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Rescuing His Shifter: Sanctuary, #14
Rescuing His Shifter: Sanctuary, #14
Rescuing His Shifter: Sanctuary, #14
Ebook117 pages1 hour

Rescuing His Shifter: Sanctuary, #14

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Love can be found in the places least expected.

Seth Reilly went to the animal shelter to comfort the cats during the loud noises on the Fourth of July. He had no idea the lumpy, grumpy black cat named Maui isn't just a cat. He's a shifter and he's hot as hell. Seth hadn't planned on adopting a cat, but he can't leave the shifter behind.

Jeremy Peters never expected to lose his human side for so long. Then again, he never expected to land in an animal shelter, either. Now he's got the chance to be free, but he'd rather rub against his sexy human rescuer.

When troubles from their past come back to mess with their happy home, can Seth and Jeremy find a future together?


PublisherMegan Slayer
Release dateMay 28, 2020
Rescuing His Shifter: Sanctuary, #14

Megan Slayer

Megan Slayer, aka Wendi Zwaduk, is a multi-published, award-winning author of more than one-hundred short stories and novels. She’s been writing since 2008 and published since 2009. Her stories range from the contemporary and paranormal to LGBTQ and BDSM themes. No matter what the length, her works are always hot, but with a lot of heart. She enjoys giving her characters a second chance at love, no matter what the form. She’s been the runner up in the Kink Category at Love Romances Café as well as nominated at the LRC for best author, best contemporary, best ménage and best anthology. Her books have made it to the bestseller lists on When she’s not writing, Megan spends time with her husband and son as well as three dogs and three cats. She enjoys art, music and racing, but football is her sport of choice.

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    Book preview

    Rescuing His Shifter - Megan Slayer

    Rescuing His Shifter

    A Sanctuary Story, book 14


    Megan Slayer

    Rescuing His Shifter

    Copyright © 2020, Megan Slayer

    Edited by HHM

    Cover Art by WZDesigns

    Published by Megan Slayer Publishing

    Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

    Electronic Release: June 2020

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely coincidental.

    Love can be found in the places least expected.

    Seth Reilly went to the animal shelter to comfort the cats during the loud noises on the Fourth of July. He had no idea the lumpy, grumpy black cat named Maui isn’t just a cat. He’s a shifter and he’s hot as hell. Seth hadn’t planned on adopting a cat, but he can’t leave the shifter behind.

    Jeremy Peters never expected to lose his human side for so long. Then again, he never expected to land in an animal shelter, either. Now he’s got the chance to be free, but he’d rather rub against his sexy human rescuer.

    When troubles from their past come back to mess with their happy home, can Seth and Jeremy find a future together?


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    About the Author

    More in the Sanctuary Series

    For Heather and Major Slinky

    For the Lucky Ducks

    For JPZ

    Chapter One

    I t’s Independence Day and I’m stuck at the restaurant, Seth Reilly said and shrugged to his friend, Melissa. Sucks, but it’s our life.

    Doesn’t have to be. Melissa filled a tray of water glasses. Shouldn’t the country shut down so everyone can celebrate?

    It might be nice, but would be impossible. He picked up a tray of clean wine glasses. We’re here now. Might as well make the best of it.


    He placed the glasses on the rack, careful not to clink the precious stemware against each other. The job was tedious, but could be worse. No one else liked to put the glasses away and he had to get this task done if he wanted to clock out."

    Melissa sidled up to him. Oh my God.

    What? He placed the last two long-stem glasses on the rack.

    Your ex-boyfriend is here with a new boyfriend, she said. In your section.

    I’m not taking tables. Cassidee has that one. He refused to look into the dining room. His ex was always too happy with whatever boyfriend he had at the moment.

    He doesn’t know that. She elbowed him. He’s coming over to the bar. You’d better speak to him or he’ll chase you through the restaurant.

    And I’ll lose my job. He wiped his hands, then tucked the tray under his arm. When he turned toward the dining room, Mattias stood in his path. Seth sucked in a ragged breath. Mattias was still handsome. His brown eyes sparkled and he’d shaved.  His dimple was prominent and he licked his lips. Seth bit back a groan. Of course Mattias would look his best—so he could prove to Seth he’d lost out.

    Hi. Mattias folded his arms. I hear you’re off the clock.

    I am. He could give his ex a minute, nothing more.

    We wanted you to serve us. Mattias stuck out his bottom lip. You’re the best.

    Not best enough to keep you around. He hated being unnerved and how his ex’s compliments weren’t truthful.

    That’s not fair. We grew apart. Mattias tapped his chin. Come on. Serve us and then you can go home.

    Nope. I have a date. His date might be volunteering at the animal shelter, but Mattias didn’t need to know that.

    A date? You’ve moved on already? Mattias’s dark brows rose.

    Uh, you’re here with another guy. What’s the difference? Seth asked.

    I’m outgoing. Guys are drawn to me. You’re...Seth, Mattias said. Where’d you meet?

    Damn it. Mattias would want details. He forced a smile. At the shelter.

    Homeless shelter?

    No, but I could’ve met another volunteer at the homeless shelter. He bit back a groan. No, I met someone at the animal shelter. He gripped the tray. And I’m late. See you.

    Is he hot?

    He didn’t have to tell his ex the truth. Oh yeah. Very hot. He’s unbelievable.

    What’s his name?

    Jesus. Did it matter? Michael.

    Do I know him?

    What’s it your business to know? You aren’t going to swoop in to steal him. You have...who is that guy? He didn’t recognize Mattias’s man of the moment.

    Sam. Mattias’s lip curled in a sneer. When he dumps you, don’t come running to me.

    I won’t. He turned on his heel and strode into the kitchen. He couldn’t leave fast enough. Once in the privacy of the staff room, he counted up his money and divided out enough for the bartender, then turned in his money and receipts. He tucked his tips into his pouch, then clocked out.

    Melissa caught up to him. You don’t have a boyfriend, do you?

    No, but it’s not his business to know. He removed his apron, then tucked it and his pouch into his backpack. Yanno?

    I do. I just wanted to be sure I didn’t miss something. She smiled. You’re going to the shelter tonight, aren’t you?

    I am. I signed up to sit in the cat room during the fireworks. He zipped his backpack. It’s a nice gig. You pet the cats while the noises thunder outside and they’re soothed. I get to play with critters. I win.

    I never thought you were a cat person. Her smile widened. But go you. I love it. Pick one and bring it home. You need someone at home.

    I agree. He should select a cat for companionship. I’ll let you know how it goes.

    Good. She hugged him. Have a good night. You deserve it. I hope you do meet someone and he’s your perfect match.

    That might be nice. I’ll try to find the right cat before I even try to look for a man. I’ll have better luck with a furry critter.

    Maybe. She winked, then left the office.

    He strode out to his car. If he hurried, he could go home long enough to shower and shave before having to report to the shelter at eight. He drove home and dropped off his backpack. He emptied the cash out of his bag, then tucked a few of the bills into his wallet. If he found a cat, he’d have to have adoption money. He showered, shaved and dressed in his comfiest jeans. He preferred jeans and a T-shirt over the button-down shirts and trousers he had to wear at the restaurant.

    He gathered his phone, wallet and keys, then left. His mind wandered as he drove. Mattias hadn’t liked him wearing anything but a suit and tie. He hated dressing up. The characters in his comic books could be themselves. Why couldn’t he? He’d rather hang out with them anyway. They’d accept him. He sighed. He wished he could find someone outside of the pages of his comic books that would accept him, too.

    He pulled into the parking lot at the shelter. A handful of staff regulars were still there. He headed inside and stopped at the counter. Carrie waved.

    Hi, Carrie said. You’re going to be in the kitty room—which you knew—but you’re early, so you can head in now. We’re supposed to have ten volunteers coming in. She rounded the desk. You’re the first. I guess everyone wants to sit with the dogs. They do need the most attention.

    I’d rather be in the kitty room anyway. He liked dogs, but he was a cat person at heart.

    You’ll be staying until midnight, correct? she asked. I can use the help through then if you’re able.

    I’m here for the duration. He wasn’t

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