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Praising Grace
Praising Grace
Praising Grace
Ebook104 pages1 hour

Praising Grace

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About this ebook

Praising Grace is a devotional book that seeks to help everyone understand the pure love of Jesus Christ. The daily devotions are led by the Holy Spirit and through the power of God’s Word. In each devotion we reach the ends of our restricted human limits and unlock the power of God’s endless limits in our lives.

This book is about how loved you are by Jesus. This love knows no limitations, race, gender, ethnicity nor financial standing. Our quantum of sins is irrelevant once we have given our life to Jesus. The sin is covered forevermore, and access to His overflowing grace is available to you right now.

The book is divided into six chapters on accessing different facets of grace to cover every area of our earthly and spiritual lives. You are encouraged to deal with one devotion a day. Read it, declare it in Jesus’ name, call it into being in your life and release the power of the Holy Spirit to work. The outcome is testimony- guaranteed.

Each devotion is prepared to unlock the grace of Jesus in every area and season of our lives. Grace is released by the Word of God; therefore, each devotion starts with a scripture, flows into a declaration prayer and ends in praise.

Each devotion is prepared in Jesus’ name. There is always specific reference to Him coming in the flesh, to acknowledge that He came to earth as a man and died on the cross to shed His blood for our salvation, to cover our sin, to release grace and provide access to the Almighty Father in a beautiful new covenant.

His grace is abounding and is available in overflowing abundance. As believers in Jesus Christ, we have full access to this grace. Let the journey begin.

PublisherDaniel Kotton
Release dateJun 18, 2020
Praising Grace

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    Book preview

    Praising Grace - Daniel Kotton

    Copyright © 2019 Daniel Kotton

    Published by Daniel Kotton for Smashwords

    First edition 2019

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage or retrieval system without permission from the copyright holder.

    The Author has made every effort to trace and acknowledge sources/resources/individuals. In the event that any images/information have been incorrectly attributed or credited, the Author will be pleased to rectify these omissions at the earliest opportunity.

    Published by Daniel Kotton using Reach Publishers’ services,

    Edited by Nicola Jenvey for Reach Publishers

    Cover designed by Reach Publishers

    P O Box 1384, Wandsbeck, South Africa, 3631




    Dedications and Acknowledgements


    How This Book Works

    What Does Grace Mean?

    Grace for Positioning, Authority and Belonging

    Grace for Faith and Perseverance

    Grace for Love, Purpose and Favour

    Grace for Victory, Protection and Strengthening

    Grace for Praise and Abundance

    Grace for Healing and Wholeness


    Dedications and Acknowledgements

    Every word in this devotional is in honour and praise of my Lord Jesus Christ. Under the cover of His grace I made the requisite dedications and acknowledgements for this labour of love to become a reality. Thereafter, this book is dedicated to my beloved wife Sasha who brought me to Jesus – for this I will be eternally grateful and indebted. Her substance is that of a woman of God. She is intensely beautiful, inside and out, and will not budge in her complete belief and faith in Jesus. Consequently, she has shown me earthly grace beyond anything I could imagine.

    Last, but not least, this book is dedicated to my incredible children Charleigh, Vincent and Gabriella. They are the heart of God brought into my life and the greatest blessings I have ever received.


    There is everything ordinary about me, but nothing ordinary about the God we serve.

    I was born Jewish; lived a life of complete separation from God and couldn’t utter the name Jesus as it was considered blasphemous. I was slain by the Holy Spirit at 36 years old and dedicated my life to my Lord and Saviour.

    When I started attending church, people approached me saying: Do you know how blessed you are?; We wish we were you! or What a blessing you are to this church.

    Yet, I could not fathom their meaning. Yes, I felt different; I had an inkling of peace in my spirit and I had begun to understand I had direction and purpose. Yet I could not comprehend what the fuss was about.

    After my family rejected me for devoting my life to Jesus, I asked God why I was supposedly so blessed, so favoured, so chosen? It was a trying time in my life as I certainly didn’t feel blessed! God answered me emphatically as only He can do. He planted in my spirit that His beloved Son, my Jesus was Jewish. He was a Rabbi and He came not only to save the Jews, but to save mankind.

    The Jews are God’s chosen people, but through Jesus’ sacrifice, everyone is now the chosen people. If my Saviour was brought to earth as a Jew, I had to quickly understand how fortunate I am to be a Jew who accepted Jesus as my Messiah, Lord and Saviour.

    The unfortunate are those who have not yet encountered Jesus. That is why He implores us to relentlessly make disciples of everyone He leads into our path. My heart’s prayer is for those reading this book, the Holy Spirit will surround you with the realisation God loves you and is always with you.

    The daily devotions in this book are led by the Holy Spirit through the power of God’s Word. Each devotional stretches our restricted human limits to unlock the power of God’s endless ability for our lives. The intention is to demonstrate the love Jesus has for you. His love, which knows no limitations, race, gender, ethnicity or financial standing, is available for everyone. Our quantum of sins is irrelevant after we give our lives to Jesus and access to His overflowing grace is available immediately and all-encompassing. What a Lord and Saviour we serve.

    How This Book Works

    Each devotional aims to unlock the grace of Jesus in every season of our lives. Grace is released by His Word; therefore, each devotional starts with a scripture before flowing into a declarational prayer and ending in praise.

    Each devotional is prepared in Jesus’ name. There is always specific reference to Him in the flesh to acknowledge He came to earth as man and died on the Cross to shed His blood to cover our sins; deliver our salvation; release grace and provide access to the Almighty Father in a beautiful new covenant.

    Divided into six chapters, the book accesses and evaluates the different facets of grace in our earthly and spiritual lives and I encourage you to deal with one devotional a day. Read it; declare it in Jesus’ name; call it into being in your life and release the power of the Holy Spirit to work. The outcome is a guaranteed testimony.

    Out of His fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given. (John 1:16)

    His grace is abounding and available in overflowing abundance. As the bride of Christ, we have full access to this grace. Let the journey begin.

    What Does Grace Mean?

    In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth… Then God said: ‘Let there be light’ and there was light. (Genesis1:1 and 3)

    These verses have a dual meaning. Jesus is an equal part of the Godhead and part and parcel of the command for creation. Jesus is the light the Godhead called into existence. He separates the light from the dark.

    Jesus’ character is pure love, but His greatest attribute and gift is grace. His death not only ensured we have eternal salvation, but covered our sins: past, present and future. Think about what this really means. We have an eternal grace covenant with Father God Almighty and He will never turn His face from us. We consistently receive God’s riches at Christ’s expense (GRACE).

    Jesus is pure grace. His earthly mission was one of grace and I often wonder who am I to deserve this grace? I am a sinner, liar, mistake maker and trouble starter. Jesus knows this and still chose to give His life for me. John beautifully describes the most astounding part of the grace mission: I came to give you life and life to the full, in abundance until it overflows. (John 10:10). The measure of grace available not only provides for the basics in our life. Jesus wants our grace cups to overflow in every area.

    Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. (Luke 6:38) Although this word describes the principles of give-receive, it also personifies the grace-giving nature of Jesus. In John 14:6 we read: I am the way and the truth and the life. The essence of these qualities of Christ is a palette of different colours of grace. He is the artist of our lives and masterfully paints us with the blues of grace blessings; whites of grace healings; yellows of grace provisions; reds of grace love and greens of grace intercessions.

    It is critical to understand the

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