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Hot Billionaire Mile High: So Hot Billionaires, #4
Hot Billionaire Mile High: So Hot Billionaires, #4
Hot Billionaire Mile High: So Hot Billionaires, #4
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Hot Billionaire Mile High: So Hot Billionaires, #4

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Claire is heading to a bachelorette party for her best friend Charlotte. Unexpected turbulence leads the pilot to apologize. Claire tells her friends she is never flying again, until she catches sight of the pilot. He has the best smile and is beyond handsome. Just to her luck, he's the same pilot on her flight home. 


Luke is a workaholic. He's a successful billionaire who has turned his time to flying just for fun. His love life has been reckless and he has gone through women as fast as he's gone through flights. But something about Claire's innocence makes him want more. But when he wrecks her innocence, he feels like he has gone too far. Now he'll have to prove that she's not just another check in his flight log.  


A HEA that proves sometimes love can have a lot of turbulence, but it's the landing that matters.

Release dateMay 25, 2020
Hot Billionaire Mile High: So Hot Billionaires, #4

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    Book preview

    Hot Billionaire Mile High - Melody Love


    By Melody Love

    This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

    Copyright © 2020 Melody Love

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    Chapter One


    I lounged on my hotel bed with my arms tucked behind my bed. I studied the ceiling above me, listening to the silence press in all around me.

    I love flying, but it's so exhausting.

    My flight from Miami was a success. There was no real trouble with the plane or the passengers, and we had landed in Tennessee safely thanks to my skills as a pilot. I recalled how long the flight had been, and I huffed with exhaustion.

    I was still wearing my button-down shirt and tie. I loosened my tie a bit, allowing myself more room to breathe. As I inhaled, the A/C kicked on and blew against my side, inviting me to close my eyes. I hummed as I relaxed further into the mattress.

    Within seconds, I had fallen asleep. My dreams consisted of the usual topics: flights, food, and sex. I had traveled to many cities across the United States—as well as overseas—and taken my share of wine, food, and women. There wasn't a place that didn't know my name. I had made a legend of myself, filling my life with more pleasure than a carnival.

    I woke with a start. I rubbed my eyes with frustration, groaning slightly.

    Just when the dream was getting good.

    I rolled over to find my phone, holding it abnormally close to my face. As I stared at the screen, I slipped away from my dreamscape and into the world of Luke. I scrolled through several text messages I had received during my nap.

    I smiled. Jessica.

    Her message was simple: Come over at your earliest convenience. Just fixed the hot tub!

    I scrolled to the next message from Deandra. Her message was less simple than Jessica's, outlining how her relationship had failed and she needed a quick rebound.

    I frowned at the screen.

    That really sucks for her, but at least she's more available now.

    The third message was from Veronica. She was closer to where I was than anyone else, and her house was nicer, too. She had a few spare bedrooms that had plenty of items useful to our sexy encounters. I opened her message, favoring it above the others.

    My roommate will be gone all weekend, she had written. You should come over. I just got a new toy I want to put to use.

    I raised my eyebrows curiously.

    The last time she said that, she had me on a swing.

    I chuckled as I scrolled down to my best friend's message. Dane had been my closest friend since college, and we were tighter than the skin on a banana. I scrolled up and took a screen shot of the messages I had received from all the women I had hooked up with.

    I sent it to Dane.

    Just living the dream, I wrote. How about you, buddy?

    Dane replied quickly, Ha! That's great, dude. You ever going to settle down?

    Not a chance.

    You're the one who always says not to knock it until you try it, right?

    And lose my winning streak? I don't think it's worth it.

    Do all these chicks know about each other?

    I shrugged at my phone. As long as it's safe, it's fine. I'm sure they hook up with a lot of people, too.

    You don't know that for sure. What if one of them falls for you?

    They know better than to do that.

    You're going to hurt somebody one day, man.

    I rolled my eyes. They know what I'm about. If anyone gets hurt, it's because of their own feelings. I'm just getting the most out of life.

    I guess that's on you.

    I guess so. I'm in Tennessee now.

    When's the next flight?

    I hummed. I have to check the schedule, but I'm here for the night. I'm ordering room service.

    With you, I can't tell if that's food or sex.

    Can't it be both?

    He sent a laughing face and then added, Well, have fun with that.

    I sure will!

    I set down my phone and rolled to my back, resuming my staring contest with the ceiling. I considered what Dane had asked me.

    If I ever settled down, it would have to be with a particularly special woman, I thought. Because I can't imagine settling down with someone as wild as Veronica.

    I hummed curiously.

    I don't think anyone would settle down with someone as wild as me.

    I shrugged away the thought. It didn't matter if I got into a relationship right now. I was enjoying my life of pleasure, drinking up as much of it as I could. There wasn't anything wrong with my lifestyle as long as I communicated what I wanted from the women I saw. And most of them were pretty chill about it.

    Except for that girl, Jill. She didn't like that I didn't want to date one person.

    I huffed as I sat up, shaking the rest of my thoughts into the mattress. My stomach turned with hunger. I reached over to the bedside table, plucking the room service menu from it. I looked over the dishes available: crab rangoons, pizza, lasagna, an assortment of sandwiches, and even a number for a local Chinese place.

    I decided on pizza. I lifted my phone to call the front desk, listening to the line trill.

    When a woman answered, I perked up from my bed.

    Good evening! This is Laura with Twin Pines room service. How many I help you tonight?

    I put on my smoothest voice. Hello, Laura. This is Luke in room 105. I'd like to order a pizza pie, if that's alright.

    That's totally alright. What would you like on your pizza, sir?

    Chicken, bacon, and spinach, please.

    And what kind of cheese?

    Mozzarella is fine with me.

    And would you like the garlic crust?

    I shrugged. Hell, why not?

    Alright, I'll have your order up in thirty minutes.

    I look forward to it, Laura.

    The line disconnected, and I smirked.

    I hope she's hot.

    I checked my wallet, making sure there was ample enough cash for a hefty tip. I went to the mirror and fixed my hair, smoothing the top back to reveal my undercut. Women seemed to like my hair most. I was decently handsome with a square jaw and honey-brown eyes that were symmetrical on my face. I would even dare say I was conventionally handsome. A lot of women asked me if I had ever modeled before.

    It was a compliment I liked hearing. I got plenty of compliments on my style and my attentiveness in the bedroom, but that one had always made my ego swell with pride. I shrugged my shoulders and removed my tie, tossing it carelessly aside. I unbuttoned my shirt to show off part of my chest.

    Maybe she'll notice the outline of my muscles. No woman has ever been able to resist those.

    I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I didn't like kissing with a sleepy mouth. My appearance was my pride, and I did well to keep myself well-groomed and clean. After I finished brushing my teeth, I dried my face and checked my gums. I checked to make sure there wasn't any leftover food in my teeth.

    When a knock came from the door, I wiped my hands on the towel nearby and meandered to the door, pulling back my shoulders to make myself taller. I opened the door and immediately frowned.

    Here's your pizza, sir.

    I blinked. You're not Laura.

    No, my name is Paul.

    A lady took my order on the phone. Did she not want to deliver it?

    The guy gave me a puzzled expression, almost looking like he thought I was an idiot. I deliver.

    I grabbed the money from the dresser next to me. I handed him the cash and shrugged. Sorry for the big tip. I thought I was getting a little more than food tonight. Know what I mean?

    I have no idea what you mean, sir.

    Right—well, thanks, dude.

    I took the pizza box from him and shut the door, cutting off the rest of that awkward encounter. I shook my head as I went to the bed.

    Well, hell, I guess it's pizza without any dessert.

    I dropped the pizza box on the bed and sighed. I crawled on the bed next to it, making sure not to tip it over. I opened the box and withdrew a slice, smiling at the melted cheese.

    At least food never lets me down.

    I took a bite and hummed with satisfaction, chewing thoroughly and swallowing before taking the next bite. I ate another slice and then went to wash my hands. I lifted the remote from the dresser and turned on the television, wondering what to watch to pass the time.

    Cable didn't appeal to me. I could have done better with human company, but my fantasy mind got away from me. It was possible to call up one of my hook-ups, but I didn't want to be bothered with someone who I already knew. I wanted someone new. I wanted someone who didn't know me. The mystery of a stranger appealed to me, all those secrets just waiting to be known. I could pull all my usual moves and impress her without worrying about seeing her again.

    That was my ideal date: one hook-up and then done. And that particular lifestyle didn't exactly lend itself to long-term dating. Sure, there were women I repeatedly saw, but I didn't consider them long-term partners. I was a solo kind of guy. I liked to be on my own with the opportunity to hook up with whatever flavor of the night presented itself.

    I set the pizza on top of the fridge and laid back on my bed, curling my arms behind my head. I adjusted my neck and then focused on the screen as I realized I was watching one of those rom-coms. I sneered at the screen while reaching for the remote.

    But before I could change it, the scene unfolding on the screen caught my attention.

    Why can't you choose? Don't you want to choose?

    The male lead shrugged. Why should I choose when there's so much I can try?

    A man could go crazy with too many options. You'll never figure out what you want if you don't slow down.

    And how would you know?

    Because I've seen it happen.

    I laughed and shook my head, audibly stating, Is this what passes for romance these days? No, thanks.

    I changed the channel, but the dialogue played repeatedly in my head.

    You'll never figure out what you want if you don't slow down.

    I hummed curiously. I flipped through a few more channels, pausing only when I found a sitcom with canned laughter playing in the background. I sighed contentedly and focused on the characters. Within minutes, my eyelids grew heavy, and I went right back to sleep.

    Chapter Two


    I closed my suitcase and zipped it up, turning to my dog, Louie.

    Are you ready to see your grandparents, Bub?

    He yapped excitedly. I held out my arms for him, and he jumped up, licking my cheek repeatedly.

    You're lucky you're the size of a baby, I told him as I grabbed my suitcase and slipped on my ballet flats. Because you sure act like a baby.

    He huffed excitedly as I walked us out of my apartment and to my car. I loaded him up in the backseat, ruffling his fur before tossing my suitcase in the trunk. I went inside to grab both my carry-on bag as well as his overnight bag. I tossed them both into the passenger seat. As expected, he hopped from the backseat to the front, perching in the passenger seat.

    You think you're people. That's so cute.

    I started the car and hummed along to the pop music playing, nodding my head to the tunes. I drove a few blocks down to my parents’ house where I parked and grabbed Louie and his things. I went up to the door, barely able to knock before my mother whipped the door open.

    Our grandbaby! she cried. Look at Louie! He's gotten fat, hasn't he?

    I rolled my eyes. No, Mom. He hasn't even gained an ounce. You might need new glasses.

    She winked playfully. Well, he'll be fat by the time you get back.

    Mom, you can't make my dog fat!

    I'm just teasing you!

    I shook my head and chuckled as I walked inside and set Louie on the ground. I'm serious, Mom. No more than two treats a day. If I come back and he's gained ten pounds, I'm taking away your visitation rights.

    My mother cackled. She wrapped an arm around my waist and tugged me in close. I returned the hug, inhaling the scent of her vanilla perfume.

    I don't want to make you mad, so I'll follow your rules, she said. But I can't promise the same of your father.

    He knows I'll hunt him down while he's sleeping.

    There's no use hunting me if I'm sleeping, Dad teased as he walked into the foyer. Ah, both of our pups are here. Are you excited for your trip, sweetie?

    "Yeah! I've never been to Miami. A bachelorette party there should be kind of amazing. I mean, Charlotte has great taste, so it should be amazing."

    Mom beamed. Well, I'm sure you will have a lot of fun.

    I'm sure, too. Charlotte and Kayla are meeting me at the airport.

    Do you still have the flying jitters?

    I laughed nervously. Only a little bit, but I'll be fine.

    Do you want one of my anxiety pills?

    Mom, I don't need those. I'll be fine. I promise.

    She shrugged. The doctor says it's fine to take one before a flight and that's what I do. You know how nervous I get in those oversized coffins.

    You're making it worse, Mom.

    Oops, I'm sorry, my dear! I'm sure your flight will be a breeze. It doesn't take too long to get to Miami. Right, Harold?

    Not at all, my dad agreed. You'll be absolutely fine.

    And you'll take lots of pictures, I'm sure.

    I nodded. Of course! I can't take you two, so I have to bring back pictures.

    "Let's face it: you wouldn't want to bring us with you," my dad teased.

    I hummed curiously and rolled my eyes to the ceiling. I plead the fifth.

    Hey, there's only room for one lawyer in this house!

    I laughed. Okay, fine! No, I wouldn't take you two with me. I wouldn't want to embarrass you two with how much partying I'll be doing.

    "See, she saved herself by saying she would embarrass us, my dad joked. But it was a fine excuse. Come here and give your pop a hug!"

    I hugged my father before reaching for my mother again.

    She clung to my waist. Now, don't get too wasted.

    I promise that I'll be the responsible drinker of the group, I vowed. Besides, I'm more of a dancer than a drinker.

    "I'm more of a dancer when I'm a drinker, Dad cracked. And remember, what happens in Miami doesn't always stay in Miami, so be mindful of what you do."

    I squinted at him. Is there something you want to share with the class?

    He cackled. Not in front of your mother.

    I smirked at my mother, and she rolled her eyes, shrugging. That's your father. I guess you inherited some of his jokes, too.

    I got your looks and Dad's jokes. It's a total win.

    She giggled. Very well. We'll be very good to your Louie while you're gone. If you miss him, you can always FaceTime us and we'll show you how well he's doing!

    "I trust you. Don't let him eat scraps and make sure he goes out in the morning and in the evening. He likes that afternoon trot, too."

    Mom nodded. I got all your instructions in your email. I printed them out so that your father won't forget. It's up on the fridge.

    Wow, way to jab me, Amanda, Dad teased.

    I laughed. You two behave, okay?

    We should be saying that to you!

    Have fun, darling, Mom said. Don't forget to call!

    I will have fun, and I'll call!

    I waved as I headed out the door, trotting my way back to my car. I hopped in the driver's seat and giggled excitedly as I started driving to the airport. It would take at least thirty minutes to get there. I had plenty of music on my Spotify account, and I hooked up my phone to the Bluetooth, waiting for the audio to properly come through the speakers. I set my phone in its case on the dashboard before returning my hands to the wheel.

    I sighed.

    I hope I don't die on the plane. That would be the worst part of this whole trip.

    I giggled to myself, checking my rearview mirror before changing lanes.

    I mean, I guess I wouldn't be alive to call it the worst part, right?

    I bit my lower lip with worry. As much as I was tempted to take up my mother's offer, I didn't want to be a total zombie on the plane. I wanted to enjoy every single second, even if that meant harboring a whole lot of fear at the same time.

    When I arrived at the airport, I left my car in the extended stay lot where there was security around the clock. I made sure to pay for my sticker and slapped it on the windshield before heading inside. I checked my bags in. As I made my way through the crowd, I heard my name above the people chattering around me.

    I turned around.


    I opened my arms as my best friend came barreling toward me, wrapping me in the tightest hug since the last one we had shared. I buried my face into her neck and hugged her close.

    I can't believe you're getting married, I said as I pulled away. I held her at arm's length. And you've got that whole bridal glow thing going on.

    Kayla sidled up beside Charlotte, flashing me a movie star smile.

    I reached for her and hugged them both to me. This is going to be the most amazing trip ever!

    You two are going to make me cry my mascara off, Charlotte claimed. I'm so glad to have you both here. It's going to be awesome.

    Kayla giggled. I'll do my best to not make you cry.

    "Let's face it: the three of us are going to be bawling at the wedding."

    Charlotte nodded. Well, I guess we'll just have to give a bunch of Kleenex as party favors.

    I giggled. Let's worry about boarding the plane first, shall we?

    When is our flight again? Kayla asked while whipping her ticket from her pocket. I've honestly been too excited to remember.

    It should be in another thirty minutes. I heard an announcement for boarding.

    Excellent—let's head that way!

    I looped my arm into Charlotte's, and she looped her arm into Kayla's. The three of us walked like we were models getting ready for a runway show. I felt confident walking with my girls. They always made me feel like I could do anything, and I found that my plane anxiety had quickly reduced down to a twitch of worry.

    I smiled at the flight attendant who was checking our tickets. Once we were on the plane, I relaxed into my seat and sighed, shrugging my shoulders to shake away the rest of my stress.

    This is going to be epic, Charlotte said. I've got everything set up for us. We're going to do a whole lot of partying and modeling.

    We can't forget to take pictures. You brought your camera, right Claire?

    I nodded. Got it charged up and ready. That way none of us loses our phones in the heat of the moment. There's plenty of memory room on the digital so we don't waste phone battery.

    I can't believe we're going to Miami, Kayla said with a giggle.

    I can. It's going to be full of hot dudes, I added.

    I'm so glad I got that bikini wax done, Charlotte sighed.

    I nodded. "I bought a new bikini just for this trip. It's going to look incredible."

    The older man sitting across from our aisle looked annoyed while he put on a pair of earphones. I giggled and shook my head.

    Maybe we should tone it down, I suggested while nodding to the guy. I think we're getting to be that annoying bachelorette crew.

    Who cares? Charlotte said with a wave of her hand. It's my party, and I'll be annoying if I want to.

    I giggled.

    The pilot came over the speaker, announcing that the flight was about to take off. We each buckled our belts and watched the flight attendants explain the safety procedures should the plane have an emergency. I swallowed the knot in my throat. After their display was finished, the plane took off, and it was relatively smooth sailing for about an hour.

    Suddenly, the plane jolted. I grabbed the armrests and scrunched up, trying to duck down into myself like a turtle.

    Crap, what was that? I whispered to the girls.

    They each shrugged.

    Another jolt caused the passengers behind me to gasp, and I closed my eyes, feeling my heart rate go up about three notches. Charlotte gripped my hand. I could only imagine she was gripping Kayla's as well.

    This is your pilot, Luke, speaking, said the pilot over the speakers. We're just hitting a little turbulence here, folks, but it's really nothing to worry about. Please, fasten your belts while we travel through some choppy winds.

    This is one of my greatest fears, I whispered to Charlotte.


    I shook my head. "No, dying."

    As the plane vibrated again, I squeezed the life—and likely the blood flow—out of Charlotte's hand. I was thankful that she didn't mind. When the turbulence ended, the plane stopped shaking, and I released a sigh. The seat belt light turned off, and I unbuckled my belt with a groan.

    What a trip, I groaned.

    Sorry about that, folks, the pilot said over the speakers. Thank you for sticking with us. We'll be landing in about thirty minutes.

    I shook my head. I'm going to have to find another way back home.

    Why would you do that?

    Because flying is too stressful. I don't think I can do this again.

    Charlotte cackled. Hey, it was a little turbulence, and you survived like a champ. I'm really proud of you for facing your fear just for little old me.

    I smiled at her. What are friends for? I wouldn't miss this for the world.

    Then, I promise you'll be brave enough to fly back.

    Kayla leaned forward to look at me. Besides, we'll all be together. We can face anything together, right?

    My smile widened. Right.

    The rest of the ride was smooth sailing just as my mother and father had said it would be. I looked out the window to study the skyline of Miami, admiring the way the sun kissed the tops of the buildings and illuminated the ocean. We were a stone's throw away from the beach with our hotel, and I anticipated how the ocean breeze would smell and feel. I couldn't wait to dig my toes into the sand.

    I just wished I could have brought Louie with me. But Louie was much like me and couldn't stand flying. It was best

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