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The Nonsense of Men
The Nonsense of Men
The Nonsense of Men
Ebook156 pages2 hours

The Nonsense of Men

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A down to earth guide for women who want their power back! A book about why men cheat and why they don't. It's a look at traditional relationships through the lense of a marketing professional and entrepreneur. In this book we explain how the fundamental human behaviors, exploited by the marketing world for ages, can also be used by women to manage their relationships in a more healthy way. Also in this book, we explore the underlying science of relationships. Basically, what makes men and women different both physiologically and socially and how women can use this to their advantage in relationships.

While Christian Steele is a marketing professional, Corey LaRue, a major contributor to the book, holds multiple degrees in psychology. Corey has signed off on this book, its message, and the theory presented within. However, I can't wait for "you", the reader, to dig in to it and put these theories to the test! Reach out to me and tell me what you thought of the book.


Christian Steele

Release dateJun 2, 2020
The Nonsense of Men

Christian Steele

Christian Steele lives with his wife and kids in Pennsylvania. He has been studying business marketing and sales all of his life. He grew up in the city. As a city dweller he spent a lot of time around people both in a professional and personal setting.He graduated from a small business college with a degree in business administration and later graduated from Penn State with a master's in marketing with a focus on entrepreneurship. He's been an entrepreneur his entire adult life. He has honed his sales and marketing skills by putting them to work out in the field, and by closely observing people and how they make decisions. He has been featured in numerous magazines for innovation and entrepreneurship. He is recognized as a top salesperson in his field and serves on the boards of numerous non-profits.He currently works as a Marketing Consultant as well as Vice President of an up and coming pet supplies start-up.

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    The Nonsense of Men - Christian Steele


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    ave you ever been cheated on or taken advantage of by a man? Did you catch him in a lie or does he continue to hurt you without showing any remorse? Do you want your man to take you more seriously? If yes, then you are reading the right book. Men may find it an enjoyable read but it is solely for the women who would like to know the secret to keeping a man. In this book keeping  a man refers to keeping the man interested, considerate , and the most coveted... faithful. 

    I did say the secret but in reality; there are many that serve to keep a man. That being said, it doesn't matter how many secrets there are to keeping a man. In my opinion, it’s the secret in this book that is the most important, practical, and relevant to relationships. This book both uncovers this secret and is the secret all at once. Thus, cannot be summed up into one sentence, paragraph, or even chapter. 

    After reading this book someone will ask you, well what’s the secret then? You will be left with not much more of a response than, You have to read the book, or some version thereof. There is no one thing, or one size fits all solution to man’s tendency to stray from, or neglect his relationship. This has long been a symptom of what many women would call the illness of men. Until now, to the best of my knowledge there has never been a treatment for this illness that did not involve some sort of initiative or spiritual growth on the man’s part. 

    The problem is that finding a man that takes the initiative and chooses to make certain changes in their life at the exact time you need him to are few and far between. Any counselor or relationship book or self-help guru will tell us that it’s an illness that is only curable through some sort of intrinsic growth in the man himself. I challenge that thinking in this book and say that the real solution is held by women and always has been.

    Adultery, infidelity, unfaithfulness, all words that describe the same disease inherent stereotypically in men. However, it is often women who are made to suffer for this affliction. For those of you who don’t get my analogy, you can better understand by looking at the court systems. They are busy processing fathers who don’t pay child support, and husbands who beat their wives and divorce courts are filled with husbands that cheat on their wives. Take a look at American homes. They are filled with broken hearts and broken families, likely because of cheating husbands and unfaithful boyfriends.

    Some say that it’s man nature to be polygamous, dominant, and lately even the tendency to be patriarchal has been attributed to our natural disposition. You’ve heard it all, right? Me too. Now for all you women out there like my wife, I am not saying that ALL men, or ALL women.

    Obviously, men and women both cheat, and both can be violent or overbearing, and women can even be subscribers to the matriarchal as we sometimes see in the modern-day feminist movement. Many examples can be brought to light of both cases.  However, that being said, it is my opinion and admittedly anecdotal that it is far more prevalent in society for the men to be the adulterers than the women in a relationship especially later on in life. A 2018 study by the Institute for Family Studies suggests that infidelity is actually quite even in the younger years of adulthood but the gap significantly widens as we get older with men the clear leader in the race by a large margin.

    Even though women cheat too, I think that most women want a good man, still want to keep a good man, and still want to please a good man as long as she is being pleased as well of course. I’ll even step out on a limb here and suggest that you are in fact just one of those women or else why would you be reading this book right? 

    The men reading this book are most likely reading it for the same reason I read Steve Harvey’s book, Act like a Man, Think like a Woman and are thinking what the hell kind of so called secrets did this guy give up? This isn’t that kind of book.  As a matter of fact, most men should appreciate, no… definitely WILL appreciate this book. That is because the secret to keeping a man is good for both parties. 

    It doesn’t give you a leg up on your partner or tell you what he’s secretly thinking when you do this, or what he’s telling his boys when you’re not around, well may be a little, but mostly this book is to be used as a guide. A guide to understanding what makes a man tick, what makes him the best thing since peanut butter when you first start dating and also what makes him like spoiled milk after the two of you have been dating for a significant period of time.

    This is a common occurrence in many relationships especially the ones where the woman tries too hard or loves too much. Actually, I take that back. I don't want to suggest that one can love too much, I don’t think that is possible. But, one can definitely SHOW too much love, and for a man that’s often a deal breaker most of the time. Most of us men look at a woman like that as clingy, suffocating, or easy. 

    This book aims to help women see themselves from a man’s point of view, not so that the woman can change as most books would have you do, but so that the woman doesn’t HAVE to change. I mean, why change what he fell in love with in the first place? That’s backwards thinking. Be yourself because in the end that is what anyone close to you will end up seeing anyway. But, by being aware of how men perceive you through your interactions you can better control his level of interest and devotion and that is where all women want to be, in control. 

    Now it must be understood that this book won’t help ANY girl get ANY guy. It’s not a secret formula to making men fall in love. What it will do, however, is help a woman direct the relationship she wants or already has, in her own way. If a man doesn’t find you attractive there isn’t much in this book that will make you more attractive to him. But… if you know a man likes you and is AT LEAST attracted to you and you want to keep him, then this is the book for you. 

    This book makes many assertions, some known to be true and some are just well thought out opinions. They are based on my observations and anecdotal events and situations I have witnessed throughout my life as well as the knowledge I have acquired about men through entrepreneurship, sales, and negotiations, and literature. Regardless of whether or not you agree with the logic, my chief aim is to increase any woman’s value to her man and vice versa. I aim to give her back the power that men have stolen from her. That’s what this book is for. So if you’re a woman thinking that this book will help you GET the boy of your dreams, think again. What this book does is help you take any man and MAKE him the boy of your dreams.

    As I sit here writing this introduction I sit and think of how I got the idea for this book. Many times, various friends and I have laughed, even scoffed at the fact that women hold all the power in the world but never use it. My most recent discussion on this topic led me to the question will they ever learn how to use this power? Someone should write a book I thought. So here I am writing a book. Hopefully, with the insight given in this book, many relationships will be given the opportunity to grow past man’s tendency of sabotage.  Definitely, with the insight given in this book, many relationships will last longer. 

    First of all before you start the book you need to know that my relationship and marriage of over 16 years is not perfect. As a matter of fact, I was going to write the book as though it was perfect, a fictional tale of my relationship told in a way that may help persuade my readers to take the advice found within. After some thought and mainly because my wife just told me that she wouldn’t read it if I did write it that way, I’ve decided to just cherry pick from 100% true and accurate accounts from my relationship as well as the relationships around me. The things that have worked out very well for us in our relationship and the things that didn’t work out at all. 

    This book is not intended to necessarily give you an insight into our lives or to let you in on embarrassing, heartfelt, or tragic moments. You won’t get juicy adultery or any huge revelations, but what women will get is a way to keep their relationships in their control.

    It also must be said that this book is not necessarily for relationships that have already passed a certain point. Sooner or later relationships accrue baggage through some lie or lies, a transgression of some sort, or some tragedy. At some point a relationship has accrued too much baggage for much of this advice to be of use. The primary portion of this book is devoted to keeping new relationships new, long after the first date. It’s for the woman who wants to know what  she can do to keep her man. 

    As an entrepreneur, marketing professional, and avid reader, I have read a few books regarding the nature of men, and what makes them tick (so that I may of course sell them, and you, something in the future). Books like The Power of Habit, How to Win Friends and Influence People, The Wolf of Wall Street, Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich and the amoral 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene and many others have played a large role in my life. I have learned how to manage my business and finances and how to get people to do what I want by reading these books. It has also helped shaped my work ethics.  The common theme among all of these books, however is human interaction, what makes people do the things they do, especially men. The insight given in this book stems from knowledge acquired from this part of my life and the close and deliberate observation of many relationships around me, with mine being the main contributor.

    Please enjoy the read; and afterwards you will know how to maximize your chances of keeping a man and/or why you haven’t been able to keep one until now. You will see that there is hope for you. Even though a woman as pretty as your best friend or favorite celebrity can’t seem to keep a man from cheating on them, I can show you that there is a way. Even when you catch the neighbor’s husband checking you out and you know darn well that his wife is just the sweetest, prettiest, perfect little wife she can be, you will see that there is still a light at the end of the tunnel. 

    Even if men have begun to disgust you, let this be your final go at the relationship thing. We have all sworn off the other sex at one time or another, yes men swear to a life of abstinence regularly also. Both sexes being fed up with the other’s BS. It’s tragic but as far as I can tell it’s natural and all you have to do is know how to go with the flow to avoid being swept away by the relationship river. This book will get you on that river, with a boat, paddle, motor, GPS, WIFI, and whatever else you may need to keep you in any relationship you have the opportunity to navigate. And it will keep you there until YOU decide to get out. 

    You may find that you disagree with some of my reasoning and how I came to some of these conclusions. As a free-thinking human being, it is your right to question my conclusions and maybe come up with your own. In the main, this book was intended to give women insight into seldom made observations of the male species. Based on these observations I have drawn my own conclusions, which I have written in the book of course, and I have outlined my own reasoning in regards to these conclusions.

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