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Forever's Embrace: Securities International Book 7.5: Securities International, #7.5
Forever's Embrace: Securities International Book 7.5: Securities International, #7.5
Forever's Embrace: Securities International Book 7.5: Securities International, #7.5
Ebook141 pages2 hours

Forever's Embrace: Securities International Book 7.5: Securities International, #7.5

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Lies of the past
Renee has spent half her life pretending to be someone she isn't. Now she has the chance to be herself and have a relationship with her family, but all she ends up doing is hurting those she loves. She's finally ready to live without the lies of the past but she needs to learn from them too.
Lies for a future
Greg has never told his son the truth. He lied to protect the future, and someone has figured it out and is after him now. Suspected in a murder he didn't commit, and out in the open where the elusive Sir lurks, he will have to fight his hardest battle ever. Left by the woman he loves, he must figure out that to live in the future, you must let go of the lies.
Truth to survive
When Renee and Greg finally come together, their lies will either bury them or resurrect them. If they want a future beyond the lies, they'll have to learn that even when the truth hurts, it must be told.


PublisherE.M. Shue
Release dateMay 21, 2020
Forever's Embrace: Securities International Book 7.5: Securities International, #7.5

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    Book preview

    Forever's Embrace - E.M. Shue

    Chapter One


    The phone on my desk rings and I immediately pick it up and answer.


    Hello, Mr. Williams, I have a call for you from Mr. Caine in New York.

    Put it through, Callie.

    I pause and wait for the line to connect. Hello, Noah, what can I help you with?

    I was contacted by a detective with the Santa Fe, New Mexico sheriff’s department. They heard through the grapevine you’re a Securities International employee but didn't know you were with the main office, and I didn’t clarify. They have some questions for you and would like to set up a time to meet with you. I told them I would have you contact them as soon as you could.

    I look at my computer monitor and try to figure out the time in the States. When I'm unable to, I just ask, Noah, what's the time in New York now?

    Eleven. It’s nine in New Mexico. I told him I wasn't sure if you were available right away, but if you're still in the office, you might want to take care of this. He sounded like it was urgent. He wouldn’t give me any information as to what it pertained to, just said it was a private matter between him and you. I'm emailing his number to you now.

    Thanks, Noah. I'll see you Monday morning. And by the way, congratulations on the wedding.

    See you then. Thank you. We’re putting off our honeymoon for a few months until I get this office set up.

    Good choice. I hang up and check my email. I can't think of any reason why I would be getting a call from Santa Fe. Years ago, yes, I could think of why, but not now. Everything has been taken care of since then.

    I dial the number Noah sent and look around my office as I wait for the detective to pick up. I never thought I would be settled in Scotland. That I would be working for the woman I think of as a daughter. I feel blessed after so many years of pain. I have five grandchildren now when there was a time I thought I'd never have that. Both Maya and Derek, my kids, were so scared from their pasts, I didn't think they would ever settle down. Now Maya is married to Duncan and gave birth to triplets four months ago. Two boys and one sweet baby girl. Then my son, Derek, met the second love of his life, Bekah. She already had my princess, Meghan, from her previous marriage. Two months ago, Derek and Bekah gave birth to my third grandson, Owen. After Derek lost his first wife and unborn baby, I never dreamed I'd see him with children. He loves both his birth son and stepdaughter, but as far as he's concerned, Meghan is his too. Meghan's father, Christopher, was killed years ago, and she’d only known Duncan and his team as her father figures until Derek came along.

    This is Detective Pearce.

    Hello, this is Greg Williams. I’m returning your phone call.

    Yes, Mr. Williams, I have questions I would like to ask you regarding the disappearance of Mrs. Williams.

    My blood runs cold. She's been presumed dead for decades now. Memories flood my brain and I try to lock them down. I can't deal with this right now. Not here. Not with Derek right out in the main conference room where he insists on working with Bekah.

    Mr. Williams, did you hear me?

    I shake off the memories and focus back on him. I'm sorry, did you say something?

    I’d like to meet you at your office Monday morning at nine.

    Can't we just talk now? I look at the door, needing to close it before I answer any of his questions. Those secrets can't be revealed this way.

    Mr. Williams, this is better done in person.

    After years of working in law enforcement with the Secret Service, I know what he's doing. He needs to see my reactions.

    Give me a moment. I put the call on hold and walk over to the door. I look out and see Derek leaning over his wife. It would destroy him if he ever found out the truth. I can't allow my son to go through that. I close the door and lock it so no one can walk in.

    I pick up the call again.

    Detective, I've been divorced from Sara for almost twenty-eight years. Not long after our divorce, the hospital called me and stated there was a fire and Sara was presumed dead.

    Mr. Williams, we should talk in person. I'll meet you at your office at nine.

    Fine. I don't clarify that New York isn't my office, but I hang up and enter the appointment into my schedule as miscellaneous so no one will know. A knock sounds on my door. Just a moment, I say loudly so they can hear me. I take several deep breaths trying to calm my nerves. The only thing my son knows is that his mother died shortly after our divorce when he was a baby.

    I walk over to the door and open it.

    Hey, old man, what's with shutting the door? You never close your door. Derek is standing there, his body larger than mine. He's so strong and I'll do anything to continue protecting him, no matter how old he gets. That's what we do as parents.

    Who you calling old? I was just on the phone.

    Yeah, okay. He steps into the room and pushes past me. So, you fly out tomorrow. You coming over tonight to hang with the kids? Your princess is still mad at you for leaving again after you just got home.

    I smile as I slide down into my chair. I was gone for several months on assignment protecting Paige, and Meghan was mad at me, no matter how many tea parties we've had since I've been home. I wasn't able to call her or come home for the holidays. She was just happy I didn't miss her birthday.

    I've decided to call and get the jet ready to fly out late tonight instead. I have a meeting Monday morning I need to prepare for.

    Wait, Dad, what meeting? His head rears back. Now isn't the time to change protocols with Sir targeting us.

    I'll be fine. I brush off his concern. I need to get away and figure out what the detective wants to talk to me about. I can't let Sara interfere with our lives now after all these years. She tried to take everything from me once already.

    You'll be fine, famous last words, Dad.

    Listen, son, I'll be careful, but I want to go see Renee, then I'll stop by and say goodbye to Meghan and Owen.

    Renee, hmm? He smirks at me. I'm glad you're seeing someone. I know all these years since Mom left and died that you never found someone special, but I think you have this time.

    I think I have too. She's a special woman and she's been through a lot, so I don't want to rush her or pressure her into anything. Look what happened with Paige.

    Yeah, that was crazy. I know she didn't mean to hurt Paige, but she did, and she could've caused her to lose the baby.

    She overheard a conversation between Ian and Jen that she took out of proportion. Plus, I wouldn't confirm or deny anything, because I couldn't.

    Well, I'll see you later. I'm going to get my wife home so she can nurse little man. The new nanny is good but he's a momma's boy and doesn't take the bottle very well.

    How is Bekah feeling coming back to work?

    She could work from home, but she loves to come here.

    I heard my name, the soft voice says from the doorway, and I look over to my daughter-in-law, Bekah. The statuesque redhead is beautiful with her green flashing eyes and slim build. Even after just having Owen she says she has another ten pounds to lose, but I don't see it. She walks over and around my desk where I stand and kiss her cheek.

    Hello, beautiful.

    Hey, Dad, are you stopping by tonight?

    That's what we were just talking about. I'll stop by in a couple hours to hang out for a bit before I fly out tonight.

    Tonight? I didn't hear that from Maya when she updated me on monitoring.

    Bekah was an elite hacker and now maintains all our staff monitoring. Her job is to ensure everyone is safe and no facial recognition software is being used on any of us, or that our backgrounds are being searched in any way. Because of the threat of the elusive Sir, we have to take precautions whenever we leave the compound. Bekah spent years hiding in plain sight and is able to help all of us with this. She is the second of our computer geniuses, the first being Timothy, one of Duncan's original team members. Timothy is the head of cyber security. Noah is looking at hiring a third computer genius. There’s a guy he wants to steal away from the FBI office in New York.

    I'm on my way to advise her of the schedule change now.

    Better hurry, I hear she's taking off early ’cause the triplets had a rough night and she's tired. Duncan is home with them now.

    Ah, my little triple threat is giving Mom and Dad issues already. Just wait until that little girl starts to get interested in boys. Duncan is going to go crazy. I chuckle at the thought.

    Him? Shit, I'm going to be there too. Meghan might get us all trained up, but by the time Cara starts, we better have a plan in effect. Derek chuckles.

    True that. We also have Izzy after her.

    If Ana keeps giving Joshua girls, we are going to open a full-time security force just for all the girls.

    Oh, stop, you two. The boys will be just as bad.

    Both Derek and I look at Bekah like she's crazy. I don't know what she's talking about. Maya may not be my biological daughter, but I know all

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