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Answers for the 4-A Epidemic: Healing for Kids with Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies
Answers for the 4-A Epidemic: Healing for Kids with Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies
Answers for the 4-A Epidemic: Healing for Kids with Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies
Ebook291 pages2 hours

Answers for the 4-A Epidemic: Healing for Kids with Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies

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Answers for the new childhood epidemics…






The statistics are alarming. Diagnosed cases of autism, ADHD, asthma, and allergies are increasing exponentially, especially among children. If your child is struggling with any of these conditions, you know that the search for answers can be overwhelming.


After thirty years in pediatric medicine, Dr. Joseph Cannizzaro has found an unmistakable web of interrelationship among the 4-A disorders and has learned to recognize many of the patterns behind them. In Answers for the 4-A Epidemic he lays a foundation for understanding this epidemic, including...

·        A comprehensive overview of each of the disorders, their causes, characteristics, and commonalities

·        A groundbreaking integrative treatment program that includes nutrition, supplementation, medication, and detoxification



Release dateMar 6, 2012
Answers for the 4-A Epidemic: Healing for Kids with Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies

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    Answers for the 4-A Epidemic - Joseph A Cannizzaro

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    ANSWERS FOR THE 4-A EPIDEMIC by Joseph A. Cannizzaro, MD

    Published by Siloam

    Charisma Media/Charisma House Book Group

    600 Rinehart Road

    Lake Mary, Florida 32746

    This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by United States of America copyright law.

    Copyright © 2012 by Joseph A. Cannizzaro

    All rights reserved

    Cover design by Ashley Willsey

    Design Director: Bill Johnson

    Visit the author’s websites at,, and

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

    An application to register this book for cataloging has been submitted to the Library of Congress.

    International Standard Book Number: 978-1-61638-484-5

    E-book ISBN: 978-1-61638-702-0

    This book contains the opinions and ideas of its author. It is solely for informational and educational purposes and should not be regarded as a substitute for professional medical treatment. The nature of your body’s health condition is complex and unique. Therefore you should consult a health professional before you begin any new exercise, nutrition, or supplementation program or if you have questions about your health. Neither the author nor the publisher shall be liable or responsible for any loss or damage allegedly arising from any information or suggestion in this book.

    People and names in this book are composites created by the author from his experiences as a medical doctor. Names and details of their stories have been changed, and any similarity between the names and stories of individuals described in this book to individuals known to readers is purely coincidental.

    The statements in this book about consumable products or food have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The publisher is not responsible for your specific health or allergy needs that may require medical supervision. The publisher is not responsible for any adverse reactions to the consumption of food or products that have been suggested in this book.

    While the author has made every effort to provide accurate telephone numbers and Internet addresses at the time of publication, neither the publisher nor the author assumes any responsibility for errors or for changes that occur after publication.



    I dedicate this book to the following: my father, Mr. P. Cannizzaro, who led me on an unrelenting quest for wisdom, and to my mother, Mrs. K. Cannizzaro, whose unconditional love and deep compassion for all those in need were the inspiration to begin my journey in medicine; my beautiful spouse, Carol Ann, who has made the last forty-three years of my life the most wonderful any husband could imagine; and my three sons, Joe Jr., Tom, and Marc, who have made my life as a father very meaningful.

    I also dedicate it to all those committed to healing and empowering children to overcome grievous calamity and win, and to all those who influence change.

    And finally, here’s a special dedication to the 4-A children whose courage and endurance amidst unimaginable pain and suffering have taught me the immense capacity of the human spirit. For our very survival on this planet, they are showing us the way.


    I gratefully acknowledge and wholeheartedly thank my wife and three sons for their never-ending encouragement and support. A special thanks goes to David Harley for tirelessly researching many of the principle topics in the body of the manuscript. I am especially thankful to Gina Rumble, whose keyboard skills resulted in the timely submittal of every draft. Thank you to the staff at Charisma House and to Kathy Deering for their invaluable help in organizing my writings, and to my Integrative Medicine mentors and colleagues for all that they have taught me. And finally, to my ultimate and most consistent teachers—the 4-A patients and their parents—I am most thankful.



    What has gone wrong? As even a casual reader or listener of the news knows, the statistics are alarming. Autism, ADHD, asthma, and allergies—all four of which happen to begin with the letter A—are on the rise, especially among children. In fact, it is not stretching the definition of the word epidemic to use that term for the way these disorders are sweeping the Western world. None of them are communicable in the classic understanding of the term, but all four sets of disorders, as you will see throughout this book, share common root causes that contribute to the development of current epidemic proportions. Autism, attention deficit disorder (with and without hyperactivity—ADD/ADHD), asthma, and allergies—these are the new childhood epidemics.

    A tragedy of this magnitude would be overwhelming except for a salient fact: these new epidemics can be defeated. After twenty years of treating patients, I have found that beneath the surface there is an unmistakable, unshakable web of interrelationship among the 4-A disorders, and I have learned to recognize the patterns. Toxicity in the brain and body causes metabolic dysfunction, which cascades with other factors to produce one or more of these disorders. Often they overlap with each other in the same person. By uncovering and treating the common causes of these 4-A disorders, we can embark on a common (and hope-filled) path to recovery.

    You are already aware of this epidemic, or you would not have picked up this book. Most likely you are a parent of a child (or more than one child) who carries a diagnosis of one of these disorders. You may be overwhelmed with your situation at home, while your search for help merely seems to bury you in information and saddle you with enormous medical bills.

    I want to empower people like you—parents of 4-A children—with comprehensive and effective tools. With you, I want to advocate for the health of your kids. At the same time I want to increase your skills to recognize your own body’s ongoing responses to disorder and stress so that you can make an ongoing and accurate assessment of how you’re doing as a whole family.


    This book is a guide, not a cookbook. It will teach you principles as well as facts and point you in the right direction as you search out the best path. Recovering from any of the 4-A disorders is a journey, replete with side trips and even dead ends. But together with others you can make tangible progress toward the healthy, even contented, lifestyle you want for yourself and your loved ones.

    What you as an individual do with this information is up to you. I want to teach you how to self-practice self-care in a holistic, integrative, and natural way. I want to introduce you to upstream medicine, in which we all play a role in searching out the causes of disease and eliminating them at the root.

    The causes of this particular 4-A epidemic (and if I were not a pediatrician, I might add a fifth and more mature A to the list: Alzheimer’s disease) are omnipresent in our man-made, inevitably toxic environment. The detrimental effects of our environment have been causing all sorts of damage and disorder that are initially imperceptible and can remain so for varying durations within a person’s lifetime. In the case of many of our children the damage has manifested early on as the 4-A disorders, although some children escape.

    All disease processes begin with changes in functional systems, imbalances that our bodies can bring back into balance up to a point. We cannot tell at first what damage to cells and tissues may have been initiated; for a time we remain unaware of tissue damage or dysfunction.

    But after a point of saturation, months or even years down the road, a point that varies from one individual and family to another, an invisible threshold is crossed, beyond which perceptible symptoms of a disease begin to appear.

    When I use the term upstream medicine, I’m using it to communicate two ideas: (1) the way in which we can learn to trace symptoms of a disease back to common and basic metabolic roots, so that we can weed out toxicity and improve the health-promoting aspects of our environment, and (2) the way in which we can learn to anticipate damage or dysfunction long before actual disease symptoms begin to manifest, so as to keep our lifestyles as free as possible of diseaseproducing contaminants. An intermediate period exists wherein perceptible signs and symptoms of a potential disease are still brewing, and during which, if appropriate measures are taken, the full definitive disease will never come into being.


    I am an established medical doctor with a pediatric specialty. As the parents of young patients have come to me for answers over the years, I became convinced that my medical toolbox was insufficient. I could help but only to a degree. Why should I spend my time and the hard-earned money of my patients’ families simply trying to suppress symptoms of a disease, especially life-consuming ailments such as these 4-A disorders?

    I needed to be able to do more. I needed to learn to bring together all that I had learned in medical school and in my pediatric practice along with as many other valid healing modalities as I could learn. I needed to become an integrative doctor, one who incorporates a holistic (mind, body, spirit) awareness along with a natural, nuts-andbolts comprehension of basic biological principles. I needed to go back and relearn basic information about bodily systems (immune, digestive, nervous, etc.), in order to determine what it takes to establish and sustain the human body’s natural ability to develop, grow, and thrive. Besides all of that, I needed to become aware of the bodily effects of our toxic environment so that I could make reliable recommendations to my patients.

    In short I needed to learn to practice medicine in a way that actually eliminates the causes of illness.

    This book reflects my journey, and I am very glad to be able to take you on board. I have written it to provide you with solid information, so that you can come to understand the causes and effects of your own child’s health concerns—and so that you can move together in the direction of healing. You will find here a detailed summary of what I have learned and helpful applications of that information that you can adjust to suit your personal family situation.

    A glance at the Contents page will serve as an introduction to the menu I have prepared for you. Some of the chapters may not apply to your situation, because you may be dealing with only one or two of the 4-A disorders in your family. But you will find that I have repeated key concepts throughout the book, so you will not miss them if you skip a chapter or two.

    My desire is to put into your hands a transformational book, one that can transform your presuppositions and partial information so that, with me, we can create evidence-based solutions for some of society’s most perplexing ailments. I want to bring you to the brink of discovery, where you can survey a variety of explanations and solutions and find the ones that align with your own physical, mental, and spiritual paradigms.

    Each of my own patients and their families have gained greatly from what you are about to read. Now it’s your turn to receive the same benefits!

    Chapter 1


    Billy was born ten days after his due date after a very long labor, and he had his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck twice. This did not seem to affect him negatively, though. At home he was a beautiful baby, always very active. All of his growth and developmental parameters were normal and on track. He was engaged with his family and communicative.

    As an early toddler, however, he began to have temper tantrums and became very fearful of noises, which would make him cling to his mother for long periods of time. He gradually lost interest in his toddler play group. Billy continued to become more distant. Soon he would no longer respond to anyone calling his name, and eye contact slowly disappeared. By the time he was three, he had sustained numerous injuries while walking, running, or climbing, because he seemed to have no sense of danger.

    All along his parents were reassured that their little boy’s behavior was within a normal range for his age. And yet he could not tell them if he was thirsty or hungry, happy or sad, or why he was upset—it seemed that he could not convey any emotion. Also, he had had bowel problems since he was six months old, but his mom had been told that it’s normal for children to have one bowel movement per week.

    When Billy turned four, his preschool teacher suggested that his mother take him for a developmental evaluation conducted by a pediatrician. This caused her to begin to do some research on her own, and her studies soon revealed that a pattern of behavior similar to Billy’s was typically seen in autistic children. Her fears mounted. Her Billy, who was once a healthy, happy little boy, now looked like a sad, helpless, clumsy boy who couldn’t express himself verbally, who would get upset very easily, and who was losing friends faster than he could make them.

    Refusing to accept that nothing could be done, Billy’s mother located the website of the Autism Research Institute and found a holistic, integrative physician. He diagnosed Billy with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and with severe food allergies and constipation, and he initiated biomedical treatment. Billy started a gluten-free, casein-free, and soy-free diet along with supplements that included probiotics, enzymes, and a whole-food concentrate (see Appendix D) to help turn around his leaky gut syndrome.

    After four months his parents could talk to Billy, and he would listen. Another practitioner was enlisted, and he diagnosed oral candidiasis (thrush) and heavy metal toxicity. As Billy’s digestive, immune, and nervous systems came into balance and his overall health improved, he gradually achieved developmental milestones in academics and social skills. Now he was able to make friends at school, to interact and play with them. He had good eye contact, and his speech was clear. Remarkably, he once again enjoyed life. He was back to being a happy boy who could tell his parents what he wanted.

    As time went on, however, he became overly gregarious and extremely hyperactive. His mom remarked, Well, it’s just that he likes to do so many things. He’s all over the place. He’s a bundle of joy, but he can be very disruptive in a group. By then Billy was six and had entered kindergarten. He maintained good grades. The comments on his report cards were upsetting, however, comments such as, Despite my best efforts I cannot persuade Billy to pay attention, and he remains a constant disruption in class. He was taken back to the doctor for a full evaluation. This time the diagnosis was ADHD (attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity).

    What could have happened? Were the dietary and lifestyle measures that had brought so much healing no longer working? This prompted a systems review with laboratory studies, dietary history, and supplemental program analysis, along with a measurement of his toxic burden, which revealed that Billy and his family had lapsed back into a lifestyle marked by an inappropriate diet that was devoid of proper supplementation, along with a disregard for their exposure to toxins.

    I am happy to report that once Billy’s parents successfully reinstituted and maintained those lifestyle changes (nutrition, supplements, and a detox program), Billy no longer suffered from the effects of ADHD. As long as he stuck with the lifestyle improvements, he could be considered healed and healthy.


    We are living in the midst of a colossal, quadruple epidemic. This epidemic has developed insidiously over decades, and it has escalated rapidly during the past thirty years.

    How is this possible? Isn’t an epidemic defined as a specific disease that spreads rapidly in a definable geographic region? How can four seemingly distinct disorders (autism, ADHD, asthma, and allergies) share the same epidemic umbrella?

    It’s really not a stretch to call this a modern epidemic, even though the symptoms can vary greatly and even though the escalation seems to cover all of the developed nations of the world. This is because this diverse population of children (adults too, but these problems start young) are united in what underlies their many overlapping symptoms—and they face the same health-challenging environment.

    We are involved in this epidemic with four faces simply because we are all exposed to the same cause. Toxicity permeates our ecosystem. The human body responds to the threat in particular ways. When you add other factors of our modern lifestyles, you get a spectrum or array of disorders that are interwoven with each other. The reason this epidemic came to light in children is because they are the most vulnerable.

    Although we characterize what’s happening as an epidemic,

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