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Into the Garden: A Deep Journey Into the Bridal Paradise of Jesus Christ and His Father
Into the Garden: A Deep Journey Into the Bridal Paradise of Jesus Christ and His Father
Into the Garden: A Deep Journey Into the Bridal Paradise of Jesus Christ and His Father
Ebook115 pages1 hour

Into the Garden: A Deep Journey Into the Bridal Paradise of Jesus Christ and His Father

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Imagine being given a divine glimpse of the way things were before being marred by sin, the way they will be again one day. Perfect and pure.

Now let Sara Whitney Ewan take you there, as she recalls her remarkable heavenly visitation. Swept up in the Spirit, she marvels at the faultlessness of all she sees, only for Jesus to tell her,

Beauty is My Father’s penmanship.

A gifted worship leader and singer-songwriter, Sara writes poetically of her encounter, in which she was shown new dimensions of God’s eternal love for His children.

Go with her, and you will return with a fresh revelation of God’s passion for you, a new awareness that will change your life. This inspiring book illuminates and celebrates the incomparable bridegroom love of Jesus for His bride, the Church. After sharing Sara’s experience, you will walk more secure than ever in His forever love.
Release dateFeb 25, 2014
Into the Garden: A Deep Journey Into the Bridal Paradise of Jesus Christ and His Father

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    Book preview

    Into the Garden - Sara Whitney Ewan

    INTO THE GARDEN by Sara Whitney Ewan

    Published by Creation House

    A Charisma Media Company

    600 Rinehart Road

    Lake Mary, Florida 32746

    This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by United States of America copyright law.

    Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version of the Bible. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc., publishers. Used by permission.

    Scripture quotations marked NIV are from the New International Version. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2010, 2011, International Bible Society. Used by permission.

    Design Director: Bill Johnson

    Cover design by Terry Clifton

    Copyright © 2014 by Sara Whitney Ewan

    All rights reserved.

    Visit the author’s website:

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:


    International Standard Book Number: 978-1-62136-675-1

    E-book International Standard Book Number:


    While the author has made every effort to provide accurate telephone numbers and Internet addresses at the time of publication, neither the publisher nor the author assumes any responsibility for errors or for changes that occur after publication.

    To my beautiful earthly father and

    my beautiful heavenly Father,

    both of whom I’ll love forever,

    and to Jesus, the Bridegroom of my heart.



    Chapter 1: Into the Garden

    Chapter 2: The Earth

    Chapter 3: The Wedding Banquet

    Chapter 4: God’s Garden

    Chapter 5: The Hall of Fountains

    Chapter 6: The Father’s Castle

    Chapter 7: The Night Garden

    Chapter 8: Christ’s Garden

    Chapter 9: The Spirit Behind a Sound

    Chapter 10: The Victorious Bridegroom and Bride

    Chapter 11: The Garden of Eden

    Chapter 12: The Return


    About the Author

    Contact the Author


    WHEN I WAS twenty-five years old, I had an experience where I was taken up out of my body and into heaven.

    The night before it happened, I wasn’t able to sleep. I had a strong sense of my earthly father, who had been so precious to me and had gone to be with the Lord three years prior. I felt his love and sensed his comfort all around me, and though I tried, I just lay in bed for hours, not sleeping.

    So I got up and went downstairs to look for a DVD to watch. I decided to watch a compilation of home videos my dad was in that I had made years earlier for my family. Seeing him and hearing him laugh reminded me of how much I loved him and missed him, and I was soon in tears. I am a songwriter, and I went to my piano and began to write this song:

    You are everything to me, my father

    I am longing to be close to you

    In my dreams, we always meet and linger

    One day it will be the real thing

    And oh, the joy of knowing you

    It helps me often to get through

    The path that’s not so easy to walk

    And oh, the joy of loving you

    It makes the hardships I go through

    Just one less boundary to cross

    On my way to you

    I’d gladly bear it

    Anything you want, I want to give

    On my way to you

    And to the beauty of my final destination

    In your arms

    On my way to you

    I more whispered the song than sang it; it was such an incredible feeling of closeness and love that I cried as I wrote it. It was written to my dad and yet to the heavenly Father at the same time. In the three years prior, the Lord had healed my heart of the grief of losing my dad (something I wouldn’t have thought possible), and I began to see my life differently, as though every step I took and every hardship I endured just brought me another step closer to seeing both my earthly father and my heavenly Father.

    The next day, I got up and went to the church, where I led worship for a women’s conference. I led with the worship team and went to take my seat afterward.

    During the course of the message, the preacher high lighted three different scriptures. These scriptures were the exact three scriptures the Lord had been having me dwell on in that season on my life, and they were all written down on the same page in my journal at home! Each scripture the preacher chose left me trembling, knowing the Lord Himself was speaking right to me.

    At the end of her message, which was all about the Father, she gave an invitation to come to the altar and run into the Father’s arms. I nearly ran down and was the first one there. The minister waited for a moment, prayed, and then reached her hands up under my chin as though to hold my face, though she didn’t touch me.

    In that moment, I don’t know what happened to my body, because my spirit was instantly in heaven with my dad. Both of us were radiantly happy and weeping, spinning in an open field filled with light, and our heads were slowly shaking from right to left as tears of utter joy streamed from our eyes. We were overcome about being able to reunite, and our emotions seemed to mirror each other’s as we held each other and spun. We were totally focused on each other’s faces, and the background was a blur, a lot like a scene in a movie where people are spinning together and the camera is focused in on their faces. We didn’t take our eyes off each other’s faces. Not a word was spoken; we were communicating wholly from our spirits. This was truly the happiest I’ve ever been.

    Then my dad took me to visit his house in heaven. It was as though he had an intention to take me there, and we were there. Inside his house there was special furniture. Each piece was carved out of wood and had a beautiful varnish to it, glossy and smooth. I sat down in a chair that was carved entirely out of one piece of wood, and the chair seemed to fit my body perfectly, to its exact dimensions. I remember thinking a master craftsman must have made it just for me.

    Then my dad took me to the gates of the City of God. I was outside the gates, looking into the city. In the streets of the city, I saw hundreds of daughters dancing with their fathers, spinning in a waltz-type embrace, and I heard the Father’s voice tell me, "This is how I long to dwell with each one of My daughters.Å The intimacy between the fathers and daughters was so deep and personal, just like the intimacy I had with my dad, and I could feel God’s heart longing to dwell with each of His daughters back on earth like that, in deep, personal intimacy.

    Every molecule of heaven’s atmosphere was made of love. Every fiber of every person’s being was completely made of love. Heaven and everything in it is made up of the very essence of love. Every moment there is perfect love.

    When I was with my dad in the open field, I felt like I could be with my Father God. God has placed feelings in our human relationships that mirror His feelings toward us. He has paralleled His relationship with us in our close human relationships. Even after this experience, I would recall that I was spinning with my dad, Philip, but somehow it seemed like it was God the Father, too.

    As I was experiencing this in heaven, I began to feel people back on earth touch me and to hear them pray for me. I did not want to leave that embrace, that atmosphere. I wanted to stay with everything in me, but I was being distracted by

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