires

    The Moral of the Story

    The Liberating Power of the Word: Meet Archangel Michael

    Call to Archangel Michael for Help

    Spoken Word Practice: Protect Yourself while Traveling


    Wisdom Teachings of the Masters: Ascending Back to Spirit

    The Goal of Life: The Ascension

    Bonding with the Holy Christ Self and I AM Presence

    We Ascend Daily

    Ascended Masters

    Unascended Masters

    The Ritual of the Ascension

    Requirements for the Ascension

    Meditation on Your Ascension

    The Liberating Power of the Word: Daily Decree to Archangel Michael

    Creating a Sacred Space

    Using Support Materials

    A Decree to Protect You Each Day

    Spoken Word Practice: Suggested Daily Decree Routine to Invoke Archangel Michael’s Protection





    This book contains a number of inspiring and transformative spiritual exercises such as meditations and spoken prayers. To do the exercises online with recorded audio tracks, look for this symbol to locate the links!


    Welcome! You are one of the people scattered around the planet interested in pursuing life as a sacred adventure—one of the relatively few who are willing to embark upon the upward journey of soul development and self-actualization.

    The Sacred Adventure series is for those whose goal is self-mastery. It consists of several books that provide a road map for successfully traversing the spiritual journey of life while in the thick of everyday affairs. The Spiritual Quest is the first volume in this series. Its overarching vision of the essence of reality and being is not just theoretical, but practical. The book provides tools and techniques to help you meet daily challenges, fulfill your unique mission and reunite with Spirit.

    The Spiritual Quest gives an overview of the purpose of life and presents a step-by-step guide to the spiritual path from the perspective of the ascended masters—our elder brothers and sisters of light. The ascended masters come from every era, culture and religion. They were once people living on earth just as we do. Through many lifetimes of devotion and spiritual striving they completed their earthly sojourn and ascended back to the spiritual realm from which they once came. Some of these masterful beings have chosen to stay connected with souls like us to guide us on the path of soul development and self-transcendence. Their teachings provide insightful answers to the basic questions of existence: Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here? What is the ultimate purpose of my life? Why am I in my current circumstances? Why am I with a certain group of people? Why do bad things happen to good people and vice versa? What happens after death? Did I exist before I was born? If so, where was I? Why is life a sacred adventure anyway?

    Life is a sacred adventure because we are spiritual beings sojourning and living in a physical world, coping with the pull of the soul’s yearning for reunion with Spirit while simultaneously living through the mundane experiences of corporeal existence. The Spiritual Quest explains how to engage fully in this challenge and reap maximum fruit from this experience. The topics are presented sequentially, building cumulative understanding and providing in-depth perceptions about life as a sacred quest. Readings, meditations and exercises for self-discovery are included as part of this practical pathway to help you discover new dimensions of yourself. By following the down-to-earth steps, you can enter a more rapidly ascending spiral of soul evolution. Invaluable tips and keys will help you achieve an amazing transformation of consciousness over the course of time.

    Humanity evolves gradually and slowly, and most people are happy with this pace. They are largely concerned with meeting their basic needs, pursuing personal goals or seeking material comfort or wealth. While some of these things are obviously necessary, people with spiritual leanings recognize that there is more to life and they seek ways to feed their souls. The driving force behind this search is the spark of Spirit within them that spurs them on to higher understanding and can lift their souls to tremendous heights of spiritual self-realization. This summit of being is the goal of enlightened awareness, and it requires embarking upon an upward trek in consciousness.

    The Sacred Adventure series presents a road map—including little-known shortcuts—for those who desire to accelerate their spiritual development. Following this path is not easy at times, but it is definitely a fast track to personal victory. Many have come to this point of understanding with a deep desire to change their lives, gain self-control and have more influence over their circumstances. Some have simply wanted more mastery over their emotions so that they are not so easily moved. Others would like joy, happiness, forgiveness and other positive states to spring more from their own conscious decisions than from the influence of others. Most have grown weary of material existence and find that the truths they have intuitively known are verified in these teachings. A few are seeking a self-study course in spiritual psychology. Still others have been led to these teachings because they want to know how they can make a difference in the world, how they can become behind-the-scene players who effect positive change on earth while carrying out their everyday affairs. A Sacred Adventure addresses all these desires and more. Whatever brought you to this path of yearning for Spirit, we welcome you.

    The Sacred Adventure series is sponsored by The Summit Lighthouse, an organization that follows the wisdom tradition that began with the Theosophical Society in the nineteenth century and continued on into the twentieth century with the Agni Yoga Society, the I AM Activity and the Bridge to Freedom. In 1958, Mark L. Prophet founded The Summit Lighthouse under the direction of the Ascended Master El Morya. Both Mark and his wife, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, served as the messengers for the Great White Brotherhood¹ through this activity. Through these two messengers, the ascended masters released tremendous teachings that form the foundation for this course of study.

    Each chapter in The Spiritual Quest begins with a segment entitled Wisdom Teachings of the Masters, which conveys precious information that answers the vital questions of existence. In these sections, you will learn the mystery of your divine origin and your destiny as a masterful spiritual individual, transcending time and space. You will see what you look like as a cosmic being and learn how to effectively plug into Spirit. You’ll explore how to heal and purify your body, mind, emotions and soul and learn how to remain unaffected by negative influences. Discovering how to expand your spiritual centers, the chakras, will help increase your life force, and understanding how to strengthen your aura will empower you. You’ll realize how your free will choices create karma—good and bad—and find out ways to balance the errors you’ve made along the way. And you will examine reincarnation as a unique part of the mystery of life. Finally, you’ll take an insider’s view of the ascension—the victory over mortal existence that is the ultimate goal of being.

    Although the wisdom teachings of the masters do impart tremendous knowledge and convey great quotients of light to aspiring souls, in the end, the spiritual path is a do-it-yourself project. Knowing this, the ascended masters have provided an invaluable new technique for your personal journey—the science of the spoken Word. This one spiritual tool alone can accelerate your progress toward personal self-mastery beyond what you may have ever imagined. To that end, each chapter has a section specifically devoted to using and developing proficiency in this advanced system. The topics are arranged in an ascending spiral, with each succeeding topic being more advanced than the previous one, so it is best to read them sequentially. The online audio tracks accompanying this book can help jump-start you in using the science of the spoken Word on your own.

    The Spiritual Quest provides a deep yet delightful understanding of the purpose of life that can instill in you a new sense of mission and destiny. The teachings of the ascended masters can literally change lives. May a Sacred Adventure be a joyous and insightful journey to the heights and depths of your soul and to the magnificent purpose that life has in store for you!


    1 The word white refers not to race, but to the aura (halo) of white light surrounding the members of the Great White Brotherhood.


    The Sacred Adventure series is an independent course of self-study that progressively leads you through the practical steps of spiritual development and helps you assimilate the teachings of the ascended masters. The following recommendations and study tips can assist you to maximize your enjoyment of a Sacred Adventure while reaping the greatest possible benefits from the material.


    1. Keep a journal. This course is designed for use with a journal or notebook to record your personal insights and reflections. Journal pages are included for your use at the end of the book, or you may want to purchase your own notebook. You might want to reserve one section in your journal for your experiences with the exercises and meditations, and keep another section for taking notes.

    2. Begin at the beginning. The chapters and books in the Sacred Adventure course are progressive, building upon the information previously given. You stand to gain the most by starting with chapter 1 in The Spiritual Quest and going through the book in sequence, and by regularly using the interactive components. You would then read Sacred Adventure 2: Meeting the Masters in the same way.

    3. Take a dynamic role. Active participation will improve your ability to assimilate the wisdom teachings of the ascended masters. By practicing the exercises and meditations, you will also make the material more applicable to your daily life. It is recommended that you take advantage of the interactive applications (and the online tracks that guide you through several of them) by setting aside ample time and a hallowed space to practice them.

    Study Tips

    1. Pick a regular time to study and try to stick to it. Establishing a regular study rhythm and allowing time in between study periods can maximize your gains.

    2. Keep study periods short. Research has proven that shorter study periods produce the most beneficial learning experiences.

    3. Frequently review the material. If more than a few days go by between your studies, it is helpful to do a quick review of the information you last read. The review process reinforces key concepts and prepares you to grasp new ideas. If you have taken notes on the material, you may wish to study them before proceeding. Likewise, revisiting how you personally interpreted your experiences through the various exercises and meditations can help refresh your learning and bring new insights.

    4. Refer to the glossary. The glossary included at the end of the book contains definitions and explanations for many terms that may be new or unfamiliar. Feel free to refer to it whenever a new term or concept seems unclear.


    Your Divine Origin

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