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We Seduce the Landlord
We Seduce the Landlord
We Seduce the Landlord
Ebook110 pages44 minutes

We Seduce the Landlord

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He explored his bisexual feelings with his college roommate. Then he meets the girl and marries. They discuss his fantasies and she becomes a willing participant. As they move into a new apartment, they’re both swept off their feet by the handsome and sensuous landlord. It’s a wild weekend with more than their boundaries stretched. Share their weekend of passion as they form a long lasting relationship with the man of their dreams. Contains male to male bisexual themes. Not for under 18 years old.

Release dateJun 17, 2020
We Seduce the Landlord

Chaz Alexander

Chaz Alexander lives in Central Florida in an open relationship with his significant other of 19 years. Having discovered his bisexuality as a young man, he has pursued this relationship over the years. Several years ago, he met a couple with whom he established an instant attraction. He moved into their home (much to in-laws chagrin) and they lived as an MMF threesome for four years. Finally, before they separated, they even bought property together.Now he and his significant other welcome the occasional male visitor for an evening or perhaps a weekend and explore the erotic experiences available when sharing intimacy with three people.The stories in Chaz’s books are based on real-life experiences he has shared with his significant others.Warning: Each book is an erotic story between one woman and two men. The series contains graphic material that is not suitable for anyone under the age of 18, including M/M/F, M/F, and M/M sexual encounters.Go to my website for a new pdf with examples of all my books. Say "Hello." Thanks.

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    Book preview

    We Seduce the Landlord - Chaz Alexander

    We Seduce the Landlord

    By Chaz Alexander

    Copyright 2020


    June 16, 2020

    This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this e-book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this e-book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Author's Note: All characters in this story are at least 18 years of age or older.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 An amazing sight

    Chapter 2 My first bi encounter

    Chapter 3 We discuss sexuality

    Chapter 4 We meet the landlord

    Chapter 5 The tiny elevator causes sexual tension

    Chapter 6 I experience my first anal

    Chapter 7 The next morning

    Chapter 8 My wife tries anal

    Chapter 9 I do the landlord

    Chapter 10 A special relationship

    About the Author

    Other Books by Chaz Alexander

    The Author’s Website

    Chapter 1 An amazing sight

    As I looked up, I beheld an amazing sight. My wife’s labia were tightly wrapped around a thick penis and it was sliding in and out of her body. Her lips followed the organ on its trip out and then folded around it on the return trip. I leaned up closer to her body and placed the tip of my tongue at the juncture of her pussy lips and the hard cock. I held my tongue and when the penis was almost all the way out. I tongued the shaft and then let my tongue trace her labia up to her clitoris. I heard a distinct moan from her around my cock which she was sucking with abandon. I felt her partner’s testicles move across my forehead as he pressed home again.

    We were at a small party at a friend’s house. In fact it was the friend whom I was licking as he fucked my wife. His pace was quickening and I knew his orgasm was close.

    I’m gonna cum, he announced and pressed the full length of is impressive organ deep in my wife.

    I watched as his groin muscles flexed and his balls lifted toward his body. I felt the tremor of the rod as he shot thick warm semen into her vagina. I tasted his semen as it leaked around her vulva and ran down his slick shaft.

    My wife seldom had her orgasm from penetration alone and I knew she was close with my tongue working her clit. She quickly rolled do her back and spread her legs. I climbed between her thighs and came face to face with her wet labia glistening with their juices.

    Do me, Honey, she whispered.

    I spread her labia and pressed my tongue deep into her vagina. I traced the lips with the tip of my tongue and then concentrated on her pleasure button. I tasted the tangy semen.

    Ah, that’s it. Don’t stop, she implored.

    She held me tightly against her and rolled her hips to meet my pressure. Her motion became more frenetic and I could feel the contractions as she came to her orgasm.

    She clamped her thighs around my head and locked me tightly against her pubic area. I felt the spasms as her orgasm wracked her body. Her convulsions forced more of her lover’s semen out and it flowed across my lips and chin.

    Then it was my turn. As she released her grip on me, I crawled up between her wide spread legs and pressed my erection against

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