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Legend of A Conjure Boy: Volume 3
Legend of A Conjure Boy: Volume 3
Legend of A Conjure Boy: Volume 3
Ebook734 pages10 hours

Legend of A Conjure Boy: Volume 3

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Spirit Origin, Spirit Master, Spirit Master, Great Master, Spirit King, Spirit Master, Spirit Tyrant, Spirit Sovereign, Spirit Emperor, SemiGod, True God.

On the continent, winds were blowing and clouds were surging. A resolute youth was moving between the magical beasts, the barbarians, the humans, the powerful beastmen, and the elves. What I want to describe for you is the growth of a teenager.

No matter how far away one's life was, like a white cloud and a blue dog, no matter how strong a human was, they would never be able to surpass the blue sea …

Release dateMay 27, 2020
Legend of A Conjure Boy: Volume 3

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    Legend of A Conjure Boy - Tian ChangBaoBao



    Tian Wei said anxiously, Little E! With an explosive shout, he threw himself into the air, intending to rescue them.

    The prepared Exterminate the Heavens met Tian Wei, and as the two exchanged blows, Tian Wei was forced to fall to the ground. He retreated a dozen steps, while Exterminate the Heavens merely swayed back and forth.

    Ling! Fire Man Tian Xiao E's voice rang out, Give my life back to me, I … I'll fight you to the death. I won't let you go even if I become a ghost.

    Tian Xiao E, who wanted to be burned to death, tried her best to rush towards Ling Feng, using her burnt hands that were similar to a chicken's claws to grab Ling Feng.

    However, she was still a few steps away from Ling Feng. Although she had already died, her body was still shaking uncontrollably, and her burning nerves were desperately resisting the impact of the magma.

    When the old turtle spewed out another huge stream of magma, his corpse turned into ashes. The wind blew, and the ashes dissipated. The spectators were all left in shock.

    This guy, his reputation is well-deserved.

    It's best not to go head to head with this kid. I really don't want to taste that kind of roast lamb.

    Monster, it's definitely a monster.

    Tian Wei stared at Ling Feng with bloodshot eyes, while Ling Feng once again happily extended his middle finger towards Tian Wei.

    Murong Piao walked over and patted Ling Feng's shoulder, Brother Ling, you guessed right. You've improved again.

    Tu Hen walked over and cupped his fists towards Ling Feng, I'm impressed. I really shouldn't have hurt your foot back then. I'm afraid that you've already taken notice of me. This shouldn't be a good thing.

    Qing He stepped forward and smiled, Little Ling Feng, as a teacher, I realised that you are even more well-hidden than me.

    White Grass came over to compare their stature with Ling Feng, Strange, we are obviously taller than each other, but why does it always seem like you are more powerful than me? You are always the one showing off.

    Mu Di did not hide the fact that she gave Ling Feng a big kiss on his face, My dear, you are really strong. Di'er is really happy.

    Zi Li rolled her eyes at Ling Feng, Such a small trick. You have to compare who's the loser and who's the loser.

    In the distance, Ling Feng saw Siya and Pandora. Siya converged into a single voice and said, Hubby, you have a new girl. I don't care about that, but you must not forget Ya Er.

    Ling Feng's voice was also transmitted to Siya, It won't happen, just wait, I'll definitely personally bring you back …

    Suddenly, Ling Feng felt his breathing become sluggish. It was Jiao Na interrupting him with her Qi. She was staring at him with a pair of strange eyes.

    Pandora drew a circle on her belly and two lines of tears ran down her face.

    The first unveiling of the battle was already so soul-stirring, causing people to sigh.

    Zhan Tianya lightly tapped the random stone in the air. The stone spun around and revealed two names. The Holy Maiden of the Kitigarbha Sect versus the young master of the Nether Villa, Quiet And Steadfast.

    The Kitigarbha Sect was one of the Three Treasures, they had an early reputation. The Holy Maiden of the Sect was inviolable, and generally, the Holy Maiden was chosen as their Sect Leader's successor.

    The Nether Villa had created their own Nether Domain. The manor lord, You Quan, was known as the 'Nether Iron Arms'. He was also a half-step into the half-god realm.

    The Nether Villa never appeared and coming to the Large Competition this time was beyond everyone's expectations.

    The Holy Daughter of the Kitigarbha sect and You Xie stepped into the palace and respectively paid their respects to Zhan Tianya as a junior. Zhan Tianya nodded slightly.

    The evil being was just like its name, with a face full of Evil Qi, who knew what technique he was training in.

    The Holy Maiden, on the other hand, covered her face with a white veil. Although her true face could not be seen, one could guess that she was definitely not very old.

    Quiet Evil jumped out of the hall in two quick steps with a proud look on his face.

    The Holy Maiden released a summoned beast of the sixth step, a tall, wood-attribute grass rabbit.

    She was actually a summoner, and she also had an extremely rare wood type summoned beast. A wood type summoned beast didn't even have a Ling Feng.

    The Holy Maiden rode the grass rabbit and calmly walked out of the hall. She stood opposite the spring. The two of them had not even started fighting when they had already released their auras to fight against each other.

    The Holy Daughter of Ksitigarbha and the Demonic Ghost were the representatives of the two great forces. How could they not be eye-catching? The number of people watching was no less than the opening match of Ling Feng's.

    The two sides sent out their experts to attack the formation, while Zhan Tianya flew up to the sky as the referee.

    Quiet Evil had already been activated. He immediately released four giant earth pestles, while the mysterious Holy Maiden only leapt backwards, allowing the grass rabbit to fight back.

    Dozens of gigantic leaves grew from the hare's body as it pulled the earthen pestles off one by one.

    Quiet And Steadfast's earth elemental attack had been neutralized by the grass rabbit.

    How could this be? Even the summoned beast couldn't attack him, causing Youxie's face to turn ugly. He couldn't help but panic.

    The Grass Rabbit increased its speed. Like a shadow, it continuously circled around You Xie. The grass waves followed its figure. The grass waves grew larger and longer, but You Xie did not have any good methods to resolve the waves. It was extremely passive.

    Finally, in the fortieth exchange, You Xie was caught off guard by a wave of grass and was unable to move.

    Who would have thought that Holy Maiden Ksitigarbha would be able to completely defeat the famous Young Villa Master of Nether Villa with only one summoned beast? The intense battle that everyone had been anticipating did not occur.

    Ling Feng could not help but look curiously at the Holy Maiden of Kitigarbha. He thought to himself, As expected of the Kitigarbha Sect, they have such a deep background.

    He knew in his heart that he had already gone to battle, and there would be no more matches tonight.

    The reason why Ling Feng's body was burning with heat was because the wood element was extremely dense in Meng Mountain, which was why Ling Feng was able to sense it in his heart.

    Ling Feng, who was no longer interested in watching the competition, slowly walked out of the North Peak.

    Under the night sky, the thick forest in the distance was shaking non-stop. Master, can you hear us? We are your subjects, and we feel your life aura. We have lived here for almost a hundred years, are you willing to be with us? The voice was cheerful.

    Ling Feng spread his wings and flew into the forest. He sat on the ground in meditation, releasing his powerful soul force and communicating with all kinds of dead beings.

    At this moment, his spatial ring was flashing non-stop. With a thought, the Diamond Dagger and the Soul Chaser appeared in the air …

    Yes. The Diamond Dagger and the Soul Chasing Blade danced happily in the air. Whether it was the dagger or the black blade, both were emitting a blood-red color due to the intense friction with the air.

    Soon after, the forest was filled with flying sand and rocks. Huge chunks of rock and sand flew around Ling Feng as he attempted to use his will to guide their actions.

    Soul Chaser nodded at Ling Xing from afar, Master, can you hear my voice? Can your spiritual sense finally reach the point where you can converse with me?

    Ling Feng was startled as he linked up with the Soul Chaser Saber. I can hear your voice. This feeling is very strange.

    Soul Chaser said excitedly: Besides His Majesty, you are the second human to be able to get in touch with me. As an ancient treasure, I am intelligent, but no one in your human race can understand me, so everyone uses me like a death trap. This time, master, we can interact like partners.


    The pair of golden daggers were like the little brother of the Soul Chasing Knife, always following behind the black blade.

    With a thought, Second Dagger and Second Dagger leapt high into the sky, followed by countless rocks flying into the air.

    Ling Feng released his will once again. Under his will, regardless of whether it was trees or boulders, they all carried out his orders without any resistance.

    The voice of the Soul Chaser rang out, Master, try to cast your magic and control its direction with your mind.

    Ling Feng let out a trail of water, and under his control, the water mark suddenly turned left, right, into the sky, and down.

    The Soul Chaser said, Master, try releasing the golden sword again.

    In a flash, Ling Feng unleashed two hundred golden swords. Under the influence of Ling Feng, the golden swords were like two hundred soldiers, obeying his orders in strict accordance.

    Ling Feng was overjoyed, and said to the Soul Chaser Blade: Wah, isn't this the Imperial Sword Technique? This is what Mu Rong Piao is really good at.

    Soul Chaser Blade: This is not only about Imperial Sword Technique, it is also about what you can do. Your raw power is too overbearing, you can cast magic of any attribute, so you can control the direction of magic of any attribute.

    Ling Feng felt that he had exhausted some of his raw energy, so he kept the Soul Chaser Saber and the King Kong Dagger. As the Qi dissipated, everything returned to normal, leaving only Ling Feng quietly sitting in the forest.

    The moon disappeared, the fog rose, the sun rose, and the sky began to brighten.

    In the distance, the herdsmen were herding their sheep, and they could hear the high-pitched singing coming from the herdsmen.

    Large groups of sheep were happily nibbling on the grass on the mountainside. The herdsmen were riding tall horses, allowing the shepherds to sort out the herds.

    Ling Feng opened his eyes. If he did not have so many things to do, he would really want to stay in this quiet forest forever. This place was so peaceful, without any worldly disputes or battles.

    Ling Feng landed beside the flock of sheep, and saw a small sheep walking out of the group. Ling Feng hugged it and gave it a kiss. Half sitting on the ground, he leaned against a big rock.

    The sheepdog saw Ling Feng's actions and thought that he was a sheep thief, so it pounced towards him.

    The Shepherd's voice rang out, Tiger, do you not want to live anymore? That's an expert.

    Tiger heard his master shouting and turned around, but his eyes were still staring at Lingfeng.

    Ling Feng looked towards the shepherd and saw that he only had one arm and his face was yellow. It was obvious that he had been exposed to the sun and wind for a long time.

    The shepherd smiled at Ling Feng, The Great Dao leads to the other side of the sky, and the clouds are covering the sky. You practice your natural law, I can do what I can't say. "

    Ling Feng placed the lamb back, and he could see that the shepherd was also a cultivator. At the very least, he used to be. His severed arm gave off a feeling of endless vicissitudes.

    At this time, the flowers and plants around Ling Feng's body continuously swarmed towards him. They seemed like servants that had seen their masters, bowing towards him.

    The shepherd said to himself, The sky at the corner of the Meng Mountains has turned yellow. Experts have gathered together to fight for the throne. So what if they have gained the world? In the end, they rarely bear fruit.

    The herdsman shook his head and drove the sheep away. Ling Feng looked at the herdsman's back as he walked away, and was deeply moved. If it was someone without comprehension, they would definitely not have this kind of insight.

    No matter how far away one's life was, like a white cloud and blue dog, no matter how strong a human was, they were still but a drop in the ocean.

    Me! Ling Feng! Although he didn't have the peaceful attitude of an expert hermit, he had yet to take revenge. How could he enjoy such a peaceful state of mind?

    The continent is so big, why can't there be a place for me? My hegemony has only just begun. Hmph, the world will definitely change colors because of me.

    As he walked along the mountainside of Meng Mountain, he felt that he had never seen such a scenery in his life. He could see the trees in winter, but he could also see the flowers in summer.

    As the sun rose higher and higher, Ling Feng remembered that it was almost noon.

    When he returned to the enormous main hall of the Meng Mountain Sword Sect — the Heavenly Sword Hall — it was time for the banquet to start. The hall was still calm, without the slightest hint of panic or noise.

    Ling Feng was sitting at Lin Yi's table, which made Lin Duohe very excited. The grand War God was sitting at his table, and he was also his son's sworn brother.

    This caused him to gain a lot of capital in front of some of his old friends in the hall. Imperceptibly, many powers had already prepared themselves to slowly move towards their Lin Family's store, faintly harboring the potential to become the number one family.

    Second brother, where did you go last night? I feel that your aura has improved a lot compared to last night. "

    What happened after I left yesterday?

    After you leave, there will only be two battles for the disciples of the golden generation. There will also be a disciple of the eight heroes. After you leave, there will only be two battles for the disciples of the golden generation. As for the rest, no famous experts have made their moves yet, but at least they're a bit interesting.

    Ling Feng asked, Who from the Golden Generation made their move?

    Murong Piao, you defeated the head disciple of the Qingcheng Mountain in three rounds. Earth Scar, the junior steward who kicked away Savage Wasteland in four rounds, all acted cleanly and efficiently, so second brother should be careful when that time comes.

    Before last night, Ling Feng did not place the golden generation in his eyes anymore. After last night's enlightenment, his strength had risen to a whole new level. He only smiled without saying a word, showing his strong confidence.

    Lingfeng was not hungry. He only ate a little before stopping. He felt that he was full of energy and had reached his peak condition.

    At this time, the majority of the people had already finished eating. Zhan Tianya, who was seated at the head of the table, shouted, Second round of the Large Competition, begin!

    He slapped his palm towards Shi Xu, causing the names to change. Following which, two names appeared: Thunder God School's Lingfeng against Spirit Treasure Sect's Immortal Lady Ye Hong'er.

    He didn't expect her to be here too.

    Ling Feng came to the hall and bowed towards Zhan Tianya, while Ye Hong'er, who appeared extremely unwilling, entered the hall and bowed while shaking her body.

    Ye Hong'er's face turned red, looking at this fiend, imagining what he did to her back then, her eyes revealed tears of fear and grievance.

    Suddenly, she opened her mouth, Your Majesty, I, I admit defeat.

    Afterwards, he quickly returned to the seats of the Spiritual Treasure sect with his head lowered, not caring about the looks that everyone was sending over to him. However, there was no mockery or contempt in those gazes. Facing a monster like Ling Feng, to choose to admit defeat was not really shameful at all.

    Zhan Tianya smiled in understanding, I respect your choice, contestant Ye Hong'er.

    Ling Feng returned to his master's side and sat down, Ai, I seem to have become a huge nuisance, no one is willing to play a few moves with me.

    The four senior brothers stared fixedly at Ling Feng, and their emotions surged, Youngest junior brother, what kind of monster are you? It's only been a night and your aura has changed again. To be honest, this old brother of mine doesn't even dare to fight you now.


    Ling Feng blushed, Senior Brother, don't make fun of me.

    Long Xiao Tian said with a stern face: Feng'er, what he said is not a lie. At this rate, you are not just a little thunder god, you are a great being like your ancestor, the second Black Sky Tyrant Lord is just around the corner.

    I don't know where you found out about your grandmaster's affairs, but I've never told you about it before! "

    Ling Feng rubbed his head in embarrassment. Even Murong Piao knew about the matter of the ancestor. It was normal for the Second Leader of the Thunder God Sect to have some information about him.

    The next battle had already started. Ye Dao from the Flying Heaven Sect versus the Holy Son from the Heavenly Spirit Sect.

    The Flying Heaven Sect could be considered as one of the top sects on the continent. Unfortunately, they had run into a top power like the Heavenly Spirit Sect.

    The Holy Son wasn't as mysterious as the Holy Maiden Ksitigarbha, who openly launched a series of earth elemental attacks. He could even convert elemental attacks into sand, and his earth attacks were accompanied by sand. He won in less than twenty rounds.

    After that, there were a few other battles. Although they were quite exciting, they were not seen by the experts.

    At this time, the name appeared again on the random stone. The successor of the Medical Ancestor, Mu Di, was the eldest senior sister of the Sword Sect in Meng Mountain.

    Ling Feng's heart tightened, and asked Exterminate the Heavens: Senior brother, aren't those two seeded contestants? Why did they match at this time?

    Lan Jue smirked. Most of the contestants have been eliminated last night. The order has been disrupted. We're fighting evenly.

    How could Ling Feng not care when the Little Princess took the field, and leapt out of the hall, spreading her wings and sweeping down the formation.

    The Little Princess and Zi Li had known each other since a long time ago. Their normal relationship was not bad, and even though it was a duel, they still courteously expressed their goodwill towards each other.

    With the sound of a bell, the two of them moved at the same time.

    The little princess channeled her spirit energy and pulled out more than a hundred tree branches from the ground. The tree branches fiercely pounced towards Zi Li, who was wielding her cyan sword.

    The little princess had a pair of sky combs in her hands, and the powerful Shadow Shatter shined with all sorts of attacks of different attributes. Zi Li's hands formed seals, and dozens of huge stones appeared out of thin air, blocking the Mu Di's attack.

    Everyone exclaimed, How is that possible? It's clearly Petrification, Mutation Magic, Stone Magic!

    Of course, the little Princess Mu Di would not be defeated so easily.

    Countless shadows of trees appeared again. The trees were filled with flowers, and poisonous gas was released from them in all directions. Those who were watching couldn't help but stay away for fear of being affected.

    Zi Li brandished her Cyan Gong Sword and released a cyclone. The cyclone grew larger and larger, blowing closer to the poisonous gas.

    However, the Little Princess seemed to have expected this move. She only saw that a large number of wooden spikes had unknowingly appeared behind Zi Li's back, covering an area of over a hundred square meters.

    Zi Li shouted, Set for me! With a single point of her finger, the countless wooden spikes on the ground were instantly petrified. Once the Petrification Technique was cast, it was incredibly powerful.

    Mu Di shouted, Reappear!

    Countless giant trees emerged from the ground, their branches as sharp as needles, and countless tree needles pierced Zi Li. At the same time, the Little Princess swept her hands across her body, intending to gain the upper hand over her opponent.

    However, the sword in Zi Li's hand continued to swing towards the branches, forcing the other trees to not be able to get close to her. She pointed to the ground with one hand. Change for me.

    The soil on the ground petrified nonstop. From far away, it started to rush towards the little princess.

    Of course, Mu Di knew how powerful he was. She didn't dare to get infected by the Petrification Godly Technique. She had no choice but to cancel her attack and retreat in defense.

    Zi Li stood still and said to the young eunuch: Di'er, are you afraid? Hee hee!"

    Would I be afraid? asked Mu Di. As he spoke, he tossed out a palace comb from his hand, throwing it towards Zi Li.

    Zi Li smiled and said, It's nothing. He dodged to the side.

    Suddenly, Zi Li couldn't laugh because the little princess in front of her had already become the sky comb that she threw out, and the sky comb that Zi Li dodged into had been replaced by the little princess. Activate — Body Substitute.

    Not many of the audience, including the senior experts, had ever seen a substitute before.

    First, they saw the Petrification Godly Technique and now, they also saw the Body Substitute Godly Technique. How could they not be shocked? Many of them felt that their lives had been wasted. There was actually such a Godly Technique in the world.

    The little princess' eyes had a sly smile as she struck out a palm behind Zi Li.

    According to the little princess' calculations, this attack was definitely going to hit, so she did not use much strength. After all, it was only a decisive battle, and the two were even friends.

    How could Zi Li not know what the consequences were? Suddenly, she heard a wow sound from behind her, and immediately after, the Little Princess's palm strike did not strike out, but instead, she was already half-kneeling on the ground with her hand over her chest. She was vomiting nonstop, but was unable to spit anything out.

    Mu Laisan, who had been looking after her from the side, hurried over to the side of the Little Princess to check on the situation. Zhan Tianya also flew over to Zi Li's side, afraid that his disciple would suffer a loss.

    Mu Lao San and the little princess took a pulse and blushed, but didn't say anything.

    Zhan Tianya only needed to look to know what was going on, so he didn't open his mouth to say anything.

    Zi Li: Di'er, it was you who had the upper hand over me, but this is a competition. For the honor of our sect, I will not let you lose.

    As he spoke, he stepped forward and gently pushed Mu Di's hand, indicating that he had hit his target.

    Mu Di had already started vomiting. Although Zi Li didn't use much strength, she still fell to the ground, making her breathing difficult.

    It was only then that Zi Li noticed that something was wrong and asked with concern, Di'er, what's wrong? Huh?! Are you pregnant?

    Zhan Tianya fiercely tugged on her arm. Only then did Zi Li realize she had misspoken and she immediately covered her mouth, blushing red from embarrassment. Even though she was known as the eldest senior sister, it was only because her cultivation was great and her actual age was only that of a little girl.

    Ling Feng's heart was filled with anxiety as he flew down from the sky and landed next to the Little Princess, asking with concern, Di'er, are you alright? The little princess choked on her tears, Cough, cough, bastard. You, you're the enemy of my family.

    Zi Li suddenly seemed to understand something, Wah, ah, so it's you. Is the child that Di'er is carrying your child?

    Zhan Tianya's old face turned red as he thought to himself, My disciple is good at everything, but he doesn't have any EQ. How can he casually ask something like that?

    Ling Feng flew into a rage, You were the one who hurt Di'er. I will remember this. I hope that your ability will not disappoint me.

    At this moment, Mu Laowu was secretly delighted in his heart, Little Lingfeng, my war god, now you even have children, you're the vassal lord of our Ao Da Empire, haha.

    Zi Li was the eldest senior sister who was used to being pampered, so how could she stand being threatened by Ling Feng?

    After which, he left in a domineering manner.

    Ling Feng and Mu Lao San helped the Little Princess back into her seat. The Little Princess was not willing to let Ling Feng go, but when she saw the fierce gaze of the Medical Ancestor, she was startled and could not help but hold her hand.

    The battle between the Little Princess and Zi Li could be considered to be a climax. Even many of the senior experts couldn't help but exclaim at the strength of the two juniors.

    Another dozen rounds of battles followed. Although both sides were quite strong, they were nothing compared to the experts in the hall.


    The random stone lit up again and two names appeared on it: Thunder God School's Ling Feng versus Hundred Saber Sect's Qi Zheng.

    The two of them landed on the northern peak, and Qi Zheng thought to himself: Earlier, he was overestimating himself and shook hands with him. If he knew that this brat was Ling Feng, he wouldn't have dared to ask him for help even if he had the guts. Sigh, it seems like this battle is not going to end in disaster. I can only bet on him."

    Ding! Just as the bell sounded, Qi Zheng shouted and jumped out.

    A pair of poisonous palms struck towards Ling Feng, but Ling Feng did not even try to dodge, allowing Qi Zheng's poison palm to land on his chest.

    Qi Zheng was overjoyed, Haha, brother Ling, you've let us win. I didn't think that I, Qi Zheng, would have such a great reputation.

    How could Ling Feng, who possessed three types of True Fire, be afraid of poison! He smilingly patted the dirt on his chest, Are you satisfied yet? Is it time for me to play?

    Qi Zheng was shocked. How is that possible? You were clearly struck by my poison palm technique, how are you fine?

    Ling Feng ignored him. A large lion and a huge dragon had already appeared. Ling'er and Lei were rushing towards Qi Zheng.

    Due to Ling Feng's increase in strength, Ling'er's and Ah Lei's attack power was not comparable today.

    However, he saw a thunderous commotion at the northern peak as golden blades swept across the area.

    The north peak was very close to the clouds. Aleay's thunder had caused a lot of thunder to strike down, forcing Qi Zheng to run for his life.

    A huge dragon and a large lion chased Qi Zheng across the field, directly causing the spectators to smile as if they were watching a joke.

    Before long, Qi Zheng gasped for breath and raised his hands. I-I surrender. I'm convinced.

    Ling'er and Ah Lei returned to Ling Feng's side. Ling Feng smiled and said, It was a good fight!

    Qi Zheng was a disciple of one of the eight great heroes of the younger generation, and even a lot of senior experts might not be able to beat him, but he was still easily defeated without Ling Feng's help. Everyone could not help but sigh.

    There were strong people among the strong, and there were even some among the strong!

    Tie Ruyun smiled like a blooming flower as he pulled Ling Feng back into his seat. Haha, junior brother, you've really gained face.

    However, Ling Feng did not say anything. Because Mu Di was injured, he was not in a good mood, and he could not help but glare fiercely at Zi Li. He thought to himself, It would be best if we fought with you, so that you could suffer a little. Are you sure you can touch Di'er?

    Zi Li also saw Ling Feng, but she felt guilty and deliberately turned her head away. However, from time to time, a few glances would drift over, containing a hint of curiosity. In fact, she even felt a tinge of jealousy toward Mu Di. "My position is similar to Di'er, and my cultivation is also equal. But why would she stand up for her with such a strong man on her side? How am I weaker than her?

    Zhan Tianya threw an appreciative gaze at Ling Feng and said, Nephew Ling, I don't know how many more tricks you have up your sleeve. Zhan Tianya looked at Ling Feng with praise, Nephew Ling, I really want to see you continue to perform, but the competition rules forbid it.

    Long Xiao Tian laughed heartily and said to Zhan Tianya, Rules can be changed. Rules can be changed. I think we should let Feng Er take over a few more arrays. This Large Competition is quite interesting.

    Those who wanted to watch the commotion didn't mind the hassle. A voice full of booing rang out, That's right, why don't we let Brother Ling take the challenge?

    It's quite interesting to watch a match with Lingfeng. He is very quick with his swords, unlike the others who are very shy.

    Zhan Tianya invited a few SemiGods to discuss with him, then said to the two thousand or so participants in a clear voice: According to everyone's request, Ling Feng can then establish the competition. Big brother Lei Shen Long said that as long as we can deal with Ling Feng, he will personally teach the victor a set of rank 9 martial skills.

    With a hong sound, everyone seemed to have exploded. This kid really did set up a competition.

    The rank 9 martial skill was personally imparted by His Majesty Thunder God, what's wrong with that!

    There will be brave men with great rewards. Their bodies are made of iron and they can chase away a few nails. No matter how strong that Lingfeng is, he will be exhausted. I just saw who picked up this ready-made advantage.

    The disciples who had been eliminated earlier all sighed in pity. They all felt that their luck was bad and that they had missed out on this' good fortune '.

    Ling Feng stood at the peak of the northern mountains like a stone sculpture. His back was ramrod straight, and that pride originated from his strength. Even though there were millions of people, it was enough to kill him.

    As the random stone turned, the first name appeared — Iron Spear Clan, Wang Xiaozhu.

    Wang Xiaoling bitterly jumped to the opposite of Lingfeng with her gun in hand, What the hell? Why are you so unlucky? The first one is me.

    Brother Wang, you are indeed not good enough. You can call for another helper.

    Wang Xiaoling was overjoyed. That's true.

    Do you think I'm playing with you?

    Wang Xiaozhu was afraid that he would change his words, so he quickly called out, Sister Zi, come quickly. Brother Ling also wants to learn a few moves from you.

    Zi Li also had a plan in her heart, Mu Diji is so amazing, so his chances of winning against her man definitely aren't high. This is already good. If you don't pick it up, then you don't pick it up.

    He immediately smiled and said, Since big brother Ling thinks so highly of Li'er, I can only accept it. As he said that, he jumped to Wang Xiaozhu's side.

    Wang Xiaozhen was still not confident. He knew that since Ling Feng dared to say such words, he must have the confidence to do so. He could not help but feel uneasy.

    Zi Li's smile was like a flower. Big brother Ling, can we begin? The sword appeared in his hand.

    Ling Feng shook his head, Sorry, I can't start.

    Wang Xiaoling was anxious and thought that he was going to go back on his words. What do you mean? Do you still want to be shameless?

    Ling Feng had a face of indifference, It's precisely because it's so boring that it's so boring.

    Ling Feng then pointed at the dirt trail in the distance and said, Little Earth, my foot injury is calling for you.

    What is this kid trying to do? Was he courting his own death? And you still want to pick me? "

    However, he also knew that if Ling Feng won this battle and met him in the future, he might not be able to deal with him.

    Without caring about his identity, he jumped over and said, Brother Ling, I'm very happy to have a good time with you.

    This was just too big of a ruckus. Two of the eight heroes and one of the golden generation, the three of them were under the Thunder God Sect, so they couldn't help but not be anxious to watch.

    The SemiGod experts from all four sides flew up in a group to facilitate the referee's flight, fearing that some unrecoverable accident might happen.

    Zhan Tianya personally shouted, Rise!

    When the shout fell, Wang Xiaozheng was the first to use his Explosive Palm.

    This Violent Palm was a mutated magic technique. It attacked the enemy from inside out, and those who were hit by it would explode from the inside out, making it hard to defend against.

    Ling Feng leaned to the side and dodged the palm strike, only to see that the air had already exploded where he had been standing.

    Suddenly, a large area of petrification began to form on the ground. The petrification gradually forced its way towards Ling Feng, and Hen Hen wielded a gigantic earth shield, which was covered with spikes. The appearance of the huge shield and the earth spikes flying through the air made everyone's vision dazzle.

    Ling Feng formed a pair of fire fists with his two hands, forming a giant ball of fire with a diameter of three meters.

    With a stamp of his feet, the ground was immediately covered with dense ice. The ice was facing the ground that was currently petrified, and at the point where the ice and stone intersected, they froze, and started to fight each other. For a short period of time, it was unknown whether it was ice or Shi Qiang.


    Ling Feng punched at the countless earth spikes with his fire fist. Although the earth spikes were sturdy, every time they came in contact with the three types of true flames, they would immediately dissipate without being able to get close to them.

    And every time Ling Feng shot out a huge pillar of fire, it would reach over a hundred meters in length. As long as one was slightly closer to the flame, it would make one feel as if they were in hell.

    As the spectators retreated five kilometers away, who wouldn't be afraid of being implicated by this tragic battle?

    At this time, the point where the absolute zero degree ice and the petrified ground met had already moved. Ling Feng used his own strength to activate the Absolute Zero degree Petrification Technique, which was stronger than Zi Li's spirit energy, and the layer of ice began to erode the petrified ground. Zi Li began to retreat, and condensed a huge rock to smash towards Ling Feng.

    Ling Feng used the Fire Fist to block the marks of earth with one punch while using the other to block Zi Li and Wang Xiaosi's small spears.

    Although Wang Xiaozhu and Zi Li's mutated magic were strong, how could they be stronger than the Three Flames? The attacks the two of them unleashed were all dispersed by Ling Feng's fire punch.

    At this moment, the ice on the ground didn't stop spreading, forcing the two of them to retreat. Who would dare to touch this type of ice? Once one was touched by even a tiny bit of it, the result could be predicted!

    The mark of earth rose high into the air, worthy of being a disciple of the SemiGod. In an instant, it formed a gigantic cover hundreds of meters long and wide, smashing straight towards Ling Feng's head.

    The fire fist in Ling Feng's left hand instantly turned into an ice palm, and the huge ice palm released a solid ice crystal that covered the earth barrier, shattering it into tiny pieces.

    Earth Marks turned around and landed on the ground behind him. He coldly snorted, stomped his feet, and disappeared. He had already escaped into the ground.

    Ling Feng sneered: It's this trick again. Diamond Dagger, chase it!

    Two small daggers drilled out of the ring, following Ling Feng's instructions, and drilled into the ground. Ling Feng's life perception was extremely strong, so how could the aura of Ling Chen escape his senses?

    In a moment, the Vajra Dagger drilled out of the ground, one of which had a trace of blood on the tip.

    Suddenly, the ground in the distance quaked, and dirt marks erupted from the ground. The boss cut a hole in his left shoulder, What the hell is this skill?

    Ling Feng laughed loudly, Hahaha, the skill is real, but there's no ghost!

    With a flick of a finger, two Diamond Daggers flew towards the Earth Scar.

    Earth Marks continuously struck out with his palms, slashing out with the King Kong Dagger, but he was unable to break free.

    On the other side, Wang Xiaoshan and Zi Li were forced back by the layer of ice on the ground, making them unable to retaliate.

    At this moment, a loud shout rang out: Since everyone is having such fun, why don't you let me join as well?

    The one who spoke was Qing He, he could also see the current situation. Ling Feng was already much stronger than he was today, if he did not take advantage of this great opportunity to suppress him, he would not have the chance to defeat him in the future.

    Ling Feng laughed heartily, Good, come on then. Let's have a good time together.

    Qing He leaped out of the crowd and released eight summoned beasts. Instantly, their roars shook the heavens.

    Ling Feng also summoned his six summoned beasts and fought against Qing He's Qi.

    Because they had clearly joined, Ling Feng had no choice but to pull back his line of defense and retract a portion of his genetic energy. The ice on the ground had been greatly reduced, and the pressure on Wang Xiao Spear and Zi Li had been greatly reduced, allowing him to attack with his bare hands.

    The five Beastmen of Ling Feng's group, along with the Poison Dragon Star, were even more powerful than Qing He's eight summoned beasts.

    Qing He thought to himself, This Little Ling Feng, how did he obtain such a powerful summoning skill?

    Although Ling Feng's power was weakened, the summoned creatures' long-range attacks were much more powerful, especially the Old Turtle's magma and absolute zero, which could force the summoned beasts to not get too close and could only counterattack on a small area.

    It's not fair, cried Mu Di. Four people fighting one, how can we do that? You guys are also famous heroes, do you want to lose face?

    But those four just turned a deaf ear, how could they pay attention to her words.

    Qing He's help could only reduce the pressure on the four of them by a little bit. Ling Feng's left palm and right fist were constantly shooting out huge amounts of ice and three kinds of fire. That feeling was not something a good person could withstand.

    Facing Qing He's fire attack, Ling Feng did not resist at all. Instead, he used his body to withstand it, and even had a sense of excitement.

    Qing He could not help but frown, his heart was full of unhappiness, but he could not do anything about Ling Feng's attack. He had to cast Teleportation to avoid it when necessary, and he wanted to use Teleportation to close in on Ling Feng, but he knew that Ling Feng's body could not be touched, and his Three Flames and Absolute Zero could not be touched.

    At this moment, Bai Xiaochang and Murong Piao were also eager to give it a try. If they let Ling Feng stay at the arena, how could they have a good ending in the future?

    However, the two of them were of the golden generation, so their reputations were extremely resounding.

    Ling Feng looked over coldly, and laughed, Little White, smelly glass, together, it's still not enough for me to use my trump card.

    The two of them couldn't wait for Ling Feng to say these words. Without any courteous words, he directly rushed forward.

    Murong Piao stepped on a giant golden sword and leaped into the battle circle. The small white grass immediately disappeared into the air, revealing a large cloud of mist. It was unknown where his real body was.

    Even though the White Grass was very powerful, it could not escape the senses of Ling Feng.

    Ling Feng released the seven Flying Flood Dragon Undead and Soul Chasing Knife, rushing towards the small white grass.

    Murong Piao materialized 32 golden swords in the air. The swords flew around and became the main force in his attacks.

    Ling Feng sneered and flew into the air. Facing Murong Piao, he conjured 200 golden swords and a 200 meter long giant pink fire dragon.

    Murong Piao needed to use his hands to direct the golden sword, but Ling Feng didn't need to use his hands. With just his consciousness, he could command the golden sword and the fire dragon.

    The previously invisible White Grass was now firmly nailed to the ground by the seven Undead and Soul Chasing Knife. She was unable to reveal her true body and used water magic to form a water wall, water shield, and water bullets to fight against the Undead and Soul Chaser Knife. However, due to her initial miscalculation, she was immediately at a disadvantage.

    How could Murong Piao not be shocked when faced with Ling Feng's Imperial Sword Technique? It had always been a secret of their Golden Gate, how could it not be grasped by Ling Feng?

    Murong Piao couldn't care about his usual elegance anymore. He instantly gathered all of his spiritual energy and produced 320 golden swords, clashing with the fire dragons and Lingfeng's swords. At that moment, the sound of metal clashing rang out in the air.

    The clash of the golden swords was easy to deal with, but against the huge fire dragon, Murong Piao had no other choice. As long as he touched the fire dragon's golden sword, he would only be able to melt it in an instant, which made him extremely passive.

    Suddenly, a black light hit Ling Feng's body, and Zi Li exclaimed: It hit! It turned out that she had used Petrification on him and had unexpectedly struck him.


    However, her heart was not happy because of this. In fact, she was even feeling uncomfortable. Right now, she was looking at Ling Feng as if she was looking at a big stone.

    However, not only was Ling Feng not petrified, he even smiled at her, Sorry to disappoint you. If it wasn't for Ling Feng deliberately not dodging, how could that Petrification Technique have easily hit his body?

    Ling Feng's three Primordial Fires and Absolute Zero Degrees combined with the Origin Energy, it was not difficult for the three divine techniques to resist the Petrification Technique.

    Just the Three Flames alone was enough to burn everything, especially the Three Flames that were activated by the Origin Energy.

    White Grass was at an absolute disadvantage against the seven Undead and Soul Chaser.

    On the ground, Wang Xiaolang and Zi Li were blown away by Ling Feng's Three Truths Primordial Fire and Ice. Qing He's summoned beast could not resist against Ling Feng's summoned beast at all, as three of them had already been sent into his spiritual sea.

    Although Qing He had the Four-headed Demon Beasts, the Old Turtle's magma and Ultimate Zero degree of power was not something they could resist. Qing He and his subordinates, the Black Tiger, Titan, White Demon Crane and the Dragon Tribe could only crawl away if they encountered any threads.

    One must know, even the silkpants mother, Silly Silk could be ranked second on the second rank, so how could she be weak? In fact, even Ling Feng could be considered her little disciple!

    Ling Feng saw that the Undead and Fire Dragon had entangled the White Grass and Murong Piao and landed on the ground. He sat down and shouted, Children, get up!

    Countless rocks, trees, flowers, grass, and even tables and chairs flew up from the hall. All the dead creatures followed Ling Feng's orders and attacked the opponents in batches.

    Ling Feng could clearly hear the voices of the dead, Powerful master, we are willing to listen to your commands, we are willing to fight for you, and your opponent is our enemy.

    Mu Di sighed. Brother Feng is already so powerful, I just told him a few tricks, and he's already mastered it to such an extent.

    At this moment, not only her, even the medical ancestor Shui Rou who was by the side of the little princess was shocked, I thought that only I would be able to have a conversation with dead beings, but it turns out he can too. Although his cultivation is not comparable to a SemiGod expert, but he's much stronger than me back then.

    Facing the innumerable plants, rocks, and other things, Qing He and the others felt as if they had seen a ghost, How can there be such a thing in this world, it completely surpasses our understanding.

    At this time, the two Adamantine Daggers next to Earth Scar no longer pursued him, but flew back to Ling Feng. Earth Scar wiped away the cold sweat in his heart, This little dagger is really difficult to deal with.

    Suddenly, one of the daggers turned into a gust of wind, using the Body Substitute Technique.

    Faced with this sudden change, Tu Hen did not react at all.

    Ling Feng did not kill him, but used his right foot to kick him in the chest. His chest was touched by the soil, and he fell to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

    Ling Feng smiled, I already said that my foot injury will give you my regards.

    He straightened his body, There's no need to say anything, you're strong! I'm convinced!

    Qing He knew that his fire attribute attack was ineffective against Ling Feng, and his summoned beast did not have an advantage. With a cool smile, he recalled his summoned beast and retreated to the side, saying: Little Ling Feng, not bad, teacher cannot beat you, I admit defeat.

    Seeing Ling Feng's six summoned beasts coming towards them, Wang Xiaozhu and Zi Li felt their scalps go numb as the two of them admitted defeat.

    Right now, only Murong Piao and Bai Xiaoji were left fighting tenaciously.

    Ling Feng shouted loudly: Still not admitting defeat? Here, add some more ingredients."

    Two huge ice birds appeared in his hands. Those ice birds were naturally formed from the Absolute Zero. One of them flew towards the small white grass, and the other flew towards Murong Piao.

    The two of them were at a disadvantage to begin with. With the addition of the ice bird, they could sense the cool temperature of the thing from twenty meters away.

    Murong Piao moved back with his sword on his back, and the swords all disappeared. He then returned to the side of Lingfeng and said, I've shown you my respect. My skills are inferior, so I concede defeat.

    With only the small white grass left, he didn't have the heart to fight anymore, Hey, quickly take back your random wild animals, can't you just fight properly and use these frightening things to scare people? How scary.

    Six against one?

    Xiao Bai Grass giggled and said, Damn, what a monster. You are an absolute monster.

    The six experts fighting Lingfeng, regardless of whether it was the senior or the junior, had all been dazzled by the scene. Looking at the dazzling battle techniques and powerful attacks, how could they not be shocked?

    No one spoke. Even the crowd of SemiGod experts were shocked speechless. Was she really just a child? He really fought one against six and completely defeated the other!

    One had to know that this was the golden generation, the unstoppable golden generation of the continent. They were all taken care of by the Thunder God's disciples just like that!

    After this battle, Ling Feng ate a Energy Recovery Pill, sat on the ground, and slowly recuperated.

    At this time, how could anyone dare to challenge him without understanding his kindness? In the eyes of the crowd, this monster was already beyond common sense.

    Long Xiaotian and his four senior brothers gathered around. All five of them had joyful looks on their faces. The glory of Ling Feng was the fortune of their Thunder God School.

    Long Xiaotian lightly slapped his palm against Ling Feng's back, and a powerful spiritual energy seeped into Ling Feng's body, causing him to instantly feel energized.

    Zhan Wuya looked at Ling Feng with envy in his heart, thinking, "Look at that disciple of mine, he's so f * cking impressive. Although my family's Zi Li is also extraordinary, but in the end, they still have to be on a different level.

    Originally, I thought that my Meng Mountain Sword Sect had grasped a divine technique like the Petrification Technique. Forget it, there's always someone stronger than you! "

    Suddenly, four figures landed beside Long Xiaotian. These four people were the SemiGod experts: Poseidon, Earth Berserker, Clear Sea and Jin Wuming.

    Jin Wuming: Old Long, this isn't fair. This kind of trick to trick ordinary people is fine, but it won't work in front of us old brothers.

    Earth Berserker: Big Brother Long, tell me about it.

    Minghai: He isn't your disciple at all, is he?

    Long Xiaotian sneered, Where did you get that crap from? Could it be that he's trying to get back at us for not giving us any face at all?!"

    Poseidon: "Old Dragon, I trust in your abilities.

    However, the potential in this child is not something that you possess, and it is even more so not something that you can teach.

    Necromancy, Absolute Zero, Origin, what do you know of these things? It's not that I'm looking down on you. Even though you have some skills, you still can't teach such a disciple, right? "

    Long Xiaotian: My family's Feng'er is blessed. How about it? Did I, Old Long, pick up such a precious disciple to get in your way? Luck is also a part of strength, from now on, our Thunder God School will beat you guys, hahaha. "

    Minghai: It's not that I'm trying to shock you. Old Long, since ancient times, only one person has been able to teach such a disciple. It's — Lunatic, even your master, Emperor Xuantian, does not have this kind of ability.


    Ling Feng's heart surged like a wave, Crap, can they really guess the relationship between me and teacher?

    Long Xiao Tian laughed, What a joke. Everyone knows that Dark Horizon has been dead for hundreds of years, and our Feng'er is still so young. He's not even worth mentioning.

    The other SemiGods nodded their heads in succession, knowing that this conjecture was a little unreasonable. However, all of the SemiGod experts cast suspicious and envious gazes towards Ling Feng, thinking how could they not be able to catch up with such luck, or else they would be the ones to show off in front of everyone in the Large Competition.

    Zhan Tianya's voice sounded again, Among the various heroic disciples, is there anyone else who wishes to challenge Nephew Ling? This is a rare opportunity, the moment you show yourself in front of others is the moment."

    Everyone looked at Ling Feng in silence, and what remained was only silence. No one dared to challenge this fiend, and even the majority of the older generation could only tremble in fear when they saw Ling Feng, believing that they did not have the ability to defeat him.

    After a while, no one answered.

    Zhan Tianya said in a clear voice, "Forget about it, since no one wishes to issue a challenge to Nephew Ling, then the competition shall be concluded. We, the members of the organizers of the competition, will agree on the ranking list below.

    Losing doesn't mean we have no strength. Our ranking depends on our performance. This isn't just based on the Large Competition, it also depends on everyone's reputation.

    We are not only focused on winning or losing, so the contestants who lose and some of the non-contestants need not worry, we will give everyone a reasonable ranking. "

    After a series of detailed discussions among the SemiGod experts backstage, the ranking was finally decided.

    Zhan Tianya's voice rang out once again, Next, everyone can go to the viewing cliff. There are some changes to the third and fourth rankings there, as well as the creation of the new Golden Ranking Stone.

    Everyone was curious and rushed towards the cliff.

    Ling Feng and Lin Yi headed towards the cliff, and saw a new stone monument standing in the middle. The original three and four boards were shining, clearly having been altered.

    Ling Feng saw that there wasn't much of a change in the top 10 of the three rankings, while the names of Mu Rong Piao and the rest were listed in the bottom 10 of the three rankings.

    Sixty-three Murong Piao

    Sixty-five White Grass

    Seventy-two wood grasses

    Seventy-four soil marks

    Seventy-six Violet Glass

    Seventy-seven Holy Maiden of Ksitigarbha

    Eighty-one Holy Children

    Eighty-seven Wang Xiao Mao [1]

    Ninety-two Qi Zheng.

    Even at their age, they were actually comparable to the heroes of the previous generation who had merged into the three rankings. It could be said that they were extremely powerful.

    Lin Yi said unwillingly, It's really strange. Second brother, you are clearly stronger than them. Why is it that your name is not on the three boards? If you don't go on the second list, then there's still room for debate. Why don't you go on the third list?! "

    The two then went to the fourth list. The ones at the top of the rankings were the remaining eight heroes, and there was still no Ling Feng.

    What was laughable was that Lin Yi was ranked 73rd on the four rankings. Moreover, Lin Yi added on a note behind him: Living together with Little Thunder for a long time, has great potential. There is still room for improvement.

    Lin Yi rubbed his head, laughing, It really is all thanks to second brother. Without you, how could I have made it onto these four boards? To be raised to this height without even a single battle, hahaha! Awesome!

    Ling Feng did not know what was going on either. Curious, he went to look at the stone monument in the middle of the hall.

    The number of words marked on the large stone was not many, but it was worth pondering over.

    Most Conferred God Potential

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