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Penny Smart Pound Foolish: Are You Penny Smart?
Penny Smart Pound Foolish: Are You Penny Smart?
Penny Smart Pound Foolish: Are You Penny Smart?
Ebook68 pages51 minutes

Penny Smart Pound Foolish: Are You Penny Smart?

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A book curtailing the journey to financial freedom of Charmain Alleyne, a mother and businesswoman who has risen from the hardships most of us deal with on a daily basis. This is a book on how she overcame such problems, how they hindered her financial progress and how she has adapted her experiences to warn, help and develop others to grow. Penny Smart, Pound Foolish is a short read designed to open discussions with yourself on how you perceive, address and use money as well as ways to save and make the most of what you have earned.

PublisherO.K Alleyne
Release dateMay 15, 2015
Penny Smart Pound Foolish: Are You Penny Smart?

Charmain Alleyne

I am passionate about supporting others to achieve their goal by taking care of the finer details.Interested in Money and finance and Poverty alleviation.

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    Book preview

    Penny Smart Pound Foolish - Charmain Alleyne

    Penny Smart Pound Foolish: Are You Penny Smart?

    Charmain Alleyne

    Published by Omar Alleyne at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2015 Charmain Alleyne

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

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    I’ve read many a book with a motivational message before, studying, analysing and even critiquing the messages for fun and to study. So when I was asked to read this book as a favour to my mother, I had carried the mentality that no book, not even one written by my mother, could motivate me to change my life.

    There are no sob stories here, and the topics discussed are quite frank. At the end of the day, the attitude in this book is refreshing since it doesn’t want you to express any feelings of pity, remorse or loss in your life. Instead, it offers you to open discussions with yourself, about yourself, to yourself and perhaps, if you take the advice within to its full- with other people.

    This is not a self-centred tale, I may like to add. It has been crafted with care and experiences of over 40 years. Experiences that Charmain has endured as well as the people around her. This book may feel like it has one narrative, but that would only be the truth at the surface. Within its core, there are a variety of people that you can listen to from this book. Other motivational speakers such as Les brown and Dr Cindy Trimm both feature and give a further depth to this book that isn’t necessary, but only makes the points more poignant.

    That’s what’s important to remember when you read this. It’s a book that until you read it, felt unnecessary in your life, but the moment you pick up and begin this journey, it becomes an essential reference point at a cross roads you may be facing in your life.

    It’s precisely why this book differs from the overwhelming majority of other ‘self-help’ books out there on the market because from the front page to the back, there isn’t some sort of greater plug waiting for you to discover, leading you away to something else that’s part of some ‘elite’ package or a more expensive money grabbing plot hole. It doesn’t take you down the road towards something else that one of her friends do. It’s a book that opens discussions and makes more and more of an impact the more you read it, it’s the perspective of someone else but it becomes personal to you. It’s why I had to write the foreword.

    I must clarify however, that a number of you may have picked up this book because you didn’t think it was a motivational or self-help title and I have to say to those people that you are also correct. It’s a story, a story about a woman who has made the same mistakes that we all make and continue to make over and over again. It’s a tale that to a number of us, holds shame and can make us the butt of every joke- not having enough money.

    It’s embarrassing and demeaning and in almost every case, severely hinders you in a number of aspects in your daily life. Going out with friends for example is almost impossible and even having them around can feel funny when you ask them all to split the pizza. Of course, that’s even if you can afford a house, with the average price of a London home skyrocketing, first time buyers are needing upwards of £77,000 to put down a deposit.

    However, before reading this book, such a number was unfathomable to me. Seventy seven thousand? I would have to work for YEARS to earn that much! I would say to myself whenever a new article came up about purchasing a home and as a young, twenty year old myself, it’s something I want to do in the near future. Now, such a figure is just that. It’s a figure. Yes,

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