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How to Grow Rich with Property Investment?
How to Grow Rich with Property Investment?
How to Grow Rich with Property Investment?
Ebook81 pages57 minutes

How to Grow Rich with Property Investment?

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About this ebook

Ninety percent of all millionaires created wealth through owning real estate.

If you have any ambition of becoming rich then it is important to understand how you can build sustainable wealth through investing in property the right way.

I am Praveen Kumar, property investor, author of several bestselling books and director of Wealth Creation Academy. I will show how you can find financial freedom and become seriously rich by simply understanding the phenomenal power of investing in real estate.

Principles and strategies in this book will show you how easy and simple it is to gain financial freedom through property investment. This book will reveal the hidden truths that will help you retire with the help of real estate investing within a very short span of time.

This book will help you to:

•Understand why real estate is the best investment instrument to create passive income and long term wealth
•Learn strategies that will help you buy outstanding investment properties below market value.
•Understand the basic principles of real estate investing can help you avoid mistakes and accelerate your growth
•Get banks to approve your loans at best possible terms and interest rates
•Understand the maths (in simple terms) behind great investment decisions
•How to choose between residential and commercial real estate investment opportunities

This book will give you Step by Step Blueprint for creating passive income through property investment.

We are so sure of the value we provide that the book comes with a 30 day money back guarantee.
You have nothing to fear. Take a leap of faith to change your financial life forever.

Grab a copy of the book before price goes up,

What customers are saying?

This book is informative, concise and to the point. It has given me clarity that I lacked earlier. Greg Shaw

This book opened my eyes to new opportunities. Knowledge gained in this book will help me accelerate my portfolio and generate more cash flow. Lucia Gau
I started investing in properties recently. This book has given me insight on how to buy properties below value and evaluate if the investment is financially sound. Sanjay Gupta

If knowledge is the key to success then this is the book to read. Great book. Enjoyed every bit of it. Peter Burk

PublisherPraveen Kumar
Release dateMay 26, 2020

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    Book preview

    How to Grow Rich with Property Investment? - Praveen Kumar

    How to Grow Rich with Property Investment?

    Principles and Strategies to Create Wealth & Passive Income the Smart Way


    Praveen Kumar & Prashant Kumar

    ©Copyright 2018 By Praveen Kumar

    Terms of Use

    This Electronic book is Copyright © 2018 By Praveen Kumar. All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means; electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the copyright holder(s).


    The advice contained in this material might not be suitable for everyone. The author obtained the information from sources believed to be reliable and from his own personal experience, but he neither implies nor intends any guarantee of accuracy.

    The author, publisher and distributors never give legal, accounting, medical or any other type of professional advice. The reader must always seek those services from competent professionals that can review their own particular circumstances.

    The author, publisher and distributors particularly disclaim any liability, loss, or risk taken by individuals who directly or indirectly act on the information contained herein. All readers must accept full responsibility for their use of this material.

    All pictures used in this book are for illustrative purposes only. The people in the pictures are not connected with the book, author or publisher and no link or endorsement between any of them and the topic or content is implied, nor should any be assumed. The pictures are only licensed for use in this book and must not be used for any other purpose without prior written permission of the rights holder.

    Table of Contents














    Ninety percent of all millionaires become so through owning real estate.

    ~Andrew Carnegie

    Why Invest in Real Estate?

    To understand the power of real estate investing, you have to first understand the 'Why’ of real estate. It is the 'Why' that will provide you the motivation and the energy to invest in real estate. Once you are convinced that real estate is one of the best vehicles of wealth creation, understanding the 'How’ becomes easy.

    Real estate is an imperishable asset, ever increasing in value. It is the most solid security that human ingenuity has devised. It is the basis of all security and about the only indestructible security.

    ~Russell Sage

    Most people who lack an understanding of real estate will tell you that investing in shares gives you better returns than those that come from real estate. There are others who say that renting is cheaper than buying your own house. You have to understand how real estate compares with other investment avenues such as savings account, shares/stocks, commodities and businesses.

    Rate of Return

    Return on investment (ROI) is definitely one of the most important criteria you should consider whilst making an investment decision. However, simplistic calculations based on yields can be very misleading.

    Yield, by definition, is the ratio of annual income generated by the investment divided by the dollar amount of investment.

    Rate of return should be considered after taking into account the risk involved: is the investment is inflation adjusted? Is there any capital growth on the principal invested? Does the investment provide tax benefits and is it possible to leverage your money to get higher returns?

    Real estate investments – as compared to bank deposits – are definitely superior in terms of yield and capital appreciation. Savings in banks do not provide hedge against inflation and your money depreciates in value over a period of time.

    Shares and stocks are perceived to have higher returns than property and provide hedge against inflation, but they are pale in comparison to real estate when you take into account the leveraging power of real estate investing and tax advantages of property. It is possible to buy properties by using Other People’s Money (OPM) with returns that are 20–100 percent or more per annum.

    Financial Leverage

    No one has ever become rich without applying the power of leverage. Financial leverage in the investment world comes from the use of OPM or Other People’s Money. In real estate investing, we buy property on a 10% down payment and yet we control 100% of real estate.

    For example, let us say we buy a property of $100,000 on $10,000 down payment. Let us assume that the rent from the property covers the mortgage payments and the outgoings. If the price of property moves up by 10% over the year, the market value will increase to $110,000. This means that we would have made a profit of $10,000 on our investment of $10,000, which is a 100% return on investment and was made possible only because of the power of leverage.

    Our return on investment would have been infinite had we bought the property with no down payment.

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