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3-D Prayer: This is The Generation for World-Changing, Mountain-Moving Prayer
3-D Prayer: This is The Generation for World-Changing, Mountain-Moving Prayer
3-D Prayer: This is The Generation for World-Changing, Mountain-Moving Prayer
Ebook162 pages1 hour

3-D Prayer: This is The Generation for World-Changing, Mountain-Moving Prayer

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About this ebook

It was the longest ride of Grace Swift’s life. For nine hours she could think only about the excruciating task awaiting her: identifying the body of her youngest son. He had been a radical prayer warrior and Christian who placed his confidence in God despite his personal imperfections. But in a random act of murder, he was gunned down in his youth.

Drawing upon her son’s fervent commitment to Christ, Grace has crafted a message for all young Christians who want to change the world through prayer: Personal perfection is not a prerequisite for being used by Jesus. Confidence in His power within you will enable you to accomplish great things for Him.

Grace will challenge you not to limit God because of your youth. She will build your confidence that through the Holy Spirit in you, you can live every day “on the offensive” and enjoy a mountain-moving, world-changing life of prayer. 
Release dateMar 1, 2016
3-D Prayer: This is The Generation for World-Changing, Mountain-Moving Prayer

Grace Swift

For the past thirty-five years Grace Swift, mother of five Christian sons, has been recognized as an anointed prayer intercessor.  Her Prayer ministry includes serving twelve years as a prayer partner for WJEB, (Jacksonville Educators’ broadcasting), Channel 59, (an affiliate of TBN), The Branch Christian Fellowship of Indianapolis, IN, and she is the founder and president of the Prayer Movement. Her devotion to prayer has resulted in a series of children's bilingual Bible story books, The SonShip Series, written in English and Spanish. She spends much of her time in her native home town of Franklin, Tennessee, but resides in Jacksonville, Florida, with her sons and grandchildren.  

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    3-D Prayer - Grace Swift



    Joseph was the youngest of all of his siblings. One day his father said, Come, I will send you to your brothers (see Gen. 37:13–14). He was sent to check on the well-being of his brothers. But where he landed encompassed well-being for his brothers and his whole country and sustained him from the pit to commander in the palace.

    David was only a young, good-looking kid when his father commanded him to leave the pasture to carry food to his brothers. He never imagined that one small trip would include defeating a whole army (see 1 Samuel 16:20; 17:42–58), a new life, higher status, and friends in high places. It elevated him to a place of honor and reigning over all of God’s people.

    Samuel didn’t even recognize God, because God had not even been revealed to him. But Eli perceived God for him and gave him instructions. Throughout his life God was with him with such an accurate anointing that not one of his words fell to the ground but every word he prophesied the Lord fulfilled. (See 1 Samuel 3:1–10, 18–20.)

    Although Esther was a young beautiful girl, she was not yet acquainted with the timing of God, but Mordecai told her, Perhaps you have come to the palace for this specific time. He was not her natural father, but he was still appointed by God to guide her. Within three days she rallied the people together in prayer and fasting so powerful until the enemy was defeated, new laws were initiated, and decisions were reversed. Because of her new laws were written that delivered and blessed the entire future of her culture. (See Esther 4:14; 3:9–14; 4:6–14; 8:1–17.)

    Elizabeth was the elderly woman who confirmed the angel’s words to Mary (see Luke 1:39–44). Elizabeth said, Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment (v. 45, NKJV). Mary believed her confirmation and for the fulfillment of those things which were told to her by the angel. God is still confirming His Word with signs and wonders, forgiveness, healing, and even salvation to this date by the same Word that Mary produced (see John 1:1).

    The Lord was about to consume a nation in Jeremiah’s time but gave them one option: to call for the mourning, wailing, praying women. It wasn’t enough for them to mourn, wail, and pray but they had to teach the younger women to do the same (see Jeremiah 9:17–20). Sincere, deep, heartfelt prayer, and strength of the youth coupled with the wisdom and insight of the elderly has always been God’s direct route to salvation and victory in every situation.

    Great success is achieved by young people utilizing wisdom and proper timing who are sent with blessings, instructions, and confirmation by parents, pastors, or leaders. Never underestimate or overlook a father or mother figure or a nurturing adult no matter what place they hold in your life. They were the result of God’s divine positioning for their season and for a specific reason. But now the mantle of power has been placed upon you; the torch is yours to carry into this next generation.

    The time is over for you to sit in solitude defending your Christianity, secretly rehearsing: I will not sin today. I will not listen to explicit music. I won’t do this or yield to that. O God, please help me to make it through this day. No, once and for all, cast down those imaginations, (2 Cor. 10:5, KJV). Those old things have no more power over you. Since the day that you received Jesus you obtained a dominating, victorious life. This awesome life not only transformed you but connected you with the power of the almighty God. No matter how young you are, or even if you receive Jesus while reading this book, by the time you finish it in its entirety; you too will be equipped to overthrow evil and advance the kingdom of God in this season.

    You are invited to come boldly to His throne to obtain His help (Heb. 4:16, NKJV). This is not only for yourself, but this kind of help will revolutionize this whole generation. You are a part of a company of believers chosen to set others free, undo heavy burdens, and declare the glory of the Lord. Reclaim it by proclaiming: The earth is the LORD’S (Ps. 24:1).

    You are called to greatness that reaches beyond yourself into a life of powerful offensive prayer and intercession that will ignite the miraculous; signs, wonders, and outstanding occurrences into these days. The Lord will work more powerful, miraculous things in these days (Mark 16:17–20) than He worked in the biblical days (John 14:12) with all the other young people. He will do it today because He is the same yesterday and today and forever (Heb. 13:8). Arise, shine, For your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you (Isa. 60:1, NKJV). The Spirit of the Lord has risen upon you (see Isaiah 61:1–7) because this is the generation! (Ps. 24:6).

    Chapter 1


    The Creator of the heavens and the earth actually walked through the garden looking for man. Why was God so mindful of him, a man made of mere dirt? God furnishes the garden with everything man could ever think of, need, or ever imagine, and then places him in the center of it all. Just think, the Creator gave him streets of gold, everything he could eat or drink, and a breath-taking garden to live in eternally and crowned him with glory and honor and gave him dominion over everything He had made (see Genesis 1:26–31; Psalm 8:4–5). God even formed a beautiful, good woman to be by his side. Adam’s life was perfect and complete; nothing lacking, nothing missing. So why is it that a man would hide from such an awesome, giving God? What would make him turn away from such great love? Sin: the guilt and shame of sin. Man could not approach a Holy God with sin, and God could not look upon sin. So the temporary separation between God and man was all because of disobedience: sin against God’s directions—His Word.


    But God in His great love made another man to cure, change, complete the payment—undo that sin and every disobedient act from Adam’s fall in the Garden of Eden until the whole world is consummated.

    Now that same loving God who sought Adam is now seeking you out. Hey _______ [your name] where are you? He’s calling you to come. He wants to tell you the reason that He has wiped away all sin. Come and talk with me, the matter has been rectified. Although your sins are as bright red as scarlet, I have provided a way to make them all as pure white as snow (see Isaiah 1:18).


    This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him anyone can have a whole and lasting life. God didn’t go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again. Anyone who trusts in Him is acquitted.


    The good news is that the penalty for Adam’s sins and yours has been placed upon His Son, Jesus. Now you can rid yourself of all sin, guilt, and the shame that would cause you to hide from God, your Father. He is saying to you, Come to Me; let Me tell you the reason you are free. It’s because the blood of Jesus is a continual cleansing stream. It cleanses all sins; past, present, and future.

    My brother Richard was a Vietnam War veteran who shared this story with me years ago: During the war he found himself so afraid (at twenty-one years old and his first time away from home) because he was facing death with no way out. He cried, Oh Lord . . . And before he could say another word, God spoke to him and said, Richard, I forsook My only begotten Son, but I will not forsake you. That was the last thing he remembered. Of course he made it out and later returned home. Those words stayed with him for years. Just think: God loves you as much as He loves Jesus.

    God so loved me that He gave His only Son and because I believe that Jesus is His Son and I received Jesus and His forgiveness, I belong to God. I have access to the life and ability of God. He loved me so much that He produced Jesus to take my sins and redeem me from them now and

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