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The Sleeping Baby Solution: A Complete Training Guide for Baby Sleep and the Perfect Strategies for Sleepless Parents and Stubborn Babies
The Sleeping Baby Solution: A Complete Training Guide for Baby Sleep and the Perfect Strategies for Sleepless Parents and Stubborn Babies
The Sleeping Baby Solution: A Complete Training Guide for Baby Sleep and the Perfect Strategies for Sleepless Parents and Stubborn Babies
Ebook92 pages49 minutes

The Sleeping Baby Solution: A Complete Training Guide for Baby Sleep and the Perfect Strategies for Sleepless Parents and Stubborn Babies

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About this ebook

Are you a parent or preparing to be one soon? Are you worried about your child's behavior and their unusual sleep patterns? Has all of this already taken a toll on your own health? Well, I am not a rocket scientist, but let me be the first one to tell you that you are not alone!

Parenting is one of the toughest phases of life. You have to go through so much in order to be a successful parent. To begin with, there is a sheer number of things to learn, an endless struggle with your baby's sleeping habits, and finally, the diminishing number of hours you sleep. Combine all of this, and you essentially feel lifeless by the time junior goes to bed. Here's a question: is all of this necessary?


The Sleeping Baby Solution is a comprehensive guide that takes you through a journey from the birth of your baby to the time that your child turns around six months old. What a lot of first-time parents fail to understand is that the real hard work lies within this period. Whatever goes on after that is merely a fraction of the struggle parents face here. However, this struggle is not a necessary one. You can be confident by staying one step ahead of the game, knowing exactly what needs to be done next.


This book aims to deliver only the finest and proven techniques, tips, and tricks that will help you along the way. By the end of the book, not only will you be fully prepared to handle the stress, but you will know exactly what things you need to put your baby to sleep and catch some rest yourself. A new life has begun, and with a little help, your normal life can prosper at the same time.

Welcome to The Sleeping Baby Solution where all your worries, questions, and queries will be answered and explained thoroughly!

Release dateMay 14, 2020
The Sleeping Baby Solution: A Complete Training Guide for Baby Sleep and the Perfect Strategies for Sleepless Parents and Stubborn Babies

Rebecca Thomas

Rebecca Thomas is a Welsh author and mother who bases her work on the cheeky charming world she sees around her. With a passion to make her children smile, she writes everything with them in mind, driven by what they would like to read and listen to.

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    The Sleeping Baby Solution - Rebecca Thomas

    The Sleeping Baby Solution

    A Complete Training Guide for Baby Sleep and the Perfect Strategies for Sleepless Parents and Stubborn Babies

    Rebecca Thomas

    © Copyright 2020 - All rights reserved.

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    Please note the information contained within this document is for educational and entertainment purposes only. All effort has been executed to present accurate, up to date, reliable, complete information. No warranties of any kind are declared or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaged in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. The content within this book has been derived from various sources. Please consult a licensed professional before attempting any techniques outlined in this book.

    By reading this document, the reader agrees that under no circumstances is the author responsible for any losses, direct or indirect, that are incurred as a result of the use of the information contained within this document, including, but not limited to, errors, omissions, or inaccuracies.

    Table of Contents


    Who Should Read This Book?

    Before We Proceed

    Chapter 1: The First Few Signs

    Know Your Baby’s Sleep Pattern and Habits

    No! We’re Not Done Yet!

    Chapter 2: Baby - Most Effective Communicator

    A Noise Can Mean Many Things

    Your Child’s Responses to Sounds

    Chapter 3: You Probably Shouldn’t Do That

    Honey, I Found This on the Internet

    But Wait, There’s More!

    Chapter 4: Lullabies - Not the Only Way

    Rock-A-Bye Baby

    So There’s More Than Just Lullabies?

    Chapter 5: The Benefits of a Baby Monitor

    A Guardian Technology or a Noisy Speaker?

    I Bought One, Now What?

    Chapter 6: The Tools for the Little Ones

    Oh, I Want One!

    I Gotta Get One Of These, Too!

    Chapter 7: The Importance Of Naps

    It’s Nappy Time

    Signs That Matter




    Life was going smoothly and everything seemed to be working out just the way you wanted. You had a job, you had a wonderful and supportive spouse, and you had a lovely home that was always warm and inviting. A perfect couple who knew just what the other wanted. You even had a storybook love life to keep things going in the right direction. Finally came the moment where you realized you were about to become a parent. Exciting times, weren’t they?

    You took your time, bought all the items you might need at the beginning. You bought those fluffy pillows, a cozy baby-sized blanket, caps, mittens, socks, and everything adorable that you could think of. The room was eventually ready to welcome a new member to the family.

    Soon enough, the time arrives, you rush to the hospital and prepare for one of the most exciting moments of your life. Your husband is by your side, desperately trying to comfort you. You are going through enormous pain that cannot be explained in words. The doctors come in and say those magic words, Oh, the baby is ready to come out!

    Lo and behold! After excruciating pushes, rapid breathing and agonizing screams, every sound on earth is halted by your baby’s first ever cry. Right there and then, two things happened.

    You just heard your baby’s voice for the first time.

    You just experienced the most blissful moment of your life.

    I am sure most parents or soon-to-be parents knew this already. It is the part that comes next which often puzzles, scares, and even intimidates the unprepared mind.

    Congratulations, you are a parent! Great... What now?

    Parenthood: call it what you may, it is one of the toughest phases in our lives. However, quite a lot of first-time parents tend to focus on the difficulties and how life-altering this phase would be. Let me be the first to tell you that it is okay to be scared. Parenthood is not at all a walk in the park. It takes your entire life to learn how to be a great parent. Growing into your new role as a parent involves constant learning and adapting to changes quickly, as babies grow up fast.

    Parenting is both a wonderful aspect of life and a demanding full-time commitment. Babies certainly look cute, adorable, wonderful and all the sweet words you can think of, but it only takes a day for you to realize that you were completely unprepared for some of the major challenges which no one told you about. The biggest challenge, however, is something that is seemingly simple: getting your baby to sleep.

    The minute your baby is born, say goodbye to your sleep. I promise you that this is an understatement. If you are a parent and you have no idea how to deal with the constant crying, irregular sleeping patterns, and the continuous hunger of your child, you will not be getting any sleep for quite some time. When you suffer from lack of sleep, you will automatically feel things changing around you. Bad tempers within the house, rough days at work, and coming back home to a baby that is still crying; this is all tough. This is a typical situation parents face when they haven’t prepared themselves or equipped themselves with the proper knowledge.

    Luckily, we live in a world where information is now available easily. This means that you can search for anything that you may come across during the first few months of parenting, and someone somewhere would have answered it already. The problem arises when you look at the sheer number of responses. It gets extremely hard to distinguish between right and wrong methods, which is why I decided to step in, and hopefully, address the sleep situation once and for all.

    Who Should Read This Book?

    This book aims to provide facts and information, as well as proven tips and tricks to parents of a child who is under six months of age. If you are a couple who is expecting your child soon, you may have just saved yourself

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