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G-Team Corp., which was managed by Andrew, Franny, and Edwyn, undertook a large project. To finish the project, Andrew had to work with another company that was built by Liddy. Andrew and Liddy had a personal relationship when they tried to finish the project while Franny was interested in Sinclair, one of Liddy's staff.

Release dateJun 3, 2020

Frank Spreader

Incurable writer. Creator. Extreme reader. Travel fanatic. Introvert. Friendly coffee junkie. Music ninja. Internet nerd. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Thinker.

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    Revenge - Frank Spreader


    by Frank Spreader

    Copyright 2020 Frank Spreader

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite e-book retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    G-Team Corp., which was managed by Andrew, Franny, and Edwyn, undertook a large project. To finish the project, Andrew had to work with another company that was built by Liddy.

    Andrew and Liddy had a personal relationship when they tried to finish the project while Franny was interested in Sinclair, one of Liddy’s staff.

    While the project was running, Andrew’s employee died after discovering a secret. He could only send an email to Andrew.

    From here, various incidents happened to G-Team, causing a veteran police officer, Herman, and his partner, Gage, to investigate this cases.

    When Andrew got closer to the answer, a fire broke out, which killed Sinclair.

    One of Andrew’s friends betrayed him but died while trying to save Liddy. Franny died while saving Andrew.

    Andrew managed to escape death and underwent facial reconstruction so that he wasn’t known and returned to seek revenge.


    Are you sure you will do all this? asked a tall man, observing the person in front of him who was still focus on looking at an object in the distance, whose finger was ready to pull the trigger on a long rifle.

    A bullet whistled past him, and in the distance, a bottle shattered into splinters.

    Phew, he sighed when he could see through binoculars that the target was destroyed.

    Of course, answered the shooter, carrying the rifle. When will we get there?

    His eyes were cold as if piercing the tall man who looked away. The wind sounded like a sigh, blowing the floating dust. The two men fell silent.

    Tomorrow, answered the tall man.

    What did the doctor say? asked a middle-aged woman.

    Her wrinkled face expressed her sadness.

    No progress, mom, as if she doesn’t want to come back to us, answered a younger woman quietly.

    They looked at a young woman who was lying on a bed in a hospital.

    It’s been three years, and she’s still like this, said the older woman, holding the sleeping woman’s hand.

    The younger woman could only bow low. She grabbed her cellphone from her bag. Her eyes sparkled when she saw a post on social media.

    When the wind turned, the bird would return to its nest.


    This is it? We haven’t confirmed the validity yet. The actress hasn’t even made any statement, asked a woman.

    That’s the CEO’s request, Shan. I can’t change it, said a man.

    His eyes looked through the window. The sun had set, leaving the night that had worn on. The woman called Chantal could only fall silent when she heard the man’s answer.

    Hmph, forget it, said Chantal, stepping out, heading toward the parking lot.

    She opened the car door and got into it.

    Rubbish! she said angrily.

    Her beautiful face flushed in anger. Taking a deep breath, she turned the ignition, but only a faint hiss could be heard. She turned it again several times, but the car still wouldn’t start.


    The car door slammed shut behind her as she stepped away. Her high heels sounded loud. She walked quickly despite she was wearing a short, tight black skirt.

    Taxi! she shouted, waving at a black taxi.

    Taking a deep breath, she waited for the taxi, then got into it.

    Where to, ma’am? asked the taxi driver.

    Just drive, said Chantal, glancing at the darkness through the window.

    The Big Apple had never been devoid of iron ants that brought their riders to earn a fortune. She looked at the lights along the roadside, but her mind hovered over several incidents that affected her career and personal life.

    Excuse me, can you change the radio channel? she said, fed up with the news that had been broadcasted by her.

    Sure thing, said the taxi driver, changing the radio channel. A song was playing through the night.

    Ruby stay at home on a Friday night

    Hoes blow up my phone

    Tell ‘em that I’m quite alright

    I might forget that my pimp game is weak sometimes

    And if you slip you fall in love

    Now she’s gone

    Now I gotta ball

    Flex on Adderall

    Sex on Tramadol

    I guess I’ll try ‘em all

    As I recollect the records I collect

    Most of the artists wished for an early death

    I will give it my all

    Yes, I will give it my best

    Anything to replace all the static in my chest

    But I know she won’t be home

    I feel so fucking broke

    I’m lethal

    I bleed foam

    And seep smoke

    Trying to join the 27 club

    So many times tried to get off the subs

    Yung inebriated lil’ half cut

    Both knees are shaking from the mass drugs

    I put in my body everyday daily

    Ex on my mind when I start masturbating

    Somebody save me because I have no patience

    When it comes to death I’m not trying to be waiting

    Not trying to be slaving for no vacation

    Not trying to be you or that bitch that you’re dating

    Save all the faking

    I’m just rolling smoking with my two cups

    Still losing

    In between if Ima fold or blow up $uicide is what I’m choosing

    Unfortunately, I’m not as lucky as you, Scrim, whispered Chantal softly.

    Uh, sorry, ma’am. I’ll change it again, said the taxi driver, thinking that his passenger didn’t like the song he was playing.

    Oh, it’s okay, said Chantal quickly, looking back through the window.

    The beeping sound from her cellphone distracted her attention. With her right hand, she took that thing from her bag and read the incoming message.

    Nikki Hotel. Room 303. No panties.

    She put her cellphone into her bag. An angry look appeared on her face.

    In a low voice, she said to the taxi driver who looked at her in the rear-view mirror, Go to Nikki Hotel, looking back at him.

    For a moment, she followed his eyes which were staring at her breasts wrapped in a tight white blouse.

    Uh, yes, ma’am, stammered

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