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Art of Attraction and Seduction Next Level
Art of Attraction and Seduction Next Level
Art of Attraction and Seduction Next Level
Ebook219 pages3 hours

Art of Attraction and Seduction Next Level

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About this ebook

Whether you are thinking of just meeting more women and having fun or you are thinking of meeting the perfect woman for you and getting in a committed relationship or even marriage, this book is perfect for you! You will grow to a new level o personal development!


You are going learn about the differences between men and women in order to understand better the opposite sex. It is important to understand what makes us behave in different ways, why do we have different skills and why do we have opposite thinking.


You are going to find a lot of advice and techniques to improve your skills and be more attractive. Your level of success related to experience with women in your life will sharply increase.


You will learn:

- Why men and women think and behave in different ways and what makes us like this

- Why love and sex are good for health and how can these help you live longer

- How to improve your attractiveness

- How to pick up girls in a multitude of social settings

- How to improve your results from online dating

- Flirting techniques

- How to text girls

- How to create a connection

- How to improve your communication skills

- How to turn a girl sexually

- What is sexting

- Best pick up lines

- How to improve your relationship

- How to get over a breakup






Release dateJun 12, 2020
Art of Attraction and Seduction Next Level


Bachelor degree in Economical Informatics at Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Faculty of Cybernetics Master degree in databases at Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Faculty of Cybernetics Specialized in domains of software development, business intelligence solutions, quality assurance, test management Worked for companies like Telekom Romania, 1&1 Internet Development Romania, Stefanini Romania, Inspari A/S in roles of analyst programmer, quality assurance analyst and business intelligence developer. Main goal as an author: I want to contribute to the personal development of my readers by bringing a positive change  in their lives and motivating them to achieve the best they can. Hobbies: travelling, reading, driving, practice a lot of sports (running, soccer, skiing, fitness) Author of e-books: *** "Art of Attraction and Seduction" - december 2014  *** "31 Steps For Online Profit" - december 2015 *** "Get Smart, Be Rich" - august 2017 *** "Love, Sex and Other Drugs" - july 2018

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    Great book, probably going to read a second time. The tips given in this book really helped me further my skills with relationships and communication.

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Art of Attraction and Seduction Next Level - ALEXANDRU NICOLITA

The Hunter and the Nest Keeper

IN 2014 I HAVE WRITTEN the book Art of Attraction and Seduction addressed to men who want to become more attractive and to accelerate their level of success with women and take it to a whole new chapter. Since then the book has helped a lot of men to succeed with women.

This book is the next version of my previous book Art of Attraction and Seduction. I named it Art of Attraction and Seduction Next Level because will take your skills and potential to the next level. Whether you are thinking of just meeting more women and having fun or you are thinking of meeting the perfect woman for you and getting in a serious relationship or even marriage, this book is for you. But before stepping in this adventure, I want to clarify the differences between men and women in order to understand better the opposite sex. It is important to understand what makes us behave in different ways, why do we have different skills and why do we have opposite thinking. Then you will be able to figure out the secrets of the complicated woman’s heart.

So let’s get started.

90% of men are crazy about team sports. They would spend hours watching their favorite team on tv or on the stadium. Most video game players are men. If we are referring to space orientation, map reading and side parking, surely men are surpassing women. Women, in return, show better abilities of communication, empathy, relationships. It is very difficult for a man to lie a woman without being caught when talking face to face. All these things are based on the way our ancestors behaved over the past thousands of years. This is what we will discuss in the next lines. 

Reading maps and determining where your current location is are based on spatial orientation. Brain scan shows that brain centers responsible for this capacity are located in the right hemisphere at the front, representing one of the strongest male characteristics. It has been developed since ancient times to allow men, hunters, to calculate the speed, the necessary movements and the distance to the prey, determining how fast it has to run to reach its target and how much force it takes to kill the prey that will become lunch by using a boulder, a bow, or a lance. 

Women have the center of spatial orientation capacity in both hemispheres of the brain, but it does not have a precisely measurable place, as men have. Only about 10% of women are orienting in space with the same ease as men. Most women show a limited space orientation capacity.   

Orientation in space means the ability to see with the mind's eyes the shape of things, their size, the way they are coordinated, proportionated, how they move and where they are placed geographically. Also, orientation involves the ability to imagine an object moving in space around an obstacle and seeing things from a three-dimensional perspective. Its purpose is to determine the movement of the fixed target, to know how to hit it straight.

Space-oriented capability is a precise function for men, located in at least four places in the right front hemisphere and in some smaller areas on the left. The fact that women do not have a precise localization of spatial orientation in the brain indicates that most women are dealing worse in this regard. Women do not like activities that involve orientation in space and do not follow professions or spend their spare time with something that involves orientation in space.

Men often follow professions or practice sports that involve orientation in space. For men, the same area of the brain allows them to solve problems. The ability to orientate in space is not a strong point for women and girls, because they never cared of hunting or how to find their way back home, and these things do not fit into their current duties. That's why many women have trouble reading a map or guide of streets.

There are thousands of well-documented scientific studies that confirm the superiority of man in space orientation. This is not surprising given its evolution as a hunter. Modern man no longer has to hunt for lunch. He is currently using his sense of orientation in space in other directions, such as golf, computer games, football or any other sport or activity that involves pursuing a thing or hitting a target. Most women think that hunting and throwing something to hit the target are boring. But if they had a specific area developed for space orientation and hitting a target on the right side of the brain, not only would they love it, but they would also win.

Men are so obsessed with watching another man who strikes a target that among the best paid people in the world are players of football, basketball, tennis, golf. Space-oriented capability allows the man to rotate the map in mind and know exactly where to go. If he has to return to the same place thereafter, he does not need a map anymore, because that spatial space in the brain can store that information. Most men can read a map even if they face north and have to go south. Similarly, most men can interpret the maps and then navigate successfully, because they manage to memorize them. Studies show that the man's mind measures speed and distance to know exactly when to change direction. Most men, if put into a room they are not familiar with and which has no windows, can still show where the north is.

For at least 100,000 years, men woke up every morning and went to search for food for their families. Men's contribution to the survival of the species was simple: to find an edible target and to hit it. Therefore, in the men's brains, special areas have been developed to enable them to carry out their task successfully. That part is called the space-visual area. It is used to measure speeds, angles, distances and spatial coordinates, and is the exact area used by modern men for tasks such as rear parking, reading maps, over-speeding on the highway, programming a video camera, practicing sports that require a ball, hitting a moving target. In other words, that part of the brain used for hunting. 

For tens of thousands of years, a man's job was to hunt. Women have evolved to protect the nest, their role being to ensure the survival of the new generation. Their brains have evolved to form areas of maximum activity to cope with this task. Hitting a zebra from a distance of 30 meters was never part of the woman's responsibility. 

Since the end of the 18th century, due to the development of agricultural techniques, wild animal hunting for eating has no longer been a priority. To deal with the frustration of not being useful for hunting and hitting a target, men found two substitutes: work and sport. Both involve hunting elements: chasing, tracing, targeting and hitting the target.

Sport is the modern replacement for hunting. Most sports activities started after 1800, and until then the world's population still hunted for practical or recreational purposes. The industrial revolution of the late 1700s and the advanced agricultural techniques have shown that hunting for feeding was no longer necessary. For thousands of years, men were programmed to hunt, and suddenly they stopped and did not know where to head. Sport seems to be the answer. Over 90% of modern sports were created between 1800 and 1900. Most sports involve running, hunting and aiming a target, allowing people with high levels of testosterone to burn excess hormones. Researches show that physically active boys are less likely to engage in crimes or aggressive acts, and men with criminal records are very rare athletes. Simply, if the required quantity of hormones does not burn on a sports ground, anti-social acts can be done.

The ability to orientate in space which is typical to men, is also present in the case of driving, more precisely at rear parking. A Singapore study of parallel rear parking revealed that 68% of men managed to park the car as close as possible to the curb in the first attempt, while only 12% of women did so from the first try. Women are more skilled than men at learning and to successfully reproduce the learned things, provided that the environment and learning conditions do not change. In everyday life, in full traffic, each situation is a new set of data to be analyzed; man's space orientation capability is more appropriate to solve this problem. Most women prefer to park their car in a wider area elsewhere and walk more to the destination than to sneak back the car in a tight parking space.

Instead, women, because they were not concerned with hunting in olden times, developed other abilities such as relationship, communication, empathizing, interpreting body language. In ancient times, the woman was the one who cared for the children and guarded the shelter while the man was hunting. As women initially spent time with other women and children in the group, they developed the ability to communicate effectively in order to maintain good relationships. For a woman, the speech continues to have such a purpose: the creation of new inter-human relationships and friendship. For men, speaking is a strict reference to deeds. Because these characteristics have been genetically passed from generation to generation, today women are better than men in establishing relationships and communicating.

Also, women, due to their long time spent with their children or in the presence of other women, have developed a very good empathy. Empathy is the ability to feel what others think and feel, without expressing it in words. Empathy means that a woman can figure out how a person sees things and how to follow that perspective. Empathy also means to feel what another person feels. This is the basis for relations and inter-human chemistry. And finally, empathy means to figure out when a person needs help and be ready to help. This does not mean that men do not empathize at all, but that women are better at it.

Due to the fact that women have become better in the interpretation of body language over time, men can not lie women so that they can’t figure it out it was a lie. The study of body language showed that in direct communications, nonverbal signals have an importance of between 60% and 80%. The superior sensory endowment of the woman selects and analyzes the information, and the ability of the brain to rapidly transfer it from one hemisphere to another makes the woman more expert in synthesizing and deciphering verbal, visual signals and other signs. That's why most men have problems when they plan to lie women, especially when they address them directly. It is easy for women to detect the inadequacies between verbal and nonverbal signals. 

Love, Sex and Health

IF YOU ARE LOVED AND if you offer love, there are high chances to live longer and healthier. Having sex regularly will improve your health and will reduce the risk of suffering of serious illnesses. There is plenty of evidence that sex is good for health. An amorous interlude on average three times a week burns up to 35,000 KJ, which is equal to a 130 km run per year. Sex increases testosterone levels, resulting in bone and muscle strengthening and provides good cholesterol. Endorphins, which are the natural painkillers of the body, are triggered during sex and help relieve pain, energize and are good for arthritis. DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) hormone is released shortly before orgasm and improves perception, builds the immune system, inhibits tumor growth and strengthens the bones. Women emit a large quantity of oxytocin during intercourse. Oxytocine is the hormone that arouses the desire for caressing. The level of estrogen increases in turn. Estrogen has a strong connection with stronger bones and a healthier cardiovascular system for women. The effect of all these hormones is to protect the heart and prolong life, because more sex means longer life and less stress. The list of the benefits of a very active sexual life is getting longer. 

Since the beginnings of medicine practiced in a formal setting in the eighteenth century, doctors have been unwilling to accept ideas about the longevity of people which could not be measured or quantified. Today's research has shown that if you are loved and in turn you love someone you can live significantly longer, and this weighs more than anything else – although we talk about genes, diets, medicines or lifestyle. None of this can have a similar effect as love has. Suffering, such as heart disease, can be produced or, on the contrary, prevented by the lifestyle and the existence of positive relationships of love in each one's life. An interesting study was done at Harvard University in the early 1950s, in which the researchers handed out a survey to 156 men who were asked to assess how they feel about their parents, noting the relationship on a scale from warm relationship, very close, to the cold relationship, like strangers. After 35 years, it was found that 91% of subjects who said they hadn’t a close relationship with their mothers were diagnosed with serious health problems and illnesses once they reached a middle age. Only 45% of the participants who said they had a close relationship with their mother had a major health problem. When it comes to relationship with father, 82% of the ones who had negative relationship with father have suffered serious problems, as opposed to only 50% of those who have a very close relationship. For participants who did not feel close to any of the parents, the results are astounding: they were all diagnosed with a serious illness after they reached middle age. 

People who feel loved live longer and have better health. Another study was conducted on 8,500 men who did not have a history of duodenal ulcer. These men were subsequently monitored for five years. The result was that 254 men developed ulcer, but astonishingly the fact that those who responded to one of the survey questions with My wife does not love me got sick in a proportion three times greater than the men who were convinced they are loved by their consorts. In another experiment that stretched over a five-year period, the researchers tracked the evolution of 10,000 men who had never been sick with angina pectoris. Men who responded yes to the question Does your wife love you? were healthier, regardless of other possible risk factors. The study also revealed a fact: the higher the health risks of a man, the greater the contribution of his wife's love to a better health. Other ongoing research indicates that emotions play an important protective role against those things that cause stress and lead to all sorts of illness and affections.

So this means that if you had a bad relationship with a parent or both parents you are condemned, for example, to die of cancer? Fortunately, no. Research has also shown that a deep love that an adult receives brings emotional safety that can offset the early effects of disagreements with parents. But if someone repeats the same pattern of relationships he has experienced in his childhood, he will certainly become a serious candidate for getting serious illness. 

Studies everywhere demonstrate that married people live longer, have a lower decease rate for almost every single cause than single, separated, divorced or widowed. The chances of surviving more than five years after being diagnosed with cancer are higher for married people, regardless of race, culture or sex, than for the unmarried.

Married men live longer than single ones, but they are more eager to die. 

There are studies showing that married people have stronger health than couples who choose to live together but outside marriage. This is because marriage brings more emotional security than cohabitation, especially for women, because the world finds out that the partner is no longer available. Marriage means less stress and a greater sense of safety, leading to a healthier immune system. For both men and women, marriage increases life expectancy. On average, married men live ten years longer than unmarried, and married women live four years longer than not married women. Briefly, married people live longer and suffer fewer diseases than not married ones.

Gender and health go hand in hand and that should not surprise anyone - studies have confirmed that an active sexual life makes you fit, keeps your heart strong and helps you avoid prostate or breast cancer. I add to the list also good mental health, because when you are having sex you are no longer depressed and your general condition improves. 

But globally, the world is now having less and less sex. Studying the behavior of the Americans was concluded that they have less sex than they did 10 years ago. From 2010 until 2014, the average American had 9 times less sex than he did in 2000-2004. The decrease was also seen among married couples - they had sex 16 times less per year. We can speculate on this subject and say that the high number of hours spent working and the time spent on raising children

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