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Lust of The Poetry
Lust of The Poetry
Lust of The Poetry
Ebook56 pages44 minutes

Lust of The Poetry

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Lust of the poetry is a collection of thirty nine poems. The themes are about life, love, spirituality and human nature.
The title comes from an innate awareness of the author in regard to publishing a collection of poems that mirror his imagination and experiences through the journey of life.

PublisherJohn Onguko
Release dateJun 8, 2020
Lust of The Poetry

John Onguko

I am a writer from Kenya. I major in creative writing. I love reading, riding, and travelling. I also paint and bake wonderful cakes.

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    Lust of The Poetry - John Onguko

    Lust of The Poetry

    Published by John Onguko at Smashwords

    Copyright 2020 John Onguko

    This e-book is licensed for you personal enjoyment only. This e- book may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favourite e-book retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

                                                                            For LOVE and POETRY


    Born in the evening, to two lampstands that draw breathes.

    Living pillars to a love child, a love that is eternal in flames.

    A young man but still a silent auditor of moral philosophy,

    with uninhibited intuition of grasping the unknown.

    Time and experience are but a voice to the stars that shine in the sky.

    Aware of the warm wood and the confusion emanating from the great fort.

    Like water boiling in heat; unsettled in affection when sought.

    When following passions, vain and unprofitable until discovery of maturity.

    The candle under the clouds has been overpowered by the moon above!

    In the way that a river and its name is swallowed by a vast sea.

    Henceforth never academic but alternatively became really introspective.

    Comparatively out of conspiracy unlike a theory that never existed.

    A war erupted, on one side where Baconians, on the other you must research.

    Whether it’s ongoing I know not; what if they sort the help of Apollo?

    Living him cracked up and shining on how literature can be damned,

    Folio after folio but they never see that words can be light.

    They say he was lost, if they knew he went to find out himself.

    The concealed poet never finds his way; he must chart a dramatic path.

    Narrow by all means until he arrives at the city of the great king.

    An enemy of popular culture: but a friend of the puritan structure.

    Mischief or was it not the satire that the chief really missed?

    Encrypting languages with thoughts from ancient codes never released.

    A high I.Q, specifically above 90 needed to understand such a script,

    of speech and pitch that highlights: exit B and now the moon I see.


    Five hours of sleep is enough for me

    If I do more I might sleep up to six

    Why toss and turn in bed consumed by half thoughts?

    When I can wake up and do something else,

    Sometimes I have dreams

    Some are too scary to be retrieved

    My logic watches from a distance how it all unfolds

    When my mind roams in its own universe

    The subconscious doing its own thing

    The conscious not even trying to interfere

    Unless I am falling off a cliff or driving faster than in reality

    Suddenly I am up earlier than my mum does,

    I wish I would prepare tea but am not in the mood

    I need to write something first before I think about food

    That is just how my brainwaves get so methodical

    Mum finds me sitting pensively at the study

    The next thing is why I haven’t prepared tea?

    It’s only about five and this

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