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Mr.CEO's Wedding: Volume 2
Mr.CEO's Wedding: Volume 2
Mr.CEO's Wedding: Volume 2
Ebook313 pages2 hours

Mr.CEO's Wedding: Volume 2

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It was a marriage of Wealthy Classes. She thought that she had married a stranger, but she didn't expect that the groom would be her ex-boyfriend. She had thought that he was cold and restrained, a person who didn't care about the world.

She had never thought that he was born to be an evil merchant, a black-hearted man who was just like a wolf … After the wedding: the little wife is angry, he immediately bought a roomful of roses, he very consciously went to sleep in the study. His wife was jealous, so he decided to ask if he was being too flamboyant and then said a bunch of bad love words. His wife was his heart, his life. She was the one whom he was willing to give his all to keep a faint smile on his face. Join Collection

Release dateMay 20, 2020
Mr.CEO's Wedding: Volume 2

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    Mr.CEO's Wedding - Mu JinZhou



    After hanging up the phone, Fu Xingchen looked out the window. The sky was as thick and dark as ink, as if it was covered by a mysterious black veil. The sparse stars were also faintly discernible, yet they were extremely eye-catching in the dark sky.

    Good night, Viscount.

    Fu Xingchen held the phone against his chest with both hands. Under the night sky, her fresh and refined face was rippling, and her pale lips were curling into a faint smile.

    She lowered her head to look at her arm that had been scalded. At this time, besides the swelling and redness from the scalding just now, all that was left was a jade-white skin.


    As soon as the weekend was over, FC fell into a frenzy of activity. Especially the department that was responsible for the jewelry brand, they worked overtime and didn't even care about eating food or sleeping well.

    Seeing how lifeless everyone was, Fu Xingchen clapped his hands and drew everyone's attention to her. When everyone's gaze turned towards her, she smiled and said, Everyone has been busy for three days and has done very well. It will be much easier from tomorrow onwards. In order to reward everyone, we will get off work early today.

    There was only silence for a second...

    Two seconds...

    Three seconds...


    It was unknown who screamed first, then —

    Director is wise!

    I can finally relax a bit. I'm going to indulge myself later.

    Great! Director, you're too wise!

    How about we make an appointment together? It's not easy for us to get off work early, so let's all go together.


    After getting off work early, Fu Xingchen did not stay at the company and instead drove directly to reunite with Shen Xiaoxi.

    Fu Xingchen arrived at a teahouse at the meeting place between the two.

    Not too late, not too late, just on time.

    Shen Xiaoxi looked at the person in front of him and spoke.

    Fu Xingchen raised an eyebrow. Eh? That counts.

    Well, I'm just passing the time. Shen Xiaoxi pursed her lips, her beautiful eyes twinkling.

    Fu Xingchen looked around and found no trace of Bai Jin. She frowned and asked, Where's Jin Jin?

    It had been a long time since he'd contacted Jin Jin since he'd asked around in the cafe that day.

    Speaking of Bai Jin, Shen Xiaoxi's face was full of anger again, almost shouting, Jin Jin said she's busy, and she's even lazy to give her a perfunctory reply.

    At that time, he tried his best to bring Jin Jin to go with them, but Jin Jin refused immediately.

    Shen Xiaoxi's heart was filled with grief.

    Fu Xingchen also knew that the incident at the coffee shop had created a gap between the two of them. Bai Jin didn't know how to face him, so it was normal for her not to come.

    It's fine, she's been busy lately.

    When she had time, she would go find Bai Jin and explain the situation to her.

    Shen Xiaoxi sighed, We haven't gathered together for a long time.

    She also knew that Jin Jin didn't like Star's husband, but the two of them were always talking to each other. If there was something, they wouldn't be able to properly deal with it.

    But now, it was difficult for the three of them to even meet once.

    Alright, I'll go talk to Jin Jin when I have time. Fu Xingchen was worried that Bai Jin would separate with her because of Tang Yijie. However, with Bai Jin's personality, forcing her into a corner was not the way it was supposed to be.

    With that, she waved for the waiter to come over.

    Maotou, have some more snacks.

    The waiter respectfully nodded, Yes, miss.

    After ordering the items, Fu Xingchen turned around and met Shen Xiaoxi's ambiguous eyes.

    Shen Xiaoxi's mood changed again. This person was always forgetful. One second he was cursing, the next he was laughing.

    Fu Xingchen only felt that this smile was strange. What's with that gaze?

    Why does it look like I've caught a scoundrel?

    Haha … Shen Xiaoxi looked at her and suddenly burst into laughter. He pointed at her eyes and said, Xingchen, is your man not here? Why don't you sleep all night? You can see that they have dark circles under their eyes.


    Fu Xingchen looked at her with a darkened face.

    Seeing that Fu Xingchen did not seem to be panicking at all, Shen Xiaoxi immediately stopped. He gloomily said, Why are you not reacting at all?

    She was still thinking of saying that intentionally to get the stars out of her mouth, but who would have thought that this person was too calm.

    If he was her assistant, he would have taken out the mirror and checked it.

    Boring. I'm the company's leader after all. I want my image. How can I not be tidied up in the morning?

    Fu Xingchen explained calmly.

    Hearing Fu Xingchen's explanation, Shen Xiaoxi's eyes suddenly lit up. He grasped the hidden meaning in her words and said, You can't be really missing your man, right?

    She felt sure that she hadn't misunderstood. After all, the stars hadn't refuted her.


    Fu Xingchen was stunned. The image of a certain someone's cold and gentle face flashed involuntarily in his mind. The corners of his mouth curled up involuntarily.

    It's over, the stars, it's all over. Seeing the smile on Fu Xingchen's face, Shen Xiaoxi looked as if the sky was about to fall.

    Fu Xingchen came back to his senses and glanced at her indifferently. Just then, the waiter put the tea and snacks on the table.

    Young Miss, please enjoy.

    Thank you.

    The moment the waiter left, Shen Xiaoxi looked at her worriedly. There was a shocked expression on his face and his lips moved as if he didn't know what to say.

    What are you trying to say? As Fu Xingchen sipped his tea, he thought to himself that this kid might have had a brain attack again.

    After mulling over for a long time, Shen Xiaoxi retracted his peculiar gaze and probed, Xing, you wouldn't be tempted so quickly, right?

    Thinking about how Fu Xingchen's face had been filled with sweetness just now and how his eyes were so tender that water was almost flowing out of them, wasn't he very similar to those young girls who had fallen in love?

    Of course, that young girl was also one of them.

    You're interested? Fu Xingchen frowned slightly, as if he was very puzzled.

    Yes, you like him.

    Although she also felt it was inconceivable, in her eyes, someone with Fu Xingchen's character basically wouldn't fall for anyone.

    Even Chu Yang, who had called himself Fu Xingchen's childhood sweetheart, had guarded her for more than ten years and protected her for more than ten years.

    That is, he was willing to give him a chance.

    Why? Prince Tang had only been with Xing Fang for a short while, and she already had the approval of her family's Xing Fang?

    Fu Xingchen was at a loss. However, the words he spat nearly caused Shen Xiaoxi to fall off his chair.

    He's my ex-boyfriend.

    Puff puff … Cough, cough. Shen Xiaoxi, who was sipping on his tea, almost choked to death. His face was filled with horror.

    What did you say? Prince Tang is your ex-boyfriend? " Shen Xiaoxi was in disbelief. If that was really the case, how could she not know?

    Fu Xingchen was very pleased with her reaction. Yes, I went to A City to study medicine six years ago. We met on the way.

    Well, she was on the same train as him, because of the mudslide.

    Shen Xiaoxi took a sip of tea to calm himself down, and then he digested the shocking news, You, do!

    He had actually managed to hide it from everyone.

    Fu Xingchen smiled faintly. She would never tell her that the fact that the two of them would become husband and wife was only because of a black dragon incident.

    The way Shen Xiaoxi looked at her changed. He had even managed to take down Jiang Cheng's famous golden bachelor, who was not even close to a woman's beauty.

    That star, you …


    Shen Xiaoxi was about to start gossiping when someone interrupted her. Shen Xiaoxi looked at her with dissatisfaction.

    Fu Xingchen looked at Little Qiao, who was standing to one side, as if he was facing a great enemy. His brows slightly raised as he asked, What happened?

    Little Qiao's face was extremely exaggerated. Ever since they had met, Fu Xingchen had become much more casual with them.

    Someone's going to take Tang away. Sister-in-law, you have to hurry and manage it.

    Oh, got it. She also thought that this was a big matter and that her husband was not someone who couldn't resist temptation.

    Sister-in-law, aren't you worried?

    Worried, why aren't you worried? Fu Xingchen acted as if he was extremely worried.

    Little Joe was indignant.

    Shen Xiaoxi saw that Little Qiao didn't seem to be lying, so he forced a smile and asked, Why don't you tell me the specific circumstances.


    Fu Xingchen nodded. Go ahead, I'm listening.

    Although little Qiao was unhappy, she still said truthfully, Sister-in-law, Tang is going to A City, you know? Tang is invited to the royal ball tonight at 7 o'clock. The royal ball is a very normal way of communication in the business world, but some people do not have good intentions and want to seduce people.

    Lust! Although he knew that Tang Yijue's self-control was heaven-defying, he would be in for a hard time if someone tried to drug him.

    When that happened, it would be amazing if the relationship between the head of the Tang City and a certain woman were to be revealed overnight.

    Fu Xingchen's delicate brows lightly knitted. He had clearly realized the severity of the problem.

    Shen Xiaoxi was stunned by his words, his face showed some worry, Do you think they will directly drug us if we fail to tempt them?

    Just as she finished speaking, she felt a pair of sinister eyes looking at her and could not help but shiver.

    Hearing this, little Qiao hurriedly nodded her head, Of course I will.

    The two of them looked at each other and then simultaneously looked at Fu Xingchen. Fu Xingchen lowered his head and looked at the cup of tea in his cup, causing others to be unable to see her expression.

    She looked up at Joe and said sternly, Now take me to the party. Will there be time?

    Little Qiao's face lit up as she hurriedly replied: There just happens to be a plane for City A. We should be there in two hours.

    Fu Xingchen's eyes glazed over slightly as he said, Order the tickets.


    City A.

    The Night Court was a famous hotel in the commercial world of A City. Everywhere it went, it was extremely luxurious. If one wasn't rich, they definitely wouldn't be able to afford it.

    At this moment, the underground parking lot of the Night Court was filled with luxury cars. At a glance, it was so bright that it was blinding.

    The royal ball had already begun. The second floor of the night courtyard was the most luxurious and spacious, so it was the venue for the royal ball.

    Various people moved in and out of the reception. The glazed lights in the hall flickered, reflecting the beautiful faces of the men and women under the lights. They looked very bewitching, and the red wine neatly lined up on one side of the hall.

    Suddenly, a commotion arose from the crowd.

    Everyone in the ball turned to look at the door, and then a slender and cold figure appeared at the door.

    The man slowly stepped forward. He wore a black handmade suit with delicate detail. Under the light of the lamp, his handsome and elegant face, which was as sharp as a knife, was gradually revealed.

    Her eyebrows were like ink paintings. Her dark and deep black eyes and thin lips were pursed. Her every movement was noble and elegant. Her body naturally emitted a sharp aura.

    There was someone following behind him. It was only because his existence made people unconsciously ignore his figure.

    As this figure was pulled in, everyone in the party seemed to be attracted by him and looked straight at him.

    Some people have amazing skills even if they don't do anything.

    As soon as he entered, he was the center of attention. He frowned and sat down in a quiet place.

    Not long after he sat down, a middle-aged man in a silver suit walked towards him with two glasses of wine in his hands.

    Tang YiJue looked at him, his eyes darkening as he stood up. Uncle Ou.

    Ou Changxiu also looked at him, standing a step away. There were no traces of time on his arrogant face, but his deep eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts.

    I never thought that Viscount Wang would actually come. I thought Director Wang was joking.

    He handed over the glass in his hand. His voice was deep and slightly hoarse.

    It's rare to meet such a person, but he suddenly became interested. No matter what, I can come and take a look. Tang Yijue's face didn't change as he accepted the cup.

    The corners of Ou Changxiu's mouth curved up slightly, as if he was just casually asking, I heard that the Tang Clan and FC are marrying each other.

    Tang Yijue raised his glass to clink with him, Uncle Ou sure is well-informed.

    The two of them looked at each other and laughed, but whether or not their laughter was real or fake, whether or not it was just a show.


    The depressing scene of the reception was filled with all sorts of lights.

    In a slightly quieter corner, a woman wearing a blue one-piece dress sat quietly. She calmly looked at the distant noble and cold figure with a trace of interest in her eyes.

    Is that him?

    The woman's delicate face broke into a smile as she stood up and walked away leisurely with a glass of red wine in her hand.

    Soon, she walked with graceful steps to Ou Changxiu's side. Her elegant movements were flawless, showing the calmness of a member of the Wealthy Class. Her beautiful face expressed confidence, allowing her to easily steal the gazes of others.


    Ou Jiu Xiu looked at the graceful and graceful woman beside him with a satisfied expression. He then looked at the cold Tang Yijie and smiled. My eldest daughter, Ou Xiangyi.

    With that, he looked at Ou Xiangyi and gently said, The one in front of you is the head of the Tang clan. Although it's only a few years old, my father can't be unconvinced of his age.

    It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Tang.

    Tang Yijue looked at Ou Xiangyi. She was undoubtedly a beautiful woman, but in his eyes, apart from his wife, there were no other women who could receive his attention.

    Tang Yijue nodded his head in response. Yes.

    Although Tang Yijue's words were pitiful, everyone in the circle knew how cold he was to women. Ouyang Yi was no exception, so she didn't show any unusual emotions.

    I've long heard that Chairman Tang's decision is made by someone, and that he is a rare sight to see today. It turns out that what he said is true.

    You flatter me, Miss Ou. Tang YiJue's expression changed slightly.

    Seeing the two of them chatting, Ou Changxiu smiled and teased, You youngsters chat on your own. I think it's better if I find a seat to sit at.

    Hearing Ou Changxiu's words, Ou Xiangyi's delicate face reddened slightly after Ou Changxiu left. She looked at Tang Yixiu, who looked like he was about to speak. Miss Ou, I have something to discuss with someone else, so I'll be taking my leave first.

    Ou Xiangyi's face froze for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure and smiled lightly. Okay, Tang Dong is busy.

    With that, Tang YiJue turned and left without a trace of reluctance.

    Ou Xiangyi looked at his departing figure, then at the people who immediately surrounded him. Her eyes revealed a trace of a beautiful light.

    This kind of man was really challenging, but he didn't know if there were any women who could make him show a different expression.

    At this moment, there was another commotion at the door. Ou Xiangyi looked at the door in confusion. He saw a woman in a long black dress walking slowly towards him.

    The woman wore a black sleeveless dress, giving her a mysterious color. The waist design perfectly reflected her slender and enchanting figure.

    With her beautiful features, her black hair flowed gently into her chest. A few strands of hair were scattered on her forehead, adding to her silent charm.

    Her actions were so noble that the people around her couldn't help but open up a path for her.

    Ou Xiangyi's beautiful eyes were somewhat dark. She looked at this woman who was in no way inferior to her and guessed her identity.

    It was obvious that she wasn't the only one who was curious. The people around her also started to speculate. There were even some men who were ready to make a move. It was just that they didn't know her identity, so they didn't dare to act rashly.

    At this time, no one would have thought that from the moment they entered the party, the chairman of the Tang family, who had never taken the initiative to converse with anyone, would walk towards her after seeing the woman in black dress.

    Someone in the crowd gasped.


    As soon as Fu Xingchen entered the reception hall, before he even had the chance to look for Tang Yijie's figure, he suddenly heard a wave of sighs from the surrounding people.

    Puzzled, she looked around and saw a figure slowly walking towards her from not too far away. When she saw who it was, her heart skipped a beat.

    Why are you here?

    The lamplight made Tang Yijue look like a god's manor, making him feel like he was in a dream.

    Fu Xingchen blinked and said softly, Isn't it normal for me to represent FC?

    Tang Yijue's face was dark, and his black eyes were dark. Lies.

    Every day, he would get someone to report on her situation in Jiang City. How could she have the time to come when she was so busy? Besides, how would she know about this party?

    Fu Xingchen gave a faint smile. With clear eyes, he said, Didn't I hear that you were about to be hooked away? I just came … The adulterer.

    Tang Yijue raised his eyebrows. Are you satisfied now?

    Not satisfied.


    Not anymore. He had originally thought that he would be able to see her husband's tyrannical abuse when he arrived a little later.

    So the Lady is looking for... Thrust, burst." Tang Yijue's charming smile.

    Shut up. Fu Xingchen's face suddenly turned hot. Who's looking for excitement?

    Why did everything that came out of his mouth seem so different, and he even said it in such an ambiguous manner.

    Although the two didn't act intimately and spoke very softly, they could tell that Tang Yijue and that woman were having a very happy conversation.

    Perhaps it was because Tang Yijue said something, but they also saw that the girl in black's cheeks were slightly red.

    Talented men and men with discerning eyes all knew that the relationship between the two of them was very deep. Therefore, the men who were ready to make a move against Fu Xingchen had all given up on this idea.

    What a joke, who would dare to fight with Crown Prince Tang for a woman? Did he not see the look in the eyes of the unsightly Crown Prince Tang when he looked at the woman in black dress?

    It was clearly a show of tolerance, yet it also had a trace of doting. Furthermore, when that girl had just entered the arena, Chairman Tang had already moved over to her side. Wasn't this proclaiming his authority over her?

    Ou Xiangyi's beautiful eyes were deep. She couldn't help but be surprised as she saw the two of them still having a good conversation not too far away.

    Just a moment ago, she was thinking who would have the ability to make this upper class person reveal a different expression. She didn't want to find out so quickly.

    Ou Xiangyi walked gracefully to Ou Changxiu's side, a goblet in her hand. Father, who is this woman …

    Ou Changxiu turned to look at her with a smile. She's an excellent woman, a creative director of FC.

    Hearing this, Ou Xiangyi looked at Fu Xingchen with a hint of admiration. So it's her. No wonder even a man like Lord Tang would treat her differently.

    Although she had never met Fu Xingchen before, she still knew a little about him.

    For example, her college entrance examination results, or her grades at K University and her rich grades at the FC branch office.

    This was indeed an impeccable woman.

    Ou Changxiu chuckled, Tang Yijue is also a good man.

    Xiangzi knows. Ou Xiangyi's eyes had traces of tears, but they quickly disappeared. There are very few women who don't like men like this.

    Ou Changxiu lifted his hand to put away the messy hair

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