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Understanding the Function of the Council of Inspectors General
Understanding the Function of the Council of Inspectors General
Understanding the Function of the Council of Inspectors General
Ebook95 pages1 hour

Understanding the Function of the Council of Inspectors General

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About this ebook

First of all I discovered this government entity by accident and did not know that it existed. Searching through the information about this organization I discovered many interesting facts about their values, goals and mission along with other information. The information presented in this book will provide some interesting discussions after reading this book. We only hear about the IG in the Department of Justice but as discussed in this book there are many more since the organization was created. The information you the reader will learn about are the responsibilities and authority this entity has within the federal government.
This book will open some eyes as to the function of this unique organization and the broad authority it has been given. The question of who this organization reports to will also be discussed and it in and of itself is an interesting structure. It was created as an opportunity to help or oversee the functions of the executive department and their agencies. In addition this organization provides information as requested by Congress by various individuals which will also be presented and discussed.
I rarely applaud Congress for doing anything but the establishment of this organization and its responsibilities will turn some heads as to the involvement it has over the federal government as a whole. This organization was created as an independent group of individuals and the independence of it will be evaluated based on the operations which have taken place and the goals it has in place.
Much information is presented about the function and responsibility of this organization of inspector generals. The sometimes detailed information in many of the chapters is being provided so that information is not about what I think the organization does but from their own website. Many comments or suggestions and sometimes questions are included throughout the book. It is an organization which little if any information is provided to the public. This book is another book about the functions of the various organizations within the federal government so voters, specifically understand the operations of the federal government.

Release dateApr 30, 2020
Understanding the Function of the Council of Inspectors General

Dennis AuBuchon

Dennis has a background in quality assurance and auditing and is a certified quality auditor with ASQ (American Society for Quality). He has written over 1,000 articles mostly on the topic of integrity and hot topics of the day. Links to articles can be found on his website and He is not one to shy from controversial topics as can be seen in his articles.Dennis believes in the principle that one person can make a difference and through hisweb site, his articles and his current book he is doing just that. The one key phrase on all his web site pages is quality writing and services to make a difference. Dennis designed his own web site which is a resource for other authors to gain exposure for their work. Through his web site Dennis provides marketing information and opportunities to help other authors and the general public. Any person in business can learn from the information on his site through his articles and articles by other authors. Dennis continually tries to help other authors with information on all aspects of the publishing industryDennis has been a part of auditing teams and a team leader. Dennis’ relationship with quality assurance principles and integrity principles can be seen in his commitment to operate his business and web site with honesty, integrity and quality principles. This is evidenced by the fact that he has signed a business ethics pledge committed to treating all stakeholders fairly, with compassion and a commitment to service.

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    Book preview

    Understanding the Function of the Council of Inspectors General - Dennis AuBuchon

    Understanding the Function of the Council of Inspectors General

    By Dennis AuBuchon

    Copyright © 2019 AuBuchon Books, Articles and Services

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Table of Contents


    This is an interesting topic for a book. When researching topics on which to write I came across this organization of which I did not know existed. A brief introduction of what the activity of this organization represents will be presented.

    Chapter1 History

    This history of this organization will amaze the readers of this book. It has been in existence longer than anyone could imagine

    Chapter 2 Charter

    This chapter identifies the basic charter of the council of inspector generals

    Chapter 3 Mission, Vision and Values

    The subjects of this chapter and the details identifies the wide scope and involvement of this organization in the federal government

    Chapter 4 Membership, Selection and Appointment

    The membership and how they are selected and/or appointed and who has to approve the members, if required will be discussed

    Chapter 5 Goals, Strategic Plan

    The goals are broad in scope and how the structureS in place to accomplish them are significant.

    Chapter 6 Contribution to Good Government

    This chapter discussed the positive impact of having created this organization. The details of how this council contributes to the good of the overall government are identified, discussed and commented on.

    Chapter 7 Committees

    The list and quantity of committees provided in this chapter and some of the responsibilities will amaze you as it did myself

    Chapter 8 Performance Plan

    The performance plan or plans in place are the measure to determine if their responsibilities are successful. Having this organization which for the most part is unknown to the general public is significant.

    Chapter 9 Investigations, Inspections and Evaluations

    Many investigations are conducted by this organization and they have a plan on choosing what to investigate. This includes criteria to choose topics which need investigation.

    Inspections are conducted but after they are complete they must be evaluated for determining conclusions and potential actions to be taken

    Chapter 10 Auditing Standards

    The general auditing standards are discussed which are in place in this organization.


    This portion covers the conclusion (s) based on the information provided in the various chapters. The key points covered along with how the organization benefits the country and the things that it does well and possible actions to improve the integrity of the mission of this organization.

    About this Author

    This provides information about myself my books, articles and social media activity

    Other Books by this Author

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    First of all I discovered this government entity by accident and did not know that it existed. Searching through the information about this organization I discovered many interesting facts about their values, goals and mission along with other information. The information presented in this book will provide some interesting discussions after reading this book. We only hear about the IG in the Department of Justice but as discussed in this book there are many more since the organization was created. The information you the reader will learn about are the responsibilities and authority this entity has within the federal government.

    This book will open some eyes as to the function of this unique organization and the broad authority it has been given. The question of who this organization reports to will also be discussed and it in and of itself is an interesting structure. It was created as an opportunity to help or oversee the functions of the executive department and their agencies. In addition this organization provides information as requested by Congress by various individuals which will also be presented and discussed.

    I rarely applaud Congress for doing anything but the establishment of this organization and its responsibilities will turn some heads as to the involvement it has over the federal government as a whole. This organization was created as an independent group of individuals and the independence of it will be evaluated based on the operations which have taken place and the goals it has in place.

    Much information is presented about the function and responsibility of this organization of inspector generals. The sometimes detailed information in many of the chapters is being provided so that information is not about what I think the organization does but from their own website. Many comments or suggestions and sometimes questions are included throughout the book. It is an organization which little if any information is provided to the public. This book is another book about the functions of the various organizations within the federal government so voters, specifically understand the operations of the federal government.

    Chapter 1 History

    Established by the Inspector General Act of 1978, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) examines all actions of a government agency or

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