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Alpha Woman
Alpha Woman
Alpha Woman
Ebook134 pages1 hour

Alpha Woman

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About this ebook

Dear Woman
I wrote this book for you, to define you deeper. You are a magnanimous woman who offers the best of herself through her selfless efforts. When you share your wisdom and lessons with the world, it recognises your readiness as it repays you in kindness. Your invisible crown turns heads when you enter a room, and it highlights your eminent reputation which attracts sumptuousness. Your demigoddess stature earns you sovereignty while the exceptional work you deliver, your brilliance, resilience, earnestness, and force confirm you are the most interesting woman. You are a privileged woman with the potential to advance in any direction and position as you impart quality and give life to heroes and leaders~ BS Mahoko

Release dateJun 11, 2020
Alpha Woman

Busisiwe Mahoko

In the world of words, where stories shape our lives, there's a shining star—Busisiwe Mahoko. She comes from the vibrant streets of Meadowlands, Soweto, and her literary legacy is a testament to the unbreakable human spirit and the magic of storytelling. Busisiwe Mahoko has written an incredible 51 books. With her pen, she paints vivid pictures, telling stories that stir passion, compassion, and empathy in the hearts of her readers. Growing up in the colourful tapestry of Soweto, she drew inspiration from her surroundings, where resilience and courage were everyday virtues. Her writing knows no bounds—fiction, non-fiction, and more. Each of her books is a journey, an exploration of what it means to be human, a window into new worlds, and a mirror reflecting our dreams and struggles. But Busisiwe Mahoko's influence reaches beyond her books. She's a symbol of hope, especially for aspiring women writers. Her journey from Meadowlands to literary stardom is a testament to her determination and thirst for knowledge. When you dive into her books, you dive into the human soul. You experience resilience, and you witness the beauty of storytelling that connects people around the world. Busisiwe Mahoko hasn't just written 51 books; she's written 51 lifetimes, filled with triumph, courage, and the enduring spirit of Meadowlands, Soweto. Her words can transform, heal, and inspire, leaving an indelible mark on literature and in the hearts of her readers. Prepare to be mesmerized, moved, and deeply touched by this remarkable woman's literary talent. Busisiwe Mahoko isn't just an author; she's a storyteller, a visionary, a trailblazer, and a true luminary in the world of literature.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It makes you understand your role as a powerful woman. It makes you connect with your soul and understand yourself better.

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Alpha Woman - Busisiwe Mahoko

I wrote my second self-help inspirational book as a review of my first self-help biography. Women must know their true value to add to and boost their grit and influence. You are on the course to self-knowledge and exploration.

Reading this book will inspire you to value yourself, understand your purpose and meaning. Your life is worth living thence you deserve to be alive regardless of your struggle, hardship and heartbreak.

Have more faith in yourself and believe better days in your name are coming. No one will ever be at your level because you persevered and endured your worst to get this far. There’s a powerful force inside you nobody has. I discovered and resurrected my power thus I penned this book to aid you in awakening yours.


I dedicate this book to every great woman there is. This book is for every young, matured, and elderly woman of this world. I wrote this book for you, to tell you, you are strong and powerful, no matter what or who confronts you. From here on going forward, allow prayer and the bible to be your guidance in knowing the word of God.

B.S Mahoko

Know God first


Our Father in Heaven

May Your Holy Name be honoured; May Your Kingdom come,

May Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us today the food we need.

Forgive us the wrongs we have done, as we forgive the wrongs that others have done to us.

Do not bring us to hard testing, but keep us safe from the Evil one.

For Yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, forever and ever in Jesus Name.


Seek God First

MATTHEW 6 verse 33

Instead, be concerned above everything else with what He requires of you, and he will provide you with all these other things.



First, number one and most important. You are first after God and for God, before anything or anyone else. You are beyond well deserving and you are on the verge of receiving all that you pray for.

B.S Mahoko

Dear Alpha Woman

I suffered hell, pain, tears, abuse, mockery, stress, trial and hardship. Nothing was easy, but my faith kept me going. People laughed and said, I won’t succeed.

Their rejection strengthened me and drove me to push myself further. People I called friends and family, whom I honoured, belittled me. I persevered and fought every day for my life. Yes, I am still fighting because my life is worth fighting for. People don’t define your life nor own the power to decide for you. 

I devoted myself ample time to write this book. The reason I penned it was to give direction from my difficulties. My mother always guided me and declared my power, but I never gave attention to her words. She wants to see me fruitful. Dear woman, it’s your obligation to be joyous as it’s a must, to govern yourself and your army behind you. 

Your growth is inevitable and nothing compares your importance. You are at the crest of your greatest accomplishment and God is responding to your prayers. Your smile makes you glow because your life is a lesson. You learned, are still grasping and earned the skills to teach and inspire others. Your life has become interesting and it’s a delightful expedition.

You are growing into the woman you sought, becoming. Life is forming you as you wear your shield, armour and crown. You bear everything God requires of you and nothing and no one will ever stop or break you. As long as you stay humble, loyal to yourself and to God, you’re qualified to be an Alpha woman. Your power is beyond you. You are soaring.

Know Your A’s


Life and power fill you. You continue to live regardless of your terrible past, worst trials and tribulations. Your continuance to rise every time the enemy challenges you, shows your life is on the senior phase. You are on the path to receive everything in your prayers and you understand what happened in your life. Your foundation phase was when your life began forming, when nothing worked but believed in prayer. Life became stagnant and it kept on pushing you backwards, but you moved to the transitional phase where you began shaping your suffering and led it to your victory preparation, where you can solve complex challenges.


You are the prime reason God created a woman. The first after Him since you carry a deeper meaning than how the world perceives you. You are second in command in your wonderful life, God holds the first, always and forever. Only God and you hold the power to control you and your life. You differ from other women because you are strong and giving and never naïve. You’re a woman who cultivates the life you love and don’t fear intimidation since you are intimidating. Your quiet confidence screams aloud while humbling you and everything you do. A woman like you never shies away from a challenge because you ascend yourself every time you fall. You are one woman who never degrades herself because you are influential enough to create your own reality and invest in yourself. No individual carries and dominates the incredible power inside you.


You owned your life… from

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