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In ancient Israel, a special regard for the lunar cycle may have been the very reason for why each 7th year was once specially tracked and celebrated. It is obvious that what we read in Leviticus is the lunar approach to the Jubilee. The 50th year was based on a 49 lunar week count which interfaced with the solar year. If anything were to disturb this orderly function of time cycles, then there would be chaos on this planet and all life would disappear. All of these systems allow for no error in the interpretation.

Release dateMay 12, 2020

Richard Govier

Richard O. Govier (1928-2018) was a Protestant pastor and missionary and travelled the world in that capacity. He planted a number of churches as well as training pastors who served in Brazil, Chile, Argentina and across the United States.After his marriage to his lifetime sweetheart, Christine Ann Golfis, at the Bethesda Missionary College in Portland, Oregon, he attended extension classes at Pierce College and the Portland State college. Touched by the Latter Rain revival that began in the Northwest, the call of God rested continually on their hearts and they were forever seeking means of preaching the Gospel to their generation. They bought a small trailer and began an evangelistic trek across the United States, preaching in small churches that were open to the work and moving of the Holy Spirit. They criss-crossed the United States from Los Angeles to New York and finally settled down in Los Angeles where they both got jobs and attended a church in Long Beach, California. While serving in that church their son, Jeffrey Lee, was born on November 4, 1963.God had spoken through prophetic words that they would be going to a land whose language they would not understand. Going through a dry period in their lives, Richard loaded up a small tent and made a trip to Mount Palomar, to wait on God. After a week of prayer and fasting, the Holy Spirit spoke to his heart that it was time to fulfill the call to a foreign land. Richard, Christine, and Jeff, set out for Brazil. They had no financial support for this until the night they boarded the ship. God sent a local Christian businessman who committed himself to their support for two years, just enough time to attend language school.It was while attending the Brazilian language school that a missionary visited and introduced Richard to one of Brazil's most notable guitar players, who had recently converted to Christianity. Richard played with him on the banjo and the two began a ministry together that took them to Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. Richard taught pastors in afternoon meetings, while accompanying his Brazilian friend in large city-wide evangelistic campaigns in the evenings.After serving for ten years in South America, Richard and Christine returned to the United States, primarily to get Jeff into an English-speaking school. Richard pastored churches in York, Pennsylvania, and later in Brooksville, New Jersey. The family eventually moved to Florida where Richard went to work for Piper Aircraft and Page Avjet.Richard loved studying the word of God and, in his retirement years, wrote over thirty books about the unfolding revelations of God in human history. His son, Jeff, published these books one year after his father passed away.

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    Book preview

    Jubilee - Richard Govier



    Richard O. Govier

    Copyright © 2020 by Jeff Govier

    Bible quotations unless otherwise identified are taken from

    the King James Version with emendations by the author.

    The Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Scripture quotations from the Revised Standard Version Bible,

    copyright © 1946, 1952 and 1971 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    After reading this book and finding it of value to you, please consider sending a small donation for the the costs of advertising my father's work. Send all donations either by Paypal account name or by mail to:

    Jeff Govier, 5511 Lorraine St., Lakeland, FL 33810.



    The Beginning Of Time

    The Significance Of The Jubilee Cycle

    Ancient Time Reckoning

    The Seventy Weeks Of Years

    In Conclusion

    About the Author


    For many years now, I read about the Jubilee as explained in the Bible. Pegged to the invasion of Palestine by the Israelites, the biblical version of the Jubilee seemed to be designed to limit the ownership of land by the few in order to level the playing field for the many. Land which was regarded as the family or tribal inheritance, and lost through default, was allowed to be reclaimed after the Jubilee which occurred every 50 lunar years. This was designed to break up monopolies when the rich and the powerful gained control over the property of others through deceit or misfortune. The Law of Jubilee was initiated by Joshua when Israel crossed over the Jordan and was intended to protect the inheritance of the children of Israel who took possession of the land of Palestine.

    While Israel remained in their inheritance, the Law of Jubilee was relevant. When they were carried captive to other nations, the Law of Jubilee died on the vine. But after the return of a remnant of Israel from captivity, the tradition of the Jubilee was revived and appeared to form a part of the chronological system of the Jews.

    From a biblical standpoint, the Jubilee was created as a legal instrument for the preservation of the tribes of Israel. From a chronological standpoint, the Jubilee was a numerical matrix that linked the lunar week with the rotation of the Earth on its axis and the orbit of the Earth around the Sun. It is clear by evidence from the second temple era that the Jerusalem priesthood was aware of the astral significance of the Jubilee as a chronological instrument.

    Then there was the Book of Jubilees, written by a Pharisee that laid out the history of the world in a sequence of Jubilees going all the way back to Adam and the creation of the world. Even before modern times and the invention of the computer, temple priests and astronomers were aware of the astral nature of the Jubilee as a Time Capsule and its importance to chronological time. And though the temple priests were faithful in their tracking of Jubilee cycles, it is not so clear if they were faithful in carrying out the social aspects of the Jubilee that would have jeopardized their own position as powerful lords over the people.

    Many people today look on the Jubilee as just a relic of Judaism. That certainly would be the case if we look at the Jubilee just as a legal instrument to settle disputes about land. The Jubilee has no relevancy today in determining the legal ownership of land in Palestine. But as an instrument of astral and chronological significance, it is as relevant today as it was when the Earth, Moon and Sun were born. I say that in the light of the fact that a numerical sequence of 7’s seem to form the basis for sound (the 7 notes on the Diatonic Scale), and light (the 7 colors of the Light Spectrum). But if we dwell just on the mathematical sequence of the structure of the Jubilee (i.e., 7 times 7 = 49), we will miss the true meaning of the Jubilee - which is the 50th year, or the octave.

    Suffice it to say that that the creation of the world followed a sequence of seven days, which, in reality, were seven days of revelation given to the seer who recorded it. In this instance, millions of years of creative activity were condensed into seven days in which the Lord revealed unto the prophet His sequence in the creation of the world. In this sequence, the Sun and the Moon and Earth came into being and all life that is upon the Earth.

    The Jubilee structure was already present measuring out time sequences for the orbit of the Moon, the spin of the Earth, and the Earth’s path around the Sun long before Joshua entered the promised land. In fact, fossil records show that these time sequences of days, months, and years go back for millions of years and is a phenomenon that is recorded in coral deposits throughout the world.

    The 50th year, the Jubilee, is meant to show a higher order than the sequential cycle of 7s upon which it is founded. Like the octave note in music, it is an overriding phenomenon (harmony) that forms a part of, and yet beyond the musical scale itself. So what harmony

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