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Darkbeam Part IV: Beam Series, #5
Darkbeam Part IV: Beam Series, #5
Darkbeam Part IV: Beam Series, #5
Ebook608 pages10 hours

Darkbeam Part IV: Beam Series, #5

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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The 4th part of The Rubicon's story. Blake Leaf is experiencing a lot of new feelings after the Dent, and because of his past, the princess of Paegeia isn't making it easy to trust him. Only time and breaking her layers will show her that he'd change. Their bond has to heal first in order to succeed freeing the people of Etan. He hopes that his secrets and past isn't going to come back and mess up his progress.



Release dateDec 22, 2020
Darkbeam Part IV: Beam Series, #5

Adrienne Woods

Adrienne Woods resides with her family on the East side of Joburg, Gauteng. If she isn't writing, she is reading and love to spend time with her two beautiful little girls. You can find out more about Adrienne Woods at   

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Darkbeam Part IV - Adrienne Woods


The next morning when I woke up, I found my mother in the kitchen. I gave her a kiss on her cheek and sat down at the table and phoned Elena.

I couldn't wait to hear her voice. I needed to know how the people of Etan slept. 

Her phone just rang.

She must've switched her Cammy on silent. I tried one more time.

I looked at my watch. The class was about to start.

I hoped she didn't forget her Cammy in her room.

I hated this. If I could just hear Elena's voice, then maybe I wouldn't feel so below par. Charles was right when he said I was off-balance without Elena at my side. 

Is everything okay? My mother asked as she placed a cup of coffee in front of me.

Yeah, I just struggle to get hold of Elena.

She gave me that look. 

It's not what you think. Helmut still wants a word, and I hate being away from her this long.

Mom smiled. It's not even twenty-four hours, Blake.

Haha, I bit back softly.

I saw that George had phoned me five times. Shit.

All sorts of scenarios flashed through my mind again. Did someone attack Dragonia? Did they kidnap Elena? Was she hurt? I phoned him.


Don't, just fucking don't. He was cursing loudly and sounded irate. It put me on edge instantly, and I got up from the chair.

George, what is going on? I asked.

The abrupt change in my demeanor disconcerted my mother too. I raised my hand at her to not ask me that question.

Your girl is what is going on, Blake. Becky broke up with me. She said I need to leave her the fuck alone because I can't tell her what the Dent is.

I could feel my stomach drop as this heaviness lay on my gut again. What? No, it couldn't be. 

Don't. tears rolled down George's cheek. He was seriously crying.

It's not….

George's face just disappeared. He didn't even let me assure him that it wasn't Elena this time. She was waiting till our bond was healed, and then I would show her.

My mom took my Cammy. Mom, seriously?

I heard all that. It's not life or death. You need to eat, and then you can sort out George's Dent problem, Blake.

Fine, I plopped down on the chair and started digging in.

You read their letters?

I nodded.

Can I see it?

No, it's for me and me alone, you nosy woman.

She laughed.

When did you get them? I asked.

They were in the vault. You were not ready for the king and queen's words, Blake.

I know. I sighed and pulled my hand through my hair.

I can't even imagine how hard it was for Katie to give Elena up, my mother said.

I can imagine. I saw it, even though I didn't really know what it meant at that time.

No, you can't because you are not a parent.

I rolled my eyes. I was part of a Dent. 

It was the same type of love.

I almost forgot. Your father said to remind you of telling King Helmut something about the Dragon Law.

I froze.


Mom, it's nothing. Don't worry.

It didn't sound like nothing. What happened?

I sighed. I really didn't want my mother to get pulled into this one. Sam and Dimi deserved what they got.

Don't worry. Just know that the Dragon Law is on my side. Helmut just needs to know in case the Ancients are going to demand a trial.

A trial! Mom almost sounded hysterical.

Relax, please. I didn't do anything wrong. They did?


The message is on my Cammy, I mumbled. There were no ways about this. My mom was going to find out eventually. She would force it from my father.

She grabbed my Cammy and read my texts. She gasped.

This Sam threatened Elena?

I nodded.

And Phil warned you? That is Tabitha's brother, right?

Mom, please. I don't want to talk to you about this.

Blake, what did you do? Her eyebrows raised out of worry.

The Dragon Law is with me on this, Mom. It's all you need to know.

That was where you were last night?

If I didn't go, Elena would've been in his possession now, and who knows what he would do with her, Mom. I had no choice. The world is not going to miss Dimi and Samuel, trust me.

She nodded, but the worry laid heavily on her.

I finished my breakfast, and Mom gave me my Cammy back.

I had to speak to Elena. They were in class, but I didn't care. I spoke Elena's name as I rushed up the stairs to my room.

Her phone just rang. I tried a few times and concluded that I was insecure and that her phone was in her room.

Me, insecure. I fucking hate all of it.

Samantha, I said, and her Cammy started to ring. No answer. 

A grunt left my mouth as I rang Becky's Cammy. I had to tell her that she was making a huge fucking mistake, to wait till she and George have that connection.

Her hologram appeared, and it looked like she was bending down behind a table. Her eyes were still puffy. What the fuck was going on?

We are in class, you idiot, she whispered.


No, I need to know. Her hologram showed that she was pissed off.

You've never had to know before. Why now?

Because you did a piss-poor job with Elena, asshole. 

Her hologram disappeared, and I closed my eyes. So George was right?

I got fucking through to Elena. I know I did. What changed?

I took a huge breath and felt as if she was never going to trust me. What happened this time? Because I didn't go to Dragonia with her last night?

I had to sort out a fucking asshole that threatened her. Fuck. I couldn't even tell Elena that.

I wanted to break my Cammy out of frustration, but I didn't.

I looked at the time and phoned Helmut.

He picked up immediately. I sniped in my head at how easy it was to get hold of male species but so hard with the females.

Blake, am I seeing you today?

I have to sort something out first. Can we make it around eleven?

Sure, no problem. I'll let the palace staff know to set lunch for one more.

See you then.

I disconnected the call and tried to phone Elena again. Four times I tried, and then I left her a message.

Dammit, Elena, pick up your fucking phone. What the hell is going on? Why did Becky break up with George? This isn't my department at all, and I have a shit lot of crap to deal with.🤬😡

I hit send and waited, which felt like eons for her to reply, but she didn't.


I grabbed a robe and took off my pajamas.

I transformed on the balcony, forgot to crouch, and hit my head. 

The pain seared through my skull. When the hell was I going to stop growing?

But I was in the air in less than a minute.

What the hell happened last night?

I was so irritated with Elena. She was messing up my time frame. I wanted to go to Helmut, spend the day with him, and get back tonight, but now I would probably stay tonight and only get back tomorrow due to this road trip.


My tracking ability pinpointed her down the minute I got closer to Elm. It was strong.

I flew straight to the Colosseum. They had Aviant, and I missed that. Fuck.

I saw her sitting alone, and I landed hard.

The entire Colosseum rumbled. Elena jumped slightly as I walked toward the nearest entrance that led to the row of seats she was sitting in. I transformed as I entered and pulled the robe over my head as I walked into the small passageway that led to the staircase that would take me straight to her.

I exited into a few rows below her and ran up the steps to where she sat. Something wrong with your Cammy? 

Blake, please, just don't, okay. She was upset, got up, and grabbed her bag. Where the fuck was this coming from?

She put her sketchbook in her bag and was ready to leave.

I grabbed her arm and pulled her to look at me. No, Elena. 

What do you want me to say? That I feel crap that Becky broke it off with George? I do, okay?

Elena, I grunted. This is so not my department.

I know, it's my fault, but you cannot blame me for feeling like this. 

Like what? Why was she upset with me, and how the fuck was this my fault?

You've got to be shitting me, right? A frustrated laugh escaped her lips.

Just speak to me. I was so confused. I didn't understand any of this.

I can't because this is not you. She poked me on my chest. I don't know who this is.

I narrowed my eyes. You are not making any sense.

No, you are not making any sense. You hated my guts. Despised me ever since I set foot in this place. You wanted nothing to do with me. And now… She blew out a huge breath as her eyes glistened. I got what she was saying. This was my fucking fault. It was about my past and how I treated her. 

She looked back at me. You want to blame someone for breaking them up, blame yourself, as it's your change that made this Dent thing finally sink into Becky's head. It's not real. Elena screamed.

I really fucking hated that I'd said it was a spell, but this, this was pushing it.

Elena didn't hear a single word that I told her about the fucking Dent. I wielded my shield. What don't you get? I growled the words out. You want me to yell to the entire fucking world what it is we went through? I promise you, Elena, I have more enemies than you think, and our lives will be the same as what you went through with Jako.

She frowned slightly, and I could tell by how she looked at me that she would not say anything back after this.

Be patient. And stop filling Becky's head with your theories. I will show you when the time comes. I let my shield down, and I left the way I came. I needed to calm down. 

George was so fucking right. Elena was the cause of this. And answer your Cammy when I call. I transformed back and shot up into the air again.

Women. This one is going to be the death of me. I can feel it.

I headed straight for the palace, feeling the urge to breathe fire. I really thought that I got through to her, and I knew that this was going to bother me the entire fucking day too. Wondering where the fuck did I mess up now.

She couldn't feel this just because I was nice to her. She wanted me to yell and scream and be an asshole. I didn't want to be that guy anymore.

But she trusted that Blake, or that was what I started to think.

I felt miserable when I landed in front of the palace and transformed back. I put my robe on and went in through the side door.

Cat immediately came paddling toward me.

The Bulldog was one of Lucian's favorite pets.

I bent down and scratched his ears.

He slobbered everywhere. A chuckle escaped my lips.

Cat, go lie down. Queen Maggie ordered. 

I got up, and she gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

How is Elena?

Good, I lied.

Uh-oh, what happened?

That obvious? I sighed.

She laughed. Give her time, Blake. This is all new to her.

I grunted softly.

I'll go get Helmut. Queen Maggie smiled and walked into another passage.

I looked up at the wall. A massive painting of Lucian judged me. A little help please, I begged his portrait.

The castle felt so empty without his presence, and many memories lingered in this room. I could still see our ten-year-old forms running around, with stink bombs and water balloons in our hands, hiding under the table, waiting for our next target.

King Helmut appeared, and the memories got pushed aside.

He gestured for me to follow him to his office.

Once inside, he saw the heaviness I carried, not just on my face but all over my posture.

You okay?

I rubbed my face. Just when I thought I had it all figured out, I'm back to square one.

King Helmut chuckled. That is the female species for you. Can I give you some advice?

Anything. It came out as a beg.

Treat them as if they are always right.

I heard that. The queen's voice yelled from close to the office. We are always right. 

Yes, Dear, Helmut said. See, he whispered.

I chuckled.

My Cammy rang, and I looked at Helmut.

Take the call.

I answered it, and Elena's hologram appeared.

See, not so difficult. I was still upset about what happened earlier, and Helmut gave me a raised eyebrow look.

You know where George might be hiding?

Try the roof of the girls' dorms, Elena, I said and disconnected the call. 

What happened to pretend they are always right? Helmut asked.

I chuckled. Sorry, I'm just struggling with something, and I'm trying to see if this theory might work. I sighed.

Being rude will only push the princess away, Blake.

What I thought too, but believe me, the opposite always seems to work with this one.

Helmut smiled. So, how bad is it in Etan? Did I send my dragon on a suicide mission?

I hope not.

His face fell. 

Emanual is not stupid. And I feel sorry for anyone that is going to find him. I said, Besides, he has a Buyo. He can change into Charles at any time or anyone for that matter if push comes to shove.

Helmut nodded but still looked worried. I want to know everything, Blake.

I started telling him what Elena told me, what Daisy and the others filled me in on. I briefed him on how everything changed. That it wasn't the same Etan that we treasured as our Capital of Paegeia anymore. The city that we once knew and loved was gone. In less than ten days, the wyverns were going to come again. We needed to get a few Buyos ready to get the other kids and the few that were supposed to go with us to safety.

Helmut kept on scribbling on his notepad, making notes from our conversation. He wiped his face hard. They really have no more control over their own lands? Tears filled his eyes. 

I didn't know what to say. It was Helmut's twin brother that did this to Etan. 

I should've known what Goran was. My father had, so why didn't I see it? 

No one saw it, King Helmut. Not even King Albert. Why did he betray them? 

He sniffed. I asked him that same question that night before the Creepers consumed Etan. I thought Emanual was dead. My dragon ordered me to leave his side when a colony of wyverns attacked him. How he survived it, I still don't know to this day. He just told me that he fought through it all. He could've been stuck on that side too, but he got me out just in time. I know how those creepers feel when they latch on to you. I was out for days. 

I nodded. Helmut still hadn't answered my question. 

It was Katie, Helmut finally said.

What was Katie? 

He wanted Katie, wanted to be king as he was second in line. That was why he did it. To be with her, to overthrown Al. We all thought that Tanya was sent away because she and Al... He didn't finish. 

You thought they had an affair? 

What else could we think? She was so angry at Al and showed her sister away. Believe me, that was the only thing that made sense. 

She was her Dent. They had a sister-hood. She would've never done that. Take it from me. A part of me was upset. 

We were so blind then. 

King Albert never mentioned Elena at all? I had to know.

He shook his head, solemnly. If he had, I would've raised her myself. Made sure she knew who she was. 

We need to get plenty of Buyos ready before they come, I said. I needed to change the subject. I couldn't think about how different my life could've been if the king and queen just told someone other than Tanya that Elena existed.

We will, I promise. Ten days you say? 

I nodded. 

Okay, let's try to get you back in there on day five.  

He picked up the phone and spoke to whoever was in charge of manufacturing the Buyos. 

The images in my head of what he just told me about that night when the Wyvern's attack was so vivid. It was like I was there. 

How the hell did Emanual survive that night?

Time flew with everything Helmut wanted to know. My stomach started to make funny noises, and I knew lunchtime must be around the corner.

We need to get back in Etan as soon as we can, get all the farmers out, and set up commanding stations.

I know. My father is starting up the Dragon League again.

He smiled. You kidding me?

No, he knows it's needed.

I'm so glad to hear that, Blake. We are going to need Robert's expertise on this one. He is a great dragon and has been in almost all of Paegeia's wars.

How old is he?

Helmut laughed. He never told you?

I have no idea. I laughed too.

I do know that he never found love the way he had with your mother. There was a time that they actually wanted to kill each other.

I shivered as I imagined my mom and dad in the ring that I used to fight at. 

So no, I can't tell you if you have other siblings running around.

I laughed. It was a question I always wanted to know. My mom only had us, even though it sounded so far fetched. I knew she took in a child or two after the great war and raised them as her own, she and Constance had. The dragons they raised visited from time to time, but I never saw them as my siblings.

The door opened.

Jeeves entered the office and announced that lunch was ready.

Thank you, Jeeves, Helmut said and got up. 

I walked with Helmut to the porch outside.

The queen was already waiting and laughed at something her maid said, but I didn't catch it. I could see that she ached for Lucian almost the same way I missed him. That was on me. I didn't care what Emanual said.

We sat down, and our food got served. Jeeves took the silver covers from our plates, and the smell of roasted quail with sweet potato mash and a cranberry sauce hit my senses. It smelled amazing.

So, how is Elena? Helmut wanted to know as he opened his napkin and took his knife and fork.

Getting there, I said through lumps of food.

Is Elena starting to see who you are? Maggie asked.

I think so. I don't think she is trusting me yet. I keep messing up. 

Queen Maggie raised her eyebrow.

You will get there, King Helmut said, I have all the faith in you.

Yeah, I doubt your son would've said that.

They both smiled.

Small talk about my parents and the ones we saved from Etan was the topic throughout lunch. I got a feeling Lucian's name wasn't mentioned a lot at the palace. The queen was just as stoked that my father started with the Dragon League again. Queen Maggie's memories of the war, both she and Katie fought, flew from her lips and how my mom and dad struggled to find their way to one another.

I chuckled, and she laughed too, but it disappeared way too fast.

Helmut was finished, and Jeeves took his plate away. 

Helmut smiled at me. Lucian knew she was your rider before he died, Blake.

Emanual told me that. I'd finished my meal too. I didn't like to eat while the others were already done.

Then you know that he had an honorable death, the best anyone can ever have.

Silence filled the lunch table. Why did you break the wedding off? I had to know.

I'm going to lay down, Queen Maggie said and got up. She touched her husband's shoulder, and he grabbed her hand and kissed it.

We watched her walk back into the castle.

I'm sorry, this is what I mean by messing up. I keep saying the wrong things and doing the wrong things.

Don't, Blake. She just misses him. We all do, but some of us cope with it better. Or we try.

Yeah, I sighed. I know the feeling. I miss Lucian too.

Helmut went back on topic. When I first saw Elena, I saw Albert's eyes. I remembered what he said before he died.

I looked at him. He stared at nothing but dust motes in the air.

You were there?

He nodded. The elevator didn't want to close. He was so out of it as we just discovered Catherine's tower up in flames. It was too late. He knew that damn elevator was overloaded, and he got off, slammed the door shut, and handed me both their rings, telling me that I would know what to do with them when the right time comes. He was speaking about Elena. And when I saw her, I thought about that specific moment.

I never knew King Helmut was there, like in King Albert's final moments with him. Well, not final moments as King Albert was still holding on. He and Emanual were the last ones out before the creepers consumed Etan completely. Helmut was even out for two days because of the creepers' venom. They latched onto Helmut when Emanual darted through a small opening before they consumed Etan. But his dragon got him free. The poison almost killed Helmut, but he pulled through. I remember that time so clearly as it was all over the news, how King Helmut was holding on. They had my father locked up. Thought that he was part of it because King Albert ordered him away. Helmut was the only one to confirm why the king ordered my father away from him. It was because of me. My father had to get me through my darkness until Elena would come.

The elevator went up. I begged to take King Albert's place, but I knew he would never be able to live without Catherine. Now that I know what I know, a chuckle escaped his lips, I don't know, I could be wrong. He had a daughter. Why did he do that?

He loved his men too much. I didn't even have to think. The answer just flowed out of me.

More than his own daughter?

I don't know. I shrugged.

The explosion went off, and that was it.

My gaze snapped to his. There was an explosion? I frowned.

Helmut nodded. We all cried, and I was filled with so much hatred, so you could imagine what I felt when I found out that my own twin was behind this.

I'm so sorry.

It wasn't your fault. A smile lingered on his lips.

I scoffed.

A part of me knew who she was, and I told Lucian that night he could see Elena because I saw how strong he was when he was with her, Blake. She might look like her father, but she is Catherine Squires through and through.

We all saw that at the hearing.

Helmut chuckled. Yes, we did, and I am so proud of her. Just give her time, Blake.

I am, more than you know. I just do things wrong.

Like what?

I shook my head. I stayed when I should have left with her, left when she asked me to stay put, those sort of things and somehow we always fight, like crazy. It's draining.

They have that ability to drain the life out of us. He dramatized with his hands.

I shook with silent laughter the way he said it.

But we love them too much to take another path.

He sighed the same time I did. Just don't change. Elena needs to trust you, Blake, be consistent with her. Time will make her see who you are.

I nodded.

Let's go. I need to see how many Buyos they have up and ready.

I went with him to the lab. Ralph wasn't in today, and I couldn't check up on my SAS project. But I knew it was still a work in progress.

Finding all the right materials wasn't easy, and the last I heard, he was still experimenting with that.

They had about sixty Buyos ready, and in the next three days, they will have ninety, which meant that all the farmers could be out before the wyverns showed up again.

I wished I could be there to rip Seymore's face apart, but I would jeopardize everything, and then Goran would know that I found a way in.

He might kill King Albert, and that was a chance I couldn't take. Not for my father and not for Elena.

I slipped away to a compartment where they were working on a new project and phoned Elena. It was just after five.

She didn't pick up immediately, but she picked up eventually. Did you find George? I tried Helmut's advice.

She didn't even look at me.

Yes, he was on the roof, she sulked. 

Did the two love birds make up? 

They are not back yet, so I guess it's a good sign.

It is. I smiled knowingly and looked away. They were probably in our room shagging each other's brains out.

It was silent again, and I was so fucking confused. I didn't know which direction to go with Elena. I looked at the floor as if my answer was magically going to appear on the granite. Elena, what do you want?

You phoned me, she said.

That's not what I mean. Sometimes I just don't know, something that is not supposed to be impossible. But it is.

She shrugged and shook her head softly. I don't know.

I nodded. Fine, I'll wing it. 

She chuckled but looked away again, and then her smile disappeared. I wished I could hear her thoughts. But not a fucking peep. Hey, what is going on in that mind of yours? 

She shook her head and wiped a stray tear. It was so frustrating, and I just wanted to hold her and tell her it would be okay.

Talk to me, Elena. I can't read your mind, remember.

She smiled. I'm breaking too many promises, Blake. She finally looked at me. 

She promised her dad about freeing Etan. So, it's Etan. You want to wait?

It's not just Etan. She sighed. I made another promise to Tabitha.

Tabitha? I frowned.

You gave me no choice, Blake. I really needed your help in classes, and you never… She couldn't finish. I remember that fucking time. I was an a-class asshole to her.

What promise? I wanted to know, as Tabitha and I weren't together anymore. It shouldn't matter.

That she could have you, I just need the dragon.

I should lose my shit, but I didn't. I just nodded. And I have no say in this?

Blake, it's not that easy. It wasn't that easy. You might have forgotten that, but I can't.

Oh, believe me, I haven't. I chuckled. I know what I was like, Elena. It's why I'm trying to make it up to you. Being a bit nicer.

A bit nicer. She huffed. It's as if you are stuck in some Twilight Zone.

I chuckled. It was far from it. 

This was me without the darkness. 

So what, you are going to make promises left, right, and center without consulting me first?

Without consulting you? Blake, you hated—

Yes, you said that already. Hated your guts. I still do from time to time, especially now when you are so hard-headed that nobody can get through to you.

I meant it as a joke, but it sounded as if I was more annoyed than anything.

I just don't know if I can break this promise, Blake.

What the fuck was she saying? First George, that was on me, and now I was getting it too.

I didn't look at her, but I nodded my head.

My tears were building up as I couldn't imagine just being friends with her.

Being with Tabitha. I never fucking loved her.

So we're back at square one, I said softly and pulled my hands through my hair.

She didn't reply.

Give her time Blake. Okay, fine, whatever, Elena, I said as my tears were close and I disconnected the call.

This was all wrong, and I had no idea how the fuck Tabitha fell into all this.

I was back to square one, but I couldn't give up. It was not in me to quit. Besides, the spark was still there.


We had a quiet supper. Helmut and Maggie saw that something bothered me but didn't push.

After dinner, we had another meeting with a few of the council members at the palace.

I hardly paid attention to the conversation.

Blake, Ludwig said. He was a dragon and not a bad one either. His dark hair was ruffled up. It was always like that. And one of Ludwig's main traits, but he had a great head on his broad shoulders.

He used to be part of my father's Dragon League a long time ago.

Sorry, I'm a bit distracted.

Ludwig smiled, and it lit up his grey eyes. We all are if we are not close to our riders. But this is important.

I nodded. What was the question?

What do you think is the next step forward?

Getting the farmers out, all of them, and replace them with soldiers and Buyo's.

That is what we have been discussing.

Oh, sorry. I smiled as everyone chuckled.

We need to send in some scouts. I would like to offer myself up for that. To find out if we can see the Saadedine, find out just how they are running that side so that we can blend in and not stick out like a sore thumb. I know Elena won't like it, but I need to find missing members of a family. I promised them, and I'll try to gain as much intel on the way.

You think that is wise? Helmut asked.

I promised them, King Helmut.

He nodded.

The plans carried on. Helmut had been preparing for this a long time. His soldiers were of the best, but Caleb was the War Master. His army was the strongest.

We couldn't win this, free Etan, without Caleb's input.

He would fight when he discovered that King Albert was still alive. It was a fact.

According to Helmut's story, Caleb was stuck in that elevator, too, before the explosion. How did King Albert survive that?

They all left after eleven.

Can I have a word? I looked at Helmut.

Sure, sit down. He motioned for the chair in front of his desk. It sounds serious.

It is, but my father told me that the Dragon Law is behind me on this.

He stared at me. The Dragon Law? Blake, what did you do?

I sighed. My darkness wasn't easy. I did bad things in my life. Things I'm not proud of.

It's understandable. Lucian was really concerned about a few of those things. He never told me what it was, but he carried his worry on his sleeve.

My lips curved. I don't know if you heard about the mansion that got burned down last night.

He froze slightly and then laid back in his chair. That was you?

They threatened to take Elena through dark magic. I had no choice.

Who were they, Blake?

A drug lord, and a dark mage. Believe me when I say they won't be missed.

His face slacked slightly as his eyebrows knitted. You used them during your darkness?

Yeah. I stroke my hands through my hair. I thought that the Dent was a spell and tried everything in my power to break it. Stupid, I know.

Is it true that you could hear Elena's thoughts?

I nodded. It's broken now. I think I lost that connection when Elena set me free.

He frowned. She did what? When?

A few months ago, the night she disappeared. The Dent is not a spell. I learned that the hard way. My father said that I needed to tell you what I did. I showed him the message that was sent to me and watched how he read it.

He nodded. Sir Robert isn't wrong that the law is on your side with this. I'll see what I can do to handle this one as fast and swiftly as possible.

Thank you. My lips twitched.

He handed me my Cammy back. Just forward me that message, and I will keep you posted. I'll try my best not to get the Ancients involved, but you know Caleb.

I nodded. 

It's just procedures, Blake, and the dragons on the council will vouch for you too. His lips curved, and then he shuddered. I'm so glad that I'm not one of your enemies.

A chuckle escaped my lips.

Is that all? Helmut asked.

I nodded. Thank you, King Helmut. I'm not proud of my past.

Hey, we were prepared for your darkness, Blake. The darkness is not new to us.

It's kind of you to say.

We said goodnight, and he took me to one of the rooms.

Sleep tight, and thank you, Blake, for doing this. I know what we ask of you is not easy, not with a new Dent.

It's fine.

You're staying tomorrow for breakfast?

No, I would like to head back as soon as I can to Dragonia.

Then this will be good luck from me, Blake. Sleep well, and remember what I said. Helmut smiled.

Thank you, and I will.

I watched him leave. No wonder Lucian was so brave, the way Helmut and Maggie raised him—with honesty and openness. I didn't care what they said, Lucian was too young to die, and his presence still lingered in this castle. It was haunting me how much I failed him that day and still failing Elena. 

I crawled into bed, pushed Lucian to the back of my mind. I couldn't get what Helmut told me this afternoon out of my head. There was an explosion. 

Every time I questioned whether King Albert was really alive, the farmers popped into my thoughts. They saw him.

How did he survive an explosion?

Elena's father was still so big in my eyes. He would always be my king, no matter how much Goran tried to break him.

The thoughts of King Albert disappeared and got replaced with my conversation with Elena this afternoon. 

I couldn't believe that she made a promise like that. Only want the dragon. It was preposterous.

I sighed as an idea struck me, and my lips started to curve slightly upwards.

Maybe Elena didn't need to break her promise.

If she only wanted the dragon, then that was what I needed to be, and I wouldn't be a human until that stupid promise wavered.

My plan felt solid, and I closed my eyes.

Around five in the morning, I left to go back to Dragonia, but Jeeves stopped me.

The staff had prepared breakfast for me, and I couldn't throw it back in Helmut or the staff's faces. 

It was a feast prepared for the beast I was, and I sat down and ate as fast as I could. 

Helmut joined me halfway through and told me that he would stay in touch with all the discussed plans last night and with my incident.

You are still keeping your promise about Goran, right? Helmut wanted to know.

You asked. It was something Lucian feared would come out too. I'm just scared that it's going to backfire again. You know what your brother is like.

He won't be able to fool her. He hasn't been around me for seventeen years, Blake. He didn't see the man I have turned into. Losing two children changes a man. He wasn't here to witness one of their deaths. Elena isn't stupid.

I nodded again.

I thanked him and his staff for breakfast before flying back to the Academy.

The second I entered Elm, my tracking ability picked Elena up.

My ability was solid, and I seriously could trust it.

It never really failed me.

My aunt was right. I wasn't broken. In fact, I was stronger than ever. 

The only thing that was broken was our Dent, but it would heal with time.

I landed in the courtyard of Dragonia and morphed into my human form, pulling the robe over my head.

I bumped into Mia as I headed to Master Longwei's office.

You are back? She gave me a hug. Is everything okay with you and Elena?

I shrugged.

Blake, she was with you for an entire month.

It's just complicated, Mia. At least she doesn't bite my head off, so yes, progress was made.

I'm glad to hear that. She smiled softly.

I need to go see Master Longwei. See you soon.

I cannot wait to see the two of you in action.

Me neither, I joked. 

She gasped. Blake!

Oh, you have a dirty mind, woman, I yelled back as I was busy walking up the stairs to Master Longwei's office. 

I could still hear Mia laughing, mumbling that I haven't changed that much.

I knocked on his door.

Enter, Chong said. 

He was sitting behind his desk, wearing one of his ugliest Hawaiian shirts ever, busy with paperwork.

I entered, and he looked up and smiled.

The prodigal son returned.

I smiled and closed the door. It was what my foretelling said too.

Good to see you back, Blake. Why are you in a robe?

I'm going to be a dragon. It's a Dent thing.

His one eyebrow slightly raised. Should I worry?

Nope, believe me, we are nowhere near Becky and George. You only have them to worry about.

He smiled. Still struggling to figure out the steps.

I nodded. It's a work in progress.

Glad to hear that.

He fell silent as he looked at me. I really hoped this plan was going to work.

Okay, I don't know if I should trust this or not, Chong admitted.

Yeah, you are not the only one.

He chuckled. Give Elena time, you are doing great so far, and you are making progress.

I thought so too, but you know the Malones, they are a mystery to all of us, not just to Irene. How is Irene, by the way?

Back to her old self.

My lips curved upward. Good to hear.

We spoke about the ten that stayed at Dragonia and was happy to hear that they had departed to the lodge.

It was only my cousin and aunt that would leave in a few days. 

We might have to head back soon. Elena would need to take in ninety soldiers and bring out the farmers.

I'm so glad that I'm not her.

Me too, I said, but it came out somber.

So is there a plan what to do with the ninety?

For now, they will stay at David and Connie's, but Helmut spoke about building a community for them in Tith, some land he still has to develop.

The school bell rang, and I knew it was Art of War.

I gave him a short breakdown of what was discussed last night, and that Helmut said he would keep me updated on all the progress.

I wrapped up our conversation, and then I left for class.

The minute I stepped onto the school ground, I morphed into my dragon form.

I hoped this plan was going to work.

Hopefully, Elena would get my message loud and clear that I didn't want Tabitha.

I flew up toward the Parthenon dome. They were busy with a lecture of some kind of fight Mia was into.

She was seriously a great warrior among the dragons—a skilled fighter in both her forms.

I hovered in the air. Using my ability to open the sky roof that ran the entire length of the Parthenon dome.

It shifted a couple of inches open, and halfway through, it closed. 

Mia? I stopped it and forced the sky roof to open again.

It closed after a moment, and I knew Mia operated the remote control. I can do this all day, woman.

I heard her sighing and hitting the remote on her hand. The class laughed, and when I pushed the roof open again, she grunted and gave up.

She carried on with the class speaking in English. 

A small conversation took place, and the class chortled.

She carried on after the laughter died out, and then when the sky roof was fully opened, I got ready to enter the Parthenon dome.

The sound of my wings flapping drowned out their voices as I hovered over the gaping hole.

All eyes were on me as I came in for a soft landing.

What is this? Mia yelled in Latin. It's Art of War, not transformations Blake, and you're late.

Sorry for my tardiness, I said back. "Dragon

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