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Lust for Blood
Lust for Blood
Lust for Blood
Ebook29 pages26 minutes

Lust for Blood

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Lust for blood is the terrifying saga of a boy’s lust for human blood. A passion influenced by his Mother, a Voodoo Princess from Haiti. His thirst for blood led him to stealing blood from patients at the rehabilitation center where he worked as a Phlebologist. Concerned that he would be caught, he needed to find a more reliable source of the red gold. While discussing Leech therapy with his Laboratory partner he learned that a leech could suck two ounces of blood from a human in twenty minutes. His search for more information led him to a Leech Lab in Bangor where he met Jade, a young woman hooked on heroin who would become his partner in creating a Leech Farm in his hometown. Many strange twists in this mix of voodoo and drugs. Heroin and Leeches do not play well together

PublisherBob Fields
Release dateMay 12, 2020
Lust for Blood

Bob Fields

Bob Fields possesses an exceptional talent for translating his broadly based life experiences to the written page. A veteran of two wars (three if you count Wall Street), his early hard scrabble life taught him real life lessons; the application of which propelled his success in a military career and numerous business ventures. After his retirement from business in 1999 he began a career as a Free Lance Writer. His work has been published in regional magazines and company oriented newsletters related to the environment. He has published two print books describing life as a boy in the 1940s. Currently, Bob has two short stories in progress, and is working on a historical fiction novel. It is a gripping tale of a white boy and a Maliseet Indian girl overcoming their humble beginnings to become icons for the disadvantaged. Like me on Face Book.

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    Lust for Blood - Bob Fields


    Bob Fields

    Copyright © 2020 Bob Fields

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    Andre Boisson, Phlebotomist Intern at the M.L. Lambert Long Term Care Facility in Hammond Plantation, Maine rinsed his coffee cup and reached in the refrigerator for a quart container of blood. He poured a half cup of blood over two cups of Purina Dog Chow, stirring the mix while whistling a song he loved by Placebo, Black Market Blood.

    Satisfied with the mix, Andre whistled to his Lab, Buster, and set the dish of dog chow on the floor. Buster bounded to the dish like he’d been on a starvation diet for a month. This was Andre’s favorite part of the day: watching his dog exhibit the lust for blood. A behavior ingrained eons ago, when the first wolves inhabited the earth.

    Andre reached for his favorite cup, poured two fingers of blood from the quart container, and diluted it with one cup of milk. He checked his watch, settled into his Lazy Boy recliner, and turned on CNN while sipping his cherished drink. Why did folks’ bad mouth hematophagy, he wondered. Drinking blood and manufacturing foodstuffs and delicacies with animal blood or human blood is a routine feeding behavior practiced in many societies.

    When he was three, his Mother, Anaya Beaulieu, a Haitian Voodooist, explained the widespread ceremony. Her words were reinforced by an article he read at school about religious rituals and symbols in many cultures that seemingly mirror hematophagy, such as in the transubstantiation of wine as the blood of Jesus Christ during Christian Eucharist. Psychiatric cases of patients performing hematophagy also exist. Sucking or licking one’s

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