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The Life and Times of a Superfly Witch
The Life and Times of a Superfly Witch
The Life and Times of a Superfly Witch
Ebook43 pages22 minutes

The Life and Times of a Superfly Witch

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Witches in Salem, Massachusetts during the 17th Century's Salem Witch Trails were persecuted and hanged to death. 19 were hanged and one had rocks thrown at him until he died. All 150 accused so-called "witches" suffered and were so affected and afraid of this idiocy and mass hysteria they went crazy. Some zipped their mouths closed for life! They never talked again! Some stared at nothing for the rest of their days! The trails ended when the people in power refused to allow the townsfolk to hang their own wives! But that's just history what people don't know is that there are real witches and witchcraft and the supernatural is very real and is only getting stronger.
The Life and Times of a Superfly Witch is about a witch who lived during the times of the awful Salem Witch Trials. But how did she time travel to the 21st Century? What kind of life did she lead? How did she survive such a crazy and bloodthirsty society such as the one we are living in right now? This book answers all these questions and more. The Devil for the most part of this little book has been detained in Russia but he will join you in the glorious finale! Enjoy.


PublisherSveta Rosa
Release dateJun 22, 2020
The Life and Times of a Superfly Witch

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    The Life and Times of a Superfly Witch - Sveta Rosa


    Life and Times of a




    By: Sveta Rosa

    This book is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this book are either fictitious or used fictitiously.

    Copyright © 2019, Sveta Rosa. All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 9781670896599

    The profession of magician is one of the most perilous and arduous specializations of the imagination. On the one hand there is the hostility of God and the police to be guarded against; on the other it is as difficult as music, as deep as poetry, as ingenious as stagecraft, as nervous as the manufacturing of high explosives, and as delicate as the trade in narcotics.

    ———William Bolitho


    Sandra Lena, open this door immediately! We are here to take you to court. You are accused by the townsfolk of doing witchcraft. You are a witch! An ugly hag! Open this door at once or in ten minutes a man with an ax will come and break it open for us, cried the Salem, Massachusetts town sheriff. People young and old were crowded around old Sandra Lena’s cottage. They were eager to see her downfall.


    How could she have been so careless? She had made sure nobody would see her doing witchcraft. Somebody must have told on her. This was just unfair. Sandra Lena was an old woman who had lived her days in quiet solitude in the town of Salem, Massachusetts in the Seventeenth Century. She was almost ninety years old. Her skin was dry. Her lips were chapped. Her spine crooked and her nails were long and brittle. For company, she had a long-haired black cat and that was enough for her. She needed nobody else. Her days were spent doing housework and working on potions and special brews. Some turned out good and some turned out horrible but she never lost hope. This was her

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