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Rebirth: King of the Three Kingdoms: Volume 4
Rebirth: King of the Three Kingdoms: Volume 4
Rebirth: King of the Three Kingdoms: Volume 4
Ebook843 pages13 hours

Rebirth: King of the Three Kingdoms: Volume 4

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He had unexpectedly transmigrated and became the big man, the Son of Heaven. Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, and the other generals would be under his control.

let's see how this kid will play with the three kingdoms, and how he will deal with them …

Release dateJun 1, 2020
Rebirth: King of the Three Kingdoms: Volume 4

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    Rebirth - Xin RuDaoGe



    Zhao Yun and Gao Shun's six hundred elite soldiers encircled the door of the General's House in a semicircle. There were one hundred and fifty soldiers holding long spears on each side and killing intent was surging. In the middle, there were three hundred crossbow men.

    At this time, Zhang Zhao and his men could no longer withstand Xu Zhu's attack and were slowly retreating out of the manor. Now, all four of Zhang Zhao's soldiers had died in battle, so Zhang Zhao had no choice but to personally take command. Although he was a scholar, he did not lack the courage to go up and kill the enemy!

    With Zhang Zhao personally taking the field, although the soldiers were defeated, their fighting spirit was not dispersed. Thus, they started to retreat methodically, but Zhao Yun's shout caused a commotion among Zhang Zhao's men. If the door was blocked again, then wouldn't they be like turtles in a jar? Zhang Zhao looked back and saw that there were only five or six hundred people at the entrance. He felt relieved as he saw that he now had nearly two thousand men, while Xu Zhu opposite of him had more than a thousand men. In any case, the weakest amongst them was Liu Xie, who was behind him.

    Looking at the countless soldiers retreating towards the entrance of the General's House, Zhao Yun and Gao Shun looked at each other. Obviously, the other party didn't take Zhao Yun's words seriously. Zhao Yun sneered: Won't surrender? Having said that, he immediately ordered his crossbow men to fire at full force!

    Swoosh swoosh swoosh! Countless arrows flew towards the general's house, the first to be hit was naturally Zhang Zhao's men. The fastest soldiers that retreated were immediately shot down like hedgehogs, and at the same time, another round of arrows shot towards them without stopping! Under the onslaught of the rain of arrows, the gates of the manor were faintly sealed!

    Zhang Zhao's troops raised their shields one by one in an attempt to exit the General's House through the interception of the shield. However, Zhang Zhao was confused because even though the other side only had 300 crossbow archers, the rain of arrows seemed to have far surpassed their number! Zhang Zhao was helpless. Now that Xu Zhu was forcing his way over with his full strength, if he couldn't successfully take down this 600 man army, his army would be completely swallowed up by Xu Zhu sooner or later. Thinking of this, he couldn't care less about the dense rain of arrows as he shouted, Charge, charge!

    After the soldiers received Zhang Zhao's order, Ju Du charged forward with all his might. Compared to the thousands of soldiers behind him, the troop in front of them was much thinner. Therefore, the soldiers all mustered their courage, raised their shields, and advanced step by step while facing the rain of arrows!

    Although Zhao Yun used the Double-hole Crossbow s to increase the density of the arrows, the blood of the Zhang Zhao tribesmen still pierced through one exit. However, in just an instant, the breach was suppressed by the arrows again and again. Zhang Zhao's tribesmen were either repelled by the rain of arrows or killed by the spearmen on both sides. Behind him, Xu Zhu's roar was getting closer and closer. Zhang Zhao's heart turned cold. It seemed that he had to make his last attack!

    Zhao Yun and Gao Shun had suppressed Zhang Zhao's defeated soldiers time and time again, and they could not help but relax a little, but at this moment, Zhang Zhao's men were suddenly in an uproar. Along with the commotion, in the blink of an eye, all the soldiers rushed over, Zhao Yun immediately ordered the troops to gather arrows and fire at them, and they only saw the enemy fall, charge again, fall again, charge again as if they did not know how tired they were, Zhao Yun's heart shuddered, are they trying to break out of the encirclement?

    At that time, the six hundred soldiers of his side would not be able to control the situation and would cause chaos. And behind Zhang Zhao, there were also soldiers following him, Gao Shun thought to here and immediately transferred nearly twenty of the three hundred soldiers from the two flanks. At the same time, he ordered them to remove the Heaven Tremor Bomb s, ignite the fuses, and throw them towards the general's manor!

    Bang bang! The debris on the high wall and the dust on the ground flew in all directions. In the midst of the chaos, dozens of corpses lay within the gates, and more than a dozen soldiers covered the torn parts of their bodies and lay on the ground wailing in agony, unable to bear the sight!

    Although he did not understand what caused the explosion, he knew that today's battle was over. He had cleverly planned for this chaotic battle to force Sun Quan to ascend to the throne, but in the end, Cao Cao and Liu Xie were the ones to ascend to the throne. Thinking of this, he could not help but sigh.

    The explosions did not stop, Gao Shun and Zhao Yun still commanded the soldiers to throw out the Heaven Tremor Bomb!

    They had never seen such a weird yet powerful weapon. Looking at their companions who were all blown up with blood, their legs started to tremble uncontrollably, and some of them even fell to the ground. There was a bang beside their ears, and they were drenched in sweat from the explosion.

    When Zhang Zhao saw this situation, his heart was filled with grief. Could it be that the troops that had followed him for so many years would be completely annihilated like this? He shook his head. If he wanted to preserve the lives of these soldiers, he could only surrender. He knew that the other party possessed such a powerful weapon, and he had no room for manoeuvre today. But who was he going to surrender to? Cao Cao? Liu Xie? Zhang Zhao calculated in his heart. Finally, he faced the entrance of the manor and shouted loudly, I await your decision! We are willing to surrender! "

    Just at this time, Zhang Zhao was escorted by a few soldiers to come out. Since he had chosen Liu Xie, the main character, then if he did not show his sincerity, it would be difficult for the other party to trust him. And right now, the only option was to take him as a hostage and declare his surrender!

    After getting the soldiers to control Zhang Zhao, they let the members of the General's House go to Zhang Zhao's side. When the soldiers came out one after another, Xu Zhu's figure suddenly appeared, but he did not pounce like Zhang Zhao did. The Heaven Tremor Bomb's attack on Zhang Zhao had given Xu Zhu a taste of its own, so he did not dare to rashly attack!

    Seeing this, Zhao Yun laughed, General Xu, are you willing to surrender?

    If it was any other time, he would have rushed out to fight against Zhao Yun. But now, looking at the black metal jar in the other party's hand, Xu Zhu felt a chill down his spine. The body of Zhang Zhao's men was still lying on the ground. Xu Zhu thought for a while and finally chose to retreat. Leading the remaining thousand soldiers, he rushed out from the back door of the manor. Under the circumstances, he could not take Cao Cao's thousand soldiers as a joke!

    Zhao Yun and Gao Shun did not give chase. They had to disperse and regroup Zhang Zhao's unit as soon as possible. If they chased after Xu Zhu at this time, then there might be trouble. The two of them adjusted their troops and went to meet up with Liu Xie!

    At this moment, Liu Xie, along with Zhang Liao and Ma Chao, was leading 600 troops and swiftly rushing to Cao Pi's residence. As the number one enemy in Liu Xie's heart, Liu Xie understood that taking down Cao Cao was equivalent to taking over the world, so he sent out troops in such a hurry, hoping to block Cao Cao inside the residence. He also ordered all the soldiers to fight in a free-for-all battle.

    Liu Xie, who was in the middle of the troop, rode slowly, only feeling that the right hand that was holding the Heaven-Leaving sword was drenched in sweat, as he tried to fight against Cao Cao Cao, who was known to be the hero of this chaotic world, but he did not have absolute confidence that Cao Cao Cao was not inferior to him, Liu Xie believed that Cao Cao Cao was not inferior to him, that during the Xuchang battle, he failed because Cao Cao did not understand him, that he knew his opponent's strength, and that he had made a fatal mistake right from the start, and now, because his Xuchang was stolen by Wu, his heart was on fire, and he wanted to quickly take down his Xuchang. Therefore, Liu Xie was now even more afraid of Cao Cao; not to mention that he had a ghost genius, Guo Jia, by his side. This historical overlord of the Wei Country was, after all, Liu Xie's greatest threat!

    Liu Xie tried his best to suppress his excitement and let out a sigh of relief. But at this time, countless soldiers suddenly appeared on the rooftops on both sides of the street. Each of them nocked an arrow and surrounded Liu Xie's group, and at the same time, a troop of nearly five hundred people flashed out from the opposite side of the street.


    Right now, because Wen Chou was severely injured, he had already been arranged to treat him. At this moment, Cao Cao Cao Cao was looking very smug, ever since Yan Liang had been defeated and withdrawn, he had immediately discussed the countermeasures with Guo Jia. Guo Jia believed that since Liu Tong had already defeated Cao Liang, he would take advantage of the fact that Xu Chu had led his troops out to be besieged by Zhang Zhao, and with the goal of controlling his own forces, he decided to immediately lay siege to Pi's residence.

    At this moment, Liu Xie looked at the archers on both sides of the roof and then looked at Cao Cao. He suddenly smiled and said, Great General, we meet again!

    Cao Cao slightly frowned and sighed, emepror can still smile under such circumstances. I can't help but admire that!

    Liu Xie was still smiling: Such a situation? His brows raised, Could it be that Great General thinks that we will lose without a doubt?

    Cao Cao laughed out loud. He pointed at the archers on both sides and then looked back at the five hundred soldiers and horses behind him: Didn't emepror hear that it's impossible to escape?

    It's impossible to escape with wings? Liu Xie straightened his clothes and spoke indifferently, I only know how to keep things a hundred times more confidential!

    Hearing this, Cao Cao Cao's eyebrows went cold and killing intent instantly surged from his eyes. He raised his hand high up and said in a dense voice, Xu Changzhi Zhan, the hatred of seizing the sword, Wu Tie's death, today the hatred between us has been resolved!

    Liu Xie put his hands behind his back and snorted: Cao Cao, you kidnapped me and betrayed me, it is for disloyalty! Immediately, Ma Chao and Zhang Liao understood what was going on. The two of them quickly gave out orders in secret, and Liu Xie continued to speak: The battle of Guandu, it was us who guaranteed you to be safe and sound at the back, which was why you were able to take care of Liu Tie, and thus obtain complete victory. Now that you are going against us, it is to be disloyal and disloyal, so the people of the world will punish you!

    Humph! Cao Cao Cao was furious, if it wasn't for Liu Xie seizing the Xuchang, why would he let Xun You negotiate with Liu Xie? Liu Xie even took this opportunity to extort from him, and in the end, took the opportunity to seize the Xuzhou and Jingzhou. Cao Cao was angry in his heart, he blurted out: You want to ensure my safety? In the end, it's just to make it easier for me to seize Xuzhou and Jingzhou!

    Liu Xie's face turned cold. Just as he was about to retort, he saw Guo Jia take a step forward and say to Cao Cao, master, he is trying to stall for time!

    Liu Xie was shocked and praised in his heart, As expected of a ghost! Cao Cao was also suddenly enlightened. He coldly laughed at Liu Xie and said, I almost fell for your trick! Then he shouted, Shoot!

    When the soldiers on the rooftops on both sides received the order, they immediately shot out the Wolfteeth Arrow s in their hands. For a moment, they could only hear the buzzing sounds of the bowstrings in the streets.

    Rise! As soon as Cao Cao gave the order, Ma Chao suddenly shouted loudly and his four hundred soldiers immediately took a step forward, surrounding Liu Xie and Zhang Liao with a circle. They then raised their shields and formed a giant wall, blocking all the arrows!

    He had wanted to stall for time to let Ma Chao deploy this circular formation, but he didn't expect that Guo Jia would see through it. He thought that his plan wouldn't be able to be carried out smoothly, but Ma Chao had already planned everything in such a short amount of time, which made Liu Xie feel relieved!

    Cao Cao Cao was also surprised. Even though the arrows on the rooftop were concentrated, but Liu Xie was like a turtle in its shell, motionless, letting the arrows hit the shield mercilessly and then sliding down the shield, just not showing his head. Cao Cao knew that Liu Xie was able to form a circle formation in a short time, so it was not easy to remove it.

    He took a step forward and said to Cao Cao Cao, Father, now that Liu Xie is defending firmly, the archers cannot do anything to him. It would be better to let your son lead the soldiers and break through from the middle, and break open the 'turtle shell' for him! He was certain that Liu Xie was trapped and had no chance to retaliate. At this moment, it was naturally time for him to make a meritorious service. If he, Cao Pi, personally got rid of Liu Xie, then his position as the successor would be more stable.

    After all, this was a battlefield, and Cao Ang's death still lingered in Cao Cao's heart. Therefore, he instinctively wanted to protect Cao Pi, and at this moment, Cao Pi's eyes were full of eagerness, so he could not bear to refuse and so Cao Cao was trapped in a dilemma!

    No way! Yan Liang suddenly stepped forward: Young master, you can't be careless! He then looked at Cao Cao, master, do you still remember the powerful weapon Yan Liang mentioned?

    Powerful weapon? Cao Cao suddenly thought of the mysterious weapon that Yan Liang had described when he came back. Although Yan Liang described it in detail, Cao Cao was still skeptical, a tank that could explode, that was really unheard-of, unseen, and precisely because of this, Cao Cao did not completely believe Yan Liang's words. On the contrary, Cao Cao suspected that this was an excuse made up by Yan Liang because of his failure.

    Hey! General Yan must have been scared by Liu Xie, right? " The thing Yan Liang described had already exceeded the scope of his imagination. If Yan Liang only admitted his defeat, then he, Cao Pi, would still think of him as a righteous man, but he actually made up an excuse. If Cao Cao was not present, the moment Yan Liang lost, he would have ridiculed him, but he endured it in the end.

    Yan Liang's face immediately turned red. Seeing this, Cao Cao hurriedly said to Cao Pi, Zi Heng, you can't be rude!

    Seeing his father speak, Cao Pi bowed to Yan Liang. In his father's eyes, he had to be a perfect man. Even if there were shortcomings, he had to make up for them immediately!

    Yan Liang saw Cao Cao scolding Cao Pi for himself and was slightly touched. He did not know that Cao Cao had always been good at winning over people. Cao Cao said to Wu Tie, My child is unreasonable, please forgive me General Yan!

    Yan Liang waved his hand in panic: master is in serious trouble!

    Cao Cao slightly smiled and pointed at Cao Pi: Zi Heng is young, but he doesn't know how high the sky and how deep the earth is! After he finished speaking, he glanced at Yan Liang and changed the topic. It's precisely because of this that he's going to have to go through so much training. This young man will have to suffer a huge loss in order to gain experience!

    Yan Liang nodded his head in agreement, but then he heard Cao Cao say to Cao Pi: Then your father will give you three hundred men! I'll let you know that the path in this world is not easy!"

    However, Cao Pi was very clear in his heart that Cao Cao's previous words were just to give Yan Liang face, and now that Cao Cao is using this as an excuse to send out his troops, it is clear that Cao Cao does not believe Yan Liang's words. What Cao Pi is happy about is that Cao is going to give him the biggest contribution in the entire day.

    With a low shout, Cao Pi led three hundred elite soldiers and charged towards Liu Xie's army. The army didn't take more than a few steps and slowly deformed on the street, from the square formation to the conical formation. Cao Pi obviously wanted to tear Liu Xie's defense apart with one strike, and break the circular shell from the center!

    Seeing Cao Pi's army nearing, he suddenly turned to look at Zhang Liao, Zhang Liao immediately understood, he had already lit a torch in his hand, at the moment, there were already dozens of Heaven Tremor Bomb in front of him, the troops led by Liu Tong were mostly part of Ma Chao's army, Zhao Yun and Gao Shun had taken away Liu Tong's six hundred elite soldiers, so there were only one hundred personal guards in the group, and one hundred soldiers remained by Jia Hua's side. However, in order to prevent any accidents, Liu Tong had brought over one hundred Heaven Tremor Bomb soldiers from Jia Peng's side, and replaced two hundred soldiers beside him. Liu Tong believed that these Heaven Tremor Bomb could all be taken care of for him!

    In front of his eyes, Cao Pi had already rushed over like a gust of wind. The pikes in the hands of the soldiers were emitting a piercing cold light that seemed to be able to easily pierce through the shields blocking the outside. Liu Xie heaved a sigh of relief.


    As soon as Liu Xie finished his sentence, the dozen soldiers surrounding Zhang Liao immediately picked up the Heaven Tremor Bomb on the ground and sent the fuse into the torch in Zhang Liao's hands. Instantly, a sizzling sound could be heard!

    Cao Pi's heart tightened as he suddenly remembered Yan Liang's depiction. Although he didn't pay particular attention to the peerless weapon that was almost described as a supernatural ability by Yan Liang, but at this moment, his core still sank down with a dong. Cao Pi couldn't help but shout, Get out of the way!

    The soldiers scattered with a loud bang, many of them had followed Yan Liang to attack Liu Xie, and they had personally witnessed the power of the Heaven Tremor Bomb, but when they saw the iron jar flying over, they did not care about what Cao Pi shouted, and immediately dispersed. With a boom, the Heaven Tremor Bomb landed on the ground, exploding a layer of soil, only the two soldiers were not in a rush to dodge, and were blown away!

    The buzzing sound in his ears seemed to gather together, making his whole head feel dizzy. Yan Liang's words suddenly echoed in his ears, and Cao Pi's expression gradually froze. Looking at the soldiers beside him, he didn't know whether he should enter or retreat!

    In the distance, Cao Cao's face was ashen. If he possessed such a weapon, would there still be a need to continue fighting with Liu Xie? For a moment, Cao Cao's heart was in turmoil as he looked at the place where the explosion had taken place with a perplexed expression.

    Guo Jia seemed to have seen through Cao Cao's thoughts. He hurriedly said, master, making such a sharp weapon must be very difficult. The enemy must be very limited!

    As long as he used the opponent's weapon, Cao Cao Cao would still have the ability to compete against the world. For this kind of weapon, he could plan a series of plans, for example, destroy the Heaven Tremor Bomb in Liu Xie's hand, or send people to steal it for his own use. Of course, Cao Cao wished that he could also forge this kind of weapon, so that the weapons between the two parties wouldn't differ too much! Therefore, Cao Cao's eyes suddenly revealed a sharp light. Liu Xie's strength had actually aroused his boundless fighting spirit!

    At this moment, several Heaven Tremor Bomb s were drawn out from Liu Xie's camp, those eerie black bodies were emitting an aura of death, Cao Cao Cao's soldiers repeatedly cried out in alarm, they immediately turned around and retreated, but how could they compare to the speed of the Heaven Tremor Bomb's descent? For a moment, the crowd rumbled, and the fresh red blood that accompanied the constant miserable cries and struggle spread out, finally causing Cao Pi's body to tremble, mixing with the crowd and sprinting away!

    Seeing Cao Pi retreat, Liu Xie immediately stopped the Heaven Tremor Bomb from firing, and pointed at the archers on both sides of the house instead. Zhang Liao understood, and in a short period of time, the roofs on both sides exploded, and the shattered bricks and rubble along with the dead bodies of the enemies fell down one after another, releasing miserable sounds. In a short period of time, the dozens of houses on both sides of the house completely collapsed, and the archers on the rooftops were not spared!

    Ma Chao heaved a sigh of relief. The 400 soldiers immediately put away their shields, raised their spears, rearranged themselves in a square formation and stood proudly!

    Liu Xie had a smile on his face. At this moment, the smoke that was rising from the street was becoming fainter and fainter and gradually disappeared. He looked at Cao Cao Cao and asked, Great General, what do you think?

    His goal was to be the first to seize the Jianye of the main city of Jiangdong, but in the end, he had fallen into the hands of Liu Xie. How could he not be angry, but to say the least, he did not lose in terms of strategic deployment.

    Cao Cao shook his head, he lost to this weapon, if Liu Xie didn't have this peerless weapon, then the outcome would have been decided by now, but now, he was destined to lose. Seeing Liu Xie ask, he said in a deep voice: A hundred secret, a hundred secret ah! He sighed and said: But the contest between us has only just begun!

    Liu Xie shook his head: The so-called 'one move is wrong'. You have lost all the matches and you have already lost the Jianye. In this competition, even you would not be able to take any advantage of me! Now that Sun Quan had lost his Jianye, the hearts of the Jiangdong were shaken, Cao Cao Cao was definitely would seize the opportunity to seize the Jiangdong's territory, this point was unquestionable, Liu Xie had long ago arranged for Lee Feng to send troops to seize the Jiangdong's territories, and Jianye City, was actually the center of the entire Jiangdong. And if one took Jianye as a boundary, then a large portion of the land would be allocated to the west, this point was exceptionally important to Liu Xie, because the edge of this land was his territory and Jingzhou! Liu Xie was not a stingy person, he knew that it was impossible for him to swallow the entire Jiangdong in one go. Of course, if it wasn't for Cao Cao Cao, who was eyeing him covetously like a tiger, Liu Xie might have the strength, but because of Cao, Liu Xie had no choice but to give this small piece of Jiangdong land to Cao Cao, if Cao was forced into a corner, he would definitely join hands with Sun Quan, and this piece of land would be the same as Sun Quan's bait! That's why Liu Xie said Cao Cao couldn't gain any advantage in this contest!

    Cao Cao didn't seem to mind. His expression changed as he suddenly said, This show has just started. It's up to you whether you believe it or not!

    Liu Xie's expression turned cold: I'm afraid you won't have the chance to see it! Just as he was about to give the order for the entire army to attack, a large group of soldiers suddenly sprang out from behind Cao Cao. They were Xu Zhu, who had been defeated and retreated from the general's manor!

    Xu Zhu looked to be in a hurry. He ran all the way to Cao Cao, cupped his hands and said, This general is guilty!

    Cao Cao raised his eyebrows, The General's Estate was taken?

    He was different from Yan Liang, in Xu Zhu's heart, defeat was defeat. No matter what the reason was, this result could not be changed. And because of this result, he couldn't complete Cao Cao's mission, so he came to apologize!

    Cao Cao seemed to not care: The General's Estate was occupied by Zhao Yun and Gao Shun, right?

    Xu Zhu was slightly stunned: How did master know?

    Cao Cao was silent. The only military generals with Liu Xie were Zhao Yun and Gao Shun. Therefore, he was sure that Liu Xie had sent the two of them to act. Thinking of this, he bitterly smiled: The General's Mansion does not blame you for not taking down the general! After Cao Cao said this, his face became gloomy, Gu has already experienced their methods!

    Xu Zhu turned his head and saw the numerous dead bodies in the center. He was overwhelmed with shock, and when he saw Liu Xie's army ready to charge towards them, Xu Zhu immediately shouted, Retreat! Finished speaking, he immediately raised his long blade and held it horizontally in front of Cao Cao. As Cao Cao's personal bodyguard, he had to ensure Cao Cao's safety at all times!

    Cao Cao slightly nodded his head, now there was no point in continuing to fight. He immediately retreated with Xu Zhu, while Cao Pi and Yan Liang led their troops to cut off the rear, retreating out of the city with over a thousand people!

    Half of the city gates had already left with Sun Quan, while the other half had either died or injured or fled. In order to eliminate Liu Xie, Cao Cao had given up on guarding the city gates, but Liu Xie was the smallest in number among the three forces, so he did not have any extra troops to guard the city gates. Although Zhao Yun had already taken down the general's residence, he still had to prevent Zhang Zhao's troops from making use of this opportunity to get out of the city, and the manpower distribution had just finished.

    Liu Xie chased after them all the way, but only managed to kill a few hundred soldiers of Cao Cao and injure Cao Pi. However, because the door was opened, Cao Cao led the handicapped and ran away, while Liu Xie did not try to chase them. Right now, all the forces in the city were eliminated, so naturally, he had to send troops to guard the Jianye.

    The two of them bowed to Liu Xie, but Liu Xie held up Zhang Zhao and sighed: I have long heard of such a talent, so! Saying that, Liu Xie looked at his account number meaningfully: Zi Bu, help me settle the world!

    Originally, because of the death of Sun Ce and the incident of Sun Quan, Zhang Zhao was no longer interested in politics. However, when he saw Liu Xie's fervent gaze, he suddenly thought of Sun Ce. He actually didn't know how to refuse at the moment!

    Seeing Zhang Zhao's hesitation, Liu Xie hurriedly said, I don't mind. I can give you time to consider! If you feel that I am unable to do anything to the world, then I will not force you!

    Zhang Zhao was stunned again. When Sun Ce came to recruit him, he also said the same thing. He looked at Liu Xie in surprise and sighed in his heart, Could it be that this is really fated by the heavens?

    Liu Xie saw Zhang Zhao's strange expression and thought that he was not feeling well. He immediately asked Zhao Yun to arrange Zhang Zhao to rest, while he turned around and went up to the tall Jianye Tower. His gaze was focused on a wide field and Liu Xie's chest suddenly relaxed.


    The next day, Liu Xie once again distributed the defenses of Jianye, with nearly three thousand of his troops being allocated to the head of Jianye for defense. Liu Xie was not worried about Cao Cao, now that Cao Cao had withdrawn, they would definitely meet up with his army, and then begin his invasion of Jiangdong. Liu Xie was more worried about Zhou Yu and Sun Quan, if these two led their troops to counterattack, then Jianye city would become a fierce battle, but Liu Xie also knew, with Lee Feng's ten thousand troops near the lake, there wouldn't be much of a problem with Jianye!

    First of all, Liu Xie had just entered the Jianye, and there were many things that he could not begin to do. After all, this was a strange place, and all the administrative aspects, Liu Xie had to start from the beginning, so it was inevitable that he would waste a lot of time and the results would not be good. Thus, Liu Xie urgently needed a senior in the routine affairs of Jianye, so it would naturally save him a lot of effort.

    At this time, Liu Xie was living in Liu Tie's original residence, which was also the General's Estate in Jianye City. He looked around and saw that the red stone pillar in the hall was still standing upright. The decorations on the left and right of Ju Du had not changed, but the people sitting in the hall had changed. Zhou Tie sighed as he thought back to the time when Sun Ce had sat there commanding the entire army.

    Liu Xie, seeing this, knew that Zhang Zhao thought of his former master, but he was not annoyed. He only smiled. It was not a bad thing for a person to think of old times, because if such a person joined his new master, he would still do his best! Liu Xie suddenly pointed to a chair in the hall and said, "Take a seat!

    Zhang Zhao complied and sat down on the left side. He then cupped his hands and said, May I ask what is the matter that His Majesty wishes to summon this commoner? Now that Zhang Zhao was no longer a subordinate of Jiangdong and Liu Xie had not bestowed him with an official title, Zhang Zhao was just a commoner!

    Liu Xie's expression changed. He frowned and said, What you said is wrong!

    Zhang Zhao was a bit confused: What's wrong?

    Liu Xie asked in a low voice, Whose world is it now? Zhang Zhao was stunned: This Great Han Dynasty is naturally emepror's world, it is the Liu Family's world!

    That's right! Liu Xie smiled, That Sun Quan is also just a subordinate! He pointed to Zhang Zhao and said, "You, Zhang Zibu, may be one of Sun Quan's men, but you are also one of my men. How can you call yourself a commoner now that I have not even stripped you of your position?

    Zhang Zhao was slightly stunned, but he quickly understood that Liu Xie was admitting his identity and also showed Liu Xie's sincerity in accepting him. He immediately apologized, Looks like I was wrong!

    Seeing him change his words, Liu Xie said: The reason why I sent this message back to you was to transfer you back to the Xuchang and take up your position in the Department. I want to hear what you have to say!

    As for the three provinces' Six Ministries system, including Hongwen Tavern, Martial Arts Practice Hall and Xinlin Hall, no one was unaware of them, and he himself had collected several Jianan Daily newspapers, so Zhang Zhao also understood the three provinces' Six Ministries system, he understood that it was an excellent political system, but he had considered for the three provinces' Six Ministries system, especially the three provinces' system, to have the power to control the monarchy. Zhang Zhao knew that this point was unacceptable to almost all the monarchs, and Sun Ce was no exception, this was also the reason why the three provinces' Six Ministries systems had not been imitated for so long. In his heart, he was grateful. This was enough to prove the importance that Liu Tong placed on him, but after pondering for a long time, Zhang Zhao finally shook his head. This subject thanks Your Majesty for your good intentions, but this subject is more willing to stay in the Jianye!

    Liu Xie nodded. Tell me your reason!

    Zhang Zhao cupped his hands and said, It is true that the Xuchang Capital is very good and is what this subject desires, but this subject has no achievements, so how can I accept such a favor from emepror? So this subject is willing to stay in the Jianye to accumulate merits! After he finished speaking, he said calmly: Moreover, I'm in need of Jianye right now!

    Indeed, right now, there was no place that needed him more than Jianye, and he originally only hoped that Zhang Zhao would stay in Jianye. However, he was more hoping that Zhang Zhao would understand his own feelings, understand the importance he placed on him, and thus obtain Zhang Zhao's loyalty. Thus, he slowly said, So it's good! With Zi Bu here, we will definitely be able to call for help, and it will also be much more convenient for us to rebuild our Jianye!

    Zhang Zhao naturally understood Liu Xie's meaning. Since he could order the officials to oppose Sun Quan, then he could also order these people to submit to Liu Xie. This way, not only could the citizens be at peace, it could also help Liu Xie consolidate his power in Jianye City! Thus, he bowed and said, Your servant is willing to serve you until the end!

    Liu Xie laughed, Then we will immediately appoint you as the Jianye's Prefect, and if we can obtain the Jiangdong, then the child will be the Jiangdong's Feudal Provincial!

    Wu Junfu thanked him again, but just at that moment, Jia Xu came rushing over in a panic. Liu Xie was suspicious in his heart, Jia Xu was always calm, so he was worried that something big must have happened, so he hurriedly asked, Wenhee, what happened?

    Jia Xu glanced at Zhang Zhao, only to see Liu Xie nodding slightly as he hurriedly said, Your Majesty, something terrible has happened. Royal Uncle has rebelled!

    What? He suddenly stood up from his chair. Can you explain it more clearly? What's Royal Uncle Liu going against?

    He actually took advantage of General Li Feng and General Pang Ping's attacks to suddenly launch an attack on the Xuchang. Fortunately, Wen Ruo, Hou Cheng and Song Xian fought with all their might to preserve the Xuchang, after which, Liu Bei led the troops to the Runan, which was guarded by Zhang Fei who flew through the door to receive them. The Runan had already fallen, and after that, Liu Bao and Zhang Fei had gathered 30,000 people from the Runan, and 40,000 people gave up their Runan, but from the looks of it, they wanted to take the Jingzhou and head towards Shu!

    Liu Xie felt a chill down his spine as he listened to Jia Xu's report. He sighed, I have been on my guard. In the end, I can't stop him.

    Jia Xu and Zhang Zhao did not understand what he meant. The two of them were slightly stunned, but they heard Liu Xie say: The Runan is close to the Xuchang, the one to the north is the Xuzhou, while the one to the west is the Jingzhou, so the Runan is trapped in the middle in a semicircle. The surrounding area, Ju Du, is within our army's sphere of influence, so that's why Liu Bei wants to escape, if we guard the Runan, he will be swallowed up sooner or later!

    Wu Tie nodded his head: "First, Liu Bei used ten thousand troops and horses to surprise and attack Xuchang, but to no avail. Afterwards, he led forty thousand troops and gave up on attacking Xuchang, because Xuchang is on guard, making it difficult to obtain victory. Secondly, he was worried that our Xuzhou would come to our aid, but once news got from various places, it would be difficult for him to get out of our control.

    Zhang Zhao had already heard the gist of it, and upon hearing Jia Xu's analysis, he could not help but slightly nod his head, only to see Liu Xie suddenly exclaim: Take the Jingzhou path?

    If it was simply taking the path of Jingzhou to Shu, Liu Xie would feel better in his heart. But now, since the one guarding the Jingzhou was Liu Bei's foster brother, this had to be Liu Bei's mental state, and Liu Bei was obviously going to take the path, then not only would he not be able to take the Jingzhou, he would also be in dire straits, and at that time, forget about Cao Cao, even Zhou Tie who was on his last breath, would not have any power to fight with him. If he could not protect himself at that time, he would have to retreat. Even if Guan Yu wouldn't betray him, but the matter of Liu Xie borrowing Dao couldn't be changed. In the past, Guan Yu was able to let Cao Cao Cao off, so how could he be his sworn brother? However, what made Liu Xie suspicious were two things. Firstly, why would Liu Bei have ten thousand men and horses? Liu Xie had never let Liu Bei touch the military, and ten thousand men was not a small number, so Liu Bei himself would not collect all ten thousand men and horses. However, the second point was why Liu Bei went to Sichuan. Could it be that Liu Zhang would ignore all of this? Before the battle yesterday, Cao Cao had said that their contest had only just begun. At that time, Liu Xie did not understand what was going on, but now, it seemed that it was related to this matter. Thinking of this, he suddenly asked, This letter was written half a month ago!

    Wu Tie nodded, and then heard Liu Xie say: Then he shouldn't have reached Jingzhou yet! He made some calculations and suddenly said, Quick! We need to hurry to the Jingzhou!


    Originally, when Sun Quan and Sun Quan had withdrawn their Jianye, they had reunited with Han Dang's ten thousand men to fight back against the Jianye. But because of Li Feng's sudden appearance, Sun Quan and Zhou Yu had no choice but to return with Han Dang to Jiang Du, but at this time, Cao Cao Cao and Li Dian and Xu Huang's twenty thousand men suddenly attacked Jiang Du and were trapped in Jiang Du. Zhou Yu and Sun Quan had originally planned to join together with Jiang Dang and the entire army. Their military objective was the Martial Arts Competition!

    Sun Quan and Zhou Yu took Han Dang's ten thousand men and horses around Lake Tai and tried to get into Wuxian, but Xiahou Chunson had to block them in the middle of the battle for the big picture. Han Dang had been shot in the left shoulder by Xu Huang, and Zhou Yu had almost been wounded by Xu Zhu. Sun Quan did not dare to linger because Xu Zhu and Xu Huang were right behind him.

    A few more soldiers and horses returned, but today, it was Poyang. Sun Quan stopped in his tracks and turned to Zhou Yu, Gongjin, how is your injuries? Righteous Master, Han Dang's Table Words)

    Zhou Yu said in a deep voice, After two days of rest, there's no longer any problem with my injuries!

    He had only inherited the position of Jiangdong Lord for less than three months, but the Jiangdong before him had already been torn into pieces, and he himself had been forced into a corner. Under such a situation, Jiang Du, Shouchun, Guest Hall, Wu County, and other places were finally saved, so the Jiangdong was already in danger!

    Zhou Yu understood Sun Quan's feelings and couldn't help but sigh. Do you have any plans for the next step?

    Sun Quan was silent. He stared at Poyang Lake with a blank look on his face. Zhou Yu was stunned. Shang mou wants to go to Chai Sang?

    Sun Quan nodded: No matter what, we must go to the Chai San!

    Zhou Yu shook his head, Chai San Shou had ordered Taishi Ci to break away from the Jiangdong a month ago and use Chai Sang to establish his own sect! Then he smiled bitterly: I know Taishi Ci, since he said so, he will do it! Thinking back, it wasn't easy for Bo Li to subdue him either, you can see how unruly and unruly he is!"

    Through the misty surface of Poyang Lake, Sun Quan seemed to see Chai San's majestic green wall. My Sun family treats Taishi Ci quite well. I don't believe that he can be so heartless!

    It was just that he respected the little tyrant of Jiangdong, Sun Ce, and not you, Sun Quan. Of course, Zhou Yu would not say these words, he saw that Sun Quan had already made up his mind, and immediately turned around and gave the order: The entire army will set off, target Chai San!

    In the city of Chai Sang, Taishi Ci sat alone in Prefect's manor. In front of the table, a stack of bamboo slips was stacked up on top of each other, but it was all from the military information, Cao Cao Cao had already besieged three cities, Jiang Du, Ye Ming and Wu County, while Liu Xie had occupied the Jianye and sent his troops and Shouchun, at the same time, forced Taishi Cison to control the Jianye, and the nearby cities of Prefect, Lu Jiang, Dan Zong, and so on. Taishi Ci slightly closed his eyes, and his Jiangdong was no longer as glorious as it was back when he was Sun Ce.

    Taishi Ci suddenly opened his eyes. On the table, other than this information, there was also a scroll written with cotton silk, and this letter came from Zhang Zhao of Jianye City. And this afternoon, Zhang Zhao sent a subordinate to deliver this persuasion letter!

    In fact, there was a good relationship between Taishi Ci and Sun Cheng, and when the two of them were together, Taishi Ci and Taishi Ci was always on the same side, just like how Sun Ce used to be on both sides, and he was the same as Zhang Zhao, only because he was subdued by Sun Ce, he decided to take Taishi Ci as his master. It could be seen that the two of them were very similar, and because of this, Taishi Ci was unable to reject Zhang Zhao, but Taishi Ci was an extremely proud person, and if no one could convince him, he would definitely not surrender.

    As for this Liu Xie? However, at that time, Liu Xie was only at the level of Xuchang, but now, in just a few short years, he had become one of the top forces in the world. From this, it could be seen that Liu Xie was not only extraordinary, but Zhang Zhao had also stated in his letter that Zhang Zhao was a person who sought truth from facts, thus, Taishi Ci knew that Zhang Zhao's evaluation of Liu Xie must have been very accurate. Thinking of this, Zhang Zhao's heart trembled.

    General, there is a military report! Outside the door, a soldier whispered.

    Taishi Ci put down his thoughts and slightly raised his head: Come in!

    The door squeaked as it was pushed open. A soldier rushed in and said in a low voice, General, Sun Quan and Zhou Yu have led ten thousand men and horses to the city gates!

    Taishi Ci was not surprised, he slightly nodded: You go first! We would have come at any time!

    Under the city, Sun Quan's ten thousand men and horses seemed to be a little sluggish. These days of running had exhausted this army that was originally brimming with energy, so Taishi Ci climbed onto the city wall to take a look, only to see Sun Quan on his horse before the army came out. When he saw Taishi Ci coming out, he hurriedly shouted: Taishi Ci, open the city gates, we are entering the city!

    Taishi Ci sneered. Was this Sun Quan farting when he spoke? He himself had long declared that the world had left the Jiangdong, yet he was still as arrogant as before, and could not help but snort. I have already left the Jiangdong, Sun Quan, you do not have the qualifications to order me!

    When Sun Quan heard this, he spoke seriously, Taishi Ci, my Sun family treats you well. I didn't expect you to be so ungrateful!

    Taishi Ci shouted, Shut up, your father is convinced by General Sun Ce, what right do you have to convince me, a brat? Hmph, you haven't even been in power for three months and you've already lost several cities. You, Sun Quan, are quite capable!

    Sun Quan's face turned green and white after being stabbed by Taishi Ci. He no longer cared about his status and shouted towards the city wall, Taishi Ci, get the hell down here. I will fight you one on one!

    Hahaha! Taishi Ci threw his head back and laughed. Upon seeing this, Zhou Yu quickly pulled Sun Quan back and whispered, Zhong Fu, you are not his opponent!

    Sun Quan frowned: Do you look down on me that much as well?

    Zhou Yu sighed, I am not looking down on you. You must understand, as the ruler of a country, one must not let his emotions go to waste. Now that his Jiangdong is in danger, he still needs you to revitalize his Jiangdong and the Sun family! Saying this, Zhou Yu helplessly took a step forward and shouted at the top of the city wall, Taishi Ci, Zhou Yu has come to fight you on behalf of my lord!

    Although Sun Quan was young and vigorous, he was still the overlord of the future. Having been reminded by Zhou Yu, he had calmed down. Seeing that Zhou Yu wanted to take his place, he quickly said, Gongjin, Sun Quan has been taught!

    In fact, Taishi Ci still admired Zhou Yu a lot, and Zhou Yu was one of the few people whom he admired on the entire Jiangdong floor. But he also understood that Zhou Yu was an expert in command, and as for Zhou Yu's martial arts, Zhou Yu was not even close to him, and seeing Zhou Yu and Sun Quan's conversation under the city, he was actually moved by the relationship between the two of them. Thinking back to when he and Sun Ce were in the same situation, he sighed slightly and said, Let's stop this matter, you guys leave!

    Zhou Yu was startled, but seeing Taishi Ci's emotional expression, his heart moved, and hurriedly advised: General, you are also an important subject in Jiangdong, now that your Jiangdong is in danger, why not give face to Bo Li and lend a hand?

    Taishi Ci heaved a sigh of relief and said, I've pledged my allegiance to the Son of Heaven. Leave before I go back on my word! After he finished speaking, he cast a glance at the people below the city, With just your ten thousand exhausted masters, you are not my match!

    Seeing that Taishi Ci had made the matter clear, Zhou Yu knew that Taishi Ci had given him some face on behalf of Sun Ce. He immediately cupped his hands towards the city wall, turned his head and said, Let's go!

    Sun Quan sighed heavily, Now we can only go to Jiangxia! Without looking back, he led the way and left! On the city wall, Taishi Ci let out a heavy sigh. Since he was able to say that he was going to join Liu Xie, then he had already made up his mind and was prepared to accept Zhang Zhao's recruitment. Looking at Sun Quan's back as he walked away, he thought of Sun Ce and sighed, The next time we meet, you and I are enemies!


    Jingzhou. At this time, Jingzhou Feudal Provincial Guan Yu had withdrawn his Xiangyang troops from Sanjiang. The reason was because he had received news that Liu Bei and Zhang Fei had rebelled!

    He had to get Guan Yu to come back to his aid. At the same time, he was also facing an important matter, Liu Bei and Zhang Fei were sworn brothers with him, and in the Peach Blossom Garden, the three of them had even sworn an oath that they would live and die together. Now that the two of them had rebelled, where should he go?

    If he had responded to Liu Bei, raised his arms to rebel, then that would be disloyalty. He would be disloyal to Liu Xie, he would be disloyal to the whole man, but on the other hand, if he sent his troops to attack Liu Bei, it would be against the principles of the Peach Garden. Guan Yu's thick silkworm eyebrows slightly trembled, and this caused him to fall into a situation of disloyalty, no matter how he chose, he would not be able to make the same decision. However, he still hadn't made up his mind. Guan Yu suddenly put down the 'Spring and Autumn' in his hand. He looked at the dark sky and sighed: It seems that we can only take one step at a time!

    Outside of Xiangyang, there was a vast expanse of water with no end, and the crescent moon in the night sky was shrouded in mist, revealing only a faint shadow. It seemed so indistinct, and even from afar, it caused one to feel at a loss!

    Passing through the river, Liu Bei's group of soldiers were camping on the other side. At this moment, Liu Bei was standing alone by the river, looking at the waves in the dark night, but his heart was filled with worry!

    Ever since that day, when he made an agreement with Zhou Jinzhong to cooperate and hand over the Double-hole Crossbow's blueprints to Zhou Jinzhong, Liu Bei regretted it, and what he was worried about also appeared a month later. Zhou Jinzhong threatened the Double-hole Crossbow's blueprints with Divine Troops Hall, and if Liu Bei did not agree to raise his troops and rebel, then he would give this blueprint and the report letter to Liu Xie, informing them of Liu Bei's disloyalty!

    If he had obtained this letter and this blueprint, he was afraid that Liu Xie would not let him go, so, under his helplessness, he could only agree to Zhou Jinzhong's actions of revolting against him. However, he had his own thoughts, since he did not receive any important information from Liu Xie, then it would be better for him to stand on his own feet, and with that, perhaps, this was his only way out. After failing to launch another sneak attack on the Xuchang, he would immediately lead his troops towards Runan.

    Of course, Liu Bei didn't understand Zhou Jinzhong's meaning, how could he be willing to go with Liu Zhang as the overseer of Yizhou? Cao Cao Cao had already reached an agreement with Liu Zhang. As long as Liu Zhang could make it free for Liu Bei to live in death, he would help Liu Zhang eliminate Zhang Lu. On the one hand, Liu Zhang was from the same sect as Liu Bei, and on the other hand, Liu Bei had extremely high reputation, so he was not worried that Liu Bei would take the opportunity to take his Yizhou and Zhang Lu's injuries. Thus, he agreed to Cao Tie's request!

    When Liu Bei found out that the person behind the scenes was Cao Cao Cao, he couldn't help but feel extremely regretful. Liu Bei found out that the person behind the scenes was Cao Cao, and couldn't help but feel extremely regretful. But things had already come to this point. He, Liu Bei, had publicly judged the enemy. Even though he regretted it, there was no room for negotiation! He had been wrong all along! Since Cao Cao was using him, why not make use of Cao Cao Cao, this great resource, now that he had betrayed Liu Xie, Liu Xie would definitely not let him off the hook, but with his current strength, he was unable to contend against Liu Xie, thus, he could borrow Cao Cao Cao's strength to protect himself, Liu Bei thought of this and was relieved a lot, after that, he had another plan, which was Jingzhou. No one in the world was willing to be controlled by others, the reason why Liu Bei listened to Zhou Jinzhong was because Zhou Jinzhong was one of the ten thousand soldiers, and after meeting up with Zheng Tie, he wanted to use Cao's power, so he was not able to use his Jingzhou. In that case, he no longer needed to borrow the strength of Cao Cao, and he no longer needed to go to the Yizhou. Relying on the location of the Jingzhou and the connection to this Zhou Steel from the same sect, he would definitely be able to make a name for himself and become one of the strong!

    Liu Bei and Guan Yu had been friends for many years, so he understood Guan Yu's character very well. If he said that he was in trouble, then Guan Yu would definitely protect him, but he also knew that if this matter involved the country Liu Bei, which was the most loyal, then Guan Yu had always considered himself to be in the middle, so what choice would he make now that it was loyalty and righteousness? On this point, even Liu Bei could not make a decision!

    At this moment, Zhang Fei, who had finished reorganizing his military affairs, came to Liu Bei's side. Brother, what are you thinking about?

    When he first chose to join Runan, he had already thought about Jingzhou, but in the end, he still chose Runan. He was very straightforward, and was confident that he could persuade Zhang Fei, but now, looking at Zhang Fei who looked exceptionally tired from the continuous march of the day, Liu Bei actually sighed in his heart, God knows if he will end up implicating Zhang Fei in this matter.

    Big brother? Seeing that Liu Bei was silent, Zhang Fei quickly asked, Brother, are you alright?

    Liu Bei woke up from his trance and said with a smile, It's okay, it's okay!

    Although Zhang Fei was rude, he could still see that Liu Bei was preoccupied with something. He said in a deep voice, Big Bro must be thinking about Second Bro, right?

    When Liu Bei saw Zhang Fei mention Guan Yu, his heart sank again. Just as he was thinking of getting rid of Guan Yu, his thoughts surfaced again. He then heard Zhang Fei say, Don't worry big brother, Second brother always puts loyalty first. I believe, he must have the same heart as us!

    Liu Bei smiled bitterly. How could Zhang Fei understand Guan Yu? The word loyalty was equally important in Guan Yu's heart. Perhaps in the boundless night, Guan Yu was also troubled by this matter. Liu Bei quickly changed the vexed topic and asked, Right, aren't the soldiers in the camp preparing a bonfire for dinner? Why did you come out?

    It's fine if Liu Bei did not bring up this matter, but when he said it now, he saw a layer of anger float up on Zhang Fei's face: "Isn't it because of Zhou Jinzhong? I don't care about my soldiers, what does it have to do with him?

    Ai! Ever since he had come to an agreement with Zhou Jinzhong, Zhou Jinzhong had been following him as a strategist, saying that he was a strategist to advise him, but in reality, Zhou Jinzhong was watching his every move on behalf of Cao Cao. And now, Zhou Jinzhong was actually pointing his fingers at Zhang Fei's thirty thousand soldiers of Runan, which meant that Zhou Jinzhong wanted to join the army of his own direct descendant, and this had made Liu Bei wary, because if Zhou Jinzhong controlled the thirty thousand soldiers and horses of Zhou Jinzhong, then he would be completely reduced to Cao Cao's puppet! Liu Bei frowned when he thought of this!

    Zhang Fei continued to complain, Why did you let this fellow be our Military Advisor? If it wasn't for Big Bro's words, I would have definitely cut him down! Liu Bei had always kept Zhou Jinzhong's true identity a secret. He hadn't even told Zhang Fei about it!

    Don't worry, Third Brother. When the time is right, Big Brother will definitely vent his anger for you! He understood that Zhou Jinzhong was a scourge after all. If Guan Yu was willing to offer up Jingzhou to him, then he could kill this fellow tomorrow when he enters the Xiangyang!

    Zhang Fei was overjoyed upon hearing Liu Bei's words. Are you serious? Upon seeing Liu Bei nod his head in tacit approval, he

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