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Silk Dragon Salsa
Silk Dragon Salsa
Silk Dragon Salsa
Ebook201 pages6 hours

Silk Dragon Salsa

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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The Kai Gracen Series: Book Four

SoCalGov Stalker Kai Gracen always knew Death walked in his shadow. Enough people told him that, including his human mentor, Dempsey. Problem was, the old man never told him what to do when Death eventually caught up.

Where Tanic, his elfin father and the Wild Hunt Master of the Unsidhe Court, brought Kai pain and suffering, Dempsey gave him focus and a will to live… at least until everything unraveled. Now caught in a web of old lies and half-truths, Kai is torn between the human and elfin worlds, unsure of who he is anymore. Left with a hollowness he can’t fill, Kai aches to find solace in the one elfin he trusts—a Sidhe Lord named Ryder—but he has unfinished business with Dempsey’s estranged brother, a man who long ago swore off anything to do with the feral elfin child Dempsey dragged up from the gutter.

Reeling from past betrayals, Kai searches for Dempsey’s brother, hoping to do right by the man who saved him while trying to keep ahead of the death haunting his every step. Kai never thought he’d find love or happiness as a Stalker, but when Death comes knocking at his door, Kai discovers a fierce need to live life to the fullest—even if that means turning his back on the people he calls family.

Release dateJul 14, 2020

Rhys Ford

 Rhys Ford is an award-winning author with several long-running LGBT+ mystery, thriller, paranormal, and urban fantasy series and is a two-time LAMBDA finalist with her Murder and Mayhem novels. She is also a 2017 Gold and Silver Medal winner in the Florida Authors and Publishers President’s Book Awards for her novels Ink and Shadows and Hanging the Stars. She is published by Dreamspinner Press and DSP Publications. She shares the house with Harley, a gray tuxedo with a flower on her face, Badger, a disgruntled alley cat who isn’t sure living inside is a step up the social ladder, as well as a ginger cairn terrorist named Gus. Rhys is also enslaved to the upkeep of a 1979 Pontiac Firebird and enjoys murdering make-believe people. Rhys can be found at the following locations: Blog: Facebook: Twitter: @Rhys_Ford  

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Reviews for Silk Dragon Salsa

Rating: 4.294117647058823 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I resisted reading this for so long but I'm really glad I finally read this series and can't wait for the rest of the story!

    Now that I understand that books 1 and 3 follow the same rules and books 2 and 4 follow the same rules and I know to expect flip flopping with names and spellings I can actual enjoy it. It's annoying and janky to have to deal with that sort of thing but I guess asking for baseline editing is too much even for a book I paid for.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Kai Gracen has quickly jumped into my top 5 all-time favorite urban fantasy series, right up there with Harry Dresden, Cal Leandros and Mercy Thompson. I cannot get enough. The series has it all: detailed worldbuilding, exciting action sequences, a well-developed protagonist and a fun cast of characters. Like the others in the series, the book opens with Kai on a monster-hunting run. Dempsey, desperate to get out of the house, is along for the ride but the adventure ends with him in the medical center and Kai in the waiting room. Before Kai’s mentor and father-figure loses his battle with cancer, he shares a heart-wrenching secret with Kai that drives him away from his found-family. He has a new, personal mission. Someone has a contract out on him, and Dempsey’s estranged brother may hold the key. Ryder insists on accompanying him and on that journey, Kai’s emotional walls begin to crumble. The plot here was fairly straightforward, but that was to the benefit of character development. Kai finally begins to open up to Ryder, but more importantly, Ryder begins to see Kai in a new light. He finally realizes that while he is very, very young by Sidhe standards, his hard life has aged him in a way he didn’t understand until now. Ryder develops new respect for Kai’s reputation as a Stalker and also for the walls he has built around himself to keep people out. Walls he is finally letting Ryder see behind. I loved how their relationship evolves over this story. Though not as action-packed as prior entries, the book still had an exciting story. And the tease at the end about the unknown Sidhe half of Kai’s heritage has me desperate for the next book. Please write faster, Rhys.

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Silk Dragon Salsa - Rhys Ford

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