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The Awakening: Divine, #1
The Awakening: Divine, #1
The Awakening: Divine, #1
Ebook52 pages40 minutes

The Awakening: Divine, #1

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The awakening.

When I was first awakened I was in my room. Spirit said Daisy you must share this knowledge with all that cross your path.

I was wondering why Napoleon Hill did not share this knowledge as is. Especially that people live in this veil-like fog most; if not all their lives.

Then I came across his book Outwitting the Devil" this book was not released till this past decade. In the book, Napoleon Reveals how this dark energy tries to steer our lives. How it uses the elite, the schools, the governments, even religion to keep us down. I prayed and prayed. I said onto to the Divine. If I am to live through this pandemic I want my life to change.

I want the truth. I want to live in Bliss. I was then guided to the divine energy. I was shown what the Divine energy was. In this book, I am adding all this evidence and sharing it all in a synchronized format so the simple humans can understand and use this phenomenon in their own lives.

It is not fair that only 20% of the human race holds this secret. God has given us the sight through multiple divine beings that have crossed paths in human eras. Yet the dark energy has always hidden it. Today we are at a level of ascension and witnessing that this energy is within us all.

I have not shared this with you yet but I have the peace of God source divinity. The proof and I am adding this to the book. I have the evidence that doctors do not know why we all have this within us. There is no medical explanation. I was shown this and I am sharing this with all.


You no longer have to live in the fog only seeing a few feet in front of you. YOU WILL AND CAN HOLD THE POWER TO CONTROL your own Life!!! I will show you how. I welcome you to acsension within the pages of "The Awkening ".


Publisherdaisy fabelo
Release dateAug 22, 2020
The Awakening: Divine, #1

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    Book preview

    The Awakening - daisy fabelo

    Table of Contents

    The Awakening (Divine, #1)

    In 2006 I remember it well because I was so excited. The Secret came out. It was truly wonderful like a wave of energy that said you can be free from the chains of poverty.

    I had the book, watched the movie over and over started to study and research all the different people that showed up in the secret.

    My life has had numerous spirals but I am rich in what is truly important to me. What I feel is worth more than having a billion dollars in an account.

    I have joy, love, health, prosperity.

    I wake up in awe with my life. I enjoy every now moment. I cook, read books, go out for coffee. Life is pretty sweet.

    My passion and purpose is knowledge wisdom, that is what I am always seeking, what I am always grasping and learning, from. The expansion of my mind.

    The movies I watch have to do with self-worth, miracles, love, helping,  giving, inspirational and spiritual.

    Since 2006 I have noticed a massive wave of energy. I have noticed; witness how some of us are adapting and evolving all at the same time. Then I have noticed how some have no common sense, are ignorant even; and filled with so much anger and hate. I thought it was just the driving but I see, that people are going out of their ways to be mean to others.

    I didn't understand this.

    It was a bit overwhelming because I felt angry at how others were acting. The murders, the greediness; all truly disturbing. If you have read my work you know I have always been a spiritual individual, always giving and sharing knowledge.

    I had to leave my channel and  work behind the scenes because humans were evolving into needy, hating, and  hurting individuals. I had some coming to my channel leaving me, hate, and angry messages of how I was going to burn in hell.

    Wow, I cried to myself. I would never say anything like that to anyone. What gives anyone the right to think they knew more and that an omnipresent, all-loving God would send someone as loving and as caring as me to hell.

    One hater said that I was possed by evil spirits just look at how my eyes twitched and crossed. It wasn't my freak accident when I was four years old that took my eyesight from my left eye. The cornea to my left eye is slightly detached and my eye wanders.

    I love my life my family my friends but humans were evolving into something I did not want around me. I started to only connect with love. I wanted a job that made me happy, that wouldn't constantly need me to save their life (more about this in Confessions of a lightworker).

    In 2017 I got a regular job that did just that. The issue was I wasn't making too much money because it was part-time.

    I did decide to take all my videos down and stay away from social media and the angry world.

    I never let go of who I was spiritually.  I did share a few works on angels, and journaling. I tapped into my artist side. I have paintings and an

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