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7th Grade Anthology Northridge School Mexico
7th Grade Anthology Northridge School Mexico
7th Grade Anthology Northridge School Mexico
Ebook241 pages3 hours

7th Grade Anthology Northridge School Mexico

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A collection of short stories done by the 7th Grade Honors English Class of Northridge School Mexico. These stories were made as part of a course in the learning the basic plot structure (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution). 

Release dateJun 5, 2020
7th Grade Anthology Northridge School Mexico

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    Book preview

    7th Grade Anthology Northridge School Mexico - Michael Miller


    The Great Hidden Realm          3 

    By Juan Pablo Alvarez Chamlati

    The Kawtious          12

    By Marcel Abizaid Nunez

    Back to Reality           19

    By Pablo Morales Rincon

    No Way Home          28

    By Pedro Ambrosi Pato

    Until Dawn           37

    By Emmanuel Ramirez España

    Tobi and Bobi          55

    By Alonso Vera

    The Journey           58

    By Ruben Garza

    Trip to the Past          64

    By Mateo Villalobos

    The Stone of Happiness         70

    By Alvaro Caso

    Jack Fisher and the Galapagos Islands        78

    By Mateu Orendain

    Mike and the City with No Rules         91

    By Pablo Dueñas

    Human’s End          101

    By David Kuri Palaez

    Get Us Back            111

    By Gustavo Struck

    Forging Steel           120

    By Jose Maria Portilla Salazar

    The Quest Around the 5 Kingdoms       125

    By Bernardo Ochoa Torres

    2374: Mission in Time         139

    By Carlos Ramo Tanus

    In Search for My Son          145

    By Alejandro Villalobos Betancourt

    Ghost Island            155

    By Javier Porias Vallina

    The Hidden Treasure         160

    By Alvaro March

    Trapped           167

    By Yuri Hernandez

    The Great Hidden Realm

    By Juan Pablo Alvarez


    It was the 3rd of June, 2030. We were on a ship deck in the Mariana Trench and we were about to undertake a very important mission. We were going to discover the ocean’s lowest point. The ship deck was full of people.They were anxious for the descent of the submarine ARF-G746-MEX. In a few seconds, this submarine was going to be the first ever submarine to touch the lowest point of the ocean. The submarine that was going to be launched was made in Mexico. The mission was going to take place on Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench.

    The world wanted to know if there were different species or hidden things located in the lowest point on the ocean. Our Director’s name is Jonah, he selected my friends and I to go on this mission because we were the best Naval Submarine Divers in the whole world.

    We have been training for five years in the Naval Submarine Training Center Pacific (NSTCP) for the mission. My name is Chris, I am 30 years old, and I have been working with my best friends John Oleng and Sofia Slart in the Submarine Training Center.

    John and Sofia are my best friends. I met them at the University of Warwick and we were studying the same thing: Submarine Diving. I met these guys in class because we had to do a presentation about submarines and it had to be in groups. My group was with John and Sofia. In that presentation, we noticed that we were a very good team. We shared a lot of things in common like perseverance, kindness, humility and a lot more. That is why we became friends.


    We were preparing everything that we needed to have inside the submarine. We had to get food and water inside because it was going to be a long mission. We also needed diving suites, just in case we needed to get out of the sub, and a whole lot of other things. I was very excited for this mission because we were going to be paid a lot after this mission and with that money I could go live in Switzerland and start my own submarine training center. This would be a great idea because there is a high level of education for my future children and there are very beautiful places that I could visit with my future family.

    I am exhausted because of all the work that we have done, and all the preparation for tomorrow, I said.

    Yeah, but the tiredness is worth it, responded John.

    Well, tomorrow is going to be a good day, so get some rest, said Sofia.

    It will sure be, good night, I said

    Good night, they responded.

    We had to wake up at 6 A.M. to check if there was anything missing on the sub and I thought about all the things that we needed to bring. Diving suits, check, food and water, check, monitors for communication with the deck, check, etc. Nothing seemed to be missing but I had the feeling that I was forgetting something. I remember putting everything in the sub yesterday so I didn't really care at that moment about this problem.

    Time flew by really fast; it was already 6:30. At 6:45 we were going to be launched into the water.

    This mission was going to be very important for Sofia because her father believed that there was a hidden city in the Challenger Deep, and this was the time for Sofia to accomplish what her father wanted to do a few years ago by herself. His father died in 2019, in a similar mission to find out the hidden city that he much believed in.

    It was already 6:45 and we needed to get in the sub. So we packed all our personal stuff and got inside. John himself was going to be the one to drive the sub all the way to the bottom. He was a very experienced driver because for five years in the University, he learned how to drive or conduct a sub and manage and fix any problem in a sub by himself. He drives super awesome. So we checked the system in the sub and everything was ready. The countdown was about to begin. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and we were in the water.

    The mission was launched 5 minutes before sunrise; we couldn't see the animals because of the darkness, but, in 10 minutes, we were seeing sharks, whales, turtles, fish and many other animals. They looked different from down here. We could see more details of the colors and surface of their skin and how they interacted with their species and with other animals. In an aquarium, you only see the animals swimming around, but underwater, there is a very different way of seeing them.

    So what do you think about this mission? I asked Sofia.

    Do you remember what I told you a long time ago about my father? Well, I also believe that there are hidden cities around the world and I want to find out what my father was so anxious to know about these cities; and why it meant so much to him. It is super easy to talk when I am with you. I feel so secure and confident when I am around you. I feel like you always understand me, she replied.

    It was not only the animals that I started to see different. It was also Sofia. In the past days she has been very kind to me and I am starting to like her.

    After 10 minutes, we were so deep that the sun's light didn’t shine in such deep areas of the ocean. So we started to see different animals that had a neon bright light that shines underwater. Some of these animals use their light to attract their prey and then eat it. Life is so different in the ocean.

    These animals are so... CRACK!

    Oh no! The system says that there is a leakage of oxygen. John said

    This happened because of the pressure underwater and the glass and oxygen tank were not sealed correctly.

    Somebody pass me the leak tape. Said John.

    Oh no! I thought. That is the thing that I forgot.

    It is not here John I forgot it, I said.

    We can not breathe very well and I can not fix this situation. We need to abort the mission. Send a voice call to Jonah and tell him that we are going to abort mission Click the abort button, NOW. John exclaimed.

    Yes sir, I said. Sofia and I quickly unlocked and pushed the button to get to the surface.

    I can't believe that I forgot to put the leak tape inside," I said.

    Do not worry, we just have to fix the leakage and get the tape for this to not happen again. Sofia replied.

    So we arrived back to the deck and we were very worried because we had spent all the money in this mission and because of my fault, maybe we will not finish it. So I went to speak with Jonah by myself and he himself told me that there was no money left to fix the leakage. So I started to think about my future and everyone else's. Maybe, because of my forget of the tape, we will not get paid for the mission and maybe I will never go to Switzerland, or even make my own submarine center. Also, Sofia will never get to know what his father was searching for. I did not want this to happen to me nor to Sofia, so I got some tools and started working.

    I worked all day. The tools did work and the sub was ready. Jonah told us that tomorrow morning we were going to launch the sub once again, but this time without forgetting.

    When Sofia found out that I myself fixed the sub, she immediately looked for me and appreciated what I did, because the mission meant a lot for her. If I would not have fixed the sub, the mission would not be possible anymore. If I did not fix the sub, there would be a missing piece in her heart throughout her whole life.

    He wanted to find out what her father searched for before disappearing.

    When everything was fixed, we put every single thing needed for the mission so that this mistake won't happen again.

    The next day, we woke up at 5:30 in the morning and this time, I did not forget anything for the mission. So we suited up and went inside the sub. We turned on the engine and we got the sub in the water.

    This time, we couldn't see any animals because there was no sun but when we went down, we saw weird animals that have a light that glows in the dark. We saw Anglerfish, many types of squid and jellyfish, hatchetfish, dragonfish and many other curious animals. I felt like this time, we will be able to get to the bottom of the ocean and find a hidden city.

    So 15 minutes went by and almost at the bottom, we found animals that the world had never seen before. We took pictures and grabbed some of these animals for scientists up on the earth's surface to study them.

    Sofie came closer to me, and with fear, she cried, Every second we go more down, I remember my father's death. I don't want this to happen to any of us.

    Don't worry, I said. Everything is going to be fine. In the times of your father, they did not have good technology. Nowadays, technology is progressing every second. This submarine is very safe and nothing will happen to us. I promise.

    Thank you. Every time I talk to you, you always understand me and help me. I feel something different when I am with you, said Sofia.

    I feel things for you too, I said.

    Lets keep this as a secret. Only you know this, she said.

    As a secret it is then, I responded.

    As time passed, we finally got to the bottom of the ocean and we saw the bright neon lights again. There were a bunch of the same animals going in the same direction. But this time we got the chance to look at these animals closer. So we approached them and we found out that they were not animals. They were underwater highly advanced technological ships!

    Maybe the ships are going to some hidden place, I said

    Yeah. Let's follow them, John replied.

    We followed the ships for 10 minutes, and they got to a point that they disappeared.

    So we thought that this was some kind of spell. If you go inside that specific point, you enter the city. The walls of the spell are invisible. That is why we never found this city before.

    Sofia was so happy to find the city that her father was searching for.

    My father would be so proud of me, she said.

    He sure is, I replied.

    What are we waiting for? Let's go inside! John exclaimed.

    Yeah, let's do this, I replied.

    We got through the invisible walls, I saw the city and I was speechless. It was the most modern city in the whole world! There were buildings higher than the Kingdom Tower! And the Kingdom Tower is one kilometer tall. These buildings were 3 kilometers tall and more modern. The ships, instead of riding in a street, they flew over the water and there were levels of speed. The slowest ships had to go on the bottom and the faster ones on the top. This city was amazing!

    I can't believe this. If my father would have seen this, he would be the happiest man alive, Sofia exclaimed.

    We found out that after the barriers of the city, you could breathe underwater. So we got out of the sub and started to explore the city

    After appreciating and exploring the city, a guard asked us for our credential of Hemenglars. (Hemenglars is the name of the city)

    Let me see your credential, the officer said.

    We do not have one. We are scientists and we have come here to explore, John replied.

    You are illegally trespassing Hemenglars. You need to come with me. We are going with the King, the officer said.

    We followed the officer and he led us to the palace of King Heinrich Vukavitch.

    The palace was humongous. It was super advanced technology.

    After a long walk through the palace, we finally got to the room of  King Heinrich.

    Who are you and why are you here? said the King

    We are scientists that are on a mission to find a hidden city underwater and it looks like we found it! I said.

    Your technology is super advanced and if we mix our technology with yours. We will be the best city in the world with the best technology, I said again.

    Where are you from? the King asked.

    We are divers and we work in a deck in The Mariana Trench. I replied

    When was this city built? I asked

    Well, it is a long story. We lived on the surface of the ocean, just like you guys. But one day, a terrific earthquake struck us and our whole city collapsed into the ocean. We disobeyed the gods and they punished us by destroying our city but they gave us the ability to breathe and see underwater. The city was in ruins, but we started to rebuild it. But one day, we found a man unconscious, so we gave him hospitality and he told us all about his technology. With the materials that we had here and his technology, we managed to progress the technology and that is how he accomplished to have this modern city. He replied.

    Wow. That is so amazing. And who was that man? Sofia asked

    He works with us now. Let me call him. His name is Harry Slart.

    All of a sudden, Sofia started to cry but I didn’t know why. So I asked.

    Why are you crying? I asked.

    He is my father, and he is alive. She replied crying with excitement.

    Is he really your father? asked King Heinrich.

    Yes! He really is. Can I see him? Sofia replied

    Well of course, let me tell him to come, Said King Heinrich.

    A couple of minutes passed and the doors opened. Some tall guy, black haired, green eyed person came in. It was Harry. All of a sudden, Harry and Sofia ran to each other and hugged. She was very excited because it had been a long time since she saw him.

    Why did you never come back? Sofia asked Harry.

    Well, when King Heinrich rescued me, I realized that I was in the city that I was looking for, so I faked my death so you could find the city that you always asked for by yourself, replied Harry.

    Thank you Dad, Said Sofia

    You’re welcome, replied Harry

    Daddy, I want to stay with you and I want to learn everything you know, said Sofia.

    Well, if that is your choice, then I would be much more than glad, replied Harry.

    I was very happy for Sofia because she finally found her dad. But I really like her and if she leaves, I will feel very sad.

    I will really miss you Chris, she said.

    Me too. I replied.

    And all of a sudden she gave me a goodbye kiss. It felt really good.

    Well, I wish you the best of luck to you and your Father. I said.

    Thank You., they replied.

    You know that I won’t be away for too long. I will go up to visit. Don’t worry. Sofia said.

    Either way, I will miss you a lot. I replied.

    It was very hard for me to leave Sofia but it was her decision and I respected it. So John and I said goodbye and went back to the ship.

    I will really miss her. John said.

    Yeah, me too. I replied

    We got up to the surface and we told Joshua what we found. He was very excited.

    So we got paid and I finally went to Switzerland, grew a beautiful family, and lived an awesome life.

    My name is Chris.

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