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Too Complex (Part 4)
Too Complex (Part 4)
Too Complex (Part 4)
Ebook23 pages23 minutes

Too Complex (Part 4)

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About this ebook

It’s 2012, and Morrigan just left a bad marriage with a bad guy. Now she has to learn how to navigate dating, resolve her baggage, and enjoy having as much sex as she wants among the rise of leftist politics in Chicago, but in a time just before feminism and sex positivity will go truly mainstream.

After hooking up with Morrigan, Marcus explores his budding bisexuality with Paul.

Release dateNov 25, 2019

Mandy McNamara

Mandy McNamara was the bassist of the legendary riot grrl band Tampoff. She lives in Indianapolis with her husband, boyfriend, and three ghosts, not a single one of which is a succubus.

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    Too Complex (Part 4) - Mandy McNamara

    Too Complex

    Without the opportunity to see his Friday-night date again, Marcus was left with no plans, no particular desire to work for more than a few hours on grading, and some visceral late-autumn ennui over the whole thing. He laid in bed, still able to faintly smell Morrigan on his sheets, his condom still on the floor, with just his mutt, Puddle, to keep him warm.

    I’m bein’ melodramatic, Puddle, he said to his dog, who licked his nose in response.

    Marcus decided there was no time like the present to get his ass out of bed. Puddle jumped off, too, which Marcus loved to watch: Puddle’s stubby legs going askew in front and back as he flew through the air. Sometimes he didn’t quite stick the landing, but apparently, this was a better morning for Puddle than it was for Marcus.

    He put on his clothes from the night before and made a cup of coffee for himself, slipped on his jacket and Puddle’s leash and headed out the door. Lakeview was usually pretty quiet on Saturday mornings — as quiet as any place can be that’s built around a baseball stadium, anyhow. Marcus liked it, but hated the commute down to Hyde Park. He’d gotten stuck in the little coach house he was

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