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The Divine Marriage: God's Purpose & Design for Human Sexuality
The Divine Marriage: God's Purpose & Design for Human Sexuality
The Divine Marriage: God's Purpose & Design for Human Sexuality
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The Divine Marriage: God's Purpose & Design for Human Sexuality

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Many people careen from one form of sexual identity or expression to another. Porn distorts our view of men, women and children. Everyone does what is right in his/her own eyes with little to no understanding of why God created them male and female and what His design for human sexuality looks like. Hint: it is designed to reflect something far more profound than we have ever imagined.

Release dateMay 15, 2020
The Divine Marriage: God's Purpose & Design for Human Sexuality

David Kyle Foster

Dr. David Kyle Foster (M-Div - Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; D-Min - Trinity School for Ministry) is the author of Love Hunger: A Harrowing Journey from Sexual Addiction to True Fulfillment, The Sexual Healing Reference EditionA Biblical Guide to Finding Freedom from Every Major Area of Sexual Sin & Brokenness, and Transformed Into His Image: Hidden Steps on the Journey to Christlikeness. He has served as adjunct professor at Asbury Theological Seminary, The Bible Institute of Hawaii, Trinity School for Ministry, Logos Christian College & Graduate School and the Wagner Leadership Institute. His articles have appeared in numerous journals and magazines and he has been a guest on countless television and radio programs at home and abroad - witnessing to the power of God to set anyone free from anything. David has spoken on five continents for ministries such as Youth With A Mission, Ellel Ministries and others. He is also the founder and director of Mastering Life Ministries, producer of the “Pure Passion” TV program ( and producer/director of the award-winning documentaries, “Such Were Some of You”, "How Do You Like Me Now?" and "TranZformed: Finding Peace with Your God-Given Gender". Making his home in the Nashville, TN area, David loves hanging out with Jesus during the Autumn in a quiet mountain cabin and being in the company of people who can’t stop talking about how much they love God.

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    The Divine Marriage - David Kyle Foster

    The Divine Marriage

    God’s Purpose & Design for Human Sexuality


    Dr. David Kyle Foster

    [The Transformation Series]

    Copyright © 2020 David Kyle Foster

    All rights reserved.

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    Ebook formatting by


    Divine Order in Creation and Covenant

    Covenant: The Heart of This Mystery

    God as Husband to His People in the Old Testament

    Christ as Bridegroom to His People in the New Testament

    Summary of the Biblical Evidence

    Prophetic Parallels Between a First Century Jewish Wedding and the Forthcoming Marriage Between Believers and Christ

    The Divine Masterpiece

    The Meaning for Believers

    About the Author

    Divine Order in Creation and Covenant

    Imagine the scene in heaven as the Trinity plans the Creation. They’ve got a working model spread out before them, with little planets and trees and human action figures. Pondering anew what He can do, the Father points to a human action figure and says to the Son, I think we ought to make them male and female. What’s that? asks the Son. Well, I’m going to divide Adam into two parts, male and female, you know, to make things more interesting. A bit bemused and surprised, God the Son then turns to the Holy Spirit for His response, who pauses, throws open His hands and says, Why not? What the heck. Knock yourself out Abba! Do you think it might have happened something like that? By the way modern culture treats gender differences (if they acknowledge them at all) you’d think it might have gone something like that.

    In Genesis we read . . .

    And the Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone.

    I will make a helper suitable for him."  . . . So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping,

    He took one of the man’s ribs and closed up the place with flesh.

    Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib (side) he had taken

    out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

    (Genesis 2:18, 21-22)

    Why did God do it that way? Why create one being and then take a part of that being and create a second, differentiated yet complimentary being who is "bone of his bones and flesh of

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