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Fate Smiles Kindly
Fate Smiles Kindly
Fate Smiles Kindly
Ebook59 pages49 minutes

Fate Smiles Kindly

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Just as Sam is preparing to leave work for the day, her vindictive manager pawns a last minute home delivery on her. Since its on her way home he says. What he didn't say was that it was pouring rain, and she would need to change buses twice to make the stop.

When Sam gets to the customer's home, she looks like she had been thrown in the deep end of a swimming pool. Furious and embarrassed, when the customer answers the door she is surprised that the woman invites her in and does what she can to dry the young girl off, even to throw her clothes in the dryer.

While Sam waits to dry out, the kind customer, gets her a coffee and begins to talk to her. In the course of their conversation Sam learns the kind customer is really Abbey Rhodes the famous movie actress. Thrilled to death, Sam asks her questions about her movies, and Abbey is more than willing to share some behind the scenes information about some of her movies.

Clothes now dry it's time for Sam to head home; never to see the famous actress again. But surprisingly Abbey asks her if she would like to go to dinner the next evening. Walking on air Sam leaves dreaming of her dinner date, and feeling lucky she got to deliver the package, in spite of the rain.

Abbey goes all out on the date with Sam. Limo ride to the restaurant, awesome Chinese cuisine, and then, back to Abbey's for some after dinner drinks. During the limo ride to Abbey's, true feelings are shared and by the time they arrive at Abbey's the two women are all over one another. Will this be the love fling of a lifetime for Sam? Or will it be a one night stand? Will Fate Smile Kindly on her?

Release dateJun 19, 2020
Fate Smiles Kindly

Candice Christian

Candice was born in Paris KY on 9 January 1988. Her parents, George Bertrand Christian, an attorney who once aspired to be an actor, and Frances Hollowell insisted that Candice and her sister Simone, be sent to a Catholic school. Candice was deeply religious as a child, at one point thought of becoming a nun.

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    Book preview

    Fate Smiles Kindly - Candice Christian


    Riley Daniels

    Chapter One

    The short haired redhead didn't know who she was angrier with at the moment, the insufferably cheerful weather girl on Channel Six who casually mentioned a slight chance of a shower in the early evening, or her boss at the drugstore who had asked her to make a quick delivery on her way home, insuring that she wasn't already on the bus, warm and still dry.

    Quarter of an hour. All I needed was another fifteen minutes and I would've been out of there, Sam Lockhart said to herself as she struggled to keep her umbrella from blowing away in the strong wind.

    That thought was small comfort to the twenty-one year old as she was already soaked to the skin by the sudden downpour.

    After careful deliberation, helped along by her having to twist her five foot five form into a pretzel to avoid the splash of a truck racing through a large puddle on the curb, Sam made a choice. As nice as it would be to have her hands around the weather girl's neck, it would be much more satisfying to have them around Karl's. Sam had finished her shift at the Rexall Pharmacy over on Twenty-third Street and was halfway out the door when Karl Wilson, the co-manager, had stopped her. She should've realized, Sam thought later, that something was up when Karl asked her if she still went over to Thirty-fifth Street to catch the bus. The question caught her off guard, so instead of saying that she was going in the other direction today, she said yes she did.

    Great, Karl had said, flashing that smile that Sam found so condescending. Then you can do the store a big favor and drop a prescription off on Forty-ninth and Third, it's only a few blocks out of your way. Mr. Combs asked me to make sure that it went out as soon as it was ready and Billy won't be back for another hour at least. You don't mind, do you?

    Actually, Sam did mind, she minded it a great deal. Karl seemed to go out of his way to make sure she got more than her share of the dirty jobs. Part of that could've been attributed to the fact that she was the new girl, having been there only a few months. That much she could accept. What really bothered her was that she was sure that the other part of it was because he had asked her out when she had finished her probationary period and she had turned him down flat.

    While he never said anything about it afterwards, or repeated the offer, one of the other girls had told her that he wasn't the kind of guy who took rejection well. Still, she couldn't shake the feeling that he went out of his way to dump things on her. There were times she wondered if maybe she should've given him a reason. That she didn't date older men, or men shorter than herself. Or she could've been totally honest and told him that his chances of getting into her pants were the same as any other man, totally zero.

    Still, despite all of that, she hadn't refused to play delivery girl. The request, however, indirectly, had come from Mr. Combs, the store manager. Additionally, she had been late twice in the last two weeks and no one had made a big deal about it. So she had given him an equally fake smile and taken the bag. As she started down the street, she hoped that A. Rhodes, the name on the label, appreciated the door-to-door service.

    All of this, of course, was before she reached Thirty-first Street and the sky had opened up with such force as to make her feel like someone had dumped a bucket of water over her head. By the time she walked up the steps of the townhouse a few blocks later, she felt like she'd jumped to a pool with her clothes on. With all the stores on the street already closed, there

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