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Colloidal Silver
Colloidal Silver
Colloidal Silver
Ebook202 pages2 hours

Colloidal Silver

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Are you looking for answers? The whole world is looking for answers, it's not the first time, but it is currently one of the worst times, as the entire world is in the grip of fear for the future. As we face sickness and a disease that science is scrambling to understand and fight. This book is the result of an independent research effort by one of the millions of people looking for answers. This information contained herein is truly special. This book is about something that has been in use for thousands of years and that has been in use throughout history, across the passage of time and all over the world, right down to the modern day. In fact, prior to the invention of modern western medicine, this was the answer that everyone used and that saved lives and was relied upon for the restoration of good health, not just for people, but for everything that lives, including animals and even plants! Have you ever heard of Colloidal Silver? It was once the solution of choice. It helped to clean water and it protected milk from going bad long before the invention of fridges! This amazing book will give you a summarised history of Colloidal Silver and it explains how you can include it in your world today, right now. We explain some of the science, as well as some experiences along with everything you need to know about how to make this amazing resource at home if you want to. You will also learn about how it handles many different kinds of health related problems for people, for animals and even for plants. It is an amazing substance that has been gifted to us from our ancient past and this book is hopefully a small contribution to the ensuring that this special knowledge will continue to be available today and well into the future. You will find answers to some of the most urgent questions of our day. How can you help to protect yourself and your loved ones from the dangers the world is facing? Whilst there are no guarantees in life, this is one book that may well help to put the odds in your favour and thus give you the edge. It helps and encourages us to take charge of our own health. In this book we have collected some scientific data as well as some anecdotal evidence along with an explanation of some other important issues, such as the subject of face masks and we even explain how to make a very low cost but high quality home made toothpaste. There are lots of tips and guidance as well as a glimpse through a window to the possible future of wellness. A world where being in great health must become the new normal and where sickness becomes unusual. It's a truly fascinating journey and it provides information to help you start that journey today! Good health to you; and to everyone.

Release dateJun 26, 2020
Colloidal Silver

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    Colloidal Silver - David J Selmar

    MoKi Green Sponsors Comments

    Why does MoKi Green, a specialist in clean energy technologies, decide to become a sponsor for this publication? The reason is very simple. We are humanitarians first, so we are always interested in anything that can be invented, discovered, or designed for the betterment and advancement of humanity and the planet upon which we live.

    Therefore, this book is about one of the most amazing substances in the world, known as Colloidal Silver, which has been used for protecting human health for thousands of years in many cultures and nations across the world, so it is very important that people are aware of this amazing resource. Additionally, the cost for making this amazingly simple liquid is very low, so it is affordable and accessible to almost everyone. There are very few health oriented products and technologies available these days, and in the world of healthcare and medicine, the prices of healthcare are very high and in many cases, too expensive for the more than half the population of the world, so any source of more affordable solutions are welcome, especially if they are so effective.

    We at MoKi Green are proud to sponsor this book and recommend further research into this amazing substance, which seems to be so versatile and has been used for the treatment of fungal infections, bacteria and viruses throughout history. We want to be actively involved in anything that can help mankind, and Colloidal Silver could be one of the greatest discoveries ever made by mankind to protect our heath!

    MoKi Green is made up of independent inventors and people with ideas, sometimes it is hard to get anyone to listen to new ideas or try out new inventions and discoveries when they are made. This is another reason why we are sponsoring this book. Because we are inventors and we also make discoveries we appreciate the difficulty of finding someone to listen, so we have listened and have sponsored this book so that this very important discovery of this ancient remedy can be shared with the world today.

    Some of the MoKi Green team have been using Colloidal Silver in their personal lives. It’s our sincere wish that you, dear reader, will also benefit from the information contained within this volume and we wish everyone, wherever you are, good health always and we hope that Colloidal Silver will be helpful in keeping you healthy too.

    MoKi Green will continue to bring amazing new technologies to the world and will also sponsor anything we see that we think or hope will benefit mankind. Meanwhile we hope you remain safe and well in these troubled times.

    Thanks for reading,


    MoKi Green Global


    Years ago, when I met David for first time during a financial business that we still remember every single day since then (maybe one day we might write a book about this experience), I was overwhelmed by his special personality. He was exactly how you would imagine those crazy scientists who made all those great discoveries in the past and that we all now enjoy. I wanted to change the world, and so did he, and that is where our friendship begun.

    It is true that at the end, the world changed us a bit more than we managed to change it, but let me write this foreword again in a few years for the latest edition, and you’ll see all we will have been able to contribute in spreading peace, health and energy all around the globe.

    Working together during such a long time while talking at least 1 or 2 times every single day, helped me to discover David The Man, and now I can assure you that he is not at all only that cheerful business man I once met. He is also an Inventor (very soon you will all be able to take advantage of them); a Writer (from special dictionaries to poems, and his own amusing adaptations of the classics); a Scientist and Engineer (he has designed every aspect of the spaceship that will take us to Mars); a Student of God’s word; a Natural Health Therapist (you should see him change the taste of water just with his desire to do so), but overall, apart from his enormous Humanitarian soul, he is surely the BEST Master I have ever met.

    Teachers can teach you, but from a Master, you LEARN, and this is what you will achieve reading this book. You will learn and understand all you need about the Colloidal Silver, and plenty of other extras you never even thought about, nor imagined that might exist.

    The same thought I had the first time I discovered what you are about to read, when you finish reading this book you won’t stop asking yourself: But why don’t they teach us all this at school? You will consider this learning so essential that you won’t be able to understand why we aren’t taught this during our youth.

    The good news is that if you are reading this, you are seeking answers, so the knowledge reached you in time. If in this precious moment, out of all the thousands of books out there you have this specific book in your hands right now, it must be for a reason. Maybe you are now ready, because as a Chinese proverb says: when the student is ready, is when the Master appears...

    Now it’s your turn to decide…

    Rafael F. Roberts

    April 2020


    The world we live in is filled with many wonderful things, but also many dangerous things. Across the history of mankind there are some things that we have always had to contend with. However, it is quite surprising that despite having little or no knowledge of bacteria and viruses, the ancients of old actually had treatment protocols which would help them fight these tiny as yet unseen enemies. Whilst we can marvel at how they achieved this, we also face challenges at this time and it is our time to face these issues and to win the ongoing battle against disease.

    During the Coronavirus outbreak, in the UK we are told to protect the NHS and save lives, but, the first part of this advice begins with the advice to, stay at home. Why is this important? It is important because we are given a task to do. It is so important because when there is no plan, then we have fear, and fear is harmful for the immune system. We need to have a positive mental attitude so as to boost our immune system. The only way to have a positive attitude is to have hope, and this has been generously shared out by all and sundry, from celebrities and the Government to HM The Queen, so many have stepped up to share their words of inspiration. Hope makes us feel empowered. The Government did this by telling us what we can do to make a difference, so we have taken this a step further by adding more things we can do to make a difference to both our own health, as well as the health of those around us, from our loved ones to our neighbours.

    The most powerful form of hope is one backed up by a foundation, and in this case, that foundation is having something to do, and having knowledge that is practical and that puts hope in the place where fear used to live. Therefore, whilst we may live in difficult times, we shouldn’t live in fear, we need to live in hope. We can live in hope because we have things that we can do to make a difference, and this volume adds even more we can do, so no matter where in the world you are living, there is something we can all do for both ourselves and for the people around us.

    Mankind has faced challenges throughout history and until know we have always prevailed, so this is another challenge over which we will prevail. Rest assured, whatever transpires we not only have the resolve, but also the means to succeed in overcoming the latest challenge facing mankind.

    My most sincere wish is that everyone will find a way to overcome anything, no matter how difficult things might look. Remember, as surely as the day follows the night, the present difficulties will be followed by better times, and thus we can be hopeful, partly because mankind has always prevailed, and partly because this is a book about what we can do to make a difference.

    Let’s stop the spread of fear and take back control over our lives, removing the fear of uncertainty with the tools in our own hands to help us seize control of our own destiny. Life is a blessing, and we seek to treasure that precious gift however possible, so it is my sincere wish and hope that wherever you are, you will win the battle against these tiniest enemies of mankind and protect all your loved ones to overcome the present crisis and see the better days that are yet to come.

    David J. Selmar

    April 2020

    Acknowledgements & Thanks

    When writing any such volume, there are always people to thank who helped along the way and who have in some way, whether major or minor, all played key roles in making the book possible. It is very important to remember all those who made it possible. Like links in a chain, as the author, I must confess that I am dependent on all those links, and some of them I would like to remember here and make mention to them before going any further.

    Firstly, I must thank my Mother, without whom this volume would not be possible, as without her I wouldn’t even be here. Aside from my Mum, I would like to thank my most diligent editor and also proof reader Rafael, whose precious time raised the quality and presentation to that which you are looking at right now. Additionally, I have to thank Rafael, along with Lyudmyla and others for all their efforts in translating this first edition into the Spanish, Russian and Indonesian languages, potentially reaching up to 1.5 billion people in English, over half a billion in Spanish, and a

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