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Fake Service Dog: science fiction romance
Fake Service Dog: science fiction romance
Fake Service Dog: science fiction romance
Ebook22 pages8 minutes

Fake Service Dog: science fiction romance

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In "Fake Service Dog," Jonathan's wife is now involved with a renegade all female chain gang. The gang is on a rampage, terrorizing ex-boyfriends and husbands. Her telepathic dog, Rocky, pays Jonathan a visit.

In "The Hungries," Sneed escapes to another planet, which has recently been attacked by a ravenously hungry breed of alien diplomat misfits, and meets a half-human woman there. He tries to rescue her.

Release dateMay 18, 2020
Fake Service Dog: science fiction romance

John Blandly

John Blandly is an artist, actor, songwriter and filmmaker from upstate New York.

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    Book preview

    Fake Service Dog - John Blandly

    Table of Contents

    Fake Service Dog (science fiction romance)

    Fake Service Dog

    With special guests, The Hungries

    By Jöhn Bländly

    Copyright © MMXXI by J. J. Brearton

    AvantPointGuard Books

    All Rights Reserved

    Book I

    Fake Service Dog

    Book II

    The Hungries

    Book I

    Fake Service Dog

    Early in the morning, at about 10 AM, Jonathan was broiling some grapefruit on the grill when he heard some barking at the front door.

    He recognized the bark.

    It was Rocky, Maximum Ginger's telepathic dog, Rocky.

    He turned the heat down and went down the hall to the front of the house, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

    There he was, a scruffy bionic white terrier, or terrierist,

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