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Hot Billionaire Night: So Hot Billionaires, #8
Hot Billionaire Night: So Hot Billionaires, #8
Hot Billionaire Night: So Hot Billionaires, #8
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Hot Billionaire Night: So Hot Billionaires, #8

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It was a dare. Mariah wasn't my type. She was quiet, sweet and kind. I was a player and she was a girl whose heart didn't deserve to be played. But the way she moved on the dance floor, the way she looked into my eyes and the way that she kissed me gave me no choice. Now the night is over and all I'm full of is regrets. Regrets for hooking up with a nice girl and regrets for breaking her heart.


I was just out of a long-term relationship. I didn't even know how to function on my own. I was used to being dependent on someone. Gavin was tall, handsome and successful. I knew he was a billionaire, but it wasn't his money I was after. I needed a rebound and someone to help me move on from my ex. Soon I found myself in his bed and I had no reason to say no. But now my world is changed forever. His world is changed forever. I have a secret that I need to tell him, but I was nothing to him. 


Will Gavin fall for Mariah and continue a relationship, or will his player ways ruin it all? Will Mariah tell Gavin she's pregnant with his baby, or will she choose to keep it a secret?


A HEA that proves sometimes all it takes to change your life for the better is one night.

Release dateMay 25, 2020
Hot Billionaire Night: So Hot Billionaires, #8

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    Book preview

    Hot Billionaire Night - Melody Love


    By Melody Love

    This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

    Copyright © 2020 Melody Love

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    Chapter 1 – Gavin POV Friday

    I was looking forward to happy hour. It had been another grueling week at the office and I felt like I deserved a break. Ever since I’d accepted the position as CEO of Iguanodon, life had become hectic and stressful. I loved the fact that I could control all of what happened in the business, but sometimes I felt like I was just way too busy for my own good. I took one last look at my pile of paperwork and decided to call it a day.

    Hey, Maxi. I’m heading out for the day. I hope you have a great weekend. I smiled at my human resources manager and then walked down the hall.

    Have a great weekend, Mr. Ferrell. Mary from the payroll department gave me a wave and I continued on my way, eager to get out and have a few drinks. Indianapolis was known for its exciting nightlife and hip crowds, especially in the summer time. I had already texted my buddies Drake and Bill to see if they wanted to meet me at Bar Audi. Both of them had responded that they would love to meet me out for a few drinks.

    I got on the elevator and took it to the first floor, then got off and walked down the long lobby. Most of my employees were packing up for the day and I made sure to acknowledge them all as I made my way outside. It had been my experience that the more I appreciated everyone in the office, the more productive they were in return. I loved being in charge of a successful company like Iguanodon and I knew that my team felt a sense of pride being there, too.

    See you on Monday, Mr. Ferrell, called Emily, my customer relations executive.

    Take care, Emily. Make sure you do something fun this weekend, I smiled and then made my way out to the paved walkway that led to my car. The Indiana sun pelted down on my neck, even though it was five o’clock. Summer was in full swing and I had absolutely no complaints. I loved the feel of the heat, the way the women looked in their cute outfits, and the way the trees bloomed all along the downtown. People seemed friendlier, more alive in the summer and for that I was also grateful. 

    Over here, Gavin! I could hear my buddy Drake call from the bar. I nodded my head and worked my way through the crowd to meet him.

    What’s up, man? I asked when I was able to get next to him. This place is packed, I added. Drake nodded his head.

    You’re telling me, he said. I had to wait almost fifteen minutes to get this seat, he added. Come on, sit down. I grabbed you a stool, too, he added. I squeezed in and waited for the bartender to make eye contact.

    Hey, I’ll have a scotch on the rocks, I said. The bartender smiled and then disappeared to make my drink. Glad we could get out together, man, I said as Drake sipped a beer.

    He nodded his head in agreement. Definitely. I know you work your ass off all week just like me. I was more than ready to come chill out for a few hours. A crowd of college kids walked in the bar and then entire lobby was soon packed. I took my phone out for a second to check the time and saw a notification. I’d gotten a text from Bethany Chama, my secretary.

    Great, I rolled my eyes and put my phone back in my pocket. Bethany had been texting me ever since we hooked up and I was getting really annoyed with her constant messages. I didn’t want to be totally blunt with her but I just wasn’t feeling the vibe. We’d hooked up after a long night at Jasmine’s Hookah House and I’d regretted it almost immediately. The sex had been great but I had no intentions of dating her. I wasn’t a total asshole, so there was no way I was going to tell her straight up to leave me alone but at the same time I also expected her to catch my drift.

    Are you checking out those girls over there? asked Drake, nudging me in the ribs. I looked up and saw a group of gorgeous girls, blonds and brunettes, standing in the lobby, flirting with what looked to be a receptive group of guys about the same age.

    Yeah, I’d be happy with any of those, I said with a laugh. Drake chuckled and took another sip of his beer. I had to admit that being as rich as I was had its benefits. For one, it seemed like I was a complete women-magnet now. Wherever I went, some gorgeous chick was always ready to give me her number. Indianapolis wasn’t a small city, but word still got out and many people in the immediate area knew who I was.

    I didn’t want to complain about it, but sometimes being loaded had its disadvantages, too. For example, I never knew if a woman liked me for my cash or for my personality. It got confusing at times and I eventually decided to just back off of any serious relationships for the time being.

    I think I see Bill, I said.

    Yep, agreed Drake as he leaned forward in his seat.

    Over here! I called out and waved. Bill saw us and walked casually to the bar.

    What’s going on? he asked with a grin. Drake and I had been friends with Bill since college. When Drake and I had taken time off to travel and party, Bill was in Indiana creating his start-up company that now grossed over two billion dollars a year. I looked up to the guy and considered him one of my truest confidantes.

    We were both just admiring the view of the lobby, I grinned and elbowed Drake in the ribs. Bill looked in that direction and raised his brows.

    Oh, yeah, he said. There’s a few smoking hotties up there, he said and sat down.

    I might have to go strike up some conversation, I said with a grin.

    Hey, wait a second. What happened to your secretary? asked Bill with a laugh. I shook my head.

    Don’t start, I said and took the last sip of my drink. Bill laughed.

    What? he asked with a grin. I thought you said Bethany knew exactly how to ride a dick, said Bill, chuckling. I shook my head and flagged the bartender.

    Another scotch on the rocks, please, I said and looked at Bill.

    And can I have a gin and tonic? he asked. The bartender took off to make our drinks and Drake covered his face and laughed.

    Oh, shit, said Drake, uncovering his face. I remember you telling us how great she was in bed, he laughed and then finished his beer. I rolled my eyes.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, I said. It was a cool thing back when it happened but that was like, months ago and I’m over it, I said. Drake and Bill laughed.

    Okay, Casanova, said Drake. Is that why she’s still texting you every day? Because it’s over? he asked.

    Look, man, I tried giving her a million hints, I said. But I guess she’s just not good at picking up on clues, I said.

    Must be hard to have so many women falling at your feet, said Drake.

    Oh, come on, man. You don’t do so bad, I said. Last I remember you had at least three chicks on your tail, I added. Drake worked for a digital marketing company and there were always women at his office trying to get his attention.

    Yeah. I guess you’re right about that, said Drake. I just don’t like hooking up with chicks from work, he added as he sipped his drink. Besides, I’m really happy with Kayla, he added.

    Well, at least you have options, said Bill with a laugh.

    Yeah, having options is good, said Drake. I mean, most chicks want a relationship. I guess I should be happy. Shit, even most guys by the time they reach our age want a relationship, too, he added. that’s why I’m glad that I think I’m finally going to settle down with Kayla, he added.

    I’m not in that category, I said, shaking my head. I have no intentions on settling down right now. I’ve got a profitable business that I need to take care of and I have a pretty nice social life that I don’t want to see end, I said.

    Yeah, agreed Drake. I can see why you’d like to just remain single, he said. But at the same time, don’t you ever think about settling down? he asked.

    I laughed. Sure. I think about it. But thinking about something and doing it are two separate things. Drake and Bill chuckled. "Right now, I’m happy being Gavin the bachelor.

    Well, enjoy it while it lasts, said Bill. Because one of these, you’ll be tied down to someone, he added.

    Yeah. I guess that’s how it seems to work out, I laughed. But only if the perfect woman shows up, I confirmed. Drake and Bill shook their heads and laughed.

    Gavin thinks he needs to wait until he finds someone as perfect as Mariah Fox, said Bill. Drake laughed and nodded his head.

    Oh, hold on, I said. Don’t even go there. You guys know I could never hook up with her. She’s way too nice, I said. Why would I want to break that chick’s heart? I asked. Drake and Bill shrugged.

    You don’t seem to have a problem breaking other hearts, said Drake.

    Shit. You make me out to be a total bad guy, I said. It’s not like that. Most of these chicks are like me and don’t want anything serious, either. It was the truth. It seemed like most of the women I slept with were just interested in money or partying. I was fine with that but none of these escapades ever tuned into anything serious. It almost felt like it was the trajectory I was on and that nothing was going to change my path at this point.

    If you ask me, the reason why you won’t go after Mariah Fox is because you actually like her, said Drake after a pause. I shook my head and laughed.

    Nah, I said. That’s not it, I said. Besides, she has a boyfriend. I took a sip of my drink and then leaned in on the bar. The guys had a point. I had given myself a reputation as a ladies man and it would take a lot to change it.

    Can we have another round of drinks? asked Drake when he got the bartender’s attention.

    Sure, said the bartender who got busy making our concoctions right away. I thought about what Drake and Bill had told me and wondered if I would ever change. Sure, having a serious girlfriend might bring me happiness. But how would I ever find the right woman? It seemed like I was destined to be a man who never settled down. Of course, it didn’t have to stay that way, but I didn’t see much changing any time soon.

    The three of us continued to drink and tell stories about work and women. When the time came of us to go, we all walked out to the parking lot and stared up at the moon. Looks like it’s going to be a clear weekend, said Bill. I’m going fishing on Sunday if anyone wants to join me.

    I’ll think about it, I said. I’ve got a lot of work to catch up on but a day at the lake might be good, I said. You guys take it easy for now, I said and got into my car. Drake and Bill waved and walked to the other side of the parking lot. I felt lucky having those two as my friends and liked the fact that they weren’t too hard on me. I thought again about what they said about settling down and shook my head. Would I ever get married? It seemed like a far-fetched idea, but I supposed anything was possible with time.

    Chapter 2 – Mariah POV Saturday

    The Indianapolis Arts Festival was one of the biggest events of the summer. I always tried to go for at least a whole day and sometimes I even went back for a second. Most of the time I went with my girlfriends because we all liked to check out the cool paintings and pottery. This summer’s event was scheduled for Saturday and Sunday. My girlfriend Kayla had decided to go with me this year and I was excited to get out and see all the vendors.

    Hey, Mariah, said Kayla when she got to my apartment. I’m all set. Looks like we got the perfect weather! she exclaimed. I smiled and waved her inside.

    Come in for a second. I’m almost ready, I said and walked into the kitchen. I was trying to decide what bag to bring. Do you like the leather one or the batik? I asked. Kayla and I had similar taste in accessories and it was always fun getting dressed to go out together.

    Oh, definitely the batik, she said with a nod of her head. It totally matches your tank top, she smiled.

    Cool, I said and slung the batik bag over my shoulder. I’m excited to see all the watercolors this year. Remember last year I bought that cool rabbit print? I asked Kayla as I rummaged for a pair of sandals. Kayla nodded.

    Oh, yeah. The one you got framed. Right? she asked. I nodded.

    Yeah. I hung that up in my studio, I said. I think you’ve seen it, I added and put on my favorite black sling-backs.

    Yes! said Kayla, her eyes wide. That print is awesome. You know I love watercolor, she added with a smile. Kayla was one of my best friends. She always had an upbeat attitude and she always liked to go out and have fun.

    I’m glad you and I could go to the festival together, I said. Zach and I had talked about going to it last year, but obviously that isn’t happening, I said with a sigh. Zach and I had dated for almost three years. We had met at a local bookshop and been serious for almost three years. That all ended when I found out he’d cheated on me with a woman who managed the local gym.

    How have you been feeling? asked Kayla sympathetically. I shrugged.

    Oh, I guess I’m doing okay, I said with a sigh. It still seems like just yesterday Zach and I were together. I can’t believe it’s already been two months, I added. Kayla nodded.

    Yeah. Time flies, I guess. I hope you feel a little bit better now that you have some closure and everything, she added. I nodded my head.

    Well, when he and I last spoke, I think it pretty much answered everything for me. He claims it was just a completely random drunk night and that it would never happen again, but I don’t think I could ever trust him after that. I mean, it’s not like we’re twenty years old anymore. I still don’t get why he felt like he had to go out to the bars every night anyway, so it’s probably just best that we’re not together anymore.

    Yeah. It really makes no sense. I didn’t think Zach was much of a drinker, anyway, said Kayla.

    Ha. Me either. It caught me completely off-guard. And the weird part is that if I hadn’t seen his phone that night, I might not have ever known about it. I shook my head, remembering how I’d glanced at Zach’s phone when he left the room. I was baking cookies for the two of us to watch a movie and his phone lit up. I thought it was his mother because he’d said he was expecting to hear from her. It was instead a text from Emily.

    I bet he’s kicking himself now, said Kayla. He knows he had a great thing with you and that’s why he keeps trying to make amends, she added. I shrugged.

    Well, I might have considered taking him back a month ago but at this point? I feel like it would definitely be best for he and I to remain apart. But it’s hard, Kay. I look at all the pictures of him on my phone and I keep wondering what it might have been like if we’d stayed together.

    I know, said Kayla. Break-ups are the worst.

    Yeah. I haven’t dated many guys besides Zach, so this was really the first real relationship I’ve had since college, I said. I guess it’ll just take time for me to get over him. What do you say we head down to the festival? I asked. Kayla nodded her head.

    "I’m ready when you are, chica," said Kayla.

    Okay. Let’s go have some fun, I said and we walked out of the apartment. We can walk from my place if you want, I suggested. Kayla nodded.

    Perfect, she said. We both walked out of the kitchen and headed for the door. It was the perfect weather for a summer festival. The sun was high and bright over the city so we both put on our sunglasses and pulled up our hair.

    I love living in Indianapolis, I said as we ambled toward the festival. I feel like we have such a great opportunity here for work and fun. You know? I asked Kayla. She nodded.

    I agree, Mariah. I think you and I really appreciate all this city has to offer. That’s probably why neither of us has moved anywhere else, she laughed. We headed north and watched as people came and went across the street. The festival brought in thousands of tourists every year, so we wove our way through the crowd until we’d made it to the official festival location.

    Oh, Mariah. Look! pointed Kayla. There’s the guy who made the bunny painting last year, she said as we walked toward him. He’s got so many cool prints, she added, moving closer to see his work. I smiled and took in the sights and sounds. It was jam-packed and I loved thinking about how much the sales this event would profit the vendors. I appreciated art and homemade crafts and this was the perfect way to show my appreciation.

    Kayla, look over there. The pottery thrower from last year is back, too, I smiled. The two of us admired the watercolors for a few more minutes and then walked toward the pottery. Kayla’s eyes grew wide.

    I love this set, she said, stopping to admire a large raku bowl and mug. I admired the pieces with her and then sighed.

    That mug reminds me of Zach, I said. He wasn’t really into art but he loved anything raku, I added. He bought me something from this guy a few years ago. Kayla gave me a rub on the shoulder.

    Sorry, Mariah. It must be hard to have so many reminders of him, she added. I nodded my head. It was true. Breaking up with Zach left me with a whole world of memories. It seemed like everywhere I went there was something that reminded me of him.

    You know? I cocked my head to the side in contemplation. Ending a relationship means that you end a part of yourself, I said. I mean, I have my own identity. I know who I am as a person, but even so, losing Zach meant that I also lost a part of myself, I said. Kayla looked at me with empathy.

    I know exactly what you mean, she said. When Randy and I split up, it seemed like nobody knew how to address me. Like, I was known as Randy’s girlfriend everywhere I went and when I suddenly stopped showing up with him at places and events, I think it threw everyone off, said Kayla.

    Yes, I nodded. And it feels like I break ,up with Zach all over again when everybody asks me about him, I said. It gets old after a while.

    Ugh, said Kayla. I know what you mean. And the worst part is that I can’t help you feel any better. Now that I’m with Drake, I feel like life is finally working out, like I’ve had my share of bad relationships, but now I’m finally in good hands, she added.

    I’m happy for you, I smiled.

    Thanks, Mariah. Don’t worry. You’ll find someone else and he’ll be better than you ever imagined, said Kayla. I nodded my head, hoping she was right.

    I hope I find someone soon, I joked. Maybe it will help me get over Zach, I said, watching as couples holding hands walked past us.

    You never know what’ll happen! exclaimed Kayla. I’m going to buy this mug. It was a beautiful clay mug with hand-painted birds on the side. She took out her money and paid the vendor, then handed me the mug. This is for you, she said with a smile. The birds remind me of freedom and then painted sun reminds me of happiness. I want the both for you, said Kayla as she handed me the mug.

    Kayla, you are too sweet, I said. Thank you for such a thoughtful gift, I said, a tear forming in my eye.

    You are most welcome, my dear friend, she answered. What do you think about heading down to see the band? I nodded my head as I tucked my new mug into my purse.

    Sounds good. Who’s playing? I asked.

    King Narwhal, said Kayla with a wink. I smiled. King Narwhal was a local band and Kayla’s boyfriend, Drake was the lead guitarist. I only found out last night from Drake, she added. Come on. It’ll be fun. Plus, there’s beer under the pavilion, she added.

    I’m ready to rock, I said jokingly as we walked down past the vendors and food carts to where the band was set up on stage.

    There’s Drake! Kayla pointed excitedly. We wove through the crowd that had gathered in front of the stage and stopped when we reached the front center. Kayla waved at Drake as he tuned his guitar. He winked at her and smiled. I could tell how much Kayla loved him, just by the look on her face.

    You’re so lucky, I said as Kayla watched Drake get ready for the first set.

    I told you, Mariah. One day you’re going to get lucky, too. Kayla gave me a squeeze and then the band started playing. The crowd cheered as soon as they broke into their first song Summer Dream. Being a local band, a lot of the people in the crowd had seen them play this at the bars.

    I danced along with Kayla and cheered for the band but my mind was miles away. I wondered where Zach was and who he was with. I thought about how I’d been so naïve to not know he was cheating on me. Then I looked up and watched the bass player as he closed his eyes and lost himself in the music. The sun had just set and a cool breeze swept through downtown. I felt lucky to be with my friend and

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