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Hotwife Rendezvous A Wife Sharing Hotwife Romance Novella
Hotwife Rendezvous A Wife Sharing Hotwife Romance Novella
Hotwife Rendezvous A Wife Sharing Hotwife Romance Novella
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Hotwife Rendezvous A Wife Sharing Hotwife Romance Novella

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Lessa is starting to get frustrated with Brett’s constant on call job.

A well respected and successful surgeon in his field of expertise, Brett convinces his stunning wife that her idea of moving to another hospital is not the answer.

When the beautiful wife becomes irritated that her husband is spending more time with a surgical nurse - Carlea..........

.......Carlea decides to start a rumour that Brett’s wife is cheating on him.

Little did the loving husband know there was more truth to the rumour than either him or his nurse imagined!

This 20,000 word scorching hot novel features wife watching, wife sharing and a husband learning of his wife's sordid affair!

PublisherKarly Violet
Release dateJun 22, 2020
Hotwife Rendezvous A Wife Sharing Hotwife Romance Novella

Karly Violet

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    Book preview

    Hotwife Rendezvous A Wife Sharing Hotwife Romance Novella - Karly Violet

    Hotwife Rendezvous

    A Wife Sharing Hotwife Romance Novel

    All Right Reserved © Karly Violet 2020

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Individuals on the cover are models and are used for illustrative purposes only.

    Author's note: All character in this story are 18 years of age and older. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to real live name or events are purely coincidental.

    Be aware: This story is written for, and should only be enjoyed by, ADULTS. It includes explicit descriptions of intense sexual activity between consenting adults.

    Note that this work of fiction resembles a fantasy world, all events taking place are a result of a role play amongst all parties and all parties are fully consenting adults.

    This ebook should be purchased/borrowed by and read by adults only.

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    Chapter One: Intensive Care

    I dread calling my wife to let her know that once again I will not be able to go out with her for dinner tonight. Hey, honey, I say into the phone as I hear her pick up on the other end.

    Let me guess, Leesa says dryly in response.

    I’m sorry, I reply immediately. You know that I would be there if this wasn’t an emergency.

    My wife sighs into the phone. Though she may not be happy that I am staying late at the hospital, she understands the life of an anesthesiologist. We have been married since my first year of medical school and since then Leesa has come to realize that what I do is terribly important for the patients who come into surgery at the hospital. Accidents are never planned, and tonight’s concern for me is an eighty-year-old man by the name of Larry Randolph. He is being prepped soon for surgery which means I have mere moments to apologize to Leesa before I am required to go to the surgical ward.

    You are starting to put a crimp into our social life, my wife quips with an understanding chuckle. What time do you think you might get home, Brett?

    I look down at my watch before responding, It will probably be around one o’clock in the morning. We are not sure what we will find once the guy is opened up. He fell and is bleeding internally. I am probably giving Leesa more information than I am allowed to, but being that I have not shared his name with her I figure it cannot harm anything.

    She sighs for a second time. Well, be careful on the road tonight, alright? There are deer out this time of year early in the morning. I almost hit one last weekend while driving back from the work retreat.

    I nod my head. Yeah, I’ll watch out. Looking at my watch again, I grimace and tell her, I’ve got to run, sweetheart. I love you.

    I love you too, Brett. Good luck.

    Thanks. I pull my cell phone away from my ear and hang up before dropping the phone into the locker of the dressing room. I then begin to change my clothing for the surgery that is upcoming.

    Within minutes I am in the surgical prep area, cleaning my hands and arms. Tough one? the surgical prep nurse asks as he helps me gown up and get my mask on.

    It could be, I say as I hold out my hands. He’s elderly. We both look out through the window into the operating room where Mr. Randolph is quietly waiting with three surgical nurses and two attending surgeons. I just hope that they can find the bleed quickly enough for me to get him back out of anesthesia. It’s not a good thing to have someone his age under for more than an hour or two.

    The prep nurse nods his head. He seems strong, though. At least, he sounded that way when he came in. He smiled at me and asked me how my day has been going.

    I smile. Well, it’s good to have the patient in a positive mood before getting started. We can use all the encouragement we can get. The prep nurse helps me to finish with all of the surgical clothing I will need inside the operating room before I walk in. One of the surgeons gives me a nod and greets me before I walk over to introduce myself to the patient.

    Larry Randolph? I say as I nod my head at him. I’m Dr. Brett Upton. Though he certainly cannot see me smile, I allow the gesture to cross my face anyway. My eyes, after all, will convey my attempt at a warm welcome.

    Yes, sir. It’s nice to meet you. he says with a half-smile, his voice bellowing throughout the operating room. Are you here to knock me out?

    I chuckle. Well, I’m here to use the big hammer on your head. We both laugh and one of the surgeons simply shakes his head. Though I know each of the attending surgeons well, they do not often share my attempts to help settle the concerns of our patients. This is a part of the job that I feel is just as important as putting a patient under. After all, my face will likely be the last one that a patient sees before succumbing to the concoction of liquids and gas that I will be administering to them.

    "My skull is

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