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You Can Be a Six Figure Author
You Can Be a Six Figure Author
You Can Be a Six Figure Author
Ebook123 pages50 minutes

You Can Be a Six Figure Author

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About this ebook

Are Your Ready to Quit Your Job and Make a Living As An Author?


I was offered my first book deal before the age of 30. I was over the moon! I had a literary agent, and one of the top publishers in the country; when the book was published, there were even mega-production studios calling my agent to inquire about the rights.

It's what every author dreams of, right?!

Kind of. Sort of. No!

It used to be. But that was several years ago. That was before the birth of the first real game-changer since Gutenberg's press: the Amazon Kindle.

The Kindle itself didn't rock the industry to its core - rather, it was the self-publishing platform that came with it: Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

Authors could always self-publish, but prior to KDP, it was something you did when no publisher would take a chance on you. After KDP, authors were proving that for the price of $0, you could have your book published not only electronically, but in print as well. In a very short time, authors started using KDP and becoming millionaires!

I started using KDP (as well as other publishing distribution channels) way back when it first opened its doors, and I haven't looked back. I've launched several imprints and have sold over 2,000,000 books. In this book, I'll show you how I, and other authors, have done it.

A word of caution: this isn't a how-to publish a book on KDP; if you need a step-by-step on how to navigate through the KDP dashboard, then there are other books that cover that (but seriously, publishing through KDP is ridiculously easy!). This book is to help you launch your book and attract more readers.

PublisherScott Smith
Release dateMay 9, 2020
You Can Be a Six Figure Author

Scott Smith

Scott Smith was educated at Dartmouth College and Columbia University. He lives in New York City.

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    Book preview

    You Can Be a Six Figure Author - Scott Smith


    I was offered my first book deal before the age of 30. I was over the moon! I had a literary agent, and one of the top publishers in the country; when the book was published, there were even mega-production studios calling my agent to inquire about the rights.

    It’s what every author dreams of, right?!

    Kind of. Sort of. No!

    It used to be. But that was several years ago. That was before the birth of the first real game-changer since Gutenberg's press: the Amazon Kindle.

    The Kindle itself didn’t rock the industry to its core - rather, it was the self-publishing platform that came with it: Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

    Authors could always self-publish, but prior to KDP, it was something you did when no publisher would take a chance on you. After KDP, authors were proving that for the price of $0, you could have your book published not only electronically, but in print as well. In a very short time, authors started using KDP and becoming millionaires!

    I started using KDP (as well as other publishing distribution channels) way back when it first opened its doors, and I haven’t looked back. I’ve launched several imprints and have sold over 2,000,000 books. In this book, I’ll show you how I, and other authors, have done it.

    A word of caution: this isn’t a how-to publish a book on KDP; if you need a step-by-step on how to navigate through the KDP dashboard, then there are other books that cover that (but seriously, publishing through KDP is ridiculously easy!). This book is to help you launch your book and attract more readers.


    This Is Not a Get Rich Quick Scheme

    Before continuing any further, let’s get one thing straight: this is not a get rich quick scheme.

    I’ve been doing this for over ten years. I’ve seen all the schemes.

    If someone is bragging about how you can earn six figures in less than an hour a week, they’re probably trying to scam you into trying something either frowned upon or outright banned—like blank notebooks (this, it’s a thing) or PLR (Private License Resell).

    The fact is, publishing is hard. Really hard! You think writing a book is difficult—just wait until you have to find readers to read it!

    Statistically speaking, most authors think they’ll become bestselling authors, but in reality most authors earn less than $50 a year.  Yikes, right! You just spent a good chunk of your life writing what you consider a work worthy of a Pulitzer and all you make is 50 bucks?!

    I know what you're thinking: the average author makes $50, but you’re no average author. Unlike their books, yours is actually good! Like, really good! Like, so good you’re surprised Brad Pitt hasn’t knocked on your door yet to ask if you’d let him play the lead. Heck, you’ve read books from some of these so-called Kindle Millionaires, and they’re not very good—not as good as yours, anyway.

    Let’s put this into context. Every day thousands of authors just like you publish their book. Every day! Over the course of the year that adds up to several hundreds of thousands. And these are just new books. If you throw older books into the mix, there are millions of books. Millions!

    So, John Doe logs onto Amazon to search for his next great read, and what do you think happens? Do you think he’s going to sort through millions of books until he sees yours? Maybe? Possibly? Absolutely not!

    Depressing, isn’t it?

    Incredibly depressing...unless you take the time to do things right. That’s what I’ll guide you through in this book.

    I don’t like get rich quick schemes. This is a get rich right book. It’s for the author who wants to make a career out of their writing. If that sounds like you, then keep reading.

    My story

    I was fortunate to get in on eBooks right when they started; it wasn’t easy to sell a book, but you weren’t exactly competing against dozens—hundreds even—of authors in identical categories.

    That said, this book is authored under a pen name—so if you are wondering why this is the only book I have, and yet I claim to have sold millions of copies, that’s why. I have published under several pen names across multiple genres. I have written bestselling books in nonfiction, YA, religion, and lots of other

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