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Loving A Brooklyn Bad Boy 2: 1, #2
Loving A Brooklyn Bad Boy 2: 1, #2
Loving A Brooklyn Bad Boy 2: 1, #2
Ebook137 pages2 hours

Loving A Brooklyn Bad Boy 2: 1, #2

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They say be careful what you do to people, because it might turn around on you. Just when Britten thought that the flames were finally being put out, she soon realizes there is much more rain from the storm. After finding out that nothing is what it seems and that everyone has their own hidden agenda, she fights for what she loves the most, while staying true to herself. Love conquers all, but is love enough to conquer the endless nightmare that she lives in? Is there a limit to forgiveness? Join Britten and the crew on a roller coaster of more lust, lies and deceit!

Release dateJun 13, 2020
Loving A Brooklyn Bad Boy 2: 1, #2

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    Book preview

    Loving A Brooklyn Bad Boy 2 - Talehia Mccants

    I swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God. Britten took her hand off the Bible and sat down in the chair. She never thought revenge would bring her here but fuck it; all’s fair in love and war. And this was definitely war. A wise person said it’s nothing worse than a woman scorned, and they were right because the fire in Britten’s heart was about to burn this bitch down.

    Her eyes traveled among the faces in the courtroom. Some looked upset, but for the most part they all looked shocked. She smiled when her eyes finally landed on the defendant. You would have thought he’d just seen Michael Jackson take the stand. He was sweating profusely. He couldn’t believe this was the State’s star witness. How could she turn on him like that? Like the Jay song said, he knew what he did was wack but you don’t get a nigga back like that.

    Britten looked over at him and gave him a yeah nigga, shit about to go down head nod because it was. Britten was going against everything that her brother had taught her. She was raised to be loyal and to be down for whatever, no matter the price. But fuck all that shit, niggas ain’t loyal so why should she be?

    So Ms. Carter, do you know the defendant? 

    Chapter 1

    What? What you mean I’m the reason?

    Britten sat in the back of the car scared out of her mind. Looking out the window, all she could see was a warehouse. The cop cars that had escorted them were now gone. Looking out the window, all she could see was pitch black. She didn’t even bother to try to open the door because she knew for a fact that those were locked. How could she be so fucking dumb? She’d watched too much ID Discovery to be locked in the back of a car with no way out.

    So many things must go on in your perfect little life that you don’t even know when you fucked up someone else’s. You might do notice, you just too fucked up to care. Since I laid eyes on you, everything in my life been fucked up.

    What are you talking about? Britten shouted, trying to mask the nervousness in her voice.

    Pusha reached over to the side of him and grabbed at something. Britten closed her eyes and prepared for the worst. God, please take my soul, she prayed. Then it hit her that her brothers had taught her to stay strapped. Reaching in her clutch, she placed her hand on her gun and slid it out her bag. She was about to pull it out and shoot when...

    Open your eyes, Britten.

    Pusha threw an envelope on her lap. Opening one eye, she looked down at the large brown envelope on her lap. Taking a deep breath, she took her hand out of her bag.  Opening the envelope, she pulled out a stack of pictures. Sifting through them, her mouth flew open at the countless photos of herself. The photos went as far back as when she first moved back to NYC.

    The pictures soon shifted from her to Kendrick. In many of them, he was with different women, coming out of hotels and other places. Looking through the pictures, her heart started to hurt. Many of the pictures were taken in the very home they shared. She had given Kendrick the best of her and all he gave her was the worst of him.

    Flipping to the last picture, she jumped out of her seat, dropping the pictures to the floor. Even with her eyes closed, she couldn’t block out the image of the lifeless man with a bullet hole in his head. She knew that face. It was the face of the man that Kendrick had killed at the club when they first met.

    I don’t know what you want. Just please let me go. I’ll do whatever you ask.

    Britten reached for her gun but Pusha snatched it out of her hand. Britten tried to open the car door again, and when she couldn’t, she began to bang on the windows. Pusha grabbed both of her hands and turned her around to face him.

    When I first met you, my plan was to inflict as much pain on you as possible because of all the pain you so unknowingly caused on my family. I wanted to punish you for every night my mother cried because her youngest son had lost his life for no reason...

    I’m sorry. Pusha, I’m so sorry I didn’t know. I didn’t ask him to do that. I promise you I didn’t...

    Britten, let me talk. All the time I spent tracking you and watching you, I started to fall in love with you.  I thought the only way to get away from those feelings was to get rid of you like I planned. That night I found you in that alley, I had planned on kidnapping you and killing you. But as I watched him hit you, I felt like he was hitting me also. I couldn’t go on. I had to save you. I was so upset that I had him killed. Can you imagine how fucked up that sound? I killed the man that I hired to kill you. Damn, you got my head fucked up.

    The night he’d identified his brother down at the morgue, Pusha had vowed that he was going to kill whoever was the cause of him losing his youngest sibling. It was true that the streets don’t talk, but they will for the right price. With the kind of money Pusha had, he kept the streets talking, especially when it came to what he wanted to know.

    He’d had Britten’s information before the last tear had dropped at his brother’s funeral. He spent weeks tracking and watching her, waiting for the right time to get her and that bitch ass man of hers. He knew who she was and who she was attached to, so he’d already prepared for that war. Shit, Symeir and Romance were legends so he knew that he would have hell to pay but it was worth it to defend the honor of his family.

    But the more he kept tabs on her, the more he fell for her and couldn’t keep himself away. She was like a flame and he was a moth.  

    You had me beat up and then you acted like you were some hero? How sick are you? she screamed in his face.

    I know what you think, baby, and I’m not saying it was right, but I’m sorry. And I hope you forgive me because I really like you and I want you to give me a chance. 

    What? Are you serious? Have you been listening to yourself? You tried to kill me and you have me here, all the way in the middle of nowhere, behind God’s back and you want me...

    Britten tried to finish her sentence but he pulled her into his arms and, without warning, he placed his lips to hers. She tried to pull away but he held her head in place as his tongue explored her mouth. Biting down on his bottom lip, she tried to push him away but his strong arms held her in place. Frustrated with her fighting him, he finally pulled back but he never let her go.

    Ma, please don’t do this to me. I’m trying to give you what I want and what you deserve. I know I’m wrong but please, just let me make it up to you. I couldn’t keep looking in your pretty face knowing I’m lying. You deserve more than that. I’m not the last nigga you was with. I won’t hide nothing from you.

    Stop telling me what I deserve! I’m sick of everyone telling me what I deserve. All this is confusing to me. If you don’t plan on killing me, take me home right now!

    Pusha watched as a single teardrop ran down her face. He wanted to wipe it away but he knew that she would only fight with him some more. Pusha told the driver to drive off. When they joined traffic, Britten got alarmed when she saw that he wasn’t taking her back to her house.

    Where are you taking me?

    You going home but first, before that, the driver is going to drop me off at my event, Pusha said, keeping his focus straight. Britten, one last thing. I know you hurt and all, but I want you to consider giving me a chance. I want you to get to know the real me. This invitation is not open forever, just until the end of the week. Then you will have a problem on your hands, because if I can’t love you, I will go to war with you. But either one you choose, I’m going to win.

    It took everything in Britten not to flip out when he got out at the club and left her in the car by herself. Her emotions were all over the place, but she refused to cry. She was sick of that.

    Riding down the highway, she could see the exit for London’s house just up ahead of them. She couldn’t go home right now. She loved her alone time but right now she needed to be around someone that she knew for sure loved her and only had her best interests at heart.

    Turn on this exit. She pointed

    Miss, I was told to take you home and that’s what I’m going to do.

    Well, my friend Benny here is telling you to get lost and turn on this exit.

    Britten peeled off two hundred dollar bills and threw them in the passenger seat. The driver looked at them and sucked his teeth and turned onto the exit. After giving him directions, she was at London’s house. She didn’t see Meek’s car in the driveway, which was good sign. She didn’t want to have to answer to anybody. In addition, she didn’t want him running back and telling Kendrick shit.

    Do you know what time it is? Why are you out so late? I thought you were going out with Pusha.

    London moved out of the way for Brit to walk in. She had just gotten up to feed baby Marley when she heard the doorbell ring. She thought she was seeing things when she looked out her peep hole.

    Whatever. Just move out the way. You got all this cold air on my godson, Britten said, walking into the house and going straight to the kitchen where she washed her hands before she grabbed the baby from London.

    She just wanted to feel the purest form of love. Now that he was getting a little older, his hair was starting to turn a brownish red color. A thought crossed her mind, but she quickly dismissed it. He was the cutest little boy Brit had ever laid her eyes on. She couldn’t wait until the day she start would a family with the man of her dreams.

    "Don’t think I’m not happy to see you or anything, but for real, what happened? Why you here? Last time I checked, you was leaving Dear John letters and getting your groove back with

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