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My Hubby Is a Doting CEO: Volume 7
My Hubby Is a Doting CEO: Volume 7
My Hubby Is a Doting CEO: Volume 7
Ebook634 pages7 hours

My Hubby Is a Doting CEO: Volume 7

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Mu Yu threw the money back and said her farewells.

"Mr Lu loves people, but I don't care about it!"

But Mr. Lu was addicted.

To help her care for her, to help her turn into a berserk wife, to be spoiled to heaven and earth!

Release dateJun 24, 2020
My Hubby Is a Doting CEO: Volume 7

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    My Hubby Is a Doting CEO - Mei CongCong



    Before coming here, she had already known that Moonfall Puti had two nominees for the award.

    Mei-jie also told her that she had heard from the organizers that she would not return empty-handed tonight.

    However, she had never expected that the only two nominees for Moon Descent would be Bodhi. One would be the best female lead, while the other would be a candidate for the film queen.

    Mu Yu never expected that she would win both prizes.

    She was in the middle of the first row today.

    On the right side sat Mo and Baozi, while on the left side sat Lu.

    When the light fell on her, Mu Yu was stunned for a moment. Her first reaction was to ask Lu Jean, Can I even choose a film queen? I've already been out of it for a year, could it be that I read it wrongly?

    Lu Tingxiao rolled his eyes and quickly said, It was filmed by Yue Luozhu last year. Naturally, this year's movie will be counted as this year's movie.

    Mommy's the best!

    On the side, Tai Bao and Zi Cai applauded together with the audience, while their small faces blossomed with laughter.

    Go. Lu Jingmo's lips curved up into a smile as he squeezed her hand.

    When Mu Yu stepped onto the stage to receive the award, she was still stunned.

    Today, she wore a red dress with a long tail that revealed the back of her shoulder. It accentuated her snow-white skin.

    At a glance, he looked just like the person in the painting.

    Immediately, the entertainment reporters below the stage raised their cameras and pointed their flashing lights at Mu Yu.

    With a gentle smile on her lips, Mu Yu spoke slowly.

    I'm surprised. First of all, thank you for your love and support. I didn't think of it. Second, thank you for your support. To be honest, I was already three months pregnant when we filmed Moon-Descending Bodhi …

    Mu Yu's acceptance speech was short, but at the same time, it was also the most passionate one. It won applause from the audience.

    After the acceptance speech, Mu Yu bowed and left the stage.

    The first thing she did after she got off the stage was to walk up to him and smile as she kissed him on his lips.

    Hubby, you have a share of this trophy too.

    Mu Yu placed the trophy into his hand, his big eyes smiling like crescent moons.

    At this moment, the camera was focused on the two of them, and their actions were clearly displayed on the screen.

    Screams and whistles immediately rang out from the audience stands.

    Serve the dog food in public!

    Kiss another!

    This is your glory. The man looked at her dotingly, but she was also very red. He pecked his lips, Are there any rewards?

    Mu Yu blinked at him playfully and said in a voice that could only be heard by two people, I'll reward you when we get home.

    Cough, cough.

    On the side, Lu Jean cleared his throat and reminded, It's being broadcast live, can the two of you hold back a bit?

    As soon as he finished, Lu Zhi's dark eyes fell on him.

    Lu Jean quivered and immediately raised his hand in a gesture of pulling the zipper on his mouth.

    This was definitely the first time Lu Shimo and Mu Yu had shown their love on a live broadcast. The netizens immediately exploded.

    Ah ah ah ah, the way Mr. Lu looks at Nanshu is really doting!

    Heavens, I'm so envious!

    If I were to become like Nanshu, I would be willing to lose thirty years of my life!

    After the awards ceremony ended, Mu Yu did not attend the banquet.

    She left the scene with Lu and the children, ready to return to Linlang Bay.

    They wanted to see Mommy's trophy.

    Two trophies, one for each person.

    Mommy, you're so awesome. She went over and kissed Mommy. Her mouth was as sweet as if she had eaten honey. Mommy, you're the most amazing Mommy in the world.

    My mouth is so sweet! Mu Yu chuckled.

    Zi Dian saw his brother kiss Mommy and was a bit envious.

    He was shy and had never kissed Mommy.

    He also wanted to, but he didn't dare to say it.

    On the other hand, Mu Yu went over and smiled. Zi Dian, do you want to kiss Mommy?


    His eyes sparkled as he moved closer to kiss Mu Yu on her cheek and whispered in her ear, Mommy, you are our pride.

    Mu Yu's heart warmed as he placed a kiss on his forehead.

    Good son.


    The award ceremony was a live broadcast and they had occupied the entire night's worth of searching. When Mu Yu returned to the school, he became even more popular. Every day, there were some of his Junior Brothers and Sisters who would ask for his autograph and picture.

    When Lu Shimo found out about this, he was extremely jealous.

    As long as there were no social gatherings, he personally came to Mu Yu's school and lunch.

    A man with a strong aura swept his gaze across the crowd with a pair of cold, dark eyes. The boys who were just starting out were immediately frightened. They didn't even dare to approach Mu Yu, let alone take a photo with her.

    CEO Lu, why didn't you know that your family had so many jars of vinegar in the past?

    Mu Yu looked at him with an enigmatic smile while holding onto Little Yueyue's arm.

    The man glanced at her with an indifferent expression and said, You haven't remembered the lesson of being quick with your mouth?

    Mu Yu made a face at him when he wasn't paying attention.

    Oh yeah, there's going to be an original work competition in the music department in half a month's time. I'm registering.

    The man raised an eyebrow and looked at her in the rearview mirror.

    You can even compose songs.

    This was something that Mu Yu was good at. Lu Shi Mo remembered it in his mind and was prepared to show his support when the time came.

    In the following period of time, all of Mu Yu's attention was focused on the competition for her original work.

    After letting Mu Yu know about it, Lu chose to spend two days to help Mu Yu discuss the matter of compiling the melody.

    However, Mu Yu was in a better condition than he was. He couldn't help much, so he could only offer some advice as an audience.

    One week later.

    Recently, Xiao Ding's stomach had become even bigger.

    There were a lot of people in the school. Even though Xiao Yuan was being very careful, he definitely wouldn't be run into by some restless students.

    It's already been over seven months. I can take a leave of absence to go home and wait for delivery.

    Xiao Ding nodded, Mo Xin has already applied for leave from Teacher. He will not be coming next Monday.

    Mu Yu sighed and said, I won't be able to eat any more of the nutritious meals that Mo Fang prepared for you.

    Xiao Ding hugged Mu Yu's arm and laughed, Sister Yu, haven't you eaten enough? I feel like I'm going to eat hot pot, but don't let me.

    There were only two people in the room: Mu Yu and Xiao Ding.

    A few days later, Xiao Ding returned home to prepare for work. When Mu Yu was bored, she would practice her melody in her bedroom.

    Three days before the match.

    After the class ended, Mu Yu and the class monitor headed towards the school's dining hall.

    Sister Yu. The monitor called to her.

    What's wrong?

    Do you see that girl looking at you not far away?

    Mu Yu followed her gaze and saw four girls standing together. They were looking in her direction and the way the girl in the middle looked at her made her feel uncomfortable.

    Mu Yu retracted her gaze.

    She was past the age when she was a teenager and liked to listen to gossip.

    On the other hand, the class monitor continued, That girl is a freshman. I heard that she has participated in many competitions before and also won a lot of prizes. All the boys at any level call her a goddess, but she is proud and arrogant.

    Mu Yu was confused. And then?

    She's your most competitive competitor this time around.

    Mu Yu replied with an 'oh'. She didn't take it to heart.

    Be careful, her hands and feet aren't very clean.


    The class monitor noticed that Mu Yu didn't seem to have a good relationship with her, so he didn't say anything further. He just reminded her, Her name is Tang Tang, and she's rather tough to deal with. I heard that she got the Golden Awards last month due to her dirty tactics.

    I'm fine.

    It was just an original competition.

    If it was when she was in her first year of university, she was confident that she could get first place.

    Right now, there were many capable students.

    She mainly wanted to join in the fun and see how her skill level was after not touching any musical instruments for a few years.

    When Mu Yu finished her meal and prepared to go back to her room to eat with the class monitor, she inadvertently turned her head around.

    The girl called Tang Yin was still looking at her.

    Mu Yu frowned in displeasure and left the dining hall without saying anything.

    At the same time.

    Sister Sugar, I heard that Mu Yu also received many prizes when she was still in school. She's quite powerful. A girl with dyed red hair and delicate makeup said.

    That's right. I heard that he won the national tournament when he was still in high school.

    She also signed up to participate. She's definitely your opponent.

    Hearing this, the girl called Tang Jia scoffed in disdain.

    With such a powerful husband, it would be strange if he didn't get the prize.

    That's true, her husband is still at the top of the school's celebrity rankings. I heard that for so many years, he has been donating money to Jin University every year.

    Then isn't Sis TangTang in danger this time?

    Tang Xuan stood in place without moving, and once again, she scoffed, a light flashing through her eyes.

    There were still three days until the competition.

    This afternoon at noon, Mo Ji would not be able to come to school. She was alone in her dorm room, so she had time to practice the music for the competition.

    There were still three days until the competition.

    Furthermore, it was a new song. Mu Yu had strict requirements in this area and didn't allow herself to make any mistakes.

    After playing it twice, she sent the recorded song to Lu Lian.

    Help me listen.

    It was already close to one, and Lu Jean did not reply for quite some time. He reckoned that he was currently taking his afternoon nap.

    She put down her guitar and went for her lunch break. There were still two classes left in the afternoon.

    After school was dismissed in the afternoon, Lu Shimo came to pick her up.

    Mu Yu didn't return to her room and instead went straight to the school gate to look for Lu Shimo.

    After dinner.

    Crescent was sleeping in the nursery. Mu Yu was sitting on the living room carpet, playing her guitar. Two small audiences were sitting in front of her.

    Mommy, I think this is cool, I want to learn too.

    Zi Dian also nodded, I want to learn.

    Ok, I'll teach you when Mommy has finished her competition.

    For a family like this, there were very few children who learned guitar. They all learned piano, and they started learning piano at the age of three. They were very familiar with the music industry and would learn very quickly.

    Mu Yu pondered about what to do next.

    Before this, she had always thought that they were the boys at home and would definitely help Lu Jingmo take over the company's affairs in the future. She had never thought of letting them come into contact with each other.

    She was still thinking of teaching Yueyue all kinds of musical instruments when she grew up.

    She had never believed that only a girl who studied the piano could have temperament, or any other musical instrument.

    Nine thirty.

    After feeding her daughter and coaxing her to sleep, Mu Yu first went to the music room and carried her guitar to the master bedroom.

    At that time, Lu Shimo had just finished his shower, and a towel was wrapped around his waist.

    Droplets of undried water slid down the man's muscular body and into the towel.

    Mu Yu raised her eyebrows in delight and started singing. It was a funny song.

    Are your hands tired?

    The man spoke in a light tone, completely ignoring her provocation.

    I'm not tired. Mu Yu held onto the guitar and pulled him to the bedside. She told him to sit down and said, I'll play it for you. Listen.


    Lu Shimo grabbed her slender wrist, pinched her fingertips, and lowered his eyes to look.

    Previously, the zither cocoon in Mu Yu's hand had already retreated. Although it had been playing for two months, the zither cocoon had yet to form. Coupled with Mu Yu's zealous practice music, it caused her white fingertips to turn red.

    The man frowned in heartache. You're not allowed to play it tonight.

    She went to get her guitar.

    No, I'll just play it once. It won't be long. Mu Yu took a step back to avoid the attack.

    Lu Shimo did not spoil her at all times.

    At this moment, the man's expression was somewhat heavy, and his voice had become cold. If you dare to play it again tonight, I'll get the school to cancel that competition.

    Mu Yu was still not satisfied with the match tonight. She raised her eyebrows and confidently replied, Do you think you're the principal? You're so capable that you're cancelling the match? The competition is coming soon, how can you cancel it?

    With that, he saw Lu Shimo's expression darken.

    The next second, he turned around and picked up his cell phone from the bedside table before dialing the same number.

    Contact President Lin tomorrow morning to cancel the competition for the original works three days later.

    Qi Lin immediately replied, Yes, Boss.

    If Principal Lin disagrees, you can say that I am prepared to donate another 200 million and a batch of teaching facilities to Jin University …

    At first, Mu Yu was just showing off.

    After all, no matter how awesome Lu Shimo was, he couldn't possibly be the type to care about matters of the school.

    But he didn't expect this man to be so sinister, to actually donate money to the school?

    Based on her understanding of President Lin's old money grubber …

    No way! Mu Yu quivered. She placed the guitar on the carpet and rushed forward to snatch Lu Shimo's phone. Qi Lin, you're not allowed to look for Principal Lin tomorrow!

    Qi Lin: Boss …

    Just who did he listen to?

    The boss' orders had to be heeded, but he couldn't ignore his wife's words.

    Otherwise, with his wife's unwillingness to suffer, who knew if he would be sent to Africa the other day when she let the boss out of earshot.

    He had no choice but to grow stronger as a man.

    When the man raised his hand, she was unable to reach her phone even if she jumped around on the spot.

    Do you have enough money to support you? How much money have you donated to Jin Da University over the years? No wonder Jin University is so rich, even they were supported by you!

    Finally, Mu Yu lost her face and kneeled on the ground, hugging Lu Jingmo's leg and acting like a spoiled child. I don't care. Don't cancel this competition. Didn't you say I was your sweetheart? Hubby …

    Lu Jingmo's phone was still on the line.

    Qi Lin shuddered fiercely on the other end of the phone.

    He felt that he couldn't listen any longer and hurriedly said, Boss, my water pipe suddenly exploded. I need to go and take a look. You and your wife can contact me after you've discussed it with each other.

    The man remained indifferent as he asked calmly, Do I have the ability to do so?

    Yes, yes! Mu Yu held his leg and shook it, continuing to act coquettishly.

    Mu Yu gritted her teeth.

    Only those who were able to bend their will could be called a real woman!

    It won't be too late for a woman to take revenge for ten years.


    Lu Shimo, are you crazy!?

    Mu Yu was infuriated and pummeled him again and again.

    Lu Shicheng frowned, his pitch black eyes filled with a fiery danger. He spoke even more than usual, You were the one who took off the towel, and now you're blaming me for being so weak?

    The woman he loved the most had just hugged his leg …

    If he … was a normal man?

    It's all your fault!

    He narrowed his eyes and said dangerously, You're asking for trouble again?

    Noticing that the atmosphere wasn't right, Mu Yu was ready to run.

    I really want to hear Yueyue cry, I have to go and take a look!

    Do you still want to play the guitar?

    Mu Yu's hair stood on end.

    Ye Zichen shook his head repeatedly, I'm not playing anymore, I'm not playing anymore. I'm suddenly sleepy. Hubby, let's go to sleep.


    The man scoffed. Too late.

    Mu Yu was in tears. She wanted to escape, but she couldn't.

    Lu Shimo, you …!

    She suddenly missed the time when she was pregnant and sitting still.

    At that time, no matter how much she angered this man, at least he wouldn't choose … To punish her.

    There are still more to come. Yes."

    Mu Yu, ...

    The next day.

    When Mu Yu woke up, it was already 10 in the morning.

    She lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

    Last night, Lu Shimo … She was not let off until three in the morning. Her legs were weak, and she fell off the bed.

    She scolded Lu Shimo as she quickly changed her clothes and headed downstairs to prepare to go to school.

    Two very important classes this morning!

    Why are you in such a hurry, ma'am? Aunt Zhou, who had just come out of the nursery, asked.

    Aunt Zhou, I'm going to be late for school. Please help me look after the crescent moon. If you need anything, give me a call.

    Madam! Aunt Zhou chased after her, shouting at her figure, Hey, missus, mister said he gave you a day's leave. You don't need to go to school today!

    Mu Yu, who had run to the stairs, stopped and turned around.

    Did he ask for a leave of absence?


    Where is he?

    Sir entered the study room after breakfast.

    Hearing that, Mu Yu immediately turned around and ran back into the study.

    In the corridor, Aunt Zhou smiled and shook her head. She's still the same as when she was a teenager.

    Lu Shimo!

    In the study.

    Mu Yu jumped onto Lu Shimo's body. With her small hand pinching his face savagely, she said, Did you turn off my alarm clock? I'm going to class, why are you asking me for a leave of absence!

    The man frowned lightly and said slowly, Are you sure you won't be pointed out as you walk around the campus with your legs crossed? Or did the entire school know that you, Mu Yu, last night …?

    You …

    Mu Yu's face reddened. She didn't know how to retort.

    After a moment, he said, You... hate me!

    Yeah, I hate it.

    Lu Shimo carried her as if she were a child, carrying her into the bedroom.


    A little.

    The man lovingly kissed her on the cheek. Go eat breakfast first, then you can sleep.

    Lu Sheng had not shaved in the morning. When the stubble pierced Mu Yu's delicate skin, she avoided it in disgust.

    Lu Shimo, you're lying! You're not shaving at all!

    You don't like it?

    I don't like it. Don't kiss the crescent moon like that later, her skin is tender.

    The two of them fought just like when they were first together, but they didn't feel too tired of it.

    After breakfast.

    Mu Yu did not go to sleep. Instead, she dragged Lu Shimo into the music room.

    Mu Yu played a song very seriously in front of him. The prelude was lively, the tempo was high, and the latter half of the song was leisurely with a few traces of sadness. Finally, she finished the song in a light tone.

    Typical rock music.

    However, Mu Yu added a little bit of the melody of a love song to it, making it stand out from the masses.

    Even someone as picky as Lu Shimo gave a thumbs up.


    Mu Yu raised her lips high and leaned forward to kiss him.

    What do you think it means?

    What does that mean? Lu Shimo took her right hand and kissed her slender, white fingertips one by one.

    Mu Yu smirked as she met his gaze with her big, watery eyes. Her pink lips curled up into a seductive arc.

    Our love story.

    The man stopped kissing her fingertips and looked up at her.

    She retracted her fingers, and began to play a lively prelude, This is the part where we first met. At that time, there were some friction, but it's still very sweet now that I think back on it. There were many times when you were silently protecting me, at that time I was young, and intentionally went against you.

    She played a bit more.

    This is when we are in love.

    This is the period when we were separated.

    This last paragraph …

    It was already early winter in mid-November.

    The warm sunlight outside shone through the large French windows of the music room and onto the two of them.

    Mu Yu slowly stopped talking.

    Just this song, it's for the man I love the most in my life.

    The man listened to his little wife as she slowly explained the whole thing until she finished her last sentence.

    The corner of his lips slowly relaxed, and at the end, the curve of his lips widened.

    She was clearly stubborn and stinky, but she was only coquettish towards him, occasionally dissecting the softest part of her heart for him to see.

    This was his little wife, how could he not put her in his heart and pamper her.


    On Wednesday, Mu Yu returned to school.

    The textbooks were all in the dorm room, so she first made a trip to the dorm room.

    As she picked up her textbook and was about to leave, she caught a glimpse of the sheet of music on the music stand from the corner of her eye.

    Frowning, she picked up the music sheet and flipped through it.

    Strange, how come I remember closing the score the last time I left?


    Mu Yu looked through the regional music scores and found nothing abnormal.

    Could it be that I've really been pregnant for three years? But I remember that's not the case.

    She patted her head and left after underestimating the price a few times.

    Lu Shimo had something to attend to at the company today, so Mu Yu, who was sent to school by him, arrived half an hour earlier.

    There were still twenty minutes before school time when he arrived at the classroom.

    Just when she sat down, Lu Qun sent her a message via WeChat.

    Yesterday, my phone broke. I only saw the news you gave me this morning!

    Mu Yu raised her eyebrows and replied, Did you listen to the song?

    Perhaps he felt that typing was too slow, so he directly sent her a video call.

    Mu Yu picked up the video call before the other students arrived at the classroom.

    Lu Lian's handsome face appeared on the phone's screen.

    You're still up? Mu Yu looked at his messy hair and drowsy eyes and disdainfully said, Weren't you reporting quite a few things recently? Do you still have time to stay in bed at home?

    Lu Tingxiao rolled over and blinked at her. I asked Mei-jie for a leave of absence, and said that I'm not feeling well today.

    Should I give Mei-jie a snitch? Mu Yu took the cup and took a sip.

    Don't, I came to find you as soon as I got my phone and listened to your tune.

    What do you think? Is there anything else that needs to be changed?

    There's no need to change it at all. It can be said to be perfect. Lu Tingxiao cut her short hair, With this song, you are definitely number one.

    Right after he finished speaking, another voice came out of the video.

    Lu Jean, get up and eat breakfast.

    Mu Yu raised her eyebrows and looked at Lu Ling with a faint smile.

    Where's Xiao Qin?

    Lu Tingxiao abruptly sat up, I'm not going to speak to you anymore, I'm hanging up!

    Sigh, you …

    Mu Yu's eyes widened as she watched the video of him being hung up. Damn, I'm not done talking about that! Now that I have a wife, I really have forgotten about my sisters. "

    At this moment, Yushan River.

    Nannan, come here and let me hug you.

    Xiao Qin ignored him and walked in.

    Lu Lian saw Xiao Qin walk in and was about to pull the curtains so he quickly shouted, Don't pull the curtains first.

    The woman looked over with a cold gaze.

    Without caring about anything else, Lu Sheng lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

    The bodies of the artists were maintained extremely well.

    Although Lu Jean was lazy, Mei-jie held on to him all day long for fitness, and he had all the muscles in his chest and abdomen like a mermaid.

    Xiao Qin shifted his gaze away unnaturally.

    You didn't say ten o'clock?

    I'll go to the studio first and buy you breakfast. Xiao Qin tilted his head to the side, his indifferent face blushing crimson for a few seconds. Even his cold voice was trembling slightly.

    I'm a little hungry.

    Xiao Qin held his hand and frowned, Go eat breakfast.

    Eat first, then eat breakfast.

    Lu Jean!

    Xiao Qin grabbed his hand, and the redness on her face became even more obvious. She bit her lips, but her voice was still cold.

    If you continue like this, I won't come again.

    Hearing this, Lu Ran's handsome face immediately collapsed.

    He was lying on Xiao Qin's body as if he had lost all his energy, acting coquettish towards her.

    You were so busy last time, I haven't seen you in a long time. He felt wronged and said, I've been dreaming about you these past few nights …

    Xiao Qin was a person with a cold personality. In her previous life, she had never met someone like Lu Quyuan who would talk about such shameless things.

    Her cheeks grew even hotter.

    Xiao Qin had thoroughly touched Lu Kai.

    This man was the typical type to take an inch when taking an inch.

    Ever since he broke through the barrier a few months ago, this bastard was like a fanatic.

    As long as they were alone, he would always have to change his mind.

    As soon as Lu Fang began to act coquettishly, her heart softened.

    After a long while, she said, Last time … I'm done.

    Hearing this, Lu Jean abruptly raised his head and quickly fished out a box from under his pillow.

    The man's eyes were astonishingly black. I was prepared a long time ago. I was waiting for you to come.

    Xiao Qin looked at him angrily.

    Little Yu'er has a competition at school tomorrow. I'm going over. Are you going over?

    I have a job tomorrow. Xiao Qin's voice trembled.

    Ugh …


    At this moment.

    Mu Yu sent Lu Qun a few WeChat messages asking if he wanted to watch her fight tomorrow. He didn't reply even after class was about to start.

    To meet a lecherous friend!

    He didn't need to think to know.

    Where was Xiao Qin? What was the reason for Lu Qun to put down his phone?

    Just as she put down her phone, the class monitor sat down beside her.

    Sister Yu, why did you stay in the dorm last night? You slept so early. I went to knock on your door to give you some fruits, but nothing happened.

    Hearing that, Mu Yu tilted her head and raised her eyebrows. I didn't stay in my bedroom last night.


    The class monitor frowned, It can't be. I called for some hot water at 10 o'clock last night. Your room's door is obviously unlocked.

    Is my door unlocked?

    It's not locked.

    Are you sure?

    The class rep nodded his head and took the textbook out of his bag, I'm very sure, didn't you like eating durian? Yesterday, my brother sent me a big one, I wanted to send you two pieces, but you didn't say anything after knocking on the door for a while.

    Mu Yu pursed her lips, a profound look flashing across her eyes, but she remained silent.

    So, it wasn't that she was wrong, but that someone had really touched the score?

    Mu Yu's eyes gradually turned deeper as the pen flew between her slender fingers.

    By the way, what was the name of that girl who kept looking at me in the restaurant?

    Suddenly, she turned to the class monitor.

    His name is Tang Tang, he is a freshman in music performance. After saying that, the class monitor blinked at her. He's also your most powerful competitor in this competition.

    Mu Yu secretly took note of this name.

    Lu Shimo had a social meetup this afternoon, so he didn't have time to accompany her for lunch. She went to the cafeteria with the class monitor and the other girls.

    As soon as she got into line at the window, the squad leader behind her nudged her.

    Sister Yu, by your side.

    Hearing that, Mu Yu tilted her head and looked over.

    Even though Mu Yu was wearing a hat and mask, many people still recognized her.

    Many people in the nearby team looked over at her, including that girl called Tang Tang. Her dress was exquisite, every piece of clothing was a brand.

    Seeing that Mu Yu had turned her gaze over, Tang TangTang pursed her lips and nodded at her.


    The first time they met, Tang Xuan was still looking at her arrogantly.

    How much time has passed and you don't even have a single word of friendship? Even the person who is your opponent would smile at you for no reason?


    But as the saying goes, don't hit a smiling person with your hand.

    The other party was already smiling at her. If she had a cold expression on her face, then it would seem that she wasn't generous.

    Mu Yu didn't take off her mask. She nodded at her and turned her head away from her.

    It was already half an hour after he returned to his room.

    Mu Yu looked at the music score again.

    The song she was going to play was fine, with no signs of damage.

    She only took a nap at noon, so she didn't bring much stuff with her. Mu Yu looked around and didn't see any signs of being disturbed. Even the lock of the door didn't show any signs of being pried open.

    For some reason, she always felt it.

    The incident that happened in the dorm last night had something to do with Tang TangTang, but without evidence, she couldn't possibly be spouting lies.

    Plus, the competition was going to start tomorrow, so she wanted to see what she wanted to do.


    It was 7: 30 in the morning.

    Lu Shimo drove his three students to school. He first sent Bi Bao and Zi Dian to the Ming Lin Junior High, then he sent Mu Yu to Jin University.

    When he arrived at the school gates, he did not park his car. Instead, he drove straight into the campus.

    You don't need to send me to my dorm. I can go by myself. Mu Yu turned around and said.

    It was Lu Shimo who glanced at her through the rearview mirror and said, Aren't you going to invite me over to the dorm?

    Mu Yu's eyes widened.

    That's a girl's room!

    The man slowly curled his lips, Just kidding.

    At Mu Yu's insistence, Lu Shimo parked his car on a road that was almost deserted.

    Bye bye.

    The man's window was half-down, revealing his handsome features.

    He lowered his eyes, looked at his watch, and lightly said, The competition starts at 9 o'clock?

    That's right. From 9 to 11 PM. If the contestants don't have enough time, we might delay a bit.

    The man nodded, I'll go talk to Principal Lin. If you need anything, just call me.

    You're not working?

    She thought he was going to the company first and would come there later.

    The man's thin and pretty lips slightly curled as he said, Wife competition is more important than work, so of course I won't go.

    Mu Yu raised her eyebrows.

    She discovered that ever since she got the crescent moon, the man's words became more and more sweet.

    When Mu Yu returned to her room, the class monitor was already waiting for her.

    Sister Yu, do you need my help?

    No need. Mu Yu shrugged. It's just a small competition. I've already prepared everything.

    The class monitor looked at her, hesitating to speak. Finally, she said, Sister Yu, don't you need some makeup? We can help.

    No need, unlike other instruments, the guitar only cares about freedom and freedom.

    They purposely dressed up to hide its original smell.

    The girls nodded as if they didn't really understand.

    Then, Sister Yu, if you need anything, just call us.


    There was still an hour before the competition.

    Mu Yu had already memorized the competition melody. She only recited it once before turning her attention back to the game.

    At half past eight, Lu Jean called.

    Little Yu'er, your brother is here to cheer you on. Where are you?

    Oh, I thought Young Master Lu was in the middle of a warm and gentle village and didn't have the time to come here. Mu Yu pursed her lips and teased intentionally.

    Lu Lian was a smart person. He knew how to woo Yu and said, How is that possible? Even if I have to crawl over here, where are you? I went to Xu Qingtang and bought your favorite crab yellow bun. If it gets cold, it won't taste good anymore."

    Mu Yu salivated.

    Building number eight, stop by the side of the road.


    Five minutes later.

    Mu Yu set Ji on the side and took the bag from Lu Qun. She picked up a crab bun and took a bite.

    Xiao Qin?

    Her studio has something on today. They asked me to let you know.


    Even though she had already eaten breakfast, Mu Yu was still unable to resist the deliciousness of the crab bun. She only stopped after she had eaten her fill.

    She rubbed her stomach and sighed, When the crescent moon is weaned, I will definitely eat all the snacks and hotpot in Jincheng.

    His mouth felt like it was about to fall out of a bird's mouth.

    Count me in, every day at the company, I'm being squeezed by Mei-jie to eat vegetables and cucumbers, I'm about to vomit. Lu Quanan frowned bitterly, My family's Xiao Qin loves me dearly and always takes me to eat delicious food. Unfortunately, she's been too busy lately.

    Mu Yu glanced at the time. There were still twenty minutes until the competition.

    Lu Jean turned around and walked towards the competition area.

    She casually asked, You've decided with Xiao Qin? When are you going to get married?

    In any case, since the two of them had already announced it, no one would know if they secretly took the certificate.

    I do.

    At the mention of this, Lu Jean frowned.

    What's wrong?

    Xiao Qin was an unmarried person before, and even if she was with me now, she temporarily didn't have any plans to get married.

    Mu Yu raised his eyebrows. Just as he was about to speak, he continued, I don't care. I'm just afraid that my grandma and parents will urge me to marry. You also know that my grandma's health isn't too good today. I don't want to leave grandma feeling regretful. However, there's nothing I can do about Xiao Qin.

    He was no longer the Lu Qianxue who did not know the worries of his youth. He had a lot of things to think about and a lot of worries to worry about.

    At 8: 47, the car stopped outside the hall of the competition.

    I'll sign for it the day after tomorrow. Say hello to the teacher later and he'll arrange a seat for you.

    Ok, come on.

    Lu Liang's index and middle fingers came together and he raised them elegantly at his temples.

    Mu Yu blinked at him before she picked up her guitar and went backstage from the other side of the door.

    There were already quite a few contestants gathered around the backstage signings.

    Mu Yu received her number plate.


    He didn't go near the front and he didn't go behind the back. It was a pretty good position.

    The majority of the registered contestants were students of the Music division. Only a few were students of other departments who were interested in music.

    The handsome men and beautiful women were dressed quite elegantly.

    Mu Yu wasn't dressed at all. Black jeans covered her slender legs, a pair of dark khaki boots, and a beige sweater.

    It was clearly a very simple dress, but it still made people unable to ignore her amongst the crowd of men and women.

    One could even find the aloof Mu Yu among the crowd with just a glance.

    In the blink of an eye, the match had already begun.

    Mu Yu sat on the rest chair and sent a message to Lu Shicheng on WeChat.

    Hubby, are you here yet?

    Here we are, he said.

    I'm number 12. I'll be there in about 30-40 minutes.

    In a short moment, Lu Jean poked her on WeChat, retorting about the performance of the contestants onstage.

    After an unknown period of time, a voice came from the front desk, A participant number nine is invited to come up.

    Mu Yu lowered her head just in time to see Lu Quanping retort, Damn, even the tone is inaccurate. Is he joking?

    She was about to reply when the music from the front desk made her look up.


    Just a prelude.

    However, the more Mu Yu listened, the darker her expression became.

    This was clearly her song for today's competition.

    Just as Mu Yu was about to stand up with her guitar, she received a message.

    It was Lu Jean's doing.

    Holy sh * t? This isn't your song? You gave it to someone else to play? "

    Mu Yu directly sent a voice transmission with a murderous look on her face. I also want to know how my melody was played out by someone!

    She stepped forward and asked the host who was standing behind the scenes.

    May I ask who contestant number nine is?

    Seeing that Mu Yu took the initiative to speak up for him, the male student was at a loss on what to do. After a long while, he said, Classmate of the Musical Performing Department, Grade One, Class 3.


    The anger in Mu Yu's heart calmed down after hearing that name.

    There was a cold smile on her lips.

    Rubbing his fingertips, his mind suddenly cleared up.

    The class monitor said that there was someone in her dorm the night before, and that the score book had been placed in a passive position. It was clear who this person was.

    Previously, the class monitor said that for the sake of being first, Tang Tang was willing to do anything.

    Before, she didn't think much of it, but now, she finally understood what it meant.

    His phone rang again.

    Lu Tingxiao sent another long string of messages, which made him very angry.

    I'm really f * cking angry, this person copied your melody? Pui, duplicate!

    When did our music department have such a scum!

    No, I'll go find the organization teacher to have a look.

    Compared to him, Mu Yu was much calmer. No need.

    Then what will you do? She's almost done playing. Two more people are coming for you. "


    TangTang's goal wasn't just first place.

    Her number was number nine, and his was number twelve.

    If someone else were to

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