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Catching Mrs. Right: Mr. & Mrs. Right, #2
Catching Mrs. Right: Mr. & Mrs. Right, #2
Catching Mrs. Right: Mr. & Mrs. Right, #2
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Catching Mrs. Right: Mr. & Mrs. Right, #2

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Going from best friends to lovers. What could possibly go wrong?

Hayden Waters knows what, or rather who, he wants. Convincing her is the only problem. After watching his twin brother find happiness, Hayden is ready to do the same with his best friend, Ryan, but isn't sure expressing that is a good idea. Devising a plan to get the girl, Hayden takes a risk that could cost him what matters. But every action has consequences.

Ryan Lennox has been in love with her best friend, Hayden since she met him some years ago. Unsure of whether he feels the same, Ryan comes up with a scheme to make him jealous, starting a game she isn't ready for.

Will both their plans backfire, or will Hayden finally catch his Mrs. Right?

PublisherShade Rachea
Release dateJun 26, 2020
Catching Mrs. Right: Mr. & Mrs. Right, #2

Shade Rachea

Shade Rachea is a high school English teacher who lives in California with her family and loves to spend her time hanging out with them. When she isn’t writing romance or fantasy, she can be found binge reading or shopping for new movies and books. 

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    Book preview

    Catching Mrs. Right - Shade Rachea

    Chapter 1: Hayden

    Iswirled the whiskey in my tumbler, careful not to spill it, as I watched Ryan, my best friend, and wing woman, dance with Reese and the other bridesmaids. Today was my twin brother Alex’s wedding to Reese, and while I was happy for the both of them, all I could focus on was Ryan Lennox.

    The green dress she wore clung to her body, accentuating her curves and bringing her red hair to attention. She looked way too tempting in that bridesmaid's dress and I’m sure I’m not the only one to notice.

    I discreetly adjusted myself, glancing around the tent we had spent hours setting up for the reception.

    Alex joined the ladies on the dance floor, pulling his bride to him and devouring her like an animal. All of the bridesmaids laughed and catcalled before moving away from the two of them so they could continue dancing.

    My eyes darted to Ryan as she laughed with one of Reese’s friends, Olivia. Olivia whispered something in her ear and Ryan tossed her head back, releasing one of the most obnoxious laughs you can think of.

    You know what type of laugh I’m talking about. The one where it sounds like screeching and yelling mixed with a little giggle.

    Heads turned toward the dance floor where Ryan and Olivia stood. I chuckled as red slowly crept up Ryan’s neck and blotted her cheeks once she noticed the attention on her.


    Even while blushing she was beautiful.

    She and Olivia quieted and resumed dancing with the rest of the women.

    Taking a huge gulp of my drink, I winced as the liquid burned my throat on the way down and I forced my eyes to drag away from Ryan’s body and the way it moved to the music.

    The thing is, I’m not supposed to notice any of these things about her. We’ve been friends for almost four years. She’s supposed to be one of the guys.

    My buddy.

    The Irish girl who can’t hold her liquor and occasionally has to be carried home. The one I call when I need help sorting out the women in my life and or need advice about said women.

    I didn’t use to notice her figure or the way her full lips looked after she chewed on them while thinking. These things started taking over my brain the minute she showed up at my construction site dressed in a low riding tank top, barely-there shorts, and combat boots.

    I groaned just thinking about it.

    She was every guy’s wet dream come to life. Long legs that seemed to go on for days with hair down her back meant for grabbing a hold of and tugging.

    I slammed back the rest of my drink as images of her that day invaded my mind.

    Another, I said to the bartending. He nodded my way, letting me know he heard my request as he tended to his current customer.

    I ran a hand through my hair and started drumming my fingers on the counter as I waited for my drink.

    When Ryan walked onto my site that day, I didn’t even recognize her at first. She looked like she belonged in one of those car wash commercials where the women are half-dressed and soaking wet.

    My guys stopped working and started drooling as she marched towards my office in those tight shorts. I allowed my eyes to rake over her body, smirking as she approached until I got a look at her face and realized the girl was Ryan.

    To say I was horrified is an understatement. Luckily, I was able to school my expression and paste on a realistic scowl before she could see me checking her out. I was going to reem her in as soon as she got to me, but her brother, Conor, who also happens to work for me, beat me to it. He stalked over to her with a scowl and grabbed her by her arm, trying to drag her back to her car.

    How do you think that went?

    Not well.

    You see, Ryan is a little crazy, and calling her feisty is like calling cake good. It’s an understatement.

    I watched as she yanked her arm from Conor and shoved him while screaming in his face. I started to get up from my seat to break up their argument when Conor started raising his voice and motioning all around, but I wasn’t needed.

    Ryan wound back her hand and punched Conor in the gut, leaving him on his knees as he gasped for air.

    That wasn’t the first time she’d done something like that, but it was the first time I started seeing her differently. Add in Alex meeting Reese not six months later and parading his love life in my face, and I definitely couldn’t stop picturing myself with Ryan.

    The bartender slid another whiskey over to me before following my line of sight.

    She’s hot. That your girlfriend? he asked eyeing me as he wiped down the counters.

    I swallowed down half of my whiskey to hide my frown, ignoring the burn. Nah, she’s my best friend.

    The bartender stopped wiping the counter and shot me a sympathetic look.

    Is it that obvious that I have a hard-on for my best friend?

    He grabbed another glass and poured a shot of whiskey in it. On the house.

    I finished off the whiskey in my hand and picked up the latest one, raising it in a salute to the bartender before pushing off the counter and heading back to my seat at the bridal party table.

    Thankfully, no one else was sitting down at the long table when I got there, so I was left to sort through my thoughts.

    Ryan is my friend.

    She’s not a hot babe I can take home and screw even though I’m sure we’d both enjoy it.

    I scrubbed a hand over my face.

    No, we wouldn’t enjoy it because we’re just friends and nothing more. Hell, I’m sure she doesn’t even see me as anything more than her personal errand boy and go-to guy for putting together her furniture from IKEA.

    This is my wedding. You do know that, right? You're supposed to be smiling and rejoicing in my newfound happiness, not skulking.

    I sipped my whiskey as Alex took a seat next to me. I am rejoicing. See? I lifted the whiskey in a toast before finishing it off. I shook my head and blinked a few times to clear my vision, feeling a little disoriented.

    How many have you had?

    Too many, I groaned.

    It’s the only thing keeping me from walking over to Ryan and dragging her out of here.

    Alex patted me on the shoulder and sat back in his chair while I rested my head on the table. I think you should just tell her how you feel. What do you have to lose?

    I turned my head towards him and glared. There was no point in denying anything now. Alex and Reese have been saying things in regards to me and Ryan for over a year now.

    Our friendship. That’s enough to keep my mouth shut and pretend like I don’t notice anything different about her.

    Alex looked straight ahead and smiled. I turned to see what I had caught his attention and smiled too. Reese and Ryan were attempting to learn a new dance move from one of our teenage cousins.

    If you’re not going to go after her, I think you should at least start dating. I reluctantly faced Alex again, shooting him a dirty look. What? he said shrugging. The only way to get over someone you can’t have is to get with someone you can have.

    He’s right.

    It’s been a while since I’ve dated, thanks to a certain redhead who occupies my thoughts 100% of the time.

    I need to get my head clear of Ryan and now seems perfect.

    You’re right. I need to start dating again. Alex nodded slowly as if he didn’t believe me. I’m serious.

    Serious about what? a feminine voice said from behind me.

    I shot up in my seat, nearly knocking Ryan over. Reese steadied her from behind and bit her lip to keep from laughing.

    I laughed nervously as Reese crossed to Alex and dropped down into his lap and Ryan took the seat next to me.

    Serious about what, Hayden? Ryan asked again. She bent down and started taking off her heels and I couldn’t help but trail my eyes over her legs now on display thanks to the slit in her dress.

    Alex kicked my chair while Reese snickered. I shook my head to clear it and focused my attention on the side of Ryan’s face.

    I’m thinking of dating again.

    Reese erupted into a coughing fit but that didn’t distract me from seeing what looked like hurt and confusion flit across Ryan’s face and just as quickly disappear as she smiled tightly.


    Okay. Am I missing something?

    Was she jealous?

    I almost laughed at that notion.

    God, I must be drunk if I’m seeing things.

    She finished removing her heels and moaned in pleasure as she wiggled her toes.

    I turned away from her and bit the inside of my cheek to keep from groaning. Thankfully, my lower half was hidden under the table so no one could see the effect her soft moan was having on me.

    That would be more than awkward.


    Hm, I said distractedly.

    You’re really serious about starting to date again? Reese asked. Because I haven’t seen you with anyone since I’ve known you.

    That’s because I’ve been lusting after my best friend and can’t get her out of my head.

    I’m serious.

    I chanced a glance at Ryan but she wasn’t even looking at me. Her brow was furrowed as she chewed on her bottom lip and her eyes were focused on those on the dance floor though I doubt she was even seeing them.

    I waved a hand in front of her face and she blinked a few times before smiling over at me.

    Sorry. I spaced out for a second. What were we talking about again?

    Me jumping back into the dating scene. I think I’m going to join one of those online dating sites. Maybe Tinder.

    Ryan made a face and scoffed. Tinder? You really think you’re going to find something real on there? I shrugged and she rolled her eyes. You know nothing about this day and age. Everyone knows you use Tinder to find hookups, not a wife.

    It was my turn to scoff. Who says I’m looking for a wife? Maybe I want something casual and to just hook up with girls. I wiggled my eyebrows.

    You’re a pig, Ryan said pushing me on my forehead.

    I laughed. Not yet.

    Reese gagged while Alex chuckled and Ryan scowled. I don’t know why I put up with you, Ryan grumbled.

    Sure you do. You love me. That’s why.

    Ryan snorted. That’s gotta be it because you’re impossible and annoying. Two of my least favorite qualities.

    Lennox, you know just what to say to warm my heart.

    She stuck her tongue out at me and the three of us laughed at her antics.

    Nah, I’m kidding though. I’m looking for something serious now. I’m 29 years old. I’m a grown-ass man with my own business and home. Finding a wife should be next. Right?

    Ryan turned serious as she nodded. You’re serious? I nodded. What’s brought this on, because this is the first I’m hearing about this?


    I want you too much and need to move on.

    I obviously can’t say that so instead, I settle on the half-truth. Alex suggested it.

    Though I’m facing away from Alex and Reese, there’s no mistaking the sound of her smacking him on his chest.

    Ow, Alex said.

    I see, Ryan said. So, since you’re adamant about doing a dating site, how are you going to filter out the ones who just want a ride from the ones who are looking for Mr. Right?

    I smiled innocently at Ryan and batted my eyes.

    Nope. No way, she protested. I am not helping you find Mrs. Right.

    Why not? You’re good at these sorts of things. Come on, Ryan. You don’t want to leave your best friend hanging. I pouted and made sure my bottom lip was jutted out.

    He’s an idiot, I heard Reese whisper to Alex.


    I ignored them and focused on Ryan. Please? I’ll do whatever you want.

    Ryan’s eyebrows rose at that.

    Within reason, I added and she deflated. Come on, Lennox. If you help me, I’ll help you. It’s a win-win.

    Except, I don’t need help catching a guy.


    Her good looks turn

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