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Cardiac Diet: A Beginner's Step-by-Step Guide to a Heart-Healthy Life with Recipes and a Meal Plan
Cardiac Diet: A Beginner's Step-by-Step Guide to a Heart-Healthy Life with Recipes and a Meal Plan
Cardiac Diet: A Beginner's Step-by-Step Guide to a Heart-Healthy Life with Recipes and a Meal Plan
Ebook82 pages49 minutes

Cardiac Diet: A Beginner's Step-by-Step Guide to a Heart-Healthy Life with Recipes and a Meal Plan

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Cardiovascular diseases remain to be one of the leading causes of death worldwide. As such, numerous studies have been conducted over the years to develop effective means of lowering the risk for heart issues and improving the health condition of those who already have heart problems.

One of these methods is through the adaptation of the cardiac diet, which is composed of the following elements:

Fresh and brightly colored vegetables

Fresh fruits

Unrefined, whole grains

Plant-based food products

Lean cuts of meat

Healthy fats

Anti-inflammatory beverages

Through the cardiac diet, you will be able to normalize your blood pressure, lower down your weight through the reduction of body fat, reduce your glucose levels, and improve the overall performance of your immune system. As confirmed by multiple research studies, the nutritional value of this diet has a greater effect than most cardiovascular medications available today.

 In this guide, you will learn how to successfully apply the principles of the cardiac diet in your day-to-day life. Using a sample 7-day meal plan as your starting point, you will learn in later chapters how to sustain your new heart-friendly lifestyle. Once you have working knowledge on what to eat and what to avoid, this book shall also equip you with the proven strategies on how to maximize the effects of the cardiac diet in protecting and promoting the wellness of your heart.

Release dateMay 16, 2020

Brandon Gilta

Brandon is an avid research hobbyist on topics relating to health and nutrition. His passion is holistic health and wellness and hopes to spread awareness of the role nutrition and diet plays in one's overall health. He is adept at synthesizing health-specific information from multiple sources and distilling them in an easy to read format that can be easily and quickly be understood by readers of all ages.

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    Cardiac Diet - Brandon Gilta


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    All of the content within this guide is provided for informational and educational purposes only, and should not be accepted as independent medical or other professional advice. The author is not a doctor, physician, nurse, mental health provider, or registered nutritionist/dietician. Therefore, using and reading this guide does not establish any form of a physician-patient relationship.

    Always consult with a physician or another qualified health provider with any issues or questions you might have regarding any sort of medical condition. Do not ever disregard any qualified professional medical advice or delay seeking that advice because of anything you have read in this guide. The information in this guide is not intended to be any sort of medical advice and should not be used in lieu of any medical advice by a licensed and qualified medical professional.

    The information in this guide has been compiled from a variety of known sources. However, the author cannot attest to or guarantee the accuracy of each source and thus should not be held liable for any errors or omissions.

    You acknowledge that the publisher of this guide will not be held liable for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of this guide or the reliance on any information provided within this guide. You acknowledge and agree that you assume all risk and responsibility for any action you undertake in response to the information in this guide.

    Using this guide does not guarantee any particular result (e.g., weight loss or a cure). By reading this guide, you acknowledge that there are no guarantees to any specific outcome or results you can expect. 

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    Where applicable, this guide is not intended to be a substitute for the original work of this diet plan and is, at most, a supplement to the original work for this diet plan and never a direct substitute. This guide is a personal expression of the facts of that diet plan.

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    Cardiovascular diseases remain to be one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Did you know that in the US alone, about 1 of 4 deaths are caused by heart disease? As such, numerous studies have been conducted over the years to develop effective means of lowering the risk for heart issues and improving the health condition of those who already have heart problems.

    There are various ways to do so, one of which is trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle through a strict diet and an active lifestyle. It’s never too late to start one, just as long as you stick to staying disciplined with your health.

    One of these methods is through the adaptation of the cardiac diet, which should consist of fresh and brightly colored vegetables, fresh fruits, unrefined, whole grains, plant-based food products, mean cuts of meat, healthy fats, and anti-inflammatory beverages

    Through the cardiac diet, you will be able to normalize your blood pressure, lower your weight through the reduction of body fat, reduce your glucose levels, and improve the overall performance of your immune system. As confirmed by multiple research studies, the nutritional value of this diet has a greater effect than most cardiovascular medications available today.

    In this guide, you will learn the following:

    ● The Cardiovascular Disease

    ● Types of Cardiovascular Disease

    ● Symptoms and Causes of Cardiovascular Disease

    ● Medical Treatment and Lifestyle Changes for Cardiovascular Disease

    ● Cardiac Health diet

    ● Principles, Benefits, and Disadvantages of Cardiac Health Diet

    ● 5-Step Guide on Getting Started The Cardiac Health Diet

    ● Foods to

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