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Incendiary & Other Stories
Incendiary & Other Stories
Incendiary & Other Stories
Ebook90 pages1 hour

Incendiary & Other Stories

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You awaken in a cramped, dark space. You can barely move. What do you do? Agent Guinevere must use all her skills as a Pendragon if she hopes to escape this fate and make it back to Tom, her devoted and dearest lover. Their romance blossomed within the organization in secret, hushed moments stolen between missions, and must now inspire Sophie as she fights for extraction from the ambitious plans of the fearsome Sullivan Nero. What does his organization want with a small Texas town? How will his wrath take shape when their paths cross and Guinevere’s will is tested?

PublisherRuby O'Connor
Release dateAug 1, 2020
Incendiary & Other Stories

Ruby O'Connor

Ruby O'Connor is a bit of a philodox, and a killjoy. She'd also like to take this opportunity to apologize to Howard Jones. Why is not important. She has lived here and there, learning this and that, and chronicles these adventures as Arizonacolleen on various social media. Proud creator of Sophie Hollander and Minuet Nero so far. Friend, expat, activist, and unique dresser. Ruby does most of her social drinking near her husband and their two dogs in Wexford, Ireland. She's very grateful you checked out her profile. Seriously.

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    Book preview

    Incendiary & Other Stories - Ruby O'Connor


    & Other Stories


    & Other Stories

    Ruby O’Connor

    Incendiary & Other Stories by Ruby O’Connor 

    © 2020 Ruby O’Connor, Arizonacolleen

    All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. For permissions contact:

    Cover designed by Emma Clinton.

    ISBN: 9781916276345

    for John


    Table of Content

    The Countess Cathleen

    The Wager

    Lessons in Vulnerability


    Part One

    Part Two

    Part Three

    Part Four

    Glossary of Spy Terms featured in  The Sophie Hollander Series

    The Countess Cathleen

    The chill was just leaving the air on a glorious March morning, and Sophie Hollander was in love. She walked toward the Fulham Broadway tube station, her mind a million miles away and a queer smile on her face. It made no difference to her that he was currently on the other side of the world. He was polish and elegance and everything wonderful - and he loved her back. Her tasteful flats sounded against the platform as she walked along merrily and found a seat on the train. Tom went out just after the new year, and with each passing day she seemed to look forward to seeing him more. She never worried about him, convinced that he would quash any challenge as completely as he had conquered her heart. Sophie blushed at the thought, concealing her giddy smile behind her copy of the Times and examining the headline silently. The train stopped at Notting Hill Gate, and Sophie followed the flow of traffic onto the Central Line, bound for Bond Street.

    It seemed to her like a miracle. Years of going through the motions, working through school then training and all-of-a-sudden this perfect man simply appeared. Sophie tried to remain practical, reminding herself that he is merely a man who seemed perfect to her intense, besotted enchantment. She remembered that she should not allow her dreamy captivation to sweep her away when she could be assigned a new case abroad any day now. Now was the time to focus and keep her feet firmly touching the ground. Sophie smiled in the privacy of the tube.

    No. Tom Strachan was absolutely perfect.

    Sophie emerged from the underground station, strolling past the various shop fronts as she made her way to her beloved and dubious tailor shop. She had a single fencing class to teach, but she loved the shop: the smells, the pregnant silence it contained, and the fabrics which rested heavy in her hand. Sophie respected this noble trade, and found it intoxicating to witness.

    Form a circle, Sophie instructed, watching as the six men formed a ring before stepping into the center of it. Her immaculate spartan jacket gleamed as she slowly turned, silently examining each agent.

    When do we graduate to our own dress whites? Bedivere quipped as she passed. When… she replied, bored, you splash out your own dosh and buy one. She cut him a smirk briefly before lifting her saber and clearing her throat to silence any remaining chatter. Now, she instructed, Gareth, you come at me and I will counterattack. Then Bedivere, Gawain, Lancelot, and so forth until Percival. Once Percival and I have sparred, we shall change places and the ring begins again until each fencer has had an opportunity in the center.

    Sophie looked around, Everyone understand? I want at least two actions per pairing. Each round should not exceed ninety seconds. Gentleman, let’s begin!

    While the men took turns lunging in their futile attempts to disarm her, from above them Tom paused a moment to spy through the observation platform. He smiled subtly, his eyes shining as she dodged and countered each blow with remarkable speed. It had been months since he held her, and as he watched each man drop before her she remained above them all like The Countess Cathleen. Tom had made flirtations, briefly, in the past but none seemed to linger so effortlessly in his mind nor prove so delicious to indulge as this sometimes delicate but unexpectedly powerful nymph. Watching her graceful and conquering demonstration made his heart race. He wanted to march down, sweep her in his arms and taste her right there amidst the tools of their sometimes violent trade, but this was not to be. Tom watched the ring conclude, closed his coat, and left the observation platform in silence.

    Truth be told, he was somewhat grateful for this vantage as he was uncertain if his expression might soften in her presence and give them away. Sophie feared their romance being exposed and possibly harming one of their careers - a point Tom had to admit was a fair one. Moreover, Sophie was certain it would be her who would get the broom, given to a disdain she was convinced Arthur harboured for her. Tom did not understand her fear, but decided not to challenge it. It was his job to love her through her journey after all, not attempt to pilot it himself. Tom secretly liked listening to her spooling out her concerns, in his arms as they lay drifting to sleep. In doing so, she showed she trusted no other man as much as he, which was the most valuable intimacy one could receive in their chosen profession.

    Tailoring was often a lonely business. Or it had been until that day in the lift.

    Do not let the saber become a substitution for good point work, Sophie instructed, pacing as the men continued in paired exercise, this skill will prove a huge advantage over an opponent. I want you all to find a space within your flat and mark it off with tape. Daily practice is the key, gentlemen. Sophie squared her shoulders, her gaze sweeping over the group as a hopeful smile formed.

    I’ve been taking courses at my club, Lancelot remarked, next round Guinevere, and it’ll be you on this mat.

    Sophie’s smile thinned and she tilted her head slightly as she replied, I look forward to it Lancelot. Do dress the occasion when you decide to teach me a lesson, hm? Sophie punctuated the silence following her comment by looking her fellow agent up and down, blinking several times in dismissal. Truly, the only thing required to best me, she announced, "is practice. If one is able to, of course. I encourage you all to try in time. Dismissed."

    Sophie stepped back from the mat, unbuttoning the top button from her jacket and letting the corner fall as she collected a cloth from the supply shelf and patted her brow.

    Guinevere! Percival called, You are still attending the dance instruction this afternoon, aren’t you? I’m afraid you’re going to be our star pupil given your…well... Percival stammered, falling short though Sophie huffed, an understanding smile on her face. In her experience, her sex proved a stumbling block regardless of the agent’s intention. This was simply the reality of the job, and she accepted it.

    Yes, she sighed happily, "I will be there this afternoon. I have a tea reservation, and I’ll be

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