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Deep Love Unforgettable: Volume 3
Deep Love Unforgettable: Volume 3
Deep Love Unforgettable: Volume 3
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Deep Love Unforgettable: Volume 3

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On the anniversary of their wedding, Little San performed well with his poor acting skills. Facing the criticism of the crowd and the indifference of his husband, Su Mei's heart was like dying embers.

Three years of marriage was like three years of imprisonment.

Chu Mingyuan's appearance was like a ray of light, carrying Su Mo away from the darkness.

After all, they had met in university with unforgettable feelings … Before he met the right person, all he had done was pass by them casually …

Release dateJun 16, 2020
Deep Love Unforgettable: Volume 3

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    Book preview

    Deep Love Unforgettable - Mo Shang


    CHAPTER 201 - C201

    Ya Ya, you're scaring me to death. Have you seen Chu Jun, has he given up yet? What about you? Do you want to leave or not? Are you all right now? Aiyo, you really scared me to death!

    Looking at Wen Xiaoqi patting her chest with lingering fear, Su Yaya found it funny, All of a sudden you're asking so many questions, which one do you want me to answer first? I'm fine, the child is fine, I saw him.

    Looking at Su Yaya's lonely expression, Wen Xiaoqi really wanted to slap herself twice. She really didn't know how to talk as usual.

    Aiya, Ya Ya, now that you've tricked Chu Jun. You can stay here and stay in my house. Besides, I really can't be at ease leaving you alone when you're feeling unsteady.

    Su Yaya felt that what Wen Xiaoqi said was reasonable. Right now, the most important person to her was the baby, so Wen Xiaoqi took Su Ya Ya to her house to stay for the time being.

    After Chu Jun went to the airport to ask around, he found out that the earliest flight would be tomorrow morning. Chu Jun hit the pillar as if venting his anger, and blood immediately flowed down the pillar.

    Go and ask if anyone is willing to refund the ticket and trade it for three times the price of the plane ticket. I must catch up to Ya Ya as soon as possible! Chu Jun said to Xue Xiwei without turning back.

    Xue Xiwei also knew Chu Jun must be very anxious right now, so he immediately began to carry out his orders. Chu Jun didn't care whether his hand was injured or not. Right now, the most important thing for him was to get Su Ya Ya Ya.

    Suddenly, the sound of radio broadcasts rang out in the airport lobby. The entire airport was in an uproar, and the staff were starting to maintain order. As Chu Jun was completely immersed in his own world, he did not notice the changes that occurred at the scene.

    Xue Xiwei hurriedly ran over. Seeing that Chu Jun was still in a daze, he knew that he definitely didn't hear it. CEO, CEO, not good, something big is happening! " He ran until he was out of breath, then came over and shouted at Chu Jun.

    Chu Jun doesn't think so. Right now, other than Ya Ya's matter, it's not a big deal for him. CEO, please listen to me. There's been an accident on the plane that the Madam is on! "

    Chu Jun thought he misheard, What? What did you say just now? What do you mean something happened? Explain it clearly for me!" Xue Xiwei repeated what he had just heard.

    Chu Jun could not believe his ears. Xue Xiwei's words were always in his ears, The Madame's plane encountered a airflow midway, and there was a problem with the plane. Now, everyone on the plane is missing. Is life or death unknown?

    Chu Jun had never felt so hopeless before. The moment he heard about the plane crash, he felt that it was his fault. It was his fault. He forced Su Ya to leave.

    Chu Jun would rather not see Su Ya Ya Ya Ya and her children for the rest of his life and live in peace elsewhere than to hear that something had happened to her.

    Xue Xiwei looked on helplessly at Chu Jun, who was usually a tough man. Now, he completely ignored his image and sat on the ground with a dull expression. He felt very upset for him in his heart.

    Chu Jun was not willing to give up on that last sliver of hope. Right now, his whereabouts were still unknown, so Ya Ya Ya might still be in trouble. He stood up. At this time, he was the only one who could save her, he could not give up.

    Wei, go investigate the situation of the plane crash. If you are alive, you must see the person. If you are dead, you must see the corpse. I must find Ya Ya. Ya Ya is waiting for me to save her. Ya Ya is waiting for me.

    Xue Xiwei also knew the seriousness of the situation and immediately mobilized all the connections the Chu Family could find. They had to find the location of the plane, but they were very clear on the fact that there was still a slim chance of survival!

    Unlike the chaotic situation Chu Jun was in, Su Yaya and Wen Xiaoqi were very calm. The two of them sat on the sofa, watching the news.

    Ya Ya, Ya Ya, quickly take a look, something happened to your flight. Oh my god, luckily you didn't get on the plane. Otherwise, you'd be dead. Wen Xiaoqi said while patting her chest.

    Did something happen? Su Ya Ya's first reaction was that she was indeed quite lucky. Thinking about it this way, it seemed like the baby had saved her. Her stomach seemed to have some sort of reaction as it kicked her. Su Ya Ya was so moved that she touched her stomach.

    Wen Xiaoqi thought about it and mumbled, Ya Ya, does Chu Jun think that you were also on that plane, that he would go crazy if he stood there?

    Listening to Wen Xiaoqi's words, Su Ya knew in her heart that with Chu Jun's personality, he must have gone mad by now. However, this was also good.

    Xiaoqi, don't tell anyone that I'm living in your house right now. Since the misunderstanding has already happened, let it continue! Su Ya Ya made a decision in her heart.

    Wen Xiaoqi was flabbergasted. You're letting them worry so much?

    CHAPTER 202 - C202

    Maybe this is what God means when he thinks I'm dead and starting a new life, isn't that what I want? Grief is only a temporary thing, time will fix it.

    It was unknown whether Su Yaya's words were for Wen Xiaoqi or for herself, but since she had already made her decision, Wen Xiaoqi didn't know what to say.

    News of the plane crash spread like wildfire. Once the news was released, almost everyone knew about the incident. However, when they saw that Su Ya Ya Ya's name was actually on the list, everyone's attitude became very playful.

    It had to be said that other than Chu Jun, not many people truly wished for Su Ya Ya to be well. Wen Xiaoqi and Wei Pengyuan knew the ins and outs of the matter, so they weren't worried. Therefore, the people who were really worried about Su Ya Ya could actually count them all with one hand.

    When Bai Siyao read the news, she was truly overjoyed, Hahaha, Su Ya Ya Ya, you will also have such a day. Now that you're dead, I want to see how you can still compete with me. Chu Jun must be my Bai Siyao!

    The report only stated that her whereabouts were unknown, but from Bai Siyao's point of view, Su Ya Ya Ya was doomed to die. There was no chance of her surviving. At this point, Bai Siyao's mind had started to move again.

    Hmph, I don't believe that he would never touch a woman for the sake of her, Su Ya Ya Ya. How can there be a man who doesn't cheat? This is all an act, Chu Jun, just you wait. You will only be mine, Bai Siyao!

    Nine hours had passed and there was still no news at all. The plane's wreckage could not be found and everyone held onto a glimmer of hope. Perhaps everyone was still alive and they were only forced to land at a place they could not find.

    Time passed minute by minute, Chu Jun waited at the airport for news, while Xue Xiwei's side did not have any results either. Chu Jun's whole body sank into despair, he was unwilling to believe that Su Ya Ya Ya Ya left him forever, forever leaving this world.

    In order to not let others find out, Su Ya Ya stayed in Wen Xiaoqi's house and did not go out. She was concerned about the news of the plane crash every day, although she was not on the plane, but she hoped that nothing would happen to the doctors and their parents.

    The reporter was in the airport waiting hall interviewing the families of his fellow countrymen who had suffered from the plane's suffering. Su Ya Ya Ya saw Chu Jun. It had only been a day since she had last seen him, and Chu Jun's entire being looked dejected. His beard and beard were unshaven, and his bags under his eyes were almost bigger than his eyes.

    This fool, why doesn't he know how to take good care of himself? Chu Jun, forget about me. Forget about Su Ya Ya, your life can start anew. Su Ya Ya muttered to herself.

    Su Ya Ya caressed Chu Jun's thin face through the TV screen, tears flowing uncontrollably down her face. She and Chu Jun were fated to meet each other.

    The baby seemed to feel the sadness coming from its mother and moved a few times, as if it was comforting its crying mother. Su Ya Ya touched her belly and felt that life was not that difficult anymore.

    Half a month had passed since the plane crash, but there was still no news. Yes, there was no news at all. The plane seemed to have disappeared into thin air. No matter how hard they searched, they could not find any news about it.

    The last time I saw it was two hours after takeoff, and then there was a problem.

    From their initial despair, to a glimmer of hope, to their despair, almost everyone had given up. Half a month, even if they had landed safely, the food stored would not be enough to last them half a month.

    There were fewer and fewer people waiting at the airport, but there were also people who refused to give up, such as Chu Jun.

    Chu Jun stayed at the airport day and night. Ever since the plane crash, he hadn't had a good night's sleep. If he hadn't been waiting for news about Su Ya Ya Ya and the child, he probably would have gone with them.

    The people of the Chu Family had been here many times. Every time, they would be chased back and Bai Siyao would come as well. It was just that Chu Jun didn't even give her a glance. The media outside reported that the young master of the Chu Family was infatuated, waiting at the airport for his pregnant wife for half a month. However, whether he believed it or not, Chu Jun did not care.

    Chu Jun's only thought now was to see Su Ya Ya Ya, the living Su Ya Ya. It was just that these days, he had experienced too many hopes and was disappointed.

    In the past half month, Chu Jun had lost a lot of weight. His originally small face now had a skeleton that could be seen, causing Xue Xiwei to feel a pang in his heart when he looked at it.

    Ya Ya, I was wrong, I was really wrong, if you can come back, I will no longer restrict your freedom, you can do whatever you want to do, I will definitely not stop you! Ya Ya, come back, I beg you, come back!

    CHAPTER 203 - C203

    The current Chu Jun no longer had the look of a CEO, his humble begging look made everyone's heart clench hard. Life and death, since ancient times, was the most miserable thing to do.

    It was impossible for Su Yaya to not have any feelings for him. After all, he was the person she loved, so how could she remain indifferent when she saw his face? However, if she showed up now, all her efforts would have been for naught.

    However, Su Ya Ya had forgotten what kind of person Chu Jun was. Initially, he could reject all women for Su Ya Ya, just waiting for a woman that he didn't know if it was possible.

    Furthermore, if she asked herself, if her identity was reversed and Chu Jun was the one who was in trouble, Su Ya Ya would also not be able to forget him. Time could only cause the wound to scab, but there was no way to treat the scars left behind.

    During this period of time, in order to hide the truth about Su Ya Ya, Wen Xiaoqi had been pretending to be extremely sad all day. Chu Jun couldn't believe that Su Ya Ya Ya hadn't boarded the plane, so he had easily let go of the good opportunity to learn about the news.

    Everyone was saying that the people on the plane must be dead. Otherwise, how could there not be any news for so long? There were also people saying that the plane was taken away by aliens, but that was just a wild guess.

    But no one knew the real result. Other than Su Ya Ya, who didn't board the plane, no one knew if anyone was lucky enough to survive.

    Time slowly passed. Other than Chu Jun, there was no one else waiting. Chu Jun did not continue waiting at the airport, that would be too much of a waste of time. Although he had returned home, he had not given up on searching for Su Ya.

    Until, two months later, the airline came back with the news that the mishap had been found and no one had escaped.

    When Chu Jun received the news, his entire body collapsed, because there was not even a last sliver of hope. When the news came, Chu Jun immediately went to the crash site to confirm it.

    It was indeed that plane. Due to the high altitude of the crash, the plane had been reduced to a pile of debris. The passengers inside were all lucky.

    All of a sudden, the family members who had been waiting for the news were all sad. Some of them sent the black haired man, some of them had their families inside, and some of them were old men who had left after traveling for a long time.

    All the family members were immersed in grief. The airline organized a special farewell ceremony for the family members. When it came out, not only the people of the whole country, but the people of the world all mourned the disaster.

    Of course, Chu Jun also attended the farewell ceremony, but he wanted to do more than that. He made Su to openly enter his Chu Family's ancestral hall and write the Chu Family's family tree.

    Bastard, she's already dead, what else do you want? First, she didn't help our Chu Family, second, she didn't show filial piety to our parents, and third, she didn't contribute much to the Chu Family. Why would she let our Chu Family have her grave?

    Faced with Old Man Chu's questioning, Chu Jun expressionlessly blocked his way back. Just because she's my Chu Jun's wife, and the unborn child in her womb is my Chu Jun's child, and is a descendant of the Chu Family, she has the right to enter.

    Chu Jun's words infuriated Old Man Chu, Chu Jun, let me tell you, as long as I, this old man, live in this world, I won't allow her to enter our house!

    Chu Jun didn't have much of a reaction to Old Man Chu's strong opposition, he only said flatly, Oh, then let me kick him out as well. With that, he turned and left.

    As long as it was something that he had decided on, there was no room for redemption. His attitude was tough, and he didn't have the slightest leeway to negotiate with his son.

    If the Chu Clan could not accept Su Ya Ya Ya, then he would rather not this Chu Clan. To him, Su Ya Ya Ya Ya was the most important treasure in his life, the Chu Clan was just a clan that was filled with greed and greed.

    The Chu Clan could not rely on him, Chu Jun, and did not lack such a talented descendant. However, Su Ya Ya Ya had no other choice but to rely on herself.

    Ya Ya, don't worry. I will always protect you. We will never part ways ever again. Chu Jun said gently while holding Su Ya Ya's grave in his arms. Then, ignoring the various expressions of the Chu Clan members behind him, he walked out of the Chu Clan residence.

    Su Ya Ya naturally did not know about this. After the news of the plane crash came out, Su Ya Ya decided to leave. It was time for him to leave.

    Su Yaya told Wen Xiaoqi about her thoughts. Although Wen Xiaoqi was worried that she would leave alone with her big belly, Su Ya Ya was still very stubborn.

    CHAPTER 204 - C204

    Wen Xiaoqi helped Su Ya to pack her luggage, repeatedly reminding her to keep in touch with him at all times and to ask for his help if there was anything she needed.

    Looking at Wen Xiaoqi's reluctant expression, Su Yaya felt a bit sad about leaving. Su Ya Ya's previous identity was no longer usable. Wen Xiaoqi had requested for her relationship with Su Ya and helped her get a new identity.

    Su Ya Ya brought the baby and her new identity to a small city in the south. From then on, Su Ya Ya no longer existed. From now on, her name was Su Qing, and she was now reunited with her past. Come on, Su Qing! "

    He had just arrived at the place and was unfamiliar with the place. However, it was fortunate that the people in the small areas were quite kind, so Su Qing quickly found a place to stay. The landlady was very friendly and it wasn't easy for her to become pregnant by herself.

    From then on, Su Qing started her new life. Her current situation was not suitable for her to go to work. After all, she already had a big belly, so she wanted to wait for her child to be born before she started looking for a job. Fortunately, she had forgotten to eat and sleep when she was working in the hospital. She didn't have time to shop around, so she saved up all her wages.

    She didn't expect that it would be of use now. After so many years of accumulation, Su Qing was still able to become a rich woman. She didn't worry about food and drinks, and was able to start a baby at home.

    Su Qing had just settled down when she received a call from Wen Xiaoqi. Hello, darling. How are you? Have you found a place to stay?

    The nagging words of Wen Xiaoqi caused a warmth that Su Qing hadn't felt in her heart for a long time. Su Qing replied with a smile, You're still worried about my ability. I've already found a house, and it's not bad.

    Then that's good, let me tell you a piece of news. It's said that Chu Jun wanted to bring your Crest of Clothing back to the Chu Family, but was rejected by the Chu Family's old man. He then decisively hugged your Crest of Clothing and left the Chu Family.

    Wen Xiaoqi's words made Su Qing's heart astray. That fool, why would he do that? Hearing Su Qing's silence, Wen Xiaoqi started to hate her big mouth.

    Dearest, don't think too much. Since you've already left, just live by yourself and stop worrying about this. When my godson is born, I, as his godmother, must be there. When that happens, I must give him a big red packet.

    Of course, Su Qing knew that Wen Xiaoqi was trying to comfort her. The incident with Bai Siyao back then had hurt her feelings. Forget it, forget it.

    Su Qing didn't want Wen Xiaoqi to worry, so she pretended to be happy. Don't worry, I won't let you off. When the time comes, I'll definitely tell you in advance. You said that you were going to help me raise my child!

    After she finished her call with Wen Xiaoqi, Su Qing thought of many things. Things had already reached this point, so no matter what, it had nothing to do with her anymore. She was now called Su Qing and was just an ordinary single mother.

    Su Qing made a plan. The baby was about to be born in two months. Her current movements were quite convenient, so she first tidied up the house. After that, she probably ran back and forth between the hospital and her home.

    Baby, mommy can't wait for your arrival. You have to be safe and healthy for the rest of your life, mommy won't ask you to achieve anything. As long as you live a happy life, that's better than anything.

    The little girl seemed to have understood her mother's words. She forcefully kicked Su Qing's stomach, making her extremely happy. Her entire body radiated with the radiance of her mother's love.

    Chu Jun and Su Qin were in two completely different situations.

    Due to the conflict between him and Old Man Chu, Chu Jun had completely moved out of the Chu Clan. Old Man Chu was so angry that he had almost been hospitalized.

    On the other hand, Chu Jun didn't care, the conflict between father and son wasn't something that could be resolved in a day or two.

    Chu Jun directly moved out from the Chu Clan and even resigned from his position in the company. Since there was no longer Su Qing, he had no interest in handling the affairs of the company.

    Xue Xiwei, on the other hand, was very sincere. He had been following Chu Jun the entire time, and had even resigned from the company. His thoughts were simple, Chu Jun treated him very well, it would be easy for them to support him with their abilities.

    Moreover, Chu Jun was now depressed because of Su Ya Ya. If he did not follow her and take care of her, he might not be able to survive this trial.

    CEO, it's not good for you to be depressed like this. Madam definitely doesn't want to see you like this. You should pull yourself together in time!

    Xue Xiwei had been following Chu Jun every day, and his mouth was almost worn out. He still looked like he was drunk and in a dream, making others feel that he could not bear to watch him die.

    Xue Xiwei knew that no matter how much he said, it would be useless. Chu Jun simply ignored him. To Chu Jun, Su Ya Ya Ya was no more. The entire world was gone, so how could he still pull himself together?

    CHAPTER 205 - C205

    Once he returned to their home, he felt that the entire room was filled with memories. Chu Jun's previous life had truly revolved around Su Ya Ya. Now that the central point had suddenly disappeared, Chu Jun's world had completely collapsed.

    Ever since he found out about Su Ya Ya's accident, Chu Jun had lost weight. His beard and hair had grown longer, and his thin cheeks were almost devoid of flesh.

    It was no exaggeration to say that he was a walking corpse. He no longer had the demeanor of a high-spirited CEO. He probably couldn't even hold up his suit anymore.

    When others spoke to him, he ignored them, as if he had gone deaf. Xue Xiwei could only watch and worry, but there was nothing he could do about it.

    He was so desperate that he could only ask Wen Xiaoqi for help. Although he didn't know if it would work, he had no choice but to give it a shot.

    What? You want me to talk to Chu Jun? " When Wen Xiaoqi heard about the purpose of Xue Xiwei's visit, she felt that it was somewhat funny.

    Just help me out, young miss, let's say I beg you, alright? It's because you haven't seen Chu Jun's current appearance. Ever since Su Ya Ya left, he seemed to have become a completely different person. " Xue Xiwei also came to the hospital in a hurry.

    What he needs now is Ya Ya, not me. Ya Ya has left, who isn't sad? If it wasn't for him back then, Ya Ya would have been fine. I didn't blame him and now he's come looking for me instead. Wen Xiaoqi felt a headache coming on.

    I also know that it's too abrupt of me to look for you, but the CEO doesn't listen to anyone's words. If this goes on, even I will be afraid that he will follow Lady Ya Ya Ya.

    Wen Xiaoqi looked at Xue Xiwei's face, which was on the verge of bursting into tears, and felt helpless. Su Yaya, if you leave, just leave this mess to me. Look at how I'll deal with you! Wen Xiaoqi thought bitterly in her heart.

    Alright, I'll go with you, but I can't guarantee that it will work! Yes, Wen Xiaoqi could only helplessly agree to Xue Xiwei's request. Of course I know that. No matter what, I still have to thank you! When Xue Xiwei heard that she had agreed to go, he heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. It should be useful.

    Wen Xiaoqi originally wanted to go after work, but Xue Xiwei insisted that she go now, otherwise she would be waiting at the hospital for her to get off work. Wen Xiaoqi looked at the gossips coming and going in the hospital and could only agree.

    Wen Xiaoqi went to ask for a day's leave before following Xue Xiwei. She didn't notice Wei Pengyuan watching the two leave from the window sill.

    When Wen Xiaoqi first saw Chu Jun, she really didn't recognize him. If it wasn't for Xue Xiwei's expression, she would have thought she had walked into the wrong place.

    Chu Jun was already so thin that she had lost her figure. She did not expect Ya Ya's departure would have such a huge impact on him. This time, even Wen Xiaoqi felt that Chu Jun was too pitiful. However, she was definitely still looking towards Su Ya Ya.

    Hello, Chu Jun. Wen Xiaoqi cried out, but Chu Jun didn't even raise his head. Wen Xiaoqi looked back at Xue Xiwei with a helpless expression. Seeing Xue Xiwei's wrinkled face that was like a bitter gourd, she could only try again. If the soft one didn't work, then he had to use the hard one.

    Hey, Chu Jun, don't you want to know what Ya Ya thought before she left? It had to be said, Wen Xiaoqi's words did work, and successfully made Chu Jun raise his head.

    When she looked up, Wen Xiaoqi was even more shocked. Oh my god, who is this? I don't know him, I don't know him.

    Say, Ya Ya, did you leave any more messages? Because he had not spoken for so long, Chu Jun's voice had become hoarse, it sounded like he had gone through a long time.

    Hmm, actually, Ya Ya already told me a lot when she begged me to help her leave. Don't you want to know why she left you? Wen Xiaoqi could only take things one step at a time. In any case, as long as it was about Su Ya Ya Ya, she could raise his interest. Ya Ya, don't blame me for selling you out.

    Why did she leave me? Maybe she found out that she didn't love me as much as she thought, but facing the Chu Clan's way of doing things, she was afraid, and it was for our children." Chu Jun said somewhat self-deprecatingly.

    Wen Xiaoqi was going to fight for her best friend.

    "Chu Jun!

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