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Dagger Jack: Cyborg Awakenings Book 5
Dagger Jack: Cyborg Awakenings Book 5
Dagger Jack: Cyborg Awakenings Book 5
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Dagger Jack: Cyborg Awakenings Book 5

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Dagger Jack got the name from fellow cyborgs because he used to juggle five daggers at once before throwing them one at a time at a target. He was awakened to help rebuild Chicago, then transferred to Farringay to demolitions of the ruins to make way for a new Starport on Earth. He had virtual training in demolitions, construction and as a Law Enforcement Protector. Once the Starport was finished, he would become a protector in one of the towns west of Farringay.

Ambushed by rogue cyborgs, catastrophic injuries left Dagger clinically dead and they rebuilt him. That changed everything. When he awakens the second time he doesn't want to be a protector.

Something was missing besides the memories he lost. He was made for war but only love would make him whole again.

PublisherClarissa Lake
Release dateJun 14, 2020
Dagger Jack: Cyborg Awakenings Book 5

Clarissa Lake

Clarissa Lake grew up watching Star Trek and reading Marvel Comics. She attended science fiction and fantasy conventions where she met many well-known science fiction authors and attended their readings and discussion panels. They included SciFi greats Anne McCaffery, CJ Cherry, George RR Martin, Ben Bova, Timothy Zahn, Frederik Pohl, Orson Scot Card.After years of fruitless efforts to get her books published traditionally, she discovered Kindle Direct Publishing and became an Indie author-publisher.While she loves science fiction, she always thought there should be more romance, so she started writing it hot and steamy.

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    Dagger Jack - Clarissa Lake


    Dagger and his fellow cyborgs had only a couple more buildings left to demolish on the block. They were razing all the damaged structures in that section of Farringay to make way for a new starport.

    His team had cleared the buildings of people and stood guard protecting the refugees, waiting for transport to safety. The six cyborgs were wearing full body armor because of recent attacks on their demolition teams. The armor could withstand regular bullets and slow down armor piercers, but new and deadlier weapons were being developed for the Federation all the time.

    Even though Dagger sensed other cyborgs in the area, he didn’t perceive he was in danger.  Other cyborg teams, just like his, worked nearby, clearing and taking down buildings. A hover transport was on its way to pick up the people his crew had rescued.

    Alex Burke, the crooked overlord who ruled the city after the interstellar war, wanted the females for his brothels. He stood to make a lot of money once the starport opened and brought patrons from off-world. Berke wanted the spaceport finished, but his henchmen hindered the demolitions, trying to keep the cyborgs from taking the young, attractive women to settlements with suitable housing, food, and clothing.

    Dagger had just gotten word through the cyborg net that the transport was delayed. He turned to tell the displaced residents and grunted in pain as three hot projectiles hit him in the back, piercing his armor like it wasn’t there. He had never felt such pain in his life. He turned to fire his ion rifle at the source and took one in the head.

    Women and children screamed and either flattened themselves on the ground or ran. Their screams rang in Dagger’s ears. He desperately wanted to help them, but everything went black, and he crumpled to the ground.

    Dagger had always known he was made to die for the Federation; he didn’t expect it would be so soon. He had only been awakened a little over a year ago. Somehow, it didn’t seem fair, he thought as he took his

    last breath. She was there in the group, just out of his reach, and he couldn’t protect her. The dream that wasn’t a dream looped over and over in his mind while he was in stasis.  It was the memory of the fight that took him down.  That didn’t scare him like the screams of the females he hadn’t been able to protect.  He wondered.  Were any of them hurt?

    Only if they got caught in the crossfire, the overlord wanted them alive, and he hadn’t stopped the gangers from taking them. There was a small hope; some of them might have escaped.

    She was there, but he hadn’t seen the face that went with the scent he would have known anywhere. Yet, he hadn’t been able to do anything except die.

    Chapter One

    Six months later.

    Dagger opened his eyes as the last of the fluid was drained from the stasis tank. It hadn’t been a dream, he realized as he recognized the uniform of the man and woman standing over him. Medics.

    He was in a recovery tank, intubated with a mask over his face. It was quite like the nurturing tanks where he and other cyborgs were grown from genetically engineered embryos. Dagger remembered dying. At least, technically.

    His nanocybots had kept him viable long enough to get him to the medics on Starfire Nemesis and into a rejuvenation tank.

    Hang on, Dagger. We’ll get you out of here in just a few minutes, said the male medic. While he sensed the medics were both cyborgs, he didn’t recognize either of them.

    Welcome back, Dagger, the female said as she unstrapped the mask from his face and detached it from the breathing tube in his trachea. "I am Medic Sana Matix, and he is my mate, Kydel Matix.

    Take a deep breath and exhale on my count, and I will pull this out, said the male.

    Dagger complied, and his exhale ended with him coughing and gagging. He was relieved that it was over quickly. After they bathed and dried him, the medics dropped the tank's side and helped him sit up with his feet on the floor.

    For healing purposes, technicians filled the tank with a nanite laden gel. They entered his body through his pores, repairing his badly damaged major organs. They also carried nutrients into his body to sustain him while they did their work.

    Your body is functioning within normal limits, Dagger. How do you feel? the male asked him.

    Dagger frowned. It was a simple question, but the answer was more complicated. His head ached, and his brain was foggy. Out of sync, he said finally. I just know I don’t want to be a protector.

    I already failed as a protector. Did they ever find the women and kids we were trying to rescue? Their screams had echoed through his mind again and again while he was in stasis, reminding him he’d failed them. He’d failed her.

    I don’t know, said Sana. Axel can probably tell you.

    One of them was my female, he said desperately. I’m not even sure which one. I caught her scent just before those bastards shot me.

    Then, she is probably still in Farringay.

    I have to find her! Dagger stood suddenly, swaying with an unexpected bout of vertigo. He let the medics help him sit in on a nearby stool. Even more staggering than his vertigo were the odds against finding her. He didn’t know her name, and he never even saw her face. She could even be dead. No! He had beat the odds; he couldn’t let himself give up before he even started.

    Hang on, soldier. You’re not ready to jump up and go anywhere, and certainly not naked. You’ve got a few weeks yet before you are fit for duty, said Kydel. Sana handed him a brand-new set of clothing, their standard black cargo pants, black t-shirt, and dropped a pair of smart boots on the deck by his feet. He quickly dressed.

    How long? Dagger asked.

    At least a couple of weeks, Kydel said.

    No. I mean, how long was I in the tank?

    Six months.

    Fucking hell! Dagger snapped. She could be dead or a sex slave in one of Berke’s brothels. Is the starport finished?

    Two months ago.

    Damn! Dagger swore. I can’t wait for two weeks. I have to get back to Farringay and find her.

    I understand, Dagger, but you need to build up your strength. Your new microprocessor is still integrating. You took a headshot that destroyed the other one.

    Ah, that’s why I feel out of sync.

    I believe so. We had a complete backup from your old one minus a few hours, probably just about when you recognized your female.

    I only scented her; I didn’t get to see her, Dagger reiterated. I have to go back down there. Can’t I rebuild my strength on Earth?

    You could, but you won’t.

    How do you know? Dagger grumbled and quirked a sandy brow. Are you a mind reader now?

    Kydel chuckled. No, I just know that’s what I would do if I knew my female was in danger. We better get Axel and Vyken on our internal net and hash this out.

    "Why don’t we take this into the mess and get Dagger something to eat while

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