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Pandemic! The Complete Erotic Anthology Series
Pandemic! The Complete Erotic Anthology Series
Pandemic! The Complete Erotic Anthology Series
Ebook81 pages1 hour

Pandemic! The Complete Erotic Anthology Series

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About this ebook

Inspired by the COVID-19 outbreak, and Australian’s response to the crisis, H. G. Jones has masterfully crafted a series of erotic short stories, each analysing a different aspect of human behaviour and erotica.
Fucked In A Toilet Paper Fort In Woolies
Baked Beans For A Pounding In Coles
Fucked During A Lustful Lockdown In IGA
Fucked On A Cruise Ship During A Viral Outbreak
Fucked On The Last Qantas Flight Out Of Sydney
Socially Distant Communal Wanking While In Lockdown
Fucked During An End Of Lockdown Celebration

PublisherHG Jones
Release dateJun 9, 2020
Pandemic! The Complete Erotic Anthology Series

HG Jones

HG Jones is the author and creator of the much-loved Parliamentary Desires series, and the Gender-Flipped spin-off. His PANDEMIC! series of short stories garnered much critical acclaim. Now, with the launch of his new Monsters in the Dark series, HG delves deep into the past and explores the erotic underbelly of Sydney’s famed Kings Cross.

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    Pandemic! The Complete Erotic Anthology Series - HG Jones


    The Complete Erotic Anthology Series

    H.G. Jones

    © H.G. Jones, 2020

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination, or used fictitiously. And resemblance to persons living or dead, or events, is purely coincidental.

    Copyright © H.G. Jones, 2020

    All Rights Reserved, no part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without express permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotation in a book review and/or general discussion

    First edition June 2020

    Cover design by H.G. Jones

    Also by H. G. Jones:

    Parliamentary Desires:

    Parliamentary Desires 1: International Relations

    Parliamentary Desires 2: Congressional Proclivities

    Parliamentary Desires 3: Spilled Infatuations

    Parliamentary Desires: X-Rated Xmas: A Short Story

    Parliamentary Desires: Original Sins: A Short Story

    Parliamentary Desires 4: Democratic Intimacies

    Parliamentary Desires: Communist Checkers: A Short Story

    Parliamentary Desires 5: Westminsterial Concupiscence

    Parliamentary Desires 6: Delegated Passions (Coming Soon)

    Probed Cravings:

    Probed Cravings 1: Risqué Rorting

    Mobsters of Love:

    Mobsters of Love: The Crimes of Eros

    Mobsters of Love 2: The Flight of Hermes


    Fucked In A Toilet Paper Fort In Woolies

    Baked Beans For A Pounding In Coles

    Fucked During A Lustful Lockdown In IGA

    Fucked On A Cruise Ship During A Viral Outbreak

    Fucked On The Last Qantas Flight Out Of Sydney

    Socially Distant Communal Wanking While In Lockdown

    Fucked During An End Of Lockdown Celebration


    Fucked In A Toilet Paper Fort In Woolies

    Baked Beans For A Pounding In Coles

    Fucked During A Lustful Lockdown In IGA

    Fucked On A Cruise Ship During A Viral Outbreak

    Fucked On The Last Qantas Flight Out Of Sydney

    Socially Distant Communal Wanking While In Lockdown

    Fucked During An End Of Lockdown Celebration

    Fucked In A Toilet Paper Fort In Woolies

    H.G. Jones

    © H.G. Jones, 2020, All Rights Reserved

    The air temperature changed dramatically as the cool glass doors slid effortlessly open, revealing to me, the inside of a suburban Woolies. We’d all heeded the warnings, that danger was imminent, and I knew I only had only hours to prepare for a catastrophic end of days. A wild, vampire virus was spreading rampantly throughout the world. First in Transylvania, then all of Europe, and now here in Australia. Streets were slowly filling with the undead, and our only hope of survival was self-imposed quarantines. The Woolies was filled with people doing the same as me – stocking up on emergency supplies.

    As I walked through the door, I mentally reminded myself of the list of items I needed to purchase. Long life milk, coffee, baked beans, cans of soup, lube, pasta, rice, instant noodles… and toilet paper. Nobody recalls where it started, but there was a rumour that the vampires had mutated. No silver bullet nor wooden stake to the thoracic pump could kill them anymore. These vampires were susceptible to only one weapon – toilet paper.

    As the rumour spread, so too did the sales of toilet paper. Once a throwaway waste, the precious tissue was now a valuable commodity. Supermarket shelves were being stripped as soon as they were stocked. Nobody wanted to think about what a vampire would do if they clawed their way inside the home of an unsuspecting family….

    I walked briskly through the aisles, trolley in tow, collecting everything I needed to last the pandemic. It was only day 3 since an emergency situation had been announced, but the store was still busier than ever before. Families everywhere were loading up on everything they thought important; tins of fish, packets of chips, BBQ sauce, but the most important of all – toilet paper.

    Nobody wanted to be left short of those delicate, white squares of sanctuary, not when there were vampires lurking about, perhaps around any corner. My heart raced as I thought about the velvety smooth tissues of lightly scented 4 ply paper gliding smoothly over my own asshole. I couldn’t bare the thought of resorting to only 2 ply paper, or worse; 1 ply. My asshole was a princess in a former life, and only the best would do.

    I raced through the store, my trolley jerking about like only a Woolies trolley could, determined to reach the last aisle. In my head, I pictured fully restocked shelves, loaded with more toilet paper than I knew what to do with. I imagined a faint, golden aura, as though I’d found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. But hopes were dashed as soon as I turned the corner.

    Standing around empty, dented, collapsing shelves were dozens of other crestfallen shoppers. There was no toilet paper. Not today, maybe not ever again. Our last defence against the vampires was gone, never to return to those hallowed shelves again. A feeling of disbelief spread across me, and I felt a single tear roll down my right cheek. Without toilet paper, certain death awaited.

    Sorry folks, all cleared out again, said an attendant, as he walked past. You’ll have to come back tomorrow, hear? He whistled slightly as he walked past me, making brief eye contact, and walking around the corner. I was stunned, I’d never seen a man so handsome before. His dark, mid-length hair fell flopped slightly as he walked. His green uniform clung to his muscular body, and rippled across his abs as he walked. His eyes were sapphire blue, and as I looked into them for the briefest moment, I thought I could hear angels singing, but it was only his keys jangling on his belt.

    I felt the air had been knocked out of me. Who was this

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